

The implementation of the second phase of the Poverty and Environment Initiative began in August 2007. REMA, UNEP and UNDP are looking for a candidate to provide guidance and technical advice to PEI phase II and to the implementation of the environmental mainstreaming activities related to the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy, Rwanda’s second PRSP.


Recognizing the strong links between poverty and environment, the Government of Rwanda is committed to mainstreaming environmental sustainability into the country’s Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS). The GoR, UNDP and UNEP Rwanda Poverty and Environment Initiative aims to enhance the contribution of sound environmental management to poverty reduction, sustainable economic growth and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Led by the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), Ministry of Natural Resources (MINIRENA), the intended outcome of the Rwanda PEI Phase II is the integration of environment into national policy and district planning, policy and budget processes to implement the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy. Phase II has four main outputs: 1) Improved capacity within key ministries and institutions to understand and analyze links between poverty and environment and to integrate environment into policymaking, planning and budgets; 2) Improved capacity at district level to understand and analyze links between poverty and environment and to integrate environment into development planning; 3) Increased awareness and more effective participation of stakeholders in environmental  policy and planning processes at both district and national level; 4) Improved national funding levels for investing in environmental sustainability; Improved capacity for monitoring poverty and environment linkages at both national and district level.

Rwanda’s “Vision 2020”, the country’s overarching national planning and policy framework into which other strategies, plans, programmes and policies should fit recognizes that the environment cannot be tackled in isolation. The document states that Rwanda will endeavor to “mainstream the environmental aspect in all policies and programmes of education, sensitization and development and in all the processes of decision-making”.

UNEP and UNDP are supporting the mainstreaming efforts of the Government through the GoR-UNDP-UNEP Poverty and Environment Initiative (PEI). 

Duties and Responsibilities


The Technical Advisor will provide advisory and management support to the implementation of the second phase of Rwanda’s PEI with a particular focus on building capacity in counterpart ministries:

  • Support the National Project Manager in day-to-day implementation of the Phase II Workplan in close collaboration with the Project Coordinator, UNDP Rwanda and UNEP, particularly with regard to engagement with key sectors and supervision of consultancies;
  • Provide technical advice and guidance to the implementation of environmental mainstreaming activities related to the EDPRS and other relevant policies, strategies and development plans, focusing particularly on the central administration level;
  • Ensure capacity building for the national counterpart personnel;
  • Build information/knowledge networks in support of the efforts to strengthen the Environment Sector;
  • Work closely with MINECOFIN to identify sector specific activities and focus areas for support;
  • Maintain close links with the funding partners and continue to mobilise further financial support;
  • Ensure that PEI-Rwanda is informed by lessons learned from the wider poverty and environment community and that likewise, experience from the Rwanda PEI is shared in relevant regional and international fora.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall supervision of the supervision of the Head of Unit Environment of UNDP and overall guidance of the Director General of REMA and UNEP, the International Technical Advisor shall undertake the following tasks:

Advisory support to implementation of project activities

Provide technical advice to the Task Team and to GoR on mainstreaming poverty environment issues into national development policy-making, planning and budgeting processes, including:

  • Provide support to selected key sectors (as per the PEI phase II workplan); e.g. assist in detailed design of activities to strengthen the environmental planning and management systems and better integrate environmental issues into other, sectoral development issues (particularly in areas planned for in the EDPRS). This includes advising on processes and mechanisms, which can facilitate and support the integration of poverty-focused environmental priorities into the sectors;
  • Advise and assist MINECOFIN, REMA and MINIRENA in the execution of the monitoring of environmental mainstreaming activities in relevant line ministries;
  • Train MINECOFIN and selected line ministry staff in the links between environment, development and their sector;
  • Actively participate in the Rural Development Cluster;
  • Assess capacity gaps with regard to environmental mainstreaming in MINECOFIN, MINIRENA, REMA and selected line ministries, and take the lead in designing capacity building activities as appropriate;
  • Identify knowledge gaps on poverty and environment in Rwanda that exist especially in MINIRENA, MINECOFIN, REMA, and suggest necessary measures for addressing such gaps, including suggestions for policy research, knowledge sharing and data surveys;
  • Follow up closely on the progress on reporting on Poverty & Environment indicators integrated in EDPRS.

Maintain links with donor partners and international poverty and environment community

  • Facilitate linkages between Rwanda PEI and PEI programmes in other countries to identify opportunities for lesson learning between countries;
  • Ensure that the Rwanda PEI participates in activities of the global UNDP-UNEP Poverty Environment Initiative;
  • Ensure that the Rwanda PEI is informed by international best practice and identify opportunities for Rwanda PEI Implementation Team to participate in international fora on poverty and environment;
  • Establish and maintain communication with international donor community in Rwanda to present Rwanda PEI and gain donor support for environmental mainstreaming, including with a view to mobilizing additional funds.

Project Management

In addition to coordinating external inputs into project activities the Advisor will carry out the following tasks in collaboration with the Project Coordinator, the National Project Manager and the Project assistant:

  • Ensure timely implementation of activities as per workplan;
  • Develop Terms of Reference for out-sourced pieces of work;
  • Identify NGOs, consultants and other stakeholders to work with;
  • Supervise PEI-Rwanda consultancies, review and assess products and services provided by consultants advise REMA, UNDP Rwanda, UNEP and the Task Team on quality and appropriate follow-up actions;
  • Contribute to papers, briefs, and various reports related to the project;
  • Assist REMA in meeting its PEI reporting requirements in rigorous and timely manner;
  • Ensure that monitoring and evaluation of project activities take place;
  • Assist in the preparation of quarterly and annual progress reports to the Task Team, REMA, UNDP Rwanda and UNEP focused on capturing results, learning lessons and documenting best practices in order to improve project performances;
  • Provide comments in writing on the substantive aspects of the quarterly and annual work plans and budgets before approval by REMA, UNDP Rwanda, UNEP, the Task Team. 



  • Progressively responsible experience in poverty focused analysis and management of environmental issues;
  • Good understanding of international experience and best practice in the mainstreaming of cross-cutting issues into national development processes including budgets;
  • Strong background in development of environmental indicators and data analysis.
  • Experience of donor coordination work and partnership building work;\
  • Strong interpersonal skills with ability to work under pressure and to establish and maintain effective work relationships with people of different national and cultural backgrounds;
  • Ability to take initiative and to work independently, as well as part of a team;
  • Excellent communication skills with ability to express ideas clearly, concisely and effectively, both orally and in writing;
  • Fluent spoken and written English and/or French, preferably both.
  • Computer literacy in full MicroSoft Office and office technology equipment.
  • Experience of working with UN is desirable.
  • Experience in Africa may be an asset.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Masters degree in a relevant field such as development, agriculture or natural resource economics, planning or environmental policy. or equivalent work experience;


  • Minimum Seven years work experience in related fields such as Poverty Reduction Strategies, policies and programme;

Language requirements:

  • Fluent spoken and written English and/or French, preferably both.