
UNDP’s development efforts are defined by the Strategic Plan: 2008-2011, which has established four development focus areas: (i) poverty reduction and the achievement of the MDGs, (ii) democratic governance, (iii) crisis prevention and post-conflict recovery, and (iv) environment and sustainable development. The “Environment and Sustainable Development” focus area consists of four key result (KR) areas, which are: (KR1) mainstreaming environment and energy, (KR2) catalyzing environmental finance, (KR3) adaptation to climate change, and (KR4) expanding access to environmental and energy services for the poor.

Mainstreaming environment in development planning and implementation systems provides UNDP with a strong vehicle for delivering coherent, multi-sectoral approaches to integrating land, water, biodiversity, chemicals, climate change and energy considerations into national development planning processes and policies. The perspective is that effective responses (i.e., country policies, institutional capacity and investments) need to be tailored to specific country conditions. Environmental sustainability, being a multidimensional and cross-cutting issue to development planning, is best tackled through a cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary approach.

The Global Mainstreaming Action Plan reflects such an approach and was developed to support the UNDP Strategic Plan 2008-2011. This Action Plan sets the stage for achieving the key outcome of strengthened national capacities to mainstream environment and energy concerns into national development plans and implementation systems. The global team in headquarters assumes overall function of guidance and tool development, knowledge management and quality assurance.

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of Key Functions:

  • Substantively contribute to formulation of programme strategies and implementation of the Global Mainstreaming Action Plan
  • Contribute to the partnership with the OECD Development Assistance Strategy (DAC) Network on Environment and Development Co-operation (Environet)
  • Support monitoring of progress on the Millennium Development Goal 7
  • Administrative support
  • Facilitation of and substantive contributions to networks, knowledge building and knowledge sharing

1. Substantively contribute to formulation of programme strategies and implementation of the Global Mainstreaming Action Plan focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Support to the Mainstreaming Coordination Unit by facilitating communications, tracking progress, reporting, drafting reports and documents, maintaining the Mainstreaming Group Workspace, and supporting implementation of the Global Mainstreaming Action Plan.
  • Input to and support of the development of a UNDP approach to capacity development for environmental sustainability
  • Support to the elaboration of a UNDP environmental mainstreaming strategy
  • Substantive contribution to strengthening environmental performance in the UNDP Programming and Operations Policies and Procedures

2. Contribute to the partnership with the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Network on Environment and Development Co-operation (Environet) focusing on the achievement of the following results:

  • Moderate the OECD DAC Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Task Team website and work space.
  • Support to the work programme of the OECD DAC SEA Task Team.
  • Support to UNDP inputs and products contributing to the OECD DAC Environet partnership.

3. Support monitoring of progress on the Millennium Development Goal 7 focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Documented analysis and lessons for input to MDG7 progress tracking.
  • Support to UNDP’s contribution to the Inter-Agency Expert Group on MDG Indicators and specifically the Environment Subgroup.

4. Administrative support focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Elaborated Terms of Reference
  • Support the selection, hiring and management of Consultants
  • Track and report on mobilized resources.
  • Support to the coordination of meetings and events.

5. Facilitation of and substantive contributions to networks, knowledge building and knowledge sharing focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Drafted and disseminated knowledge products.
  • Synthesis of lessons learnt and best practices in programme.
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.
  • Prepare presentations.
  • Support to the maintenance of the Environmental Mainstreaming Service Delivery Platform.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability

Functional Competencies:

Knowledge Management and Learning

  • Shares knowledge and experience
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills

Development and Operational Effectiveness

  • Ability to perform a variety of specialized tasks related to Results Management, including support to design, planning and implementation of programme, managing data, reporting.
  • Good knowledge of UNDP’s Programming and Operations Policies and Procedures.

Leadership and Self-Management

  • Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities

Required Skills and Experience

  • Masters degree in environmental or international development field.
  • 5 years of progressively responsible project or programme experience related to environmental sustainability, mainstreaming, assessment, policy and planning.
  • Experience working within the UN system is preferred.
  • Proficient in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc).
  • Fluency in English. Proficiency in at least one other UN working language is desirable