
This Mid Term Evaluation is initiated by the UNDP Croatia as the Implementation Agency for the UNDP/GEF Project “Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Dalmatian Coast through Greening Coastal Development - COAST” and it aims to provide managers (at the Project Implementation Unit, UNDP Croatia Country Office and UNDP/GEF levels) with strategy and policy options for more effectively and efficiently achieving the project’s expected results and for replicating the results. It also provides the basis for learning and accountability for managers and stakeholders.
This evaluation is to be undertaken taking into consideration the GEF Monitoring and Evaluation policy ( and the UNDP/GEF Monitoring and Evaluation Policy (
The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) policy at the project level in UNDP/GEF has four objectives: i) to monitor and evaluate results and impacts; ii) to provide a basis for decision making on necessary amendments and improvements; iii) to promote accountability for resource use; and iv) to document, provide feedback on, and disseminate lessons learned. A combination of tools should be used to ensure effective project M&E. These might be applied continuously throughout the lifetime of the project – e.g. periodic monitoring of indicators -, or as specific time-bound exercises such as mid-term review, audit reports and independent evaluations.
In accordance with UNDP/GEF M&E policies and procedures, all projects with long implementation period (e.g. over 5 or 6 years) are strongly encouraged to conduct mid-term evaluations. In addition to providing an independent in-depth review of implementation progress, this type of evaluation is responsive to GEF Council decisions on transparency and better access to information during implementation.
Objectives, scope, methodology and other information relevant to mid-term evaluation is accessible through Terms of Reference – ToR    

Duties and Responsibilities

A team of independent experts will conduct the evaluation. The evaluators selected should not have participated in the project preparation and/or implementation and should not have conflict of interest with project related activities.
The evaluation team will be composed of one International Evaluator or team leader and one National Evaluator. The evaluators shall have prior experience in evaluating similar projects. Former cooperation with GEF is an advantage.
Evaluation Team will have on their disposal an Interpreter/Translator which will accompany evaluators for the field visits when she/he will be under the direct supervision of the Team Leader.
Duties and responsibilities of the International Evaluator or team leader would include the following:
  • Leads and co-ordinates evaluation process;
  • Design the detailed evaluation scope and methodology (including the methods for data collection and analysis);
  • Assumes overall responsibility for the evaluation report submission (draft and final);
  • Ensures full coordination of work between evaluation team members;
  • Facilitates and guides work of the evaluation team members;
  • Ensures that evaluation report inputs are available in a timely manner.


  • Recent experience with result-based management evaluation methodologies;
  • Experience applying participatory monitoring approaches;
  • Experience applying SMART indicators and reconstructing or validating baseline scenarios;
  • Recent knowledge of the GEF Monitoring and Evaluation Policy;
  • Recent knowledge of UNDP’s results-based evaluation policies and procedures Competence in Adaptive Management, as applied to conservation or natural resource management projects;
  • Recognized expertise in dealing with the mainstreaming of biodiversity into productive sector projects;
  • Familiarity with nature management and conservation policies;
  • Experience with nature management and conservation policies in South-Eastern Europe and/or Mediterranean region will be considered an asset;
  • Demonstrable analytical skills;
  • Experience with multilateral or bilateral supported conservation projects;
  • Excellent, proven management, communication and team-building skills;
  • Project evaluation experiences within United Nations system will be considered an asset;


Competencies for the assisgment are specified in the ToR. Please see above link for details. 

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced University degree in natural sciences;
  • At least 10 years of relevant experience;
  • Excellent English communication skills.
  1. Financial Offer according to estimated number of working days needed for the assisgnment as well as daily fee according to the UN rates (travel and DSA included in the daily fee)
  2. Brief concept paper (no more than 3 pages outlining the approach and methodology you will apply to achieve the assignment)
Prospective candidates should submit their resumes in the English language via UNDP Jobs.
The candidates shall send their Offers to not later than 14 April 2009.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Selection criteria:
Follow the link of evaluation grid for ease of reference.