
Interest candidate has to access procurement notice Ref.: IC/UNDP/CPP/112/2021 - Climate Change Consultant for Domestic GHG Offset Policy Development (National)at the following link: 

We encourage you to submit your application through this website and send the complete application to (only application with complete supporting document received in before or at the closing date will be proceed).

In 2016, Indonesia has published the first National Determined Contribution (NDC) and ratified the Paris Agreement under Law No.16 Year 2016, which has set an unconditional greenhouse gases emission reduction target of 29% and conditional reduction target up to 41% below the business as usual (BAU) scenario by 2030.

Among the biggest challenges to achieve the emission reduction target is funding. The government budget alone will not be sufficient to ensure the deliverance of the NDC target. The government needs to leverage the private and public participation and seek innovative financing to scale up the mitigation actions, by measures such as utilizing carbon pricing instruments. In this context, the Government of Indonesia, led by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), has started the carbon pricing policy development process marked by a public consultation event in Jakarta, November 18, 2019. The policy has taken the form of draft presidential regulation as announced by the Minister of Environment and Foresty on July 7th, 2020 following a cabinet meeting on the same day[1] and currently under final review by the State Secretary’s office.

On the other hand, countries’ first NDCs are estimated to collectively result in a temperature rise of 2.9 - 3.4 degrees Celsius by 2100. New pledges must be more ambitious if the world is to get on track for a 1.5 Celsius degree future. Transformative climate action will need a global commitment to raising ambition, articulated in the enhanced next generation of NDCs, to create economic drivers that shift investments away from fossil fuel use and carbon-intensive practices.

Enhanced NDC development is in line with UNDP Indonesia Country Office programme. UNDP Indonesia has a large portfolio of climate change projects, and in preparation for COP26 has been carrying out the  Climate Promise project in Indonesia for strengthened climate commitments. Climate Promise builds upon UNDP’s established track record in supporting governments to bolster critical government efforts to address climate change in line with its pandemic response by using “green” stimulus packages and longer-term investments and development plans. 

As a part of Climate Promise Indonesia support, a climate change consultant will be assigned to assist the MoEF toward enhancement of NDC target through inclusion of new NDC sectors and implementation of carbon pricing instruments. The consultant will provide MoEF with reports relevant to the objective as appropriate.


Deberes y responsabilidades

A consultant (national) will be assigned to conduct studies to support the development of the carbon pricing policy, with the following scope of works:


  1. Provision of substantial analysis as input to the carbon pricing policy development process led by MoEF, in particular for carbon trading and offset policy. The analysis will include but not limited to:
    1. Policy options (derivatives of the draft Presidential Regulation on carbon pricing) and their respective impacts on carbon pricing effectiveness within Indonesian context.
    2. Strategies to develop domestic crediting and offset mechanism, i.e. Indonesia Certified Emission Reduction (ICER) scheme.
  2. Review of the ocean sector mitigation road map report produced by Climate Promise Indonesia programme.
  3. Conduct consultation with government and other stakeholders, incorporate their inputs as appropriate. 


The expected logical framework and timeline is as following:










Policy input to derivative policies of draft Presidential Regulation on carbon pricing







Identification of issues







Analysis and consultation







Final report







Review of the ocean sector mitigation road map














Review report and recommendations







As the assignment’s deliverables, the consultant shall prepare and submit:


  • Deliverable 1. Inception Report. This report clarifies objectives and methods of the assistance, including but not limited to summary of consultant’s approach and methodology(ies), work plan for the assistance, and identification of issues crucial to the viability of the work plan.
  • Deliverable 2. Progress Report. This report describes the progress that have been made, challenges and its mitigation, and revised work plan to complete the assignment (if applicable). Review report for scope of work #2 shall be submitted along with progress report, containing review results and relevant recommendations.
  • Deliverable 3. Final Report: Submission of final report for scope of work #1, outlining all analysis and strategies developed.




Deliverables/ Outputs

Target Due Dates (and Payments)

Reviewed and required approval

Deliverable 1. Inception Report

This report should provide analysis on the objectives and methods of the assistance, including but not limited to summary of consultant’s approach and methodology(ies), work plan for the assistance, and identification of issues crucial to the viability of the work plan.

July 23rd, 2021

6 working days


Senior Advisor for Climate and Environmental Governance UNDP CO Indonesia, PMU Climate Promise Project

Deliverable 2. Progress Report

This report describes the progress that have been made, challenges and its mitigation Review report for scope of work #2 shall be submitted along with progress report, containing review results and relevant recommendations.


Sept 3rd , 2021

12 working days


Senior Advisor for Climate and Environmental Governance UNDP CO Indonesia, PMU Climate Promise Project

Deliverable 3. Final Report

Submission of final report for scope of work #1, outlining all analysis and strategies developed.


October 31st, 2021

12 working days


Senior Advisor for Climate and Environmental Governance UNDP CO Indonesia, PMU Climate Promise Project


  • Excellent writing skills;
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Demonstrated analytical skills.


Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Educational Background:

A Master’s degree or higher in economic, environment, engineering, development, or international relation/law from an accredited college or university.

Years of Experience:

  • Minimum 10 years of work experience related to climate change, carbon market, and environmental issue;
  • Experience working with government organizations in climate change or carbon market is highly desirable;
  • Have working experience  in international climate change and carbon market policies and regulatory mechanism;
  • Experience working with international organizations and/or major donor agencies is an advantage