
The Lebanese Working Group on Palestinian Refugees, which became later known as the Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee (LPDC), was created in November 2005 by the Council of Ministers, in response to the goal set by the Government of Lebanon (GoL) to improve the living conditions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
The current project – Support the implementation of LPDC Strategic Plan, phase 1 - seeks to strengthen the capacity of the LPDC (2020-2023) enabling the Government of Lebanon (GoL) to set up a comprehensive policy on the Palestinian refugee issues, with a view to improving their living conditions.
Project components include:
• Output 1: Strengthen Dialogue facilitation and conflict prevention capacity
• Output 2: Support Legislative Reform agenda
• Output 3: Strengthen strategic Communication and Coordination roles
• Output 4: Increase Policy research capabilities
In the context of the Output 3, LPDC has been revising its communications strategy, including the re-development of the LPDC website. The redeveloped version of the website is planned to have a data and maps module, including, inter alia, data visualizations based on the 2018 Census in Palestinians Camps and Gatherings, 2019 Labor Force and Household Conditions Survey and other sources of spatial data. In this context, UNDP requires the services of a “Data Management Expert” to: (1) support the web developer by defining functional specifications of the M&E, Data Visualization and Dashboard sections of the new website; (2) prepare the data and visualizations to populate the aforementioned sections of the website before its launch towards the 4th quarter of 2021.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The Data Management Expert is required to supervise the development of the monitoring & evaluation, data visualization, interactive dashboard and the geographic information system (GIS) modules of the LPDC website.
The Consultant will perform the following tasks:
• Meet with the LPDC team to further define the specific requirements for the data and maps module of the website. LPDC estimates this task to take up to five 2-hour meetings. The consultant is expected to properly document LPDC’s requirements,
facilitate the discussions and support LPDC in defining the functional specifications
for the module.
• Coordinate with the web development team on the M&E, data visualization,
interactive dashboard and GIS modules of the LPDC website.
• Develop charts, graphs and maps as well as the descriptive texts for the LPDC
website based on the Census 2017 and LFHLCS 2019
• Draft a profile of each of the camps, including demographical and socio-economic
health access information as well as density comparison to other areas in Lebanon.
• Develop online visualization tools and GIS maps for LPDC data portal and reports;


Functional Competencies:
• Fluency in English and Arabic, French is a plus

• Detail-oriented ability to work at a fast pace and meet deadlines;


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstartes integrity by Modeling the UN's Values and ethical Standards;
  • advocates and promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UN;
  • Displays Cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism
  • Knowledge of the UN preferable.



Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

I- Academic Qualifications:


  • At least Masters’ degree in Geography, Data Management or other closely related field with technical specialization in Geo-spatial technology, cartography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)


II- Years of Experience:

  • At least 7 years of relevant professional experience in GIS-data management with UNDP or other UN Agencies or NGOs working the development of humanitarian sectors;
  • At least 3 years of experience in working on Palestinian Refugee issues;
  • At least 2 years of experience with quantitative research, with a strong emphasis on spatial analysis and detailed report preparation;


How to apply:
The consultancy is open for all national and international consultants who meet the selection criteria and propose a
competitive fee. Interested consultants are requested to apply only through this UNDP jobs portal.
Submissions through any other media will not be considered.
The application must include all of the following documents:
1. P11
2. Annex 3 (Offerors Letter)

3. Financial Offer

All files shall be submitted in one single document and uploaded as word or PDF file to the UNDP job

Kindly note that you may find all the required documents the below link:

whereas the application must be submitted through this Jobs portal.

It has been observed that bidders don’t submit all requested documents and thus reducing their chance
to be selected for a contract with UNDP. before you submit your offer please revise that the application
is complete and comprises all documents.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.