
NOTE: Signed Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and availability - https://www.ba.undp.org/content/dam/bosnia_and_herzegovina/docs/Operations/Jobs/Offerors%20Letter%20to%20UNDP%20Confirming%20Interest%20and%20Availability.docx - Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability.docx - to be sent to e-mail ba.shared.hr@undp.org with Subject: Job ID 101454.

The main objective of the Women in Elections (WiE) project is to strengthen women’s leadership and participation in public and political life. Guided by the strict observance of the highest standards of political neutrality, the project applies the UN Gender Equality in Elected Office approach to help secure an enabling environment for getting more women elected across board, in all spheres of decision-making in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Strengthening women’s leadership and political participation applies the two-pronged approach- vertically by proposing structural adjustments to accommodate greater numbers of women in politics, as well as horizontally by nourishing the next generation of women leaders in communities through tailored networking and capacity building initiatives.

Women leaders, from all walks of life, all backgrounds and different experiences, knowledge and skills, are seen as essential players of positive social transformation towards sustainable development goals, higher gender equality and better quality of life for citizens of BiH.

However, Social Impacts of COVID-19 in BiH: Second Household Survey[1] confirms that the already existing gender inequalities were deepened by  an increased demand for unpaid domestic and care work emerging due to COVID-19 containment measures. The increased childcare needs during preschool and school closures placed an even greater burden on working mothers with 75% of women reporting a significant increase in care and emotional work since the onset of the pandemic. Single parents face an even greater challenge because many have been laid off or forced to quit their job to care for their children. Disruptions to long-term care and social services increased social exclusion, and the gap between a focus on „cash” and a focus on “care” was exacerbated. Women have been filling in these service gaps with 59% of BiH women facing significant increase in care work, and 20% in the age group 31-50 encountering significant challenges because of it. For this reason, 2020 National Human Development Report on Social inclusion in BiH[2] calls for improvement of child-care system, creation of network of adult day care and respite care facilities for people with disabilities and elderly persons in need of care.

This situation brings attention to importance of new incentives to address the issues of care-economy. Global best practice indicates that utilising social innovation principles may increase effectiveness of these efforts. Applied creativity and innovation in times of crisis can significantly support resilience at the organisational and individual levels. The principles of social innovation and application of digital solutions carry a high and largely untapped potential for reforms in the social realm.

In relation to this, one of project avenues for strengthening women’s leadership is the Women’s Forum for Development (WF4D). This is envisaged as a platform for inclusive dialogue on gender equality matters, platform for action and consensus decision making[3], forging issue-based coalitions and establishing a mutual support mechanism that nourishes the next generation of women leaders and contributes to creation of new, gender-responsive development paradigm. Activities summed up in these terms of reference are to set up WF4D foundations and to serve as a steppingstone for creating a more permanent platform of women leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is important to have in mind the interdiscriplinary natue of both gender and development, that together constitute the base of WF4D philosophy and field of intervention. WF4D is envisaged to operate on fourt different tracks: decent work, transformative leadership, care economy/social innovation and knowledge powerhouse.

The purpose of this consultancy is to assist the team to fully operationalize thematic track on Care Economy/Social innovation of the WF4D. This should be done by drawing more broadly on the WF4D Framework while initiating new consultative processes and capitalising on discussions with the key stakeholders to create a Roadmap for action.

[1] UNDP, UNICEF, 2020, 2021. Available on: https://www.ba.undp.org/content/bosnia_and_herzegovina/en/home/library/publications/SocialImpactAssessment.html 

[2] https://www.ba.undp.org/content/bosnia_and_herzegovina/en/home/library/nhdr/NHDR2020_SocialInclusion.html

[3] Consensus decision making is a creative and dynamic way of reaching agreement between all members of a group. Instead of simply voting for an item and having the majority of the group getting their way, a group using consensus is committed to finding solutions that everyone actively supports. This ensures that all opinions, ideas and concerns are taken into account, and it is as such a basic feminist principle for cooperation.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The Consultant will work closely with the project team and other consultants serving UNDP on other three tracks and with the Engagement Specialist, to expand impact within the thematic area, and to strengthen the intersections between the care economy, social innovation and gender equality. More concretely, the Consultant is expected to assist the team to fully operationalize the care economy/social innovation track of the WF4D. All processes and products implemented within this track will be focused on identifying issues and solutions that pertain to the thematic area, ultimately supporting women leaders to take action in positive societal transformation.

In line with the WF4D workplan and stakeholder engagement strategy, the Consultant is expected to initiate, manage, and sustain all processes within the track. These incude actively creating content within their thematic track, carrying out a range of consultative processes with practitioners and streamlining their inputs and discussion takeaways to create a Roadmap for action. Drawing on issues identified under this WF4D track, this track will feed the expert content for the High-Level Group[1] that will actively engage in improving the situation and advocating for concrete solutions. Consultative processes within track are to be done applying consensus decision making, based on the basic principle of co-operation between equals- dismantling hierarchies and replacing it with shared power in pursuit of ‘win-win’ solutions that are acceptable to all.

In order to maximise the outreach and to capitalise on communication and networking channels that were put in place also to mitigate COVID-19 related restrictions on social gatherings, the Consultant is expected to fully utilise the existing digital tools as well as promote their appropriation by all WF4D stakeholders. Digital tools include WF4D web platform, an online arm of WF4D, Liderke za Razvoj Facebook group and Online Bourse designed to reduce time-poverty and boost solidarity among women. Virtuality is embraced as a way of multiplying effects of positive sides of the project, but not a replacement for real cooperation and the material side of WF4D organizing. The combination of the two WF4D aspects, virtual and face-to-face can yield maximum effects.

The Consultant is also expected to effectively cooperate with the selected service provider(s) for implementation of the WF4D media component. This includes identifying gender champions, role models and protagonists of human interest stories within their thematic area, pitching ideas, co-creating content- in order to ensure adequate outreach to select audiences and proper communication about achievements and products created within the care economy/social innovation track of the Forum.

The Consultancy will focus on the following tasks:

i)              Operationalize care economy/social innovation track of WF4D

ii)            Create Roadmap for action for care economy/social innovation track within WF4D

Specifically, the Consultant will be expected to perform the following tasks:

Task 1: Operationalize care economy/social innovation track of WF4D

Under this task, the Consultant will:

  1. Provide workplan and stakeholder engagement strategy specific to economy/social innovation track, which is to be integrated within WF4D workplan and stakeholder engagement strategy (1 days)
  2. Create a database[2] of 30 most prominent stakeholders in the thematic area, reaching out to secure their engagement in activities of the track (2 days)
  3. Identify and involve 3 women role models and at least 1 men gender equality champion ready to take forward “He for She” approach (1 day)
  4. Conduct desk review of relevant literature to create a database of the key issues that will serve as point of departure for thematic and online discussion, opportunities/enablers, and possible innovative solutions applicable to BiH context, and identify themes for advocacy messages; provide input for the WF4D conference; Contribute to development of criteria for the Leadership Award (2 days)
  5. Create a repository of reference materials and literature; map funding opportunities, existing projects, and donors active in the thematic area- and deposit it on WF4D platform for future (2 days)

Estimated level of effort for this task is 8 working days.

Task 2: Create Roadmap for action for care economy/social innovation track within WF4D

  1. Organize thematic discussion with the (previously mapped) key stakeholders in order to validate the relevance of the identified issues, as well as to crowd-source additional ideas and to map issues, opportunities, enablers, possible actions, advocacy messages applicable to BiH context. (3 days)
  2. To increase outreach of the public discussion, the Consultant will initiate, moderate, and take stock of a supplementary process of consultations and crowdsourcing using WF4D platform to 1.) validate the identified issues, and supplement with additional ones, 2.) select issues for advocacy and lobbying by the High-Level Group, and 3.) source ideas/solutions/projects for this track. The Consultant will sublimate all inputs and capture discussion takeaways in the written form. This is to be done in close coordination with the upcoming WiE advocacy campaign. (5 days)
  3. Develop draft Roadmap for the care economy/social innovation track, based on all the above processes. (4 days)
  4. Validate draft Roadmap with the stakeholders in this thematic area and finalize it (2 days)

Estimated level of effort for this task is 14 working days.



Deliverables / Outputs

# of Days per Task

Due Date



Task 1. Care economy/social innovation track of WF4D operationalized

  1. Workplan and stakeholder engagement strategy specific to economy/social innovation track, which is to be integrated within WF4D workplan and stakeholder engagement strategy provided
  2. A database[3] of 30 most prominent stakeholders in the thematic area, reaching out to secure their engagement in activities of the track created
  3. Three women role models and at least 1 men gender equality champion ready to take forward “He for She” approach identified and involved
  4. Desk review of relevant literature to create a database of the key issues that will serve as point of departure for thematic and online discussion, opportunities/enablers, and possible innovative solutions applicable to BiH context conducted, and themes for advocacy messages; provide input for the WF4D conference identified; Contribution to development of criteria for the Leadership Award made.
  5. A repository of reference materials and literature; map funding opportunities, existing projects, and donors active in the thematic area and deposit it on WF4D platform for future created.


Septmebar 20, 2021



Task 2: Roadmap for action for care economy/social innovation track within WF4D created

  1. Thematic discussion with the (previously mapped) key stakeholders organized, and the relevance of the identified issues validated as well as crowd-sourced additional ideas and mapped issues, opportunities, enablers, possible actions, advocacy messages applicable to BiH context.
  2. Initiated, moderated, and took stock of a supplementary process of consultations and crowdsourcing using WF4D platform to 1.) validate the identified issues, and supplement with additional ones, 2.) select issues for advocacy and lobbying by the High-Level Group, and 3.) source ideas/solutions/projects for this track. All inputs are sublimated, and discussion takeaways captured in the written form. This is to be done in close coordination with the upcoming WiE advocacy campaign.
  3. Draft roadmap for the care economy/social innovation track developed, based on all the above processes.

Draft roadmap with the stakeholders in this thematic area validated and finalized


November 20, 2021


[1] High-Level Group should consist of bh women in power such as elected women, top managers, ambassadors. This group will include in its ranks both women and men ready to step up as gender advocates

[2]The Consultant should validate and update the existing database, enriching it with additional prominent stakeholders in the area.

[3]The Consultant should validate and update the existing database, enriching it with additional prominent stakeholders in the area.


Corporate Responsibility and Teamwork:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Plans, prioritizes and delivers tasks on time;
  • Strives for and promotes excellence in performance continually;
  • Participates effectively in a team-based, information-sharing environment, collaborating and cooperating with others;
  • Generates ideas and seizes opportunities to support corporate strategic objectives.

People Skills:

  • Demonstrated ability to work harmoniously with persons of different national and cultural backgrounds;
  • Recognizes and responds appropriately to the ideas, interests, and concerns of others;
  • Builds trust and engenders morale by displaying open, transparent and credible behavior;
  • Respects individual/cultural differences; utilizes diversity to foster teamwork;
  • Ensures others’ understanding of, involvement in, and adaptation to a change process.

Partnering and Networking:

  • Communicates sensitively and effectively across different constituencies;
  • Ability to work as a member of a team as well as work autonomously;
  • Results-Orientation;
  • Plans and procedures quality results to meet established goals. d. Results-Orientation:


  • Technical writing skills, formulates written information clearly and persuasively;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Shares information openly with co-workers and partners while using discretion to protect confidences;
  • Presents information in a clear and articulate manner.

Job Knowledge and Expertise:

  • Strong analytical skills;
  • Knowledge in strategic planning and methodology development;
  • Demonstrates substantive knowledge on security issues and activities with an emphasis on local communities;
  • Executes day-to-day tasks systematically and efficiently;
  • Initiative and sound judgment.

Qualifications et expériences requises

Academic Qualifications/Education:

  • University degree in communications, gender studies, economics, sociology, political sciences or other relevant disciplines;
  • Advanced degree will be considered as an asset.


  • At least 5 years of professional experience as a practitioner in the area of social services, care economy and/or social innovation or their intersections;
  • Professional experience in management, consensus decision making stakeholder engagement, advocacy and communications;
  • Proven ability to initiate the identification and pursuit of innovative ideas;
  • Demonstrated hand-on experience in gender equality projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Experience in conducting consultations with various levels and types of stakeholders within BiH;
  • Successful track record of developing relationships;
  • Demonstrated experience in creating content and working with the media;
  • Excellent persuasive writing and editorial skills.

Languages Requirements:

  • Excellent writing, editing, and oral communication skills in English.
  • Fluency in official languages in BiH
  • Fluency in English is desired but not necessary

Other Requirements:

  • Extensive network of contacts from previous engagements in the relevant area;
  • Strong networking skills to build up an internal partner base;
  • Self-motivation, with capacity to work effectively in an unstructured environment;
  • Sensitivity to and discretion in handling confidential information.

Longlisting/Shortlisting Criteria

Qualifications as stated in the ToR



Relevant Education

max 10 points
5 points allocated for BA/BSc degree
+ 5 points for advanced diploma

Relevant professional experience

max 15 points 

Fluency in languages of peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina and good command of English language.

Max 5 points will be assessed on basis of previous work in these languages as written in the CV.


Technical Evaluation Criteria



Rating based on Qualifications


Previous experience in management, consensus decision making stakeholder engagement, advocacy and communications.


Demonstrated hand-on experience in gender equality projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Demonstrated experience in creating content and working with the media;



Individual  will be evaluated based on the following methodology:

Cumulative analysis

When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the candidate whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
b) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

  • * Technical Criteria weight-70%
  • * Financial Criteria weight- 30%

Interested candidated must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Personal CV/P11, including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references;

Please scan all above mentioned documents and upload as one attachment only online through this website.


  • For an assignment requiring travel, consultants of 65 years or more require full medical examination and statement of fitness to work to engage in the consultancy.
  • Due to large number of potential applicants, only competitively selected candidates will be contacted for remaining steps of the service procurement process.