
Due to its morphology and location, Mozambique is a coastal country that is highly vulnerable to extreme climate events. Cyclones are the most frequent of them, hitting severely the settlements along the coast and once inland, provoking prolonged and heavy rainfalls, which generate extensive floods. On March 14th, 2019, Cyclone Idai made landfall in the urban area of Beira and Dondo (approx. 700,000 people), causing major damages and destruction, and then moving westwards through Sofala and Manica Provinces along the Beira corridor, until reaching Zimbabwe where it died off. This cyclone and the subsequent large floods affected approximately 3 million people in the South-Eastern Africa, half of which in Mozambique, but also in Zimbabwe and Malawi. It claimed around 1,000 lives, injured thousands of people, displaced 150,000 people, damaged or destroyed over 240,000 houses, in addition to causing heavy infrastructure destruction (roads, bridges, schools, health centres, telecommunication, electricity networks, etc.), agricultural losses (ahead of the harvesting season, leading to food insecurity) and spreading of diseases. In the same year, on April 25th tropical Cyclone Kenneth made landfall in northern Mozambique, with similar type of consequences as Idai, although in lesser dimensions. The United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) has been working with the Government of Mozambique for almost 20 years providing technical assistance and on-site support for climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and resilience building. Following the recent disasters, UN-Habitat Country Team in Mozambique, supported by the Regional Office for Africa (ROAF) and several branches at headquarter level immediately activated its experts and defined a Recovery Strategy, based on extensive consultations, as well as field visits to the affected areas and preliminary assessments.

Devoirs et responsabilités

  • Represent UN-Habitat as the main referent on the TA service delivery contract with GREPOC and the World Bank;
  • Coordinate and supervise the team of experts responsible for the delivery of technical assistance, to ensure the smooth implementation of the reconstruction process, based on the approved timeline;
  • Lead the punctual and qualitative elaboration and delivery of required technical outputs (such as periodic action plans, manuals, guidelines, models, and projects) to the GREPOC and other implementing partners (NGOs, contractors and supervising teams from private and public sector);
  • Plan and coordinate continuous field supervision activities during the housing and infrastructure implementation process, as well as the technical team missions, including the international experts missions;
  • Manage project technical assistance budget and project resource allocation, based on the approved budget, in coordination with UN -Habitat administration at country and regional level;
  • Ensure coordination of technical assistance activity under responsibility of UN-Habitat with the components to be implemented by other technical stakeholder and project implementing partners (NGOs, INE, local communities, MIS consultants, and others);
  • Lead the formulation of UN-Habitat Technical Assistance quarterly, mid-term and final report to the GREPOC and local authorities, collecting and harmonizing the contributions of the various experts of the pool;
  • Liaise and ensure the coordination between project activities included in the GREPOC-WB technical assistance and the other housing and infrastructure reconstruction projects implemented directly by UNHabitat in Sofala Province. 



  • Minimum of 15 years of relevant and progressively responsible working experience at international level in the fields of housing and infrastructure post-disaster reconstruction complex interventions within Technical Assistance to national/local authorities.
  • Experience in leading and coordinating multi-disciplinary technical teams of senior national and international experts in the framework of post-disaster housing and infrastructure reconstruction.
  • Experience in interacting, collaborating, working and effectively managing partnerships with government officials/institutions and development partners.
  • Experience in project coordination related with urban and rural disaster risk reduction and resilient housing promotion with proved successful experiences in promoting housing management and recovery.
  • Experience in elaboration of technical guidelines and manuals related with resilient housing reconstruction and promotion.
  • Working experience in the African continent, and in Mozambique in particular.


  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, to interact with institutions, communities and project implementing partners.
  • Excellent capacities of coordinating interdisciplinary teams in achieving clear results under tight deadlines and in complex local contexts.
  • Excellent writing skills, with analytical capacity and ability to synthesize project outputs and relevant findings for the preparation of quality project proposals.
  • Ability to work independently with a high degree of responsibility, in a flexible manner and often under pressure.


  • Full proficiency in both oral and written English and Portuguese.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Master’s degree in Architecture, Engineering, Urban planning/management or equivalent.
  • Documents to be submitted

    •             Resume / CV

    •             Financial Proposal based on monthly fee (22 days´ workload per month).

    Candidate Evaluation

    The contract shall be awarded to the individual consultant whose bid has been evaluated and determined as:

    •             Responsive/compliant/acceptable.

    •             Having received the highest score from a predetermined set of technical and financial criteria weighted specifically for this solicitation (technical criteria - 70 points and financial criteria - 30 points).

    Documents to be submitted

    •             Resume / CV

    •             Financial Proposal based on monthly fee (22 days´ workload per month).

    Selection criteria

    •             Education according to the ToR -    20 points.

    •             Experience according to the ToR -  40 points.

    •             Skills according to the ToR -             30 points.

    •             Interpretation of the ToR -               10 points

    Only applicants scoring a minimum of 70 points will be considered for the financial evaluation.

    Payment schedule

    Payment will be made in three installments according to the following criteria:

    15% at contract signature

    25% upon delivery of inception report and first product delivery

    25% upon delivery of intermediate consultancy report

    20% upon delivery of final draft of the consultancy products

    15% upon delivery of final consultancy report and final version of the products