
UNDP is one of the four Implementing Agencies operating under the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (MLF). UNDP is also the Implementing Agency of the Global Environment Fund (GEF), including the programme for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). UNDP’s Montreal Protocol and Chemical Unit (MPU) works with public and private partners in developing countries to assist them in meeting the targets of the Montreal Protocol (MP) on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (ODS), and the Stockholm Convention in the reduction and elimination of POPs. MPU is the second largest non-core source of funds in UNDP. MPU is a Trust Fund which carries out highly technical programme activities in the environment sector and contributes to the capacity development in sound chemical management. Since its inception in 1991, UNDP has received over 1,700 projects worth over US$ 532 millions in over 90 countries that will eliminate over 66,000 tonnes of ozone-depleting substances. In addition to MLF resources, MPU also manages the POPs programme under the Stockholm Convention to assist countries to reduce and eliminate the production, use, and release of POPs in order to protect human health and the environment.
To effectively discharge its responsibilities, in addition to its externally recruited technical professional staff, MPU takes advantage of a roster of highly technical international experts with wide-range of industry expertise, global management and implementation experiences to provide technical, managerial and implementation support for the preparation, approval and subsequent implementation of its activities on ODS, POPs and sound chemical management.

Devoirs et responsabilités

We are seeking companies (not individuals) who can provide the services listed below, for an approximate amount of up to 100  days during 2009, including travel.  Please provide at a minimum the curriculum vitae of the members of your staff whose services you would provide, describe their experience in relation to the fields described below, and any restrictuions to travel, if any.
A team of independent international experts will be contracted to provide technical and implementation support services to the Montreal Protocol Unit (MPU) to facilitate smooth and successful project development and implementation, to assist developing countries to meeting their obligations of the environmental conventions.  The experts shall have extensive experience in the activities of ozone-layer protection (ODS) and/or persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Former cooperation with the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (MLF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is an advantage. The experts will report to the Programme Coordinators, and through them to the Chief of the Montreal Protocol Unit. The experts will work on various assignments and tasks defined by MPU’s approved work programmes, inter alia.
Duties and responsibilities of the International Experts would include the following:
Technical and Implementation Support on MP ODS and GEF POPs Programmes
  • Follow-up, review and evaluate the Montreal Protocol ODS reduction activities and non-ODS substitute technologies in existing uses, recommend possible technological, regulatory and infrastructural interventions and revisions as needed in the implementation of CFC phase-out activities in various developing countries
  • Provide technical advice on second-stage conversion processes (away from HCFCs) under the Montreal Protocol and integration of energy/climate change considerations (GEF) into ozone depletion (MLF) solutions
  • Follow-up, review and evaluate activities of the Stockholm Convention on the reduction and elimination of persistent organic pollutants, and provide technical and implementation support to facilitate the preparation, approval and subsequent implementation of POPs projects in various countries
  • Review and analyze technology initiatives and policy papers of the MLF and GEF; provide comments to MPU on their applications and implications; coordinate other agency inputs on submittal of policy papers and assist MPU in resolving MLF or GEF-related technical and other eligible issues encountered during project approval and implementation
  • Perform technical analysis and comment on projects submitted by countries or other agencies as requested, on both HCFCs and POPs and provide technical, strategic and/or drafting assistance in preparation of projects as necessary
  • Support project implementation through provision of technical, policy and managerial advice, monitoring and evaluation of the progress and impacts of phase-out activities in various countries. Undertake project monitoring, trouble-shooting and assist in project completion procedures
  • Provide technical backstopping for procurement such as preparation and finalization of specifications and scope of equipment and services to be procured, vendor short lists, invitations to bid, etc., prepare an objective and transparent evaluation of the bids received and recommend vendor selection in accordance with UNDP rules and procedures.  Support and/or manage the procurement process, if requested
  • Review the implementation of, technically advise, and monitor certain MPU and GEF UNDP work programs in various countries.
  • In coordination with Programme Coordinators, review and identify bottlenecks and obstacles encountered during project implementation that impact on project progress and/or countries’ compliance. Undertake missions, if necessary, to various countries to render technical, administrative and policy assistance to facilitate resolution of issues and assist countries to return to compliance
  • Assist in recommendation and formulation of new work programmes, business plans in Montreal Protocol or GEF activities when requested
  • Upon request, analyze existing situations with respect to Montreal Protocol or GEF activities and develop proposed training materials, or policy papers appropriate for the sectors studied, e.g., sound chemicals management, which apply to all sectors
  • Provide guidance to MPU, UNDP-GEF, and governments on end-of-life issues, including CFCs, HCFCs and also POPs remediation strategies
  • Advise MPU and UNDP-GEF on production processes, including safe use of chemicals and environmental controls necessary for sustainable processes
  • Provide support on request for financial analysis and planning, programme management and audit/evaluation systems
  • Provide advice on policy, technology, and implementation strategy/alternatives for general hazardous material remedial technologies, as well as reliable and safe transport of these materials and equipment
  • Participate as required, as UNDP technical representative at various international/regional/national meetings covering various ODS replacement technologies, policies, and programmes under the Montreal Protocol and GEF
  • Represent UNDP in bi-lateral activities such as training, project preparation and implementation
  • Serve as UNDP Senior Solvent Sector expert; coordinate activities for this sector, on Process Agents, sterilants and industrial aerosol applications and formulations. Provide policy & technology comments in other sectors when requested, e.g. refrigeration, aerosols, inhalants, regulatory policies and strategies, etc.
  • When requested, develop and organize study tours and coordinate them for various sectors such as refrigeration, solvents, aerosols, and production sectors.
  • Upon request, develop policy recommendations for treatment of SMEs under the MLF and GEF
  • When directed, provide review and modification/elaboration of the policy guidelines for Safe Chemicals Management
  • Preparation of training materials for UNDP seminars on various sectors, such as, inter alia, solvents, sterilant gases, refrigerants, aerosol formulations, etc.
  • Provide new refrigerant technology guidance regarding options for sectoral plans and projects 
Assistance to Countries and UNDP Country Offices
  • Advise governments on implementation and monitoring of phase out activities under UNDP approved work programmes in various sectors, including HCFC Phase out Management Plans (HPMPs) and sectoral plans, and the various resultant projects
  • Work with countries to develop HPMPs, including advising on policy; strategy options; technology framework, roadmaps and timetables; institutional and legal frameworks; financial analysis of alternatives, overall planning and implementation key steps, some key projects, and overall anticipated incremental costs
  • Train and supervise national consultants in survey approaches, as part of assignment to assist governments in preparing phase out plans, policies, technology roadmaps, and legal and institutional frameworks
  • Work with countries to develop various sectoral programmes for all sectors such as refrigeration, solvents, fire extinguishants, aerosols, inhalants, sterilants, etc. Components would be similar to HPMP components mentioned above, but more specific in application to the sectoral programmes.
  • Upon request, participate or lead missions to work with industries and Governments to conduct surveys for projects on POPs and HCFCs, including site inspection, evaluation of sustainable phase out alternative technologies, and determination of project strategy to support a country’s HPMP or its overall plan to address POPs, covering all sectors needing such support
  • For HCFC project preparation, prepare alternative technology approaches and evaluate options for cost and climate impact, and provide recommended project action path, based on balancing the overall impact of a project
  • Prepare and implement projects and programmes in several sectors, and in many countries, upon request, using various accepted technologies to replace ODS or to address POPs. Implementation can include all procurement activities (preparation and review of specs, testing, etc), technical backstopping to evaluate bids and follow shipment, installation, startup and operations. Resolve technology, policy, strategy, procedural, financial, transportation, installation, startup, and administrative issues as they arise
  • Discuss implementation of various UNDP ODS phase out activities with developing country representatives at regional workshops
  • When requested, develop and set up procedures to facilitate effective project preparation and implementation between Governments, other agencies, UNDP, and Country Offices
  • Coordinate technical efforts on project preparation and implementation for various countries when assigned to do so
  • Lead missions and advise Governments on policy and strategy upon request of MPU.  This may include follow up on prior advisory activities for countries such as India, China, and Brazil, inter alia, as they begin amending their focus to increase efforts on HCFC planning and phase-out activities.  Efforts may include staffing (sourcing, recruiting, and training the various national experts who would be involved in much of the programme execution.), surveys of production, consumption, imports, exports, and existing legal framework and technological frameworks. Upon request, develop recommendations necessary for infrastructure in technology, organization, legislative and finance, plus roadmaps of projects in all sectors
  • Work with National Ozone Units in various countries on HCFC surveys of users, and providing seminars in multiple sectors (e.g., refrigeration, sterilants, aerosols, solvents) to aid them in the choice of ODS-free phase out technologies
  • Provide refrigerant technology advice regarding various options for sectoral plans and projects


  • Communication:  Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Analytical thinking:  Excellent technical skills
  • Professionalism:  Ability to interact with a wide range of high level partners from high placed government officials as well as small business owners
  • Teamwork: Ability to motivate and work harmoniously with partners and colleagues

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Degrees in chemistry, chemical engineering, business administration, with Master’s degree an advantage;


  • At least 10 years of relevant technical and managerial experience in ODS reduction activities and extensive experience in the application and use of non-ODS substitutes;
  • Minimum of 10 years of experience in the applications of non-ODS substitute technologies and technology conversions including associated techno-economic and policy issues in context of the Montreal Protocol;
  • Significant work experience in actual industrial operations, or monitoring industrial operations, using CFCs, HCFCs, halons, and other ozone depleting substances. Experience in production management of ODS is a plus;
  • Minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience in the reduction and elimination of persistent organic pollutants;
    Substantial work experience in developing countries, including project implementation, monitoring and evaluation activities, is necessary;
  • Experience in working in close cooperation with UN organizations and developing country governments;
  • Knowledge and experience in other cross-cutting environmental conventions and mechanism such as Montreal Protocol, GEF, Kyoto Protocol, etc.;

Language requirements:

  • Fluency in both written and spoken English. 
  • Knowledge of Chinese and Hindi a significant plus.
  • Some knowledge of French and Spanish would be an advantage.