
As a candidate country for the accession to the European Union and leader in negotiation process, Montenegro is devoted to establishing a system of public policy planning in accordance with European standards. With that regard, Montenegro has taken a number of steps, with adoption and implementation of the Decree on modalities and procedures for strategic planning and the accompanying Methodology. Additionally, the first Mid-term Government Working Programme 2018-2020 was prepared and mid-term programmes for three ministries (Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) were piloted in 2019. The activities were undertaken as a response to one of the priorities in public administration reform process, that envisages the improvement of planning, introduction and full implementation of the medium-term planning system. These developments have also been in line with the recommendations received from OECD-SIGMA and European Commission in their monitoring reports for Montenegro.

The adoption of the first medium-term work program of the Government has created a good basis and incentive for the systematic improvement of the quality of planning, focusing on key Government priorities, goals and performance indicators for measuring success in the implementation. In 2021, due to the systemic changes, the Annual Government Working Programme was adopted, containing six priorities, goals, indicators and obligations in strategic and legal framework. The Rules of Procedure of the Government stipulate drafting of both mid-term and annual working programmes and therefore the Secretariat – General of the Government has initiated the process of developing Mid-term Government Working Programme 2022-2024, as well as Annual Government Working Programme for 2022.

Mid-term Government Working Programme is based on the program of the Prime Minister adopted by the Assembly (Prime Minister’s Expose), medium – term economic policy measures and obligations stemming from the existing legal and strategic framework and the process of accession of Montenegro to the European Union. The medium-term work program of the Government sets the priorities and goals of the Government and identifies relevant outcome-level indicators to monitor the achievement of these goals. The Annual Government Working Programme elaborates on these priorities and goals with a set of activities in legal and strategic framework that contribute to their successful achievement.

In order for the ministries to prepare their proposals for Mid-term and Annual Government Working Programmes in accordance with the existing methodological framework, a consultant will be engaged with the purpose of helping develop these proposals in accordance with the priorities, goals and indicators from overarching and sectoral strategies. Additionally, his/her task will be to coordinate the process of collecting the proposals and check their alignment with strategic framework, budgetary planning and obligations in the EU negotiation process. 
The project “Strengthening capacities for the acceleration of EU accession of Montenegro II” is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Office for European Integration and the Secretariat General of the Government. The general objective of the project is to assist, advise and support EU accession negotiations through strengthening the capacities of the Government of Montenegro in responding to the demands of the new phases of accession process, including the areas of policy planning and coordination.


Devoirs et responsabilités

Objectives of the assignment:  

Objective of this assignment is to support Secretariat – General of the Government (SGG) in preparation of Mid-term and Annual Government Working Programmes through assistance to the line ministries in developing their proposals with reference to key national priorities and goals, budget planning and European integration process and to coordinate the process of collecting these proposals.

Job content: 

Under the supervision of the UNDP Programme Manager and in consultation with the Assistant Secretary-General of the Government, the consultant will perform the following tasks:

  • In cooperation with the SGG and the ministries, develop the basis for proposals of the ministries aligned with the overarching and sectoral strategies, budget planning and EU integration process;
  • Coordinate collection of proposals for Mid-term and Annual Government Working Programmes;
  • Organise meetings with the ministries on harmonization and adjustment of their proposals in cooperation with the consultant engaged for public consultations and SGG team;
  • Provide support to the SGG in preparation of the draft and proposal of the Mid-term and Annual Government Working Programmes.
  • Provide support the SGG in developing goals and indicators based on the ministries’ proposals and the existing strategic framework.
  • Prepare the Final report on undertaken activities to the UNDP Project Manager. It should contain sufficient details and information that would allow for the appraisal of the effectiveness to date of the assignment’s activities.


  • The basis for proposals of the ministries aligned with the overarching and sectoral strategies, budget planning and EU integration process developed;
  • The proposals for draft Mid-term and Annual Government Working Programmes collected;
  • Meetings with the ministries on harmonization and adjustment of their proposals in cooperation with the consultant engaged for public consultations and SGG team organised;
  • The proposals for final draft Mid-term and Annual Government Working Programmes prepared;
  • The Final Report on undertaken activities.

Timing and reporting: The local consultant will be engaged under individual contract, for total of 50 consultancy days, during the period November 20, 2021 – January 31, 2022. The consultant will work under direct supervision of UNDP Programme Manager and in consultation with the Assistant Secretary-General of the Government. The national consultant will be responsible to prepare the Final report to the UNDP Project Manager, and it should contain sufficient details and information that would allow for the appraisal of the effectiveness to date of the assignment’s activities.

Time duration and travel: The Consultant will be engaged under Individual Contract (IC) in the period November 20, 2021 – January 31, 2022, in duration of 50 consultancy days. The consultants will work from home and online, with possibilities of using SGG offices when needed. 


  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UN/UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Excellent inter-personal and communication skills, facility in working with teams and capacity to compose clear and readable narrative reports;
  • Demonstrates ability to manage complexities and work under pressure, as well as conflict resolution skills;
  • Excellent organizational and time management skills;
  • Knowledge Management and Learning;
  • Shares knowledge and experience; 
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills; 
  • Ability to perform a variety of standard tasks related to Results Management, including collecting of documentation, data entering, preparation of revisions, filling, provision of information; 
  • Ability to provide input to business processes re-engineering, implementation of new systems;
  • Ability to work independently and in a team.


Qualifications et expériences requises


  • University degree, preferably in social sciences (economics, political science, international relations, law). Advanced degree would be considered as an asset;
  • Academic orientation towards policy planning would be considered as an asset;


  • Minimum three years of working experience in the relevant field;
  • Experience in drafting strategic planning documents or policy planning papers is considered an important asset;
  • Experience in text analysis in general, as well as analysis of strategic planning documents or policy planning papers is an asset;
  • Experience in preparing, conducting and leading public consultation and/or public debate processes, 
  • Experience in preparing analytical reports,
  • Experience in working with NGO’s, business sector, academia and research centres is considered an asset;
  • Interest in major EU policy developments is an asset.


  • Fluency in Montenegrin language;
  • Excellent command of spoken and written English language.


  • Computer literacy.

Criteria for selection:

Combined Scoring method will be used. When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as: (i) responsive, compliant, acceptable, and (ii) having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

  • Technical criteria weight - 70% (Background and education 10%; Relevant previous experience 20%; Substantial knowledge/Required competencies 30%; Required language 10%);
  • Financial criteria weight - 30%.

Only offerors obtaining a minimum 490 points for technical criteria will be considered for the financial evaluation. For more information on procurement methodology for Individual Contractors, please refer to Procurement Notice.

Application procedure:

Interested applicants are requested to submit their applications by November 14, 2021 by using the Apply now button. The application should contain CV or P11 that can be downloaded at https://www.me.undp.org/content/montenegro/en/home/jobs.html. Please note that UNDP jobsite system allows only one uploading of application document, so please make sure that you merge all your documents into a single file.

Only the short-listed applicants will be contacted and requested to submit a letter of interest including a price quotation indicating the lump sum (in EUR) requested for the work envisaged in the section "Description of Responsibilities".