
NOTE: Signed Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and availability - https://www.ba.undp.org/content/dam/bosnia_and_herzegovina/docs/Operations/Jobs/Offerors%20Letter%20to%20UNDP%20Confirming%20Interest%20and%20Availability.docx - Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability.docx - to be sent to e-mail ba.shared.hr@undp.org with Subject: Job ID 103567.

As part of the Project for Improving Performance of Local Services (PIPLS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, UNDP BiH’s Local Development Program, and the Good Governance Sector’s portfolio, aims to support the newly elected local government leaders in their efforts to effectively deliver their reform agendas aimed at improving the quality of life in their communities. Working with newly elected mayors and legislatures, the Facility will offer specialized expert assistance in following thematic areas: digital governance, service delivery and infrastructure, financial management and local economic development.

Local governments are the government level closest to the people and their work has a direct impact on citizen’s everyday lives. With increased proximity to citizens and businesses come increasing demands for quality public services and more effective and responsive local level governments. One of the drivers of local governments’ increased transparency and accountability are Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives, through which governments publishing the diverse public datasets and enable third-parties (academia, business, non-governmental organizations) to re-use the data and develop new digital solutions (e.g. apps for mobile devices) and digital services as a common good.

Against this background and based on expressed interest by the City of Prijedor, UNDP supports the city administration to create the first open data portal in the country, as well as stimulate a demonstration of how public open data can be re-used by socio-economic stakeholders for research, new digital solutions, and services. UNDP has facilitated the establishment and functioning of an interim Open Government Data Working Group within the city administration and supported the process of identifying priority city datasets to be opened. The working group has reviewed different data publishing options and has decided that the most adequate approach for the open data digital platform would be by leveraging existing data management system https://ckan.org/. 

Therefore, UNDP seeks to recruit a National Open Data Website Design and Development expert to support design and development of city of Prijedor open data portal based on CKAN data management system.

Support for this assignment is provided through PIPLS project in partnership with the UNDP Accelerator Lab. The National Open Data Website Design and Development expert will perform their work under the technical supervision of the UNDP Accelerator Lab, but under the overall supervision of the PIPLS Project Manager.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The main objective of the consultancy is to support the is the establishment of a city open data platform based on custom implementation of CKAN data management system, populating pilot arrays of data with metadata descriptions, and publishing prepared learning and other content on the platform.

More specifically, the Consultant will undertake the following tasks:

Task 1. Design and develop CKAN-based open data portal for the City of Prijedor

The overall objective of this task is to put into the function the open data portal with customization of CKAN.org data management platform, on the provided hosting environment, so it provided search and review of all prepared datasets through the web interface, but also through specific APIs that support scenarios for automation of data exchange or data update by the publisher, harvesting data by other portals, etc.

Specifically, the Consultant shall implement the following:

  • Advise on web hosting environment and install a localized version of CKAN data management system (using latest available package – 2.9.4) to the provided web hosting with the accessible custom web site theme implemented in agreement with the UNDP and city Open data working group;
  • Utilization of CKAN Data Store for the storage of structured content and CKAN File Store for storage of data files and other binary resources and publish all datasets and metadata provided by the UNDP team, with appropriate access and use information defined;
  • Deployment of the ckanext-pages extension to allow adding pages / news to the main CKAN menu, preparation of the content structure and publishing of all such content provided by the UNDP team or alternatively, consider integration with the open-source CMS systems such as Joomla or Drupal;
  • Deployment of the ckanext-dcat extension using default profile compatible to DCAT-AP specification to extends the CKAN schema with the metadata required for DCAT so that the portal can be found and harvested by other open data portals;
  • Deployment of the ckanext-showcase extension to allow showcasing how specific data has been used by an application, web page, or visualization. Create data-visualization views and expose data as charts as agreed with the UNDP;
  • Deployment of ckanext-googleauth, ckanext-google analytics and other extensions deemed necessary by the UNDP.

Once implemented, the open data portal to be used by the city of Prijedor will have the following main functional requirements:

  • The system has a section for unauthorized users and for authorized users,
  • Users are logged in with a username and password, and a Google account login should be enabled. Role types are described as follows:
    • administrator - has access to all functions of the application - administers registered user accounts, edits the content of the portal, creates institutions / departments that publish data sets, approves cases of using open data,
    • user - administrator of the organization in the public sector (logs in to the system) - has access to the function of adding and editing data sets for the institution / department to which it belongs, can assign any registered user the role “user - member of the organization in the public sector”,
    • user - a member of a public sector organization (logs in to the system) - has access to the function of adding and editing data sets for the institution / department to which it belongs,
    • user - private sector (logs in to the system) - has access to the function of adding cases of using open data / applications that use open data,
    • user who is not logged in to the system - has access to view the content of the portal (data sets, cases of data use) and can propose the publication of a new datasets,  
  • Unauthorized users have access to view metadata for each published dataset. It is necessary to provide a web interface for searching published datasets along with metadata,
  • When viewing data sets, the user has the option of visualizing the resources of the data set (via a graph or map if it is data that contains geolocation data). A user - a member of a public sector organization who has the option of editing a dataset can manage how the data can be visualized,
  • When viewing datasets, the user can see examples of dataset’s use by third parties,
  • An unauthorized user can send a comment on the published dataset and contact the institution / department in charge of the portal via the web form,
  • An unauthorized user can browse blog / news pages,
  • An unauthorized user can access e-learning content about open data, UNDP team may require integration of the system with Moodle LMS, based on availability of e-Learning content on Open Data,
  • The system must have a user interface for administrators to manage published data (create, read, update, delete),
  • The system must have a user interface for metadata administrators so that they can edit metadata,
  • The system must have an integration point for retrieving data and for sending data (bulk import),
  • The following metadata set will be provided for each data set:
    • Data set name,
    • Brief description of the data set,
    • Topic (13 topics are defined at https://data.europa.eu/hr),
    • Thematic category of high-value data set (Geospatial data; Earth and environment observation; Meteorological data; Statistics; Companies and company ownership; Mobility; Not high-value data set),
    • Publisher,
    • Competent department,
    • Contact e-mail,
    • Data update frequency (annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, real-time, as needed),
    • Link to data resources,
    • Format,
    • Openness of the data set (categorization according to https://5stardata.info/hr/),
    • License (CC-BY, CC0, Public Domain, CC-BY-SA, CC-BY-ND, CC-BY-NC, CC-BY-NC-SA, CC-BY-NC-ND; note: CC-BY is the default license),
    • Keywords for data set.
  • Datasets can be assigned to at least one category (Topics),
  • Datasets can be assigned to a publisher,
  • Public data sets for publication, i.e. data resources must be in machine-readable and open format (RDF, XML, HTML, CSV, TSV, SDMX-ML, JSON, ODF). The set of public data is published in at least one of the machine-readable and open formats. There is no obligation to publish the same set of public data in several different formats.
  • The data catalog (for publishing and viewing published data) should be based and modeled according to the W3C Data Catalog application profile and be compatible with the DCAT-AP specification.
  • The system must be able to display access statistics for individual pages (using Google Analytics).

It is expected that this Task will not exceed 25 expert days and will be implemented by February 20, 2022.

Task 2. Provide on-the-job mentoring support to the City of Prijedor team engaged with the Open data platform

The Consultant is expected to provide open data portal use advisory to the city of Prijedor team. The Consultant will provide on-site/virtual sessions and practical support to the team in effective use of the portal. In addition, the Consultant will prepare a short and concise user manual. 

Specifically, the Consultant shall implement the following:

  • provide guidance and practical advice to the city of Prijedor team to smoothly operate and use the open data platform in the form of training / mentoring;
  • compile a short user manual (up to 10 pages) on the main portal use case scenarios;
  • offer on-demand support to the focal administrators in the process of the use of the portal.

The Consultant will also apply any available security patches if they are released during the contract. It is expected that this Task will not exceed 15 expert days (customized training / mentoring, user manual development and practical support) and will be implemented by March 31st, 2022.

The expected timeframe for the entire assignment is late December 2021 – March 2022, with estimated level of effort of 30 consultancy days. The assignment will be delivered in the languages of peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian); however, the progress reports to UNDP should be submitted in English language.

Payments will be made upon completion of each task upon confirmation by UNDP on the quality delivery and acceptance of the products, as relevant. Field visits to the city of Prijedor is envisioned, based on the Tasks within the ToR.



Deliverables / Outputs

# of Days per Task

Due Date



Design and develop CKAN-based open data portal for the City of Prijedor


February 20, 2022



On-the-job mentoring support to the City of Prijedor team engaged with the Open Data portal


March 31, 2022



I.                    Competencies

Core values

Corporate competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism;
  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment

Functional competencies:

  • Strong interpersonal skills, communication and diplomatic skills, ability to work in a team
  • Openness to change and ability to receive/integrate feedback
  • Ability to work under pressure and stressful situations
  • Strong analytical, reporting and writing abilities
  • Excellent public speaking and presentation skills

Qualifications et expériences requises

Academic Qualifications/Education:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information or Data Science, or other relevant field of study, or
  • Secondary education with additional 3 years of more substantive relevant experience.


  • At least 3 years of professional experience in developing web sites based on open-source data or content or learning management systems or at least 6 years of relevant experience for the candidates with secondary education;
  • At least 1 year of hands-on experience with the technologies required to run CKAN installation (Ubuntu, Apache, Nginx, Python, Tomcat/Jetty + Solr and PostgreSQL) or at least 3 years of hands-on experience in using these technologies for candidates with secondary education only;
  • Experience in deployment of CKAN data management system is an advantage.

Languages Requirements:

  • Excellent writing and oral communication skills in in the official languages of peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina and good English writing skills.

Other Requirements:

  • Excellent computer skills (MS Office applications) and ability to use information technologies as a tool and resource.

Longlisting/Shortlisting Criteria

Qualifications as stated in the ToR



Relevant Education

Max 20 points

Relevant professional experience

Max 80 points

Technical Evaluation Criteria



Rating based on Qualifications


Experience in developing web sites based on open-source data or content or learning management systems


Experience with the technologies required to run CKAN installation (Ubuntu, Apache, Nginx, Python, Tomcat/Jetty + Solr and PostgreSQL)



Individual  will be evaluated based on the following methodology:

Cumulative analysis

When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the candidate whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
b) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

  • * Technical Criteria weight-70%
  • * Financial Criteria weight- 30%

Interested candidated must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work;
  • Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work;
  • Personal CV/P11, including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references.

Please scan all above mentioned documents and upload as one attachment only online through this website.


  • For an assignment requiring travel, consultants of 65 years or more require full medical examination and statement of fitness to work to engage in the consultancy.
  • Due to large number of potential applicants, only competitively selected candidates will be contacted for remaining steps of the service procurement process.