
UNDP is the development arm of the United Nations system, with offices in 180 countries. Globally, the organization employs 17,000 people and manages a budget of USD 5 billion each year. The UNDP office in Skopje employs a team of over 70 and currently manages a portfolio of projects in social inclusion, environmental protection and good governance worth USD 15 million per year.

In early 2021 the national institutions in North Macedonia started the preparations to formulate 2021-2041 National Development Strategy (hereinafter: NDS), supported by a project implemented by the UNDP in coordination with UN Resident Coordination Office (RCO) North Macedonia. UK GGF funding was secured to prepare a methodology for the process, the background baseline data and assessment of strategic documents and processes, proposals for the institutional structure to manage and implement the project, as well as the communications and engagement strategy. All these products and processes were finalized in the first phase of the NDS process completed by the end of July 2021.  

The Phase II marks the actual process of formulating the NDS, supported by a governance structure in charge of monitoring of the implementation, embedding the NDS priorities within the national strategic plans and the future planning documents, and leveraging the EU accession reforms and Agenda2030 for sustainable development. The objective of the Project is to support the key national stakeholders to formulate and potentially roll-out the North Macedonia National Development Strategy for the period 2021-2041 and embed an inclusive system for implementation and monitoring of the NDS within the national administrative framework.

National institutions, as the stakeholders in the NDS process, will be the principal beneficiary of the expert support engaged for the analysis of the baseline data in each of the NDS thematic areas and the final outline of the NDS that integrates inputs from the stakeholders.  Baseline data needs to be prepared and presented in such a way that enables the wider public to understand the current situation and the consequences of not taking action. Data collection is not just a one-time activity at the beginning of the process, but an ongoing process to ensure timely, accurate and comparable information in support of the vision and the strategic goals agreed within the NDS. During these processes, close coordination will be maintained with the main institutions responsible for the NDS, including the data holders, as well as wider public (including civil society, business sector, academia, general public including vulnerable and marginalized groups).

Devoirs et responsabilités

The consultant will prepare thematic inputs for development of the NDS 2021-41 by identifying and verifying the baseline policy and data (including gaps), as well as by collecting and systemizing all inputs from relevant stakeholders within the thematic area of education


Tasks and responsibilities

Under the overall coordination of the Team Leader (Leading National Consultant), and in cooperation with the team of national experts and relevant national institutions the consultant will:

1. Get familiarized with the methodology for developing the NDS prepared in the first phase of this project

2. Conduct desk review of all relevant documentation in the thematic area of education;

3. Prepare thematic inputs for the NDS

4. Consolidate the inputs from the consultation process within the thematic area of education


1. Get familiarized with the methodology for developing the NDS prepared in the first phase of this project by:

  • Conducting a desk review of all relevant documentation and materials prepared in the first phase of the process (Methodological approach and institutional structure, mapping of strategies and stakeholders etc.)
  • Participating in the trainings on the methodological approach designed for the process of preparation of the NDS 2021 – 2041;

2. Conduct desk review of all relevant documentation in the thematic area of education;of education by

  • Reviewing relevant strategies, multiannual and annual programmes and plans with valid duration to map the strategic goals, key measures and activities that may have distinctive impact on the future NDS;
  •  Mapping of all relevant institutional stakeholders within the thematic area of education, with a brief description of their mandates related to NDS (the scope of competencies).

3. Prepare thematic inputs for the NDS, by ;

  • Defining the baseline data for the NDS in the field of education and identifying data gaps in compliance with the already defined Methodology for the NDS preparation.
  • Collecting input within the NDS thematic area of education from relevant stakeholders/institutions (national/local institutions, academia, civil society, business sector etc) to build a common approach to the assignment, in particular with the State Statistical Office (SSO).
  • In cooperation with the Team Leader (Leading National Consultant), developing a questionnaire to identify and address the barriers (physical, social, cultural, attitudinal, economic, etc) that prevents the marginalized and vulnerable groups engage in the analysis and consultations within the thematic area of education.

Cross-checking key findings and recommendations with the wider group of stakeholders (quadruple helix structure) before finalizing the thematic inputs.

4. Consolidate the inputs from the consultation process within the thematic area of education

  • Facilitating the discussions with all relevant stakeholders/institutions (national/local institutions, academia, civil society, business sector, chambers of commerce and other private sector organizations, donor community etc);
  • Integrating the citizens’ ideas/suggestions from the digital platform for public consultations, relevant for the designated area;
  • Integrating the ideas/suggestions gained through structured public debate-workshops, public presentations, dream-labs, etc;
  • Preparing fully elaborated input with conclusion/recommendation and further steps regrading NDS processes in the thematic area of education.


Note: During this assignment, the consultant will ensure to apply:

  • Evidence-based approach, the highest standard of work and timely deliverables at every stage of this assignment;
  • Clarity of objectives and process during different types of consultations, including countercheck of all facts and figures;

The work will be considered final only after it is approved by the UNDP.

The consultants are expected to take part in workshops and meetings, and all costs related to the organization of the workshops (venue, lunch, translation costs etc.) will be covered by UNDP. If necessary, the consultant might be requested to organize consultative meetings with the relevant stakeholders for the respective sector.



The consultancy is expected to deliver the following outputs:


% of full contract amount

Tentative date

1. Thematic inputs, defined baseline data and identified data gaps in the thematic area of education

50 %


2.  Integrated inputs from the wider public consultation process

40 %


3. Final Report with conclusion/recommendation and further steps in the thematic area of education




Payment schedule

The payment will be done on lump-sum basis, upon successful completion of deliverables in three instalments:

  • First payment: 50 % of the total amount after successful submission of deliverable 1;
  • Second and final payment: 50% of the total amount after successful submission of deliverables 2 and 3;



The consultants will be coordinated and supported by a Team Leader (leading national consultant) working under direct supervision by the Project Manager, under the overall guidance of the Programme Officer/Head of Democratic Governance Unit and in a team of experts. They will be in regular communication with the Team Leader and the coordinator through e-mail and will provide regular progress reports on weekly basis. All communication and documents will need to be prepared in Macedonian language. The final narrative report will need to be prepared in English language. All prepared materials will be property of UNDP.

In course of performing his/her job, the consultants will need to work with the established project structure for the NDS development process. The UNDP office will assist with scheduling the meetings.



The duration of the Consultant’ work is estimated 25 working days in the period December 2021 to March 2022. 

Duty station and travel

The duty station will be in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. Preapproved travel out of duty station will be additionally covered based on UNDP rules.


  • Strong interpersonal skills, communication and diplomatic skills, teamwork ability;
  • Ability to work under pressure and stressful situations;
  • Strong analytical, reporting and writing abilities;
  • Good time management, meeting deadlines.

Qualifications et expériences requises

Academic Qualifications/Education: MA degree or higher in sectors relevant to the project (e.g., social science, law, business, economics, or similar sector appropriate to this position).


  • Minimum 5 years’ experience in preparation of strategic, programming and planning documents as well as analytical studies in the thematic area of education;
  • Minimum of two analysis/baselines/planning documents in the field of education in the past three years           

Language skills:

  • Excellent language proficiency in both written and oral English.



The award of the contract shall be made to the offeror whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) Being responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

b) Having received the highest score based on the following weight of technical and financial criteria for solicitation as per the schedule below:

* Technical criteria weight: 70%

* Financial criteria weight: 30%


Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70%) in the technical evaluation shall be considered for the financial evaluation.

For the considered offers in the financial evaluation only, the lowest price offer will receive 30 points. The other offers will receive points in relation to the lowest offer, based on the following formula: (Pn / Pl) * 30 where Pn is the financial offer being evaluated and Pl is the lowest financial offer received.


Technical Criteria:


Maximum points


MA degree or higher in sectors relevant to the project (e.g., social science, law, business, economics, or similar sector appropriate to this position).A PhD is a strong asset.

MA = 7

PhD = 10


At least 5 years’ experience in preparation of strategic, programming and planning documents as well as analytical studies in the thematic area of education;

5 years = 15 points

6-10 years = 20 points

more than 10 years = 25 points


Minimum of two analysis/baselines/planning documents in the field of education the past three years

2 analysis/baselines/planning documents = 15 points

3-5 analysis/baselines/planning documents = 20 points

More than 5 analysis/baselines/planning documents = 25 points


Demonstrated experience in working with government institutions is an asset;




        Interested offerors are invited submit the following documents/information to be considered:

  1. Offeror’s letter, as per the following form LINK
  2. Most updated CV with focus on required qualification as well as the contact details of at least three (3) professional references;
  3. Financial Proposal The financial proposal must be expressed in the form of a lumpsum all-inclusive cost, supported by breakdown of costs as per template provided in MKD for this consultancy.

The financial proposal must take into account various expenses that will be incurred during the contract, including: the daily professional fee; cost of travel out of duty station (if required); communications, any other expenses related to this assignment.




Step 1

1. Click on the "Apply now" button

2. Input your information in the appropriate sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume, and motivation (cover letter). You can type in, or paste your short Resume into the last box.

3. Upon completion of the first page, please hit "submit application" tab at the end of the page. On the next page, you will be asked to upload other required documents listed in the step 2.

Step 2

Interested individual consultants must submit the documents/information listed in the “Documents to submit section” above. 

The system will allow only one attachment. Therefore, please upload all required documents as one file.

Failing to submit any of these documents may result in disqualification of the application.


Please note that shortlisted candidates might be interviewed.


If the deliverables are not produced and delivered by the consultant to the satisfaction of UNDP as approved by the responsible Portfolio Manager, no payment will be made even if the consultant has invested man/days to produce and deliver such deliverables.