
UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

Nigeria is simultaneously a country of origin, transit and destination for all streams of migration and for trafficking. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Migration Profile (2009) and the World Bank remittances report on Nigeria (2010), the country’s increasing out-migrating population ranges between 836,832 and 1,041,284. Although North America and Europe remain the largest receiving continents, countries within the ECOWAS sub-region also host a significant number of the migrant population from Nigeria. Beyond irregular migration, Nigeria also experiences several cases of trafficking. Women and children constitute the majority of those trafficked. A large proportion of poor women migrants and women trafficked to Europe, especially Italy, are from Nigeria and a growing number of those, are trafficked into the sex sector.

It is against the above mentioned background that the Government of Italy and UN Women have embarked on a partnership, through the 2-year Project for Prevention of forced migration and trafficking in women and girls in Nigeria. The project has complemented and built on the recent efforts of the Nigerian government to address trafficking and irregular migration concerns, including the implementation and review of major policies in the field including the VAPP Act, and strengthened the gender-responsiveness of interventions by the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) to facilitate prevention, protection, prosecution and partnerships. Furthermore, the project has implemented targeted activities to support women’s organizations in their efforts aimed at preventing and addressing the effects of forced migration and trafficking. A peculiar focus was drawn on the collaboration among women-led organizations and security agencies as important stakeholders in designing and implementing prevention and response efforts. The project is implemented from January 2020 to February 2022 in Edo State, Lagos State and FCT were secondary beneficiary States.

Description of the Project

The main goal of the project for Prevention of forced migration and trafficking in women and girls in Nigeria, build resilience promote sustainable development was to prevent forced migration and trafficking of women and girls through economic empowerment and resilience building, and facilitate the reintegration of women and young women returnees. The project was guided by the following theory of change:

If (1) an enabling gender sensitive policy environment that addresses primary and tertiary prevention of forced migration and trafficking is in place; if (2) integrated gender-responsive preventive services in source migration-trafficking sites are effectively designed and implemented; if (3) women and girls (supported by men and boys) effectively influence the design and implementation of enabling policies and gender-responsive preventive and reintegration services for effective access; (4) then forced migration and trafficking will be prevented; because (5) barriers to women’s empowerment, resilience and participation in inclusive development will be addressed.

The project articulated into two outcomes; outcome 1: An enabling gender sensitive policy environment that addresses forced migration and trafficking is in place, whose design and implementation is influenced by women and girl’s rights organizations in source migration trafficking sites.

Output 1.1 Gender-sensitive policy instruments on migration and trafficking are formulated or adapted.

Output 1.2 Capacity of targeted institutions strengthened to provide gender-friendly protection services that address the needs of women and girls’ survivors in source migration trafficking sites.

In this result area, the project supported the review of existing policies, laws and plans on migration-trafficking and ensure that these are gender-responsive, in particular it has developed a Gender Policy for NAPTIP and contributed to amend the VAPP Law in Edo State. It has further facilitated multi-stakeholder policy dialogues to elaborate priority legal and policy interventions to strengthen fair and safe migration for women and prevent trafficking. It has supported capacity-building interventions, including training and technical support services to government, NGO partners, to implement gender-responsive, survivors-centred policies and services for women migrants and survivors of trafficking. The project has also facilitated a gender audit of protection services within existing shelters and safe homes in Edo, Lagos States and FCT. Finally, under this outcome it has supported the development of tools and training to enhance gender-responsive service delivery by frontline service providers including the security and justice sector agencies.

The outcome two related to Increased gender-sensitive information and awareness-raising in source migration-trafficking sites contribute to the prevention of women’s irregular migration and trafficking

Output 2.1 Collaboration and networking among women’s organizations and targeted government institutions managing forced migration issues, including the security sector is enhanced.

Output 2.2 Increased awareness-raising and engagement with men and boys and traditional leaders in migration sites

The key activities contributing to the results included community-based interventions aimed at raising awareness and changing social norms. Recognizing the importance of collective action, the project has established and strengthened networking among women at state and national levels and provided capacity-building support to women’s organizations to lead efforts aimed at preventing forced migration and trafficking. The project supported the building of a knowledge base on the perceptions of women migrant/trafficking survivors, and violence they experience, as well as an understanding of good practices in strengthening fair and safe migration, taking note of the voices and opinions of women themselves. The above-mentioned outcome supported public awareness campaigns through traditional and social media and Nollywood engagement, to highlight the risks of trafficking and violence faced by women migrants. A focus on engaging men and boys, including traditional and religious leaders to serve as champions and partners in support of strategies that promote and protect the rights of women and girls was emphasized through the support of the adoption of the GEOB.

A participatory final evaluation of the Project is proposed to be undertaken from February to April 2021, involving key stakeholders at national level and the two target states. To this end, UN Women is seeking to contract a National Evaluation Consultant to facilitate the end of project evaluation



The Overall Objective of the final evaluation is to assess the extent to the project for Preventing Forced Migration and Trafficking in Women and Girls in Nigeria has achieved the intended and/or unintended outcomes, provide an in-depth analysis and understanding of why certain intended or unintended outcomes have or have not occurred, analyze the challenges encountered, learn from the current COVID-19 crisis, and document lessons for improving future projects in the area.

The specific objectives of the evaluation are:

  1. To analyze the relevance of the project’s implementation strategy and approaches with a special focus on the gender review of legal frameworks on migration and trafficking, and the increase in gender-sensitive information and awareness-raising in source migration-trafficking sites;
  2. To assess the project’s effectiveness and organizational efficiency in the implementation of the project
  3. To assess the impact of the project in the two States and the extent to what cross-cutting issues of gender, human rights, were mainstreamed in the project implementation.
  4. To assess the mechanisms put in place for the sustainability of the project’s results, including the level of local ownership, accountability, capacities, partnerships and coordination in target states.
  5. To determine the efficiency of strategies for ensuring the effective and efficient implementation of the project, including in the context of the COVID-19 crisis in target states and country at large.
  6. To document lessons learned, best practices, success stories and challenges to inform the implementation of future programming for UN Women in the area of preventing forced migration and trafficking in women and girls
  7. Support decision making to capitalize on the next strategy note
  8. Support a retrospective approach to support greater accountability for effectiveness and learning
  9. Based on findings, to provide recommendations for a possible second phase of support after the completion of the current project.

Duties and Responsibilities


The consultant will directly report to UN Women Team on issues requiring daily supervision or information. In particular, the Country Office M&E Specialist, the Regional Office Evaluation Specialist and the Country Office  Deputy Representative will provide quality assurance and approve all evaluation products (ToR, inception report, draft and final reports). The Regional Evaluation Specialist will chair the EMG - and thus holds final responsibility for the quality assurance process and approval of deliverables (to be assessed against UN Women’s GERAAS parameters). An Evaluation Reference Group (ERG), chaired by the Country Representative will also be set up to facilitate participation and systematic involvement of key stakeholders in the evaluation, ensuring quality by providing inputs on evaluation products, and ensures dissemination of the evaluation results.


The National expert consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Within the current COVID-19 crisis, develop and submit a detailed methodology for the final evaluation, including desk review, analytical work, data collection techniques, key activities and timeframe for the assignment, in close cooperation with the UN Women office in Nigeria.
  • Undertake a desk review of relevant documents, including the VAPP Act and policies related to NAPTIP, logical and monitoring frameworks, and progress reports, among others.
  • Conduct field missions to target states and consultation meetings with  the project’s key stakeholders, partners and beneficiaries, including relevant government institutions, security agencies, civil society organizations, women’s groups/networks, and the donor, among others to review the project in line with the set objectives of the final evaluation. The process of conducting consultation meetings is expected to use high standard methods to maximize the collection of quality information and ensure the safety of respondents including conformity to the applicable COVID-19 prevention protocols.
  • Develop and submit a final evaluation report of the project, with relevant recommendations based on the interpretation of the evaluation findings and key lessons identified.


The information generated by the evaluation will be used by UN Women and different stakeholders to:

  • Contribute to building of the evidence base on effective strategies for strengthening the support to the government, security agencies, NAPTIP, women-led organizations and other stakeholders to tackle human trafficking in Edo and Lagos states, and Nigeria at large.
  • Facilitate the strategic reflection, learning and further planning for programming in the areas of strengthening the capacity of the Government of Nigeria, national stakeholders and structures on HT with the aim to increase relevant workable solutions.

Main evaluation users include the UN Women Country Office in Nigeria, the Government of Nigeria (including Edo and Lagos states), the Government of Italy (Project donor), national stakeholders mainly NAPTIP and NGO implementing partners. These stakeholders will be closely involved in the evaluation process to increase ownership of findings, draw lessons learned and make greater use of this final review results. The findings of the evaluation are expected to contribute to effective programming, efficient project delivery and creation of strong partnerships and ownership for sustainable results.



The evaluation will apply OECD/DAC evaluation criteria: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and coherence. The evaluation will also take into consideration gender equality and human rights, and disability inclusion, as separate standalone criteria.

The review will seek to answer the following key evaluation questions and sub-questions:

Relevance: The extent to which the objectives of the Project are consistent with the evolving needs and priorities of the beneficiaries, partners, and stakeholders.

  1. To what extent do the project objectives address identified rights and needs of the target groups (e.g. NAPTIP, Women-led organizations)?
  2. To what extent target state partners were involved in conceptualization and design process?
  3. To what extent is the intervention aligned with national and international agreements and conventions on gender equality and women’s empowerment in the context of women and migration?
  4. Are the activities and outputs of the Project consistent with the intended impacts and effects? Do they address the problems identified?
  5. To what extent are human rights recognized and addressed as priorities through the project and its implementation to comply with CEDAW and other international commitments? 
  6. Is the Project design articulated in a coherent structure? Is the definition of goal, outcomes and outputs clearly articulated? Is the theory of change still valid?
  7. What capacities and skills should UN prioritize and further develop to bring greater coherence and relevance to its interventions?
  8. To what extent did the implementing partners possess the comparative advantage in the project’s area of work in comparison with other partners in Nigeria?
  9. To what extent has the project’s design process included a collaborative process, shared vision for delivering results, strategies for joint delivery and sharing of risks among implementing organization?  


Effectiveness: The extent to which the Project’s Objectives were achieved or are expected / likely to be achieved.

  1. How successful was the Project in terms of the progress made towards achievement of the expected results (outputs and outcomes? What are the results achieved?
  2. What are the reasons for the achievement or non-achievement?
  3. To what extent have beneficiaries been satisfied with the results? To what extent have capacities of relevant duty-bearers and rights-holders been strengthened?
  4. To what extent did UN Women build the capacity of implementing partners to deliver results and set targets?
  5. Does the Project have effective monitoring mechanisms in place to measure progress towards results?  
  6. Has the Project’s organizational structure, managerial support and coordination mechanisms effectively supported the delivery of the Project?
  7. To what extent are the Project approaches and how innovative are strategies for achieving the planned results?  What -if any- types of innovative good practices have been introduced in the Project for the achievement of results?


Efficiency: A measure of how economically resources / inputs (funds, expertise, time, etc.) were converted to results.

  1. Have resources (financial, human, technical support, etc.) been allocated strategically to achieve the Project outcomes?
  2. What measures have been taken during planning and implementation to ensure that resources are efficiently used?
  3. Have the outputs been delivered in a timely manner?
  4. Were the Project and its components cost-effectively implemented? Could the activities and outputs have been delivered with fewer resources without reducing their quality and quantity?
  5. Has the Project’s organizational structure, managerial support and coordination mechanisms effectively supported the delivery of the Project? What are the key successes and recommendations for improvement?
  6. How did the Project utilize existing local capacities of right-bearers and duty-holders to achieve its outcomes?
  7. Has the project built synergies with different other ongoing projects at national and state levels including those implemented with other actors (e.g. the Government of Nigeria, CSOs, ) etc.?
  8. To what extent were the Project’s monitoring mechanisms in place implemented to effectively measure and inform the management of the project’s performance and progress towards targets? To what extent were monitoring data objectively used to inform management action and decision-making?
  9. To what extent were follow-up actions taken address challenges, obstacles and risks associated to the Project, and what has been done to mitigate these in order to reach planned outcomes.
  10. What were (if any) key opportunities and/or challenges in the operational context of the project?
  11. What changes/interventions would have been emphasized to capitalize on the opportunities for improving the project delivery?
  12.  What future considerations should be made to address any emerging challenges?

Impact: The various effects of the Project

  1. What are the effects produced, positive and negative, intended or unintended, directly (target groups) and indirectly (larger society)?
  2. Have there been any negative effects of the project on the four cross cutting issues: gender, human rights, climate and the environment and corruption?


Sustainability: The likelihood of a continuation of benefits for women from a development intervention after the intervention is completed or the probability of continued long-term benefits.

  1. Were requirements of national ownership satisfied? Was the Project supported by national/local institutions? Do these institutions, including Government and Civil Society, demonstrate leadership commitment and technical capacity to continue to work with the Project or replicate it?
  2. What capacities of national partners, both technical and operational, have been strengthened? 
  3. To what extent have the capacities of duty-bearers and rights-holders have been strengthened?
  4. What is the likelihood that the benefits from the Project will be maintained for a reasonably long period of time if the Project were to cease?
  5. To what extent are the financial capacities of partners likely going to maintain the benefits from the Project?  What might be needed to support partners to maintain these benefits?
  6. How successful was the Project in promoting replication and/or up-scaling of successful practices?
  7. Which innovations have been identified (if any) and how can they be replicated?


Coherence: The extent to what other interventions support or undermine the intervention and vice-versa, including aspects of complementarity, harmonization and co-ordination.

  • To what extent is the Project coherent with similar interventions implemented for promoting women’s protection and participation in the country?
  • To what extent is the Project coherent internally in UN Women and within the UN System in Nigeria?
  • To what extent is the Project coherent with wider donor policy?
  • To what extent is the Project coherent with international obligations for women’s human rights, other human rights conventions and other international frameworks for gender equality and the empowerment of women?


Gender Equality and Human Rights

  • To what extent have gender and human rights considerations been integrated into the project design and implementation?
  • How has attention to/ integration of gender equality and human rights concerns advance the area of work?
  • Has the Program been implemented in accordance with human rights and development effectiveness principles (participation, empowerment, inclusion, non-discrimination, national accountability, transparency)?
  • What was the main value added of the Program in changing the quality of life of women and girls?


Disability Inclusion

  • Were persons with disability included in the design and implementation of the project?
  • What portion of beneficiaries were persons with disabilities?
  • What were the barriers persons with disabilities have had to face?
  • How has the program contributed to addressing the priorities and changing the quality of life of people with disabilities?

Based on these findings, what are the recommendations for possible new projects after the completion of the current project?  This should include necessary follow-on interventions identified, components that requires continued investments, new entry points identified, and level of engagement (state/federal, policy/operational).

It is expected that the National consultant will develop an Evaluation Matrix, which will relate to the above questions (and refine them as needed), the areas they refer to, the criteria for evaluating them, the indicators and the means for verification as a tool for the evaluation. The final evaluation matrix will be approved by UN Women along the final methodology/inception report.



The final evaluation will be gender-sensitive, consultative, and apply inclusive and participatory processes as reflected in the UN Women’s guidelines for gender-responsive evaluations and the UNEG Evaluation Handbook. Throughout the evaluation process, the consultant will ensure the participation of relevant institutions, women and CSOs representing various groups of women from the Project target areas. Special attention will be given to representativeness of all target groups and beneficiaries. The consultant is expected to validate findings through engagement with stakeholders at workshops, debriefings, or other forms of engagement.

The consultant is expected to discuss during the Inception Workshops how the process will ensure participation of stakeholders at all stages, with a specific emphasis on rights holders and their representatives at all stages of the evaluation process.

The evaluation team is encouraged to further analyze stakeholders according to the following characteristics:

1. System roles (target groups, project controllers, sources of expertise, and representatives of excluded groups);

2. Gender roles (intersections of sex, age, household roles, community roles);

3. Human Rights roles (rights holders, principal duty bearers, primary, secondary and tertiary duty bearers);

4. Intended users and uses of the respective evaluation.

The consultant is encouraged to extend this analysis through mapping relationships and power dynamics as part of the evaluation.

It is important to pay particular attention to participation of rights holders—in particular women and vulnerable and marginalized groups—to ensure the application of a gender-responsive approach. It is also important to specify ethical safeguards that will be employed. The consultant is expected to validate findings through engagement with stakeholders at stakeholder workshops, debriefings or other forms of engagement.

The evaluators are expected to validate findings through engagement with stakeholders at stakeholder workshop, debriefings or other forms of engagement.

The primary stakeholders of the evaluation are the Government of Italy (donor partner), NAPTIP HQ and Zonal Commander in Edo and Lagos States, the Edo State Ministry of Women Affairs and the State-level committee on GBV, Judiciary, law enforcement agencies, Cleen Foundation, and other institutions working to prevent HT, and key beneficiaries.



The final evaluation will cover the key components of the Preventing Forced Migration and Trafficking in Women and Girls in Nigeria in Nigeria project, namely: the formulation and adoption of gender-sensitive policy instruments on migration and trafficking; strengthening the capacity of targeted institutions to provide gender-friendly protection services that address the needs of women and girls survivors in source migration trafficking sites; enhancing the collaboration and networking among women organizations and targeted government institutions managing forced migration and trafficking issues including the security sector; and increasing the awareness and engagement with men and boys and traditional leaders nationwide and in migration sites.

The evaluation will focus on the activities of the Project between June 2019 and February 2022, and will review the Project documents, reports, and other relevant documents. The participatory approach to the evaluation will focus on mobilizing key stakeholders, partners and target beneficiaries in each state to respond to set questions and share the benefits, good practices, challenges and lessons learnt from the Project. The results and findings from field missions will also form a critical component of the data available for the review.

The geographic scope of the evaluation will include key stakeholders and beneficiaries’ representatives at federal and state level (target states are Edo and Lagos States). The evaluation will include field missions to these states. The evaluation will measure against evaluation criteria that will be used - as per OECD DAC standard practices (e.g. relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, etc.)



The evaluation methodology will deploy a participatory mixed method, including quantitative and qualitative data collection methods and analytical approaches to account for complexity of gender relations and to ensure participatory and inclusiveness processes that are culturally appropriate. The evaluation will apply a theory-based approach. The theory of change should elaborate on the objectives and articulation of the assumptions that stakeholders use to explain the change process represented by the change framework of this project and how this has contributed to prevent and address human trafficking. A participatory review workshop with all key stakeholders involved in the project implementation, including but not limited to UN Women Project team, Government MDAs, NGO partners, will be conducted in each of the target states.

Phases for which the consultant will be responsible for submitting quality deliverables entail the following:

  • Inception Phase: At the beginning of the assignment, the consultant will be provided with key sources of information for an initial desk review. The online inception meetings will be conducted with the UN Women Project team.  At the end of this phase an inception report including a refined evaluation methodology will be delivered. The inception report will be validated and approved by UN Women.
  •  Data Collection Phase: Based on the inception phase, the consultant   will carry out an in-depth desk review, and field missions will be conducted to complete data collection and triangulation of information. To this end, a one-day participatory review workshop with key stakeholders and beneficiaries will be conducted in each of the target states. A debrief meeting will be organized where the consultant will present preliminary findings to UN Women and key stakeholders at the conclusion of the data collection phase.
  • Data analysis and Synthesis Phase: The collected information will be analyzed, and a final review report will be delivered.

The final review  is expected to be conducted according to the following time frame below.

Mid-Time Review Task and Time Frame


Time frame

Responsible party

Final ToR (after consultations with Donor  and Regional Office) and recruitment processes

December 2021

UN Women Deputy Representative, M&E Specialist, Project Team, Regional Evaluation Specialist

Engagement of the National Consultant for the Assignment

16th January 2022

UN Women Country Representative and Deputy Representative

Inception meeting with UN Women, and desk review of relevant documents

17th -18th February 2022

 National Consultant & UN Women CO & RO team

Submission of inception report and data collection tools to UN Women

24th February 2022

National Consultant

Feedback to the consultant on the inception report and data collection tools

28th February 2022

UN Women team

Submission of finalized inception report and data collection tools

02nd March 2022

National Consultant

Facilitate meetings with stakeholders, partners and selected beneficiaries of the Project in target states

03rd-17th March 2022

National Consultant; logistics by UN Women CO team

Reporting stage (presentation of preliminary findings and analysis of data)

21st March 2021


National Consultant

First draft report submission

25th March 2022

National Consultant

Review of draft report by UN Women

28th March-08th April 2022

UN Women

Review draft report based on inputs

08th April-15th April 2022

National Consultant

Final Evaluation Report Submission

19th April 2022


National Consultant

Use and follow-up, Management response

April-May 2022

UN Women Project Team

Representative Final Approval

Total Number of Calendar Days

45 days




The National Consultant is expected to submit and facilitate the following deliverables events:

  1. Inception Report, outlining the refined scope of the work, a detailed outline of the evaluation design and methodology, evaluation questions, and criteria for the approach for in-depth desk review and field work to be conducted in the data collection phase. The report will include an evaluation matrix and a detailed work plan. 
  2. Facilitate participatory meetings with stakeholders, partners and selected Project beneficiaries at national level and target states (Edo and Lagos) to collect relevant data.
  3. Presentation of preliminary findings report (conducted in target states). A presentation detailing the emerging findings of the review will be shared with UN Women and key partners for feedback. The revised presentation will be delivered to key stakeholders for comments and validation. The consultant will address the feedback received into the draft report.
  4. Draft evaluation report which will be shared with UN Women for initial feedback.
  5. Final review report taking into consideration comments and feedback collected from UN Women. The report shall include the following chapters: Executive Summary, Introduction and Background, Evaluation approach and methodology (including limitations), Findings, Conclusions, Lessons learnt, Recommendations and relevant Annexes, including Evaluation Brief (3-4 pages)

A model Evaluation Report will be provided to the consultant based on the below outline.

  1. Title and opening pages
  2. Executive summary
  3. Background and purpose of the evaluation
  4. Project/object of evaluation description and context
  5. Evaluation objectives and scope
  6. Evaluation methodology and limitations
  7. Findings: relevance, effectiveness (normative, coordination, operational), efficiency, sustainability, and gender and human rights
  8. Conclusions
  9. Recommendations
  10. Lessons and innovations
  11. Annexes:
    • Terms of reference
    • Literature - documents consulted
    • Lists of institutions interviewed or consulted and sites visited (without direct reference to individuals)
    • Analytical results and methodology related documentation, such as evaluation matrix,
    • List of findings and recommendations

All payments to the consultant will be made subject to the approval of deliverables by the evaluation management group, in line with conformity to GERAAS evaluation guidelines. Payments will be effected as follows:



% to be paid

Submission of an approved inception report


Submission of approved draft report (meets GERAAS evaluation standards)


Submission of the approved final evaluation report (meets GERAAS standards and incorporates inputs by EMG and ERG)










The consultant will serve as the evaluation facilitator and will have the overall evaluation responsibilities and accountability for data collection, data analyses and the report writing.


Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism


Functional Competencies:

  1. Extensive experience in conducting evaluations; gender sensitive evaluation certification or experience preferred.
  2. Excellent knowledge and experience in gender equality and women’s empowerment programming and implementation.
  3. In-depth experience and excellent knowledge of results-based management
  4. Ability to actively seek information, offer new and different options for problem solving and meet client’s needs.
  5. Excellent and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including preparation of official email invitations, reports and presentations with clear and succinct formulation of findings, observations, analysis and recommendations.
  6. Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.

Required Skills and Experience


  1. Advanced University degree (Master’s Degree or equivalent) in relevant Social Sciences (Gender Studies, Economics, Development Studies, Human Rights, Political Science, International Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies or any related field).
  2. At least 7 years of work experience in management project/project development and management (results-based management approach), possibly in gender related fields.
  3. Strong technical competences in gender and women's empowerment agenda.
  4. Strong technical knowledge, skills, expertise in conducting gender responsive evaluation, including designing and leading project/project evaluations; gender sensitive evaluation certification or experience preferred.
  5. Proven experience of successfully conducting gender-responsive evaluations
  6. Extensive knowledge of, and experience in applying, qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods to research works
  7. Process management skills such as facilitation and data analysis skills.
  8. Experience in gender analysis and human rights (e.g. expertise in human trafficking will be considered an asset).
  9. A detailed knowledge and familiarity of the UN, its programming processes and coordination mechanisms, and or other international development organization. 
  10. Fluency in English.

Ethical Code of Conduct

The United Nations Evaluations Group (UNEG) Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct for Evaluation in the UN system are available at:; Norms for evaluation in the UN system:  and UNEG Standards for evaluation (updated 2016):


  1. Project Document,
  2. Project First Interim Narrative Report and other relevant reports.
  3. NAPTIP Gender Policy, Implementation strategy, Amended VAPP Act
  4. Partner Reports
  5. Gender Audit Reports
  6. Performance evaluation reports by the IP
  7. UN Women Strategic Note (2018 – 2022)
  8. Other studies related to Nigeria, as applicable


Interested candidates should apply following relevant instructions and deadline indicated in the call for applications.

Candidates should submit:

  1. a letter of interest with indication of availability during the period of one month . The letter of intent should include a declaration of any involvement with any UN-Women work over the period, or potential partners, and that the candidate declare that there is no potential conflict of interest.
  2. a personal CV  , not exceeding three pages. The candidate is highly encouraged to provide information in relation to relevant experience related to the evaluation in her/his CV.
  3. shortlisted candidates will be requested to submit a sample evaluation report recently completed by the candidate for assessment against GERAAS parameters. A link will be shared with shortlisted candidates for this purpose.