
The objective of the GEF PPG is to develop the project concept into a full project: Integrated Management and Environmentally Sound Disposal of POPs Pesticides and Mercury in Healthcare and Agricultural Sectors in Sri Lanka. As described in the project concept (PIF/child project concept note), this project aims to improve the regulatory framework, strengthen national capacities in agricultural chemicals and mercury management, and support the transformation of healthcare waste management systems.

The following information is to be consulted as background for the GEF PPG phase:

  • PIF cleared for WP inclusion or GEF Council approved PIF (PFD and child project concept note for projects that are part of a program)
  • SESP pre-screening (of PIF)
  • Comments from GEF Secretariat, Council, STAP
  • Annotated UNDP-GEF Project Document Template and associated guidance included therein
  • UNDP policies and procedures
  • UNDP-GEF guidance notes on GEF project development (which will be provided by the RTA) and
  • GEF policies, in particular GEF polices on: Project Cancellation; Fee Policy for GEF Partner Agencies; Project and Program Cycle; and Minimum Fiduciary Standards for GEF Partner Agency (in particular sections dealing with the required separation of oversight and execution support services).

The final outputs of the GEF PPG are:

  • UNDP-GEF Project Document (ProDoc).
  • Mandatory annexes to the ProDoc listed in the Annotated UNDP-GEF Project Document Template.
  • GEF CEO Endorsement Request and all mandatory annexes; and
  • Validation Workshop report (required for projects with a high SESP categorization; as appropriate for all others).

Any additional studies and other reports produced under the GEF PPG and not included in Annex to the project document will be submitted to UNDP and saved for future reference.

Key Dates for the GEF PPG

Internal submission date for UNDP-GEF review and clearance - 7 October 2022 - 10 months of PIF approval for FSPs and 6 months for MSPs.

First GEF Submission Deadline for CEO Endorsement - 7 December 2022 - First submission must be within 12 months of PIF approval for FSPs and 8 months for MSPs. Failure to submit a ProDoc and CEO ER to the GEF Sec by this date will lead to the automatic cancellation of the project by the GEF Sec.

CEO Endorsement Deadline after which the project will be cancelled if not endorsed - 7 June 2023 - Endorsement must be within 18 months of PIF approval for FSPs and 12 months for MSPs. If the project has not been CEO endorsed by this date, then it will be automatically cancelled by the GEF Sec.


The National Team Coordinator will support the PPG Team Leader on timely preparation of all reports and documentation, quality assuring these documents and finalising the UNDP GEF Project Document (ProDoc) and CEO Endorsement Request, with all mandatory and project specific Annexes and supporting documentation. S/he will be responsible for a few specific inputs; in addition to the overall quality assurance of the project document submission.


The list below outlines the key responsibilities and deliverables of this contract. The PPG Initiation Plan for this project provides further and more detailed guidance regarding the responsibilities of the prospective PPG team and must be consulted accordingly.

  1. Support the Management of the PPG expert team:
    • Support the GEF PPG Expert Team Leader with Technical Support for the management of the GEF PPG Expert Team;
    • Ensuring coordination between individual national consultants and stakeholder groups to facilitate analysis and other stakeholder inputs;
  2. Technical Studies and Reviews (Component A): assist the Team Leader, prepare the detailed TORs and guidance for inputs especially baseline studies, mapping and assessments from the other national and international consultant:
  • Baseline/situational analysis for the full-size project (FSP). This will include a precise definition of baseline projects, activities, budgets, goals and co-financial links to GEF outcomes; definition of GEF incremental value per outcome and output; and presentation of results of the incremental cost-analysis in matrices as appropriate;
  • Guidance to stakeholder analysis and consultations and ensure that they are complete and comprehensive;
  • Ensure the preparation of the social and gender analysis and ensure its findings are meaningfully integrated into the project’s strategy, theory of change and results framework;
  • Ensure action points, including risk assessments, from the UNDP Social and Environmental Screening Procedure (SESP) at the PIF stage (“pre-screening”) are fully implemented during the PPG, and update that screening in an iterative fashion throughout the PPG, as appropriate;
  • Assist in the identification of the project sites, with documentation of selection criteria;
  • Institutional Capacity assessment applying UNDP’s  Capacity Development Scorecard;
  • Guide consultations with partners regarding financial planning;
  • Assist Team Leader on completion of any additional studies that are determined to be needed for the preparation of the ProDoc and all other final outputs.
  • Assist the TL and the Gender/stakeholder engagement specialist with the livelihoods/socio-economic studies.

3.  Formulation of the ProDoc, CEO Endorsement Request and Mandatory and Project Specific Annexes (Component B): With inputs from the other national and international consultants, as detailed in their respective TORs, and based on international best practice: The below will be led and developed with the technical guidance and inputs from the International Consultant for project development.

  • Develop, present and articulate the project’s theory of change;
  • Develop Project Results Framework including Outcome Indicators in line with UNDP-GEF policy;
  • Develop a detailed Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Budget;
  • Oversee and ensure the preparation of a Socially Inclusive and Gender Responsive Comprehensive Stakeholder Engagement Plan;
  • Oversee and ensure the preparation of a Gender Action Plan and Budget;
  • Complete the risk log and update the SESP based on assessments undertaken during Component A, and ensure the development of environmental and/or social management plan(s) for all risks identified as High in the SESP;
  • Prepare the GEF core indicators worksheet;
  • Prepare Total Budget and Work Plan (TBWP) and indicative procurement plan
  • Secure and present agreements on project management arrangements;
  • Synthesize all analyses, studies, etc. that are prepared under Components A and B to produce the draft UNDP-GEF ProDoc, GEF CEO Endorsement, and all mandatory and project-specific Annexes, using the required templates.[1]
  • In addition, quality assures the following deliverables of the PPG Team:
  • A knowledge management, communication and training strategy;
  • Review all TORs for implementation phase expertise and project management

4.   Validation Workshop (Component C):

  • Co-lead the validation workshop to present, discuss and validate the final draft ProDoc and mandatory and project specific annexes, with a special focus on the SESP and any management plans;
  • Oversee all necessary revisions that arise during the workshop;
  • Ensure completion of Validation Workshop Report.

5.   Final Documents to be Submitted to GEF (directly supporting the PPG Team Leader):

  • Consolidation of all technical and consultation inputs including from national stakeholders, UNDP, GEF Secretariat, STAP and GEF Council, into a well written and concise UNDP ProDoc with all required sections and Annexes, in line with the standard UNDP-GEF ProDoc template and annotated guidance;
  • Completion of the GEF CEO Endorsement Request;
  • Appropriate inputs to the final UNDP-GEF project document based on guidance from the PPG Team Leader.

6.   Addressing comments from GEF:

  • Comments to UNDP Prodoc and other documents from GEF Scretariat to be addressed and the amended UNDP Prodoc and other documents to be cleared by UNDP BRH and CO


[1] Please verify with the UNDP-GEF team that the correct templates are being used.

Duties and Responsibilities



  • Under the overall supervision of the Policy Specialist and Team Leader, Climate and Environment Team, and the consultant will be directly responsible to the PPG Team Leader.
  • The consultant should report to the Programme Coordinator (Energy and Waste) in seeking approval/acceptance of outputs listed below under “Expected Outputs/Deliverables”
  • The UNDP expects the Consultant to report the progress of each output bi-weekly at the UNDPProgress reviewing meetings.
  • The Consultant is expected to closely liaise with other experts involved in developing the project document
  • The Consultant is expected to closely liaise and collaborate with relevant project stakeholders in the course of performing the work
  • Organize discussions with key stakeholders and experts in the relevant sectors to ensure that the proposed activities will be adding value to the existing or planned initiatives and relevant to the country context.
  • The consultant’s duty station/location during the contract will be Colombo (home-based) with some travel to outstations if stakeholder consultations or site visits are required.


The following results are expected from the consultant: 

  • First progress report covering the progress of the activities mentioned on item 2 in Section C, and including the Institutional Capacity assessment and the gender and social analysis - 30th April 2022
  • Second progress report covering the progress of the activities mentioned on item 3 in Section C, and including First Draft of the Project Document and SESP and Risk Log - 30th   July 2022
  • Technical Reports & validation workshop report as per item 4 in Section C - 31st August 2022
  • Final draft of the Project Document and GEF CEO Endorsement Request from MOE as per item 5 in Section - 30th September 2022
  • Final UNDP-GEF Project Document addressing   feedback/comments from GEF Secretariat/council as per item 6 - 5th June 2023

Timeframe of the assignment

•        75 days over the course of 11 months starting from 15th  February 2022 and ending  on 30th June 2023

•        The UNDP will require five days to review each deliverable submitted by the consultant



The prospective consultant should, as a minimum, have the following competencies and qualifications;

1. Technical

  • Sound knowledge of and experience in chemical management and HCWM
  • Experience in preparing high quality UNDP and GEF project documents;
  • Strong technical writing skills in English;
  • Demonstrated experience in project development
  • Strong understanding of the objectives and formats of the donor agencies.
  • Strong understanding of global and national climate change, biodiversity and environmental issues.

2. Partnerships

  • Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior members of national and private sector institutions,
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
  • Excellent written communication skills, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesize relevant collected data and findings for the preparation of quality analysis for the development of the report.
  • Excellent coordination skills and result oriented collaboration with personnel with different subject expertise.
  • Excellent communication (both oral and written) and partnership building skills with multi-dimension partners.

3. Results

  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP.
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback.
  • Good team player who has ability to maintain good relationships.

Required Skills and Experience


  • At least a Master’s degree or higher in a relevant field, such as Natural Resource Management, Environment, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, etc.  


  • Minimum 10 years of demonstrable experience in the technical area of Natural Resource Management, environmental management, etc.
  • Experience in project development and management related to environmental management;
  • Minimum of 10 years experience in developing/implementing/managing GEF funded projects

Languages/ Other

  • Excellent English language skills, working knowledge in Sinhala/ Tamil.
  • Should be adept in technical writing, facilitation, and project implementation




The application should contain:

  • Cover letter explaining why you are the most suitable candidate for the advertised position and a brief methodology on how you will approach and conduct the work.
  • Updated CV to include qualifications/competencies and relevant past experience in similar projects and contact details of 3 professional referees who can certify your competencies, professionalism, quality of writing, presentation and overall suitability to this TOR
  • Individual consultants will be evaluated based on a combination of factors including cover letter, the credentials on offer and brief interview (optional) and the offer which gives the best value for money for the UNDP.
  • To apply please access UNDP Jobs site
  • The application should contain a cover letter, brief methodology, updated CV, as one pdf file.
  • Please submit Offeror’s Letter to UNDP - Confirmation of Interest and Availability and Financial Proposal to mail address separately (Pls. refer Annex II indicated below for the template)



All Inclusive Lump Sum Fee: LKR (_______________________________________)

Amount in words:



Incomplete proposals may not be considered & please follow the above given instructions strictly when applying.




Note: Payments will be based on invoices on achievement of agreed milestones i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR and certification of acceptance by the UNDP. The applicant must factor in all possible costs in his/her “All Inclusive Lump Sum Fee” including his/her consultancy and professional fee, travel (economy class flights is required to and from the Duty Station) honorarium, board and lodging, and any other foreseeable costs in this exercise. No costs other than what has been indicated in the financial proposal will be paid or reimbursed to the consultant. UNDP will only pay for any unplanned travel outside of this TOR and Duty Station on actual basis and on submission of original bills/invoices and on prior agreement with UNDP officials. Daily per diem and costs for accommodation/meals/incidental expenses for such travel shall not exceed established local UNDP DSA rates.

For an Individual Contractor who is 65 years of age or older, and on an assignment requiring travel, be it for the purpose of arriving at the duty station or as an integral duty required travel under the TOR, a full medical examination and statement of fitness to work must be provided.  Such medical examination costs must be factored into the financial proposal above. Medical examination is not a requirement for individuals on RLA contracts. 



Payments will be based on milestones as approved by the Programme Coordinator (Energy & Waste ) of the Climate and Environment Team.

The National Consultant shall receive payments in according to the following instalments from UNDP:

  1. Submission of Deliverable 1 in Section E - 25 %
  2. Submission of Deliverable 2 in Section E  – 25 %
  3. Submission of Deliverable 3 in Section E  – 25 %
  4. Submission of Deliverable 4 in Section E  – 15%
  5.  Submission of Deliverable 5 in Section E  – 10%




Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodology:


Cumulative analysis

The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as a) responsive/compliant/acceptable; and b) having received the highest score out of set of weighted technical criteria (70%). and financial criteria (30%). Financial score shall be computed as a ratio of the proposal being evaluated and the lowest priced proposal received by UNDP for the assignment.


Technical Criteria for Evaluation (Maximum 70 points)

  • Criteria 1: Master’s degree or higher in a relevant field, such as Natural Resource Management, Environment, Natural Sciences, Agriculture. (10 pts)
  • Criteria 2: Minimum 10 years of demonstrable experience in the technical area of Natural Resource Management, environmental management (25 pts)
  • Criteria 3:  Minimum of 10 year experience in developing/implementing/ managing GEF funded projects  (20 pts)
  • Criteria 4: Proven experience in working with stakeholders relevant to the project subject area (15 pts)


Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70% of the total technical points) during the desk review/interview are acceptable would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.


Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.


UNDP is committed to achieving diversity within its workplace, and encourages all qualified applicants, irrespective of gender, nationality, disabilities, sexual orientation, culture, religious and ethnic backgrounds to apply. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.