
South Sudan is emerging from an era of armed conflict. The Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) signed in September 2018 and the formation of the Revitalised Transitional government of National Unity (R-TGoNU) in February 2020, provides opportunities to strengthen governance systems, management of public funds, optimise service delivery, and stabilise the economy.


The Support to Public Financial Management (PFM) project has been implemented since 2015 by UNDP in partnership with South Sudanese government counterparts, the Government of Japan and African Development Bank. Recent funding obtained by UNDP and UNICEF from the Joint SDG Fund is adding to UNDP’s efforts in the PFM domain in South Sudan. The project aims at strengthening the overall governance and public financial management systems at the state level.


The Public Financial Management project built on UNDP’s past achievements in providing technical assistance to national and state governments. This support centered on budgetary planning, public finance management, and harmonized tax management system through the provision of Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure, capacity building, tax management system, dissemination of knowledge products such as manuals, and improved public finance governance at the state levels. The emphasis was placed on the establishment of transparent and accountable non-oil revenue-generating systems in these states, and in strengthening the institutional and human resource capacities of the State Legislative Assemblies (SLA) towards efficient oversight responsibilities for safeguarding the public welfare.


Increased non-oil revenue on the states level has resulted in some examples of increased service delivery. However, the capacity of the state governments to communicate these results effectively to the population and development partners is limited. To strengthen the ability of the states to turn increased revenues into increased services for people, the Ministry of Finance and Planning (MoFP), together with the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office and UNDP and UNICEF received funding from the Joint United Nations Sustainable Development Fund. The aim of the Joint Programme is to strengthen national and subnational public financial management (PFM) mechanisms in South Sudan for increased budget allocations to social service sectors.


Allocating greater resources to critical social services and ensuring their efficient, effective and transparent utilization will strengthen resilience, social cohesion and benefit all people, especially the most deprived and vulnerable children and women. The Joint Programme will run from 2020-2022, and is supported financially by the Joint UN SDG Fund, UNDP and UNICEF South Sudan. The Joint SDG Fund supports countries to accelerate their progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to deliver on the commitment of the 2030 Agenda to leave no one behind.


The consultant will be working within the UNDP Strategy, Policy and Capacities for Economic Management Unit, under the direct supervision of the PFM Technical Specialist. Additionally, all communication outputs will need approval from the UNDP communication unit, to ensure adherence to UNDP communication guidelines, and agreed-upon communication strategies under the Joint Programme.


Purpose and scope of work 

The purpose of the consultancy is to increase awareness among taxpayers in the three target states about PFM procedures, reforms and improvements, to increase public knowledge about the roles of key PFM institutions such as the State Revenue Authorities, and increase awareness about the PFM cycle and how to engage in the reform process.


The consultant will produce blog posts, articles, social media posts, graphics and other communication materials that showcase improvements of public financial management practices in the three target states of Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Central Equatoria and Western Equatoria, as well as in key national institutions such as the Ministry of Finance and Planning and the National Revenue Authority. The stories will be shared with key partners, media outlets when relevant, and used for internal donor reporting purposes.


The consultant will review previous communication materials produced by UNDP, which will form the basis for a collection plan and detailed plan of communication outputs to be produced. If necessary, the consultant will travel to the target states to collect more examples of success stories, and engage with relevant national institutions.



Duties and Responsibilities


Sn                          Activity                                                                      Payment%                      Deliverables                              Days alloacted 

1.    Inception meeting to agree on collection                                                50%                    Overview of existing                                    12 days 

      plan and specific communication outputs                                                                            communication materials

2. Review of existing communication materials within

    UNDP, the NRA, Ministry of Finance and target

     state governments

3.  Production period, with travel to states if necessary


4. Review of preliminary work with supervisor and refinement                  50%                          Finalized communication outputs               10 days 

     of output plan

5. Finalization of outputs and engagement with external

    partners if necessary


                                Total number of working days:                                                                                                                                   22 days 


Corporate Competencies:

  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Demonstrates diplomacy and tact in dealing with sensitive and complex situations;
  • Strong communication, team building, interpersonal, analysis, and planning skills.


  • Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter;
  • Demonstrates experience with violations mapping exercises;
  • Demonstrated ability to negotiate and apply good judgment;
  • Shows pride in work and in achievements;
  • Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results.

Planning & Organizing: 

  • Organizes and accurately completes multiple tasks by establishing priorities while taking into consideration special assignments, frequent interruptions, deadlines, available resources and multiple reporting relationships;
  • Plans coordinate and organizes workload while remaining aware of changing priorities and competing deadlines;
  • Establishes, builds and maintains effective working relationships with staff and partners to achieve the planned results.


Contracts will be output-based, and payment issued only upon delivery of satisfactory outputs.

Functional Competencies:

  • In-depth knowledge of conflict issues and South Sudan context;
  • Ability to communicate sensitively across different focal points;
  • Demonstrates excellent oral and written communication skills;
  • Knowledge and understanding of UN system and familiarity with inter-governmental processes


Required Skills and Experience

  1. Minimum postgraduate degree in Communication, Marketing or Digital Marketing;
  2. Practical experience of not less than 5 years working experience;
  3. Demonstrated practical experience in undertaking campaigns and promotions;
  4. Commitment to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment;
  5. Fluency in spoken and written English, with strong oral communications skills;
  6. In-depth knowledge of the South Sudanese political system;
  7. Knowledge and experience from working with the UN system;


Institutional arrangements


The consultant may make use of the UNDP office and is expected to use his or her own computer/laptop and cell phone. 

The consultant will be contracted for 22 full-time working days.

The consultant will report to the Public Financial Management Technical Expert (or his designate), who will review and approve delivery of outputs. 

How to apply


Interested applicants are required to submit the following:

I. Technical proposal comprising of the following:

  1. Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP.
  2. Personal CV or P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and three (3) professional references.
  3. Brief description (max. 1 page) of why you consider yourself as the most suitable for the assignment.
  4. The proposal containing the methodology (max. 1 page) for how you will approach and complete the assignment;


II. Financial Proposal:  that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per the template provided below.

Please include an all-inclusive total amount, presented in the following template:

Description:                                                                                         Unit cost (USD)                             No. of days                          Total 

Tax awareness creation in 3 States of South Sudan                     

                                                                                                                  TOTAL (Lump sum)


Evaluation Criteria


Offers received will be evaluated using a Combined Scoring method, where the qualifications and proposed methodology will be weighted 70%, and combined with the price offer, which will be weighted 30%. Below is the breakdown of the technical proposal on 100% which will be brought to 70%:

International Consultant


 Evaluation criteria                                                                                                             Weight                                  Max. Point 

1. Educational  qualification                                                                                                   10%                                       10

2. Relevant experience from communication                                                                         50%                                       50

3. South Sudan experience                                                                                                    10%                                       10 

                                                 TOTAL                                                                                   70%                                       70


Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points in the Technical Evaluation will be considered for the Financial Evaluation.


Financial evaluation (total 30 points):

All technically qualified proposals will be scored out of 70 based on the formula provided below. The maximum points (30) will be assigned to the lowest financial proposal.  All other proposals receive points according to the following formula: 

            p = y (µ/z) 

where: p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated

                       y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal

                       µ = price of the lowest priced proposal

                               z = price of the proposal being evaluated.