
Preliminary top-down estimates of the global financial gap for biodiversity range from US$ 100 to 400 billion annually and detailed bottom-up assessments in participating BIOFIN countries validate this significant financial need and have helped identify finance solutions required to achieve the Aichi Targets and biodiversity related SDGs. In recent decades, biodiversity finance tools and solutions have demonstrated their importance for achieving biodiversity and sustainable development goals. But since countries have not approached the issue of biodiversity finance in a comprehensive manner, the choice and adoption of finance solutions has remained experimental and opportunistic. Improved choice, design and implementation of effective well-tailored finance solutions will strengthen a countries’ chances of achieving national and global biodiversity targets.

The Biodiversity Finance Initiative – BIOFIN – is a global programme that developed, piloted, and is continuously improving a methodology to measure existing biodiversity expenditure levels, assess future financial needs, and design comprehensive plans to use finance tools and solutions that increase financing, reduce harmful expenditure, and improve financial effectiveness and efficiency of biodiversity management over 35 countries. BIOFIN’s first phase (2012-2018) enabled full assessments and initial implementation of finance plan elements in target countries. Significant enhancement and scaling up of finance solutions is required in all countries to address the biodiversity finance challenge. BIOFIN’s second phase enables countries to complete the design and implementation of priority finance solutions and will allow new countries to undertake the assessments as well as create and implement their biodiversity finance plan. At the central level, knowledge management platforms will be expanded and additional guidance produced for most valuable finance solutions.

The Senior Finance Technical Expert will be responsible for the accomplishment of the following tasks and activities under the direct supervision of the UNDP Country office:

Devoirs et responsabilités


The core responsibility of the Senior Expert is to provide overall technical guidance and leadership at the national level and produce the Biodiversity Finance Plan. The Senior Expert will work in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator, the entire National BIOFIN Team, UNDP CO and the global BIOFIN team to assure the high quality delivery of all reports and outcomes of BIOFIN.  These reports will include the Biodiversity Finance Policy and Institutional Review, the Biodiversity Expenditure Review, Financial Needs Assessment and the Biodiversity Finance Plan.  Additionally, the Senior Expert will be directly responsible for sections of specific reports and for leading the development, drafting, and finalization of the Biodiversity Finance Plan. All reports will be provided to the designated national government institute and, UNDP CO, and validated by the designated national government institute, UNDP CO and the global BIOFIN team.

The Senior Expert will be the overall leader and spokesperson of BIOFIN.  He/she is expected to have experience in senior roles and to provide substantial technical expertise in assuring horizontal integration and consistency of workstreams/studies, as well as quality assurance of national products and processes throughout the duration of the national project. He/she will be responsible for relevant sections of the Policy and Institutional Review, the Biodiversity Expenditure Review and the Financial Needs Assessment. He will lead the preparation of the Biodiversity Finance Plan and will oversee the identification and implementation of finance solutions as requested. He/she will also specifically be responsible for outreach activities to national (Government, donors delegation, academia, etc.) and relevant international stakeholders, and the preparation of synthesis reports, policy briefs, press releases and briefing notes for Government, UNDP etc.  The Senior Expert will report to UNDP Country Office and the Global BIOFIN Team.

Specific duties and responsibilities will include followings

Operational support

Contribution to Periodic Review of Project Implementation and Advice on Improvement

  • Assistance to the National Team in elaboration/revision of the work plans and budgets.
  • Assist the formation and management of the National BIOFIN Steering/Advisory Committee.
  • Assist in regular monitoring of BIOFIN progress, contribute to reporting and evaluation, review BIOFIN progress reports for submission to UNDP and project partners.
  • Assist the process of capturing and documenting lessons from project implementation and make recommendations to the National Steering/Advisory Committee for more effective implementation of activities.
  • Develop one or more proposals for finance solutions to present to the global BIOFIN team
  • Participate in all regional and global BIOFIN webinars and workshops where possible.

Contribution to Outreach and Communication

  • Contribute to an extensive stakeholder consultation/engagement process for the development of all deliverables, involving actors from the public and private sector, civil society and academia.
  • Support the engagement of national stakeholders and strongly positioning of BIOFIN objectives and processes towards relevant government departments and partner institutions to catalyse transformational outcomes. Support promoting the inclusion of organisations representing indigenous/woman/vulnerable groups where possible.
  • Provide required support to work with national and international counterparts, NGOs and other groups to ensure effective coordination and communication of BIOFIN project objectives, activities, and finance solutions and on data and information provision, expert review and verification.
  • Train or raise awareness with at least 30 national level colleagues on the basic concepts of biodiversity financing and work to develop the capacity level of government counterparts.
  • Coordinate preparation of a final Summary for Policy Makers or Policy Briefs (4). Provide inputs to publicising and promoting the results and impacts of BIOFIN at the national level.
  • Assist in the preparation of detailed reports and analyses of national BIOFIN project results and impacts including in preparation for COPs and at project’s end.  

Contribution to Policy Development

  • Assist in engagement with 2-3 key national policy processes identified in the Policy and Institutional Review (PIR) stage (e.g. national development and sectoral planning and budgeting), and provision of inputs into budgets and other policy documents, and participate in related meetings to promote the adoption of BIOFIN methodology and recommendations.
  • Provide other inputs into policy development processes as per government requests/emerging opportunities (national/sectoral development plans/NBSAPs/legislation on biodiversity finance) and assist in preparation of reports on these inputs to the UNDP Country Office and the global BIOFIN team.
  • Participate in Discussion of BIOFIN findings with a range of stakeholders and other related strategic planning projects to identify areas where collaboration can benefit from new insights generated through the BIOFIN Process and vice versa.

Technical expertise:

Technical Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Act as lead expert for national BIOFIN implementation with the global BIOFIN team with regards to all questions and issues that arise during national implementation.
  • Provide key technical leadership on all finance issues and assure horizontal integration and consistency of workstreams/studies.
  • Provide technical support to the national BIOFIN team to complete BIOFIN deliverables in a consistent and high quality manner.
  • Assist in sending of all work drafts to the global BIOFIN team regularly to provide backstopping and in adequately integration of feedbacks into national reports.
  • Research and write the sections on subsidies and financing incentives in the PIR
  • Provide technical support for the data collection, analysis, and conclusions of the BER
  • Support the data collection, modelling, quality checking, and validation of the FNA
  • Develop a Biodiversity Finance Plan (BFP) according to the guidance provided by the global BIOFIN team and written guidance documents (especially the BIOFIN Workbook)
    • Develop an outline for the BFP for discussion with the UNDP CO and the global BIOFIN team.
    • Identify, screen and prioritize specific biodiversity finance mechanism and calculate how much revenue/financial contribution or impact each mechanism may generate.
    • Establish and include a detailed plan for implementing key financial mechanisms in the Biodiversity Financing Plan including a timeframe and budget.
    • Develop a draft of the Finance Plan based on the BIOFIN workbook and in line with recommendations from the national consultation workshop and submit for discussion to the UNDP CO and the Global BIOFIN team.
    • Develop the final version of the Biodiversity Finance Plan for discussion with the Government, UNDP CO and the Global BIOFIN team and present the plan for final review during the validation workshop.
  • Steer the initial implementation of the Biodiversity Finance Plan including the preparation, submission and implementation of priority finance solutions. This may include a set of measures or activities addressing legal, institutional, entrepreneurial, financial, awareness, capacity matters to put the BIOFIN results into action.  If these activities require outside expertise, draft the Terms of Reference for these additional consultants and assist in their recruitment and activities. Review all deliverables produced and provide feedback to team members to assure quality and impact.
  • Ensure all national level outputs are developed in line with the BIOFIN methodology as described in the current version of the BIOFIN Workbook, while at the same time are sufficiently tailored to the national context. Review all national level deliverables and provide detailed feedback to other team members. Liaise with the global BIOFIN team and government to obtain timely feedback on deliverables. Obtain final clearance of each deliverable from government and the global BIOFIN team to enable further dissemination. 

Undertake an exit interview with the UNDP Country Office and the BIOFIN Technical Advisor to document the main lessons learnt during the assignment.


  1. Biodiversity Finance Policy and Institutional Review (PIR): (I) Sections on subsidies and financing mechanisms of the PIR (II) Draft Report, (III) Initial and Final Workshops and workshop reports, (IV) Quality review with BIOFIN Global (V) Final validated report. 
  2. Biodiversity Expenditure Review (BER): (I) Draft analysis (II) Draft Report, (III) Initial and Final Workshops and workshop reports, (IV) Quality review with BIOFIN Global (V) Final validated report
  3. Financial Needs Assessment (I) Draft analysis (II) Draft Report, (III) Initial and Final Workshops and workshop reports, (IV) Quality review with BIOFIN Global (V) Final validated report
  4. Biodiversity Finance Plan (I) Initial Analysis (II) Draft Report, (III) Initial and Final Workshops and reports, (IV) Quality review with BIOFIN Global (V) Final validated report
  5. Finance Solution Implementation: (I) Project proposal (s) for suggested activities, (II) ToR for additional consultants / service contracts, (III) Mid-term and Final Report on the results of implementation.
  6. Project Synthesis Report and Policy Briefs (with recommendations to government)
  7. Policy Development: Specific policy recommendations/papers for relevant national/sectoral policy processes.
  8. At least 2 visits to Tashkent, Uzbekistan to participate in workshops and reports finalising discussions.
  • Overall transformational process (outreach to government, steering committee, etc.)

OUTPUTS AND DEADLINES / REMUNERATION SCHEME:                                                                                               

Each output shall be indicated in the report which describes the list of performed works for the BIOFIN Phase II Project. Reports shall be prepared by the Senior Expert and submitted for consideration to UNDP CO. All payment procedures will be processed after the acceptance and successful evaluation of deliverables by UNDP CO.


  • Excellent organizational skills.
  • Strong analytical, writing and communication skills.
  • Excellent financial and budgetary skills.
  • Ability to prepare publications, reports and presentations.
  • Ability to manage and work with a multidisciplinary and multicultural team.
  • Strong motivation and ability to work and deliver under short deadlines.
  • Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to critical feedback.
  • Able to work independently with little or no supervision.
  • Familiarity with government planning and budgeting processes strongly desired.

Qualifications et expériences requises


Master’s degree in finance, business administration (MBA), economics, environmental finance or a closely related field, or equivalent relevant work experience


  • At least 10 years of experience in the management or review of public finance, conservation finance or environmental finance (previous experiences in a BIOFIN projects will be an asset).
  • Experience in working with international and national experts and institutions.
  • Knowledge of Central Asia region and Russian language is desirable.
  • Exposure to environmental issues or biodiversity desirable, but not required.
  • Sound understanding of key software packages (MS Office)

Language requirements:

Good command of English. Knowledge of Russian is an advantage.

Application Process:

Interested candidates need to apply online at www.jobs.undp.org and upload requested documents in Part 4 of Procurement Notice no later than end of February 20, 2022 (New York time). Please combine all your documents into one (1) single PDF document as the system only allows to upload maximum one document. Your on-line applications submission will be acknowledged to your email address provided in application. If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledgement within 24 hours of submission, your application may not have been received. In such cases, please resubmit the application, if necessary.

Link to application at the UNDP Job Site – https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=104567

(cut and paste into browser address bar if the link does not work).

Your on-line applications submission will be acknowledged to your email address provided in application. If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledgement within 24 hours of submission, your application may not have been received. In such cases, please resubmit the application, if necessary.

You can review detailed Procurement Notice, Terms of Reference and download templates from the UNDP Procurement Notices Site following the link http://procurement-notices.undp.org/view_notice.cfm?notice_id=87853 . (cut and paste into browser address bar if the link does not work).

Application submitted via email, incomplete applications or received after the closing date (February 20, 2022) may not be given consideration.

For more detailed information about UNDP Uzbekistan please visit our website at www.uz.undp.org UNDP is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified female candidates, people with disabilities, and minorities are highly encouraged to apply. UNDP Balance in Manage Policy promotes achievement of gender balance among its staff at all levels.

Requests for clarification must be sent in writing to pu.uz@undp.org, ensuring that the reference number above is included in the subject line. UNDP shall endeavor to provide such responses to clarifications in an expeditious manner, but any delay in such response shall not cause an obligation on the part of UNDP to extend the submission date of the Proposals, unless UNDP deems that such an extension is justified and necessary.