
!!!! UNDP document templates are available for download by following the link:


NB: Please note that online/application system does not recognise Russian/Ukrainian language, information you provide in on-line application questionnaire must be presented in English. All requested documents should be combined/merged (compressed if necessary) and uploaded into the application system by 1 document/attachment only.



The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been actively working in eastern Ukraine for the past decade, before the conflict, focusing on community and civil society development and environmental protection.

Since 2015, upon request from the Government of Ukraine, UNDP started addressing conflict-related challenges by early engagement, establishing partnerships through the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme (UN RPP). The UN RPP is a multi-donor funded framework programme, jointly implemented by four UN partnering agencies: UNDP, UN Women, FAO, and UNFPA in cooperation with the government of Ukraine. 

The UN RPP was designed to respond to and mitigate the causes and effects of the conflict. The UN RPP is an integral component of the UNDP Country Programme. It is fully aligned with the United Nations Partnership Framework (UNPF), closely interlinked with the Democratic Governance and Reform Programme, operating nationwide and in all of Ukraine’s regions. 

The Programme’s interventions are grouped under the following key Programme components, which reflect the region’s priority needs: 

Component 1: Economic Recovery and Restoration of Critical Infrastructure

Component 2: Local Governance and Decentralisation Reform 

Component 3: Community Security and Social Cohesion.

The Programme is pooling funds employing a multi-sectoral program-based approach and implementing an area-based methodology and unifying interventions framework for 12 projects funded by 12 international partners. 

In October 2018, four UN agencies (UNDP, UN Women, FAO and the UNFPA) had countersigned a new joint project document funded by the EU. The project's overall objective is to restore effective governance and promote reconciliation in the crisis-affected communities of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, thereby enhancing the credibility and legitimacy of local governments in the government-controlled areas (GCAs) of the oblasts. It will contribute to peacebuilding and prevent further escalation of conflict in Ukraine through effective and accountable decentralisation, gender-responsive recovery planning and equal access to services, and enhanced community security and social cohesion.

This endeavour will be achieved through the pursuit of the following specific objectives:

  1. To enhance local capacity for gender-responsive decentralisation and administrative reforms to improve governance, local development, and services delivery.
  2. To stimulate employment and economic growth by assisting in Micro-, Small- and Medium Enterprise (MSME) development through demand-driven business development services and professional skills training.
  3. To enhance social cohesion and reconciliation through the promotion of civic initiatives.
  4. To support sector reforms and structural adjustments in health, education and critical public infrastructure to mitigate the direct impacts of the conflict.

One of the goals under Objective 4 is to support displaced higher education institutions by strengthening their capacity and promoting opportunities for development among applicants.

Driven by the conflict in eastern Ukraine, several higher education institutions have relocated from their original sites in non-government-controlled areas (NGCA) to other regions of Ukraine, including government-controlled areas (GCA) of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. The majority of these displaced universities and colleges have seen a significant decrease in their student numbers and have faced many challenges in re-establishing their operations and educational process on new grounds. To retain and attract new students, they need to continue improving the overall quality of their education and research facilities, aligning academic curricula with market demands and societal challenges in the region whilst developing innovative solutions to promote closer inter-institutional cooperation.

In 2019 the EU started a €10 million programme to support displaced higher education institutions in eastern Ukraine. The programme focuses on reinforcing the quality of the higher education system and provides grant support to displaced universities operating in the GCA of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. The EU Support project has funded ten projects in two oblasts. 

All the displaced universities are situated on the territory of the communities of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. They are having direct influence on the local development of these communities: they are big employers on the local level, local innovation drivers and expert hubs, youth centers etc. Therefore, development of the universities should be considered as part of the territorial local development (both regional and local). Promotion of higher education institutions will increase not only their own competitiveness but also support the development of the regions and communities.

In that regard, UNDP under the UN RPP, is looking for a qualified Individual Consultant to support the promotion of higher education institutions in the framework of the efficient local governance development under the EU Support Programme for Displaced Universities in the East of Ukraine (The Contractor).

Devoirs et responsabilités


Communication and outreach support to the Local Governance and Decentralisation Reform Component during the preparation of different communication activities as for the higher institutions – beneficiaries of the EU Support Programme for Displaced Universities in the East of Ukraine, as well as for the communities of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.



The above-mentioned tasks should be implemented through, but not limited to, the following activities:

1. Develop a detailed work plan which includes a timeframe and a set of indicators reflecting the linkages and sequence of key activities (actions) that will lead to the full implementation of the objectives of the assignment.

2. Support the implementation of individual communication strategies and action plans of the target displaced higher education institutions (including preparing the visibility guidelines for the Grant Beneficiaries actions based on the EU and UN RPP communication and visibility guidelines (not less than 5 A4 pages in 12 Arial fonts, regular line spacing, in the Ukrainian and English languages).

3. The Contractor should identify the best practices of local governance development activities in eastern Ukraine, including the activities implemented by the displaced higher education institutions and create a digital storage to save them in one place (the storage may be created within the digital opportunities and tools, available in the UN RPP).

4. Assist in developing the tools and tactics to support the awareness-raising aspects of activities implemented by the target higher displaced universities, and other activities of “Local Governance and Decentralisation Reform” Component of the UN RPP. The activities should include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Publications, mainly online products, for promotion, awareness-raising, information transfer and capacity building. They should be produced in English and Ukrainian languages (where appropriate). All additional expenses, related with the dissemination of the mentioned materials will be covered by UNDP.
  • Presentation and visibility items: presentation materials (posters, roll-ups etc.) will be prepared according to the created visibility strategy and used during all planned conferences (information sessions, regional forums etc.). Presentation materials must address basic action information and the role of the EU and the UN RPP.
  • Preparation of the press releases, press announcements, posts for social media, articles and other communication materials, which will be used to promote the programme and target universities.

5. The Contractor should provide top-quality communication advisory services in the elaboration of the high-quality knowledge management products with its activities.

6. Communication and outreach support should result in the following:

  • Creation and delivery of at least 12 presentations, brochures, newsletters, and other publications on local governance development and decentralisation reform. The format and the scope of the materials may be suggested by the contractor and agreed by UNDP.
  • Provision of at least five events by December 2022. The scope and the agenda will be agreed with UN RPP. All additional expenses, related with the organization of the events will be covered by UNDP
  • Coordination of the writing and editing at least 12 articles/press releases/success stories in 12 months.
  • Production of at least two results-based informational one-pagers on both Ukrainian and English about the best practices and achievements in the local governance and decentralization reform and ongoing activities. The format and the scope of the materials may be suggested by the contractor and agreed by UNDP.
  • Elaboration and disseminating at least six briefing notes on various topics and themes (such as unique learnings and product development from the programme) in 12 months. All additional expenses, related with the dissemination of the mentioned materials will be covered by UNDP.
  • Support to the elaboration of other relevant knowledge management products upon the request of Supervisor. 

7. The Contractor should provide support in the organisation and conduction by the end of 2022 of the final event(s) to promote the best practices on the implementation of the EU Support Programme for Displaced Universities in eastern Ukraine, as well as local governance development promotion activities in the east of Ukraine.

All activities mentioned above should be coordinated and approved with the Communications Specialist of the UN Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme.




Task description

Due date


Deliverable 1 includes:

  1. A work plan developed which includes timeframe and a set of indicators reflecting the linkages and sequence of key activities (actions), that will lead to the full implementation of the objectives of the assignment and approved by the UNDP.
  2. An inception report with analysis of current situation for each institution, prepared and approved by the UNDP.

4 weeks from the start of the contract


Deliverable 2 includes:

  1. Best practices of local governance development and sectoral reforms promotion activities in eastern Ukraine, including the activities implemented by the displaced higher education institutions, identified and systematised in a digital storage.
  2. First interim report, including copies of the contracts with contractors prepared and approved by the UNDP.

12 weeks from the start of the contract


Deliverable 3 includes:

  1. Tools and tactics to support the awareness-raising aspects of activities implemented by the target higher displaced universities, and other activities of “Local Governance and Decentralisation Reform” Component of the UN RPP developed.
  2. Second interim report prepared and approved by the UNDP.

20 weeks from the start of the contract


Deliverable 4 includes:

  1. At least two results-based informational one-pagers on both Ukrainian and English about the best practices and achievements in the local governance and decentralisation reform and ongoing activities produced.
  2. Third interim report prepared and approved by the UNDP.

28 weeks from the start of the contract


Deliverable 5 includes:

  1. Knowledge management products, described in the Paragraph 6 of the scope of work elaborated.
  2. Fourth interim report prepared and approved by the UNDP.

34 weeks from the start of the contract


Deliverable 6 includes:

  1. The final event (s) to promote the best practices on the implementation of EU Support Programme for Displaced Universities in the East of Ukraine, as well as local governance development and sectoral reforms promotion activities in the east of Ukraine organised and conducted.
  2. Final report prepared and approved by the UNDP.

40 weeks from the start of the contract


    V.  MONITORING/REPORTING requirements 

The Contractor will work under the overall guidance of the Coordinator of the "Local Governance and Decentralisation Reform" Component of the UN RPP and direct supervision of the UNDP Strategic Planning Specialist. The Contractor, through weekly meetings, will report directly to both the UNDP Strategic Planning Specialist and Programme Coordinator. All communication-related activities should be agreed upon and approved with the Communications Specialist of the UN RPP. The UN RPP representatives will approve deliverables prior the start of work on the next deliverables. The workflow between the Consultant and the UN RPP direct supervisor will be organized through the task manager and planning tools.

The Consultant must adhere to the monitoring, evaluation, and quality control system implemented by the UN RPP and should provide all the necessary information, methodologies, communication products, etc. in line with the schedule or as soon as possible (within a reasonable time).

The Contractor will regularly participate in Project meetings (by Skype or Zoom) and will share his/her work progress. Moreover, the Contractor must provide one Inception Report, Four Interim Reports and one Final report – following the schedule covered in this ToR. 

Interim Reports will include work progress and issues to be addressed, while the Final Report will consist of the achievements, lessons learned, and recommendations for further actions. All reports should be submitted in Ukrainian.



The UNDP will pay the negotiated amount in five tranches according to the following payment schedule:

- the first payment upon submission and approval of the Inception Report (15%).

- the second payment upon submission and approval of the 1st Interim Report (20%).

- the third payment upon submission and approval of the 2nd Interim Report (15%).

- the fourth payment upon submission and approval of the 3rd Interim Report (15%).

- the fifth payment upon submission and approval of the 4th Interim Report (15%).

- The sixth payment upon submission and approval of the Final Report (20%)

The payments will be paid upon the full completion and acceptance of the contract's obligations, whereupon the Programme Coordinator signs the certification of acceptance.



  • University Degree in journalism, PR, marketing or related field.
  • At least 3 years of relevant experience at the national level in the creation of effective communication social media strategies, communication campaigns and/or coordination of external and internal communications flow (publications, newsletters etc.).
  • Proven experience in communications and media relations – at least 3 examples/samples of press-releases and/or articles published.
  • Experience in working with UN agencies and/or other international organizations will be considered as an advantage.
  • Professional level of Ukrainian and at least a working knowledge of English is required.

Competencies of the consultant:

Ethics & Values:

  • Demonstrating and promoting the highest standard of integrity, impartiality, fairness and incorruptibility in all matters affecting his/her work and status.

Organizational Awareness:

  • Ability to lead formulation, design, oversight of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development projects.
  • Ability to lead strategic planning, change processes, RBM and reporting.
  • Developing and empowering people; coaching and mentoring:
  • Self-development, initiative-taking.

Working in Teams:

  • Acting as a team player and facilitating teamwork.

Communicating Information and Ideas:

  • Facilitating and encouraging open and effective communication within the team.
  • Delivering verbal/written information in a timely, clear, organized, and easy-to-understand manner.
  • Informed and transparent decision making.
  • Accepting responsibility and accountability for the quality of the outcome of his/her decisions.

Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards.
  • Treats all people fairly.



Applicants shall submit the following documents:




Personal CV or P11-form including information on experience in similar projects/assignments and contact details for referees.


Financial proposal using the UNDP’s template.


Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP.


The list of examples/samples confirming previous experience/engagement in communications and in media relations, supported by the respective products/work result, such as articles, press releases, etc. (the list of active links should be provided as a separate document or included in the respective CV section).


At least 2 positive references from previous clients/customers/employers for similar activities



 Lump-sum contract

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in instalments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. To assist the requesting unit in comparing financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount.

The consultant will be responsible for all personal administrative expenses associated with undertaking this assignment, including office accommodations, printing, stationery, telephone and electronic communications, and report copying. 

Travel costs

All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel. In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel in the higher class, they should use their resources. In cases of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs, including tickets, lodging, and terminal expenses, should be agreed upon between the respective business unit and individual consultant before travel and will be reimbursed.

Qualifications et expériences requises

    X. EVALUATION OF Applicants

  1. Education:
    • Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree in journalism, PR, marketing or related field 10 points;
    • Master’s Degree in journalism, PR, marketing or related field – 12 points;
  2. Experience at the national level in the creation of effective communication social media strategies, communication campaigns and/or coordination of external and internal communications flow (publications, newsletters etc.):
    • 3 years of the relevant experience – 13 points;
    • 4 years of the relevant experience – 15 points;
    •  5 years and more of the relevant experience – 19 points.
  3. Proven experience in communications and media relations:
    • 3 examples/samples of articles and/or press releases – 14 points;
    • 4 – 5 examples/samples of articles and/or press releases provided – 17 points;
    • more than 5 examples/samples – 20 points.
  4. Experience in working with UN agencies and/or other international organizations.
    • No experience – 0 points;
    • Confirmed experience – 5 points.
  5. Language skills:
    • advanced knowledge in Ukrainian and working level of English – 12 points;
    • advanced knowledge of Ukrainian and English – 14 points.



Cumulative analysis

Contract award shall be made to the incumbent whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

b) having received the cumulative highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

* Technical Criteria weight: 70%

* Financial Criteria weight: 30%

Only candidates obtaining a minimum 70% from the maximum available technical score (49 points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation

The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will equal to 30. All other price proposals will be evaluated and assigned points, as per below formula:

30 points [max points available for financial part] x [lowest of all evaluated offered prices among responsive offers] / [evaluated price].

The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal will be considered as the most compliant offer and will be awarded a contract.