Office/Unit/Project Description
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. The West Asia Office of UNEP delivers advisory services and capacity-building support to countries to achieve environmental and sustainable development objectives. This consultancy is established at the West Asia Office within the framework of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement between UNEP and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MEWA) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Consultant will report to the Programme Manager at UNEP West Asia Office.
This Consultant will work closely with UNEP, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture and its executive centers in Saudi Arabia, all other governmental entities involved.
Deberes y responsabilidades
Scope of Work:
Under the direct supervision of the Programme Manager in UNEP West Asia Office and in coordination with the National Centre for Environmental Compliance, the Consultant will carry out, inter alia, the following duties & responsibilities:
- Support the NOU to initiate and coordinate the preparation of relevant legislative acts.
- Support the NOU to keep records of companies and organizations working with ODS, as well as all documentation related to ODS import, in accordance with the introduction of a licensing system in the country.
- Maintain a database on ODS import; facilitate the implementation of an e-licensing system.
- Facilitate the NOU to enforce the control measures to sustain HCFC phase-out and monitor the illegal ODS trade.
- Work closely with stakeholders to promote the ratification and implementation of the Kigali Amendment.
- Facilitate the NOU in compliance with the reporting obligation, including Article 7 data reporting and Country Programme data reporting.
- Support the implementation of Montreal Protocol HCFCs reduction targets of 2020 to 2025 along with other set targets by the HPMP of Saudi Arabia as concluded with the Executive Committee of MLF.
- Advise and facilitate NCEC on implementation and monitoring of phase-out activities in various sectors, including HCFC Phase out Management Plans (HPMPs) and sector plans, and the various resultant projects. and prepare the new projects as required.
- Work with National Ozone Unit in Saudi Arabia to develop HPMPs, including advising on policy; strategy options; technology framework, roadmaps and timetables; institutional and legal frameworks; financial analysis of alternatives, overall planning and implementation key steps, some key projects, and overall anticipated incremental costs.
- Provide technical advice on second-stage conversion processes (away from HCFCs) under the Montreal Protocol and integration of energy/climate change considerations into ozone depletion (MLF) solutions.
- Work with National Ozone Unit in Saudi Arabia on related surveys of users and providing seminars in multiple sectors (e.g., refrigeration, sterilant, aerosols, solvents) to aid them in the choice of ODS-free phase out technologies
- Conduct an analysis on technological related aspects and market trends for each sub-sector consuming any of the Montreal Protocol controlled substances or alternatives: building national outlook and scenario model for different sub-sectors including a bank of existing equipment, consuming patterns, and technological trends.
- Support the NOU to Mobilize, as feasible, resources from MLF to mitigate HCFCs phase-out implications.
- Support the NOU efforts and practices to Enact relevant regulatory frameworks to meet agreed HCFCs reduction targets and related obligations.
- Support in Re-institutionalize Montreal Protocol Structure in KSA and building local capacities.
- Facilitate the efforts to strengthen the relationships with all UN implementing agencies operating in Saudi Arabia.
- Suggest approaches and facilitate efforts to Establish a long-term institutionalized relationship with different stakeholders.
- Develop live updates and upgrades to the national outlook and scenario model; establish linkages with different relevant policies and regulatory frameworks.
- Designing national overarching strategy with linkages to different national transformation programs.
- Motivate local R&D at academic and industry levels to foresee opportunities of leapfrogging conventional solutions and promote the use of not-in-kind technologies and renewable resources.
- Facilitate the NOU efforts to Lead the technology and policy directions at the regional level, being the biggest economy and market in the region.
- Facilitate the NOU efforts to Play a leading role in policy and technology at the global level.
- Provide guidance on ODS end-of-life issues, including CFCs, HFCs, ODS-Waste Management strategies, etc.
Expected Outputs and Deliverables
The Consultant will be expected to deliver the following outputs:
- A capacity building programme developed and NCEC staff trained on implementation for activities for HCFCs and HPMPs.
- Approved workplan for National Ozone Unit.
- Updated national outlook and scenario model.
- An approved national overarching strategy with linkages to different national transformation programs.
Language Requirements:
- Fluency in written and spoken English is required. Arabic preferable/desirable
- Key Competencies
- Leadership
- Demonstrated ability to think strategically and to provide credible leadership.
- Demonstrated intellectual leadership and ability to integrate knowledge with broader strategic overview and corporate vision.
- Demonstrated flexibility in leadership by performing and/or overseeing the analysis/resolution of complex issues.
- Ability to conceptualize and convey strategic vision from the spectrum of development experience.
- Managing Relationships
- Demonstrated well developed people management and organizational management skills.
- Excellent negotiating and networking skills with strong partnerships in academia, technical organizations and as a recognized expert in the practice area.
- Managing Complexity
- Ability to address global development issues.
- Demonstrated substantive leadership and ability to integrate knowledge with broader strategic, policy and operational objectives.
- Knowledge Management and Learning
- Ability to strongly promote and build knowledge products.
- Promotes knowledge management in UN and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example.
- Seeks and applies knowledge, information, and best practices from within and outside of UNDP/UNEP.
- Provides constructive coaching and feedback.
- Demonstrates a strong capacity for innovation and creativity in providing strategic policy advice and direction.
- Judgment/Decision-Making
- Mature judgment and initiative.
- Proven ability to provide strategic direction to the project implementation process.
- Independent judgment and discretion in advising on handling major policy issues and challenges uses diplomacy and tact to achieve results.
Institutional Arrangement
The Consultant will be supervised by the Programme Manager in UNEP West Asia Office in close collaboration with the relevant department in the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia.
The duration of the assignment:
The contract duration will be for an initial period of six months with a possibility of extension subject to availability of funding and performance.
This assignment will be based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- UNDP/UNEP will cover the cost of travel of the individual to the duty station, as well as their return to their home upon completion of their services. Travel costs are covered only in the event that the function will be undertaken physically in the duty station and exclude working from home arrangements.
- Include any official travel expected to be associated with performing the functions.
- Any change to the preliminary travel plan/schedule above, in such cases, UNDP/UNEP will cover travel costs in accordance with corporate regulations and rules.
- If unforeseen travel outside the assigned duty station is requested by UNDP/UNEP and not required by the Terms of References (ToR), such travel shall be covered by UNDP/UNEP in line with applicable rules and regulations and upon prior written agreement. In such cases, the Consultant shall receive living allowances not exceeding the United Nations (UN) Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) rate for such other location(s).
- Note: A written approval from UNDP/UNEP and relevant authorities will be required to facilitate the Consultant's travel to other locations than Riyadh on official missions where necessary.
Habilidades y experiencia requeridas
Qualifications of the Successful Individual Contractor
- Academic Qualifications: Advanced degree (Master’s) PhD will be desirable in chemistry, chemical engineering, environmental science, or any other relevant field
- A minimum of 10 years of relevant work experience in HCFCs and HPMPs including the applications of ODS technologies and technology conversions including associated techno-economic and policy issues.
- Demonstrated experience in handling Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) is highly desirable.
- Knowledge of Ozone Depleting Substances in Saudi Arabia is an asset
- Experience working in West Asia is desirable.
- Language: Fluency in written and spoken English is required. Arabic is desirable.
1. Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments
All proposals must be expressed in a lump sum amount. This amount must be “all-inclusive”. Please note that the terms “all-inclusive” implies that all costs (professional fees, living allowances, communications, consumables, etc.) that could possibly be incurred are already factored into the final amounts submitted in the Proposal.
Payments shall be made to the individual contractor upon successful completion and certification by UNDP that services have been satisfactorily performed, based upon the actual number of working days.
Payment shall be made as a deliverables-based lump sum payment, to be paid in instalments. The schedule of payment will be distributed upon satisfactory submission of the deliverables listed in the table hereunder:
Payment | Deliverables/Milestones | Schedule |
Monthly Payment | Monthly payment upon submission and acceptance of the monthly working plan and successful delivery of outputs. | Monthly |
1. Recommended Presentation of Offer
For purposes of generating Offers whose contents are uniformly presented and to facilitate their comparative analysis, it is best to recommend the preferred contents and presentation of the Offer to be submitted, as well as the format/sequencing of their presentation. The following documents may be requested:
- Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP.
- Personal CV or P11, indicating all experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references.
- Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided. The terms “all-inclusive” implies that all costs (professional fees, travel costs, living allowances, communications, consumables, etc.) that could possibly be incurred are already factored into the final amounts submitted in the Proposal. If an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the Offeror must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial Proposal submitted to UNDP.
Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodologies:
Step I: Screening and desk review:
Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodology.
Technical Criteria (CV review and Desk Review/Interview optional) – maximum 70 points. Only candidates who obtained at least 70% of points from the CV desk review (who will score at least 49 points) will be considered for the next stage of evaluation, i.e. financial evaluation.
Applications will be first screened and only candidates meeting the following minimum criteria will progress to the pool for shortlisting:
- Educational qualifications: Academic Qualifications: Advanced degree (Master’s) PhD will be desirable in chemistry, chemical engineering, environmental science, or any other relevant field
- Minimum of 10 years of relevant work experience in HCFCs and HPMPs including the applications of ODS technologies and technology conversions including associated techno-economic and policy issues.
- Demonstrated experience in handling Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) is highly desirable.
- Knowledge of Ozone Depleting Substances in Saudi Arabia is an asset
- Fluency in written and spoken English is required. Arabaic perfferabale/desirable
Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70% of the total technical points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
UNDP applies the “Best value for money approach” – the final selection will be based on the combination of the applicants’ qualification and financial Proposal.
Financial Proposal – Maximum 30 points
The contractor shall submit a price proposal as below: The total professional fee shall be converted into a lump-sum contract and payments under the contract shall be made on submission and acceptance of deliverables under the contract in accordance with the schedule of payment linked with deliverables. The financial Proposal should include all relevant costs (consultancy fees, all envisaged travel costs, living allowances, etc.). |
Financial evaluation - Total 30% (30 points)
The following formula will be used to evaluate the financial Proposal:
p = y (µ/z), where
p = points for the financial Proposal being evaluated
y = maximum number of points for the financial Proposal
µ = price of the lowest-priced Proposal
z = price of the Proposal being evaluated
Interested applicants are advised to carefully review this advertisement and ensure that they meet the requirements and qualifications described.
Interested applicants are advised to carefully review this advertisement and ensure that they meet the requirements and qualifications described.
Given the volume of applications that UNDP receives, only shortlisted offerors will be notified.
UNDP reserves the right to reject any incomplete applications.
Please be informed that we don’t accept applications submitted via email.
Interested Offerors are required to submit an application via UNDP Jobsite system as the application screening and evaluation will be done through UNDP Jobsite system. Please note that UNDP Jobsite system allows only one uploading of application documents, so please make sure that you merge all your documents into a single file. Your online application submission will be acknowledged where an email address has been provided. If you do not receive an email acknowledgement within 24 hours of submission, your application may not have been received. In such cases, please resubmit the application if necessary. Please combine all your documents into one (1) single PDF document as the system only allows to upload a maximum one document.
Any request for clarification/additional information on this procurement notice shall be communicated in writing to UNDP office or send to email with a copy to While the Procurement Unit would endeavour to provide information expeditiously, only requests receiving at least 3 working days prior to the submission deadline will be entertained. Any delay in providing such information will not be considered as a reason for extending the submission deadline. The UNDP's response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the source of inquiry) will be posted in the Individual Consultant (IC) Procurement Notice page as provided above. Therefore, all prospective Offerors are advised to visit the page regularly to make obtain update related to this Individual Consultant (IC) Procurement Notice
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
In view of the volume of applications, UNDP receives, only shortlisted offerors will be notified.
Interested applicants are advised to carefully review this advertisement and ensure that they meet the requirements and qualifications described.
The interested offeror must read the Individual Consultant (IC) Procurement Notice, which can be viewed at for more detailed information about terms of references, instructions to the offeror, and to download the documents to be submitted in the offer online.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.