
Addressing gender equality and women’s empowerment is a key aspect of UNDP’s approach to achieving its core vision. Gender equality and women’s empowerment are seen as goals in their own right and are also central to the achievement of UNDPs development mandate. UNDP is guided in its work by its Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2021 which details how UNDP works towards gender equality in each of the goals and key results.

The Gender Team of the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) is the institutional anchor of UNDP’s work on gender equality and women’s empowerment. The Gender Team provides policy advice and technical support to all of UNDP’s Bureaus and leadership on how to mainstream gender across all areas of their work.

The Gender Equality Seal is a corporate certification process that recognizes good performance of UNDP Country Offices and Regional Hubs in meeting global standards and delivering transformational gender equality results. The Seal generates incentives for solid work on gender equality and empowers managers and Country Office team to enhance our work to support countries’ gender equality goals. The Seal is envisaged as a learning platform that helps country offices/units to establish a baseline, fine-tune strategies, identify and address gaps and challenges, document innovation and showcase the results and impacts of interventions for gender equality.

The process of certification involves four stages:

  1. Online pre-screening to identify gender gaps of the office/unit;
  2. Action Plan for improvement design and implementation;
  3. Final assessment to identify level of certification; and
  4. Certification and Award.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The Gender Specialist will:

  • Support the overall implementation of the Gender Equality Seal Global Programme of UNDP country offices and units.
  • Support general management of the programme including hiring processes, budget, and related activities.
  • Monitor implementation of the action plan and budget for the Gender Equality Seal with all Regional Bureaus and the Crisis Bureau.
  • Coordinate Gender Equality Seal roster requests, including: trainings, technical support missions, programme portfolio reviews, assessments and appraisal missions.  
  • Support the roll out, coordination and implementation of the gender seal learning package.
  • Lead monitoring and reporting activities and data management of the Gender Equality Seal for internal and external reporting purposes.

Institutional Arrangement

The incumbent will provide critical support to the BPPS/Gender Team under the direct supervision of the Gender Seal Programme Coordinator.




Required skills and competencies

Project management, budget management , annual work plan design and monitoring, roster  management and drafting of ToRs.

Coordination skills and experience liaising and coordinating with field offices/ projects across countries and regions.

Data management and reporting skills in development and humanitarian programmes on  gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Proven capacity to produce high quality qualitative research and ability to absorb, analyze and synthesize large amounts of complex information within tight deadlines.

Desired additional skills and competencies

Knowledge on global gender mainstreaming standards for organizations and the gender equality and women’s empowerment goals with the SDG agenda.

Knowledge of gender equality certification schemes, gender audits, evaluations, participatory techniques and capacity assessments for gender mainstreaming, and/or gender equality certification schemes is required.

Previous experience with UNDP gender equality work at global, regional or country office level.

Demonstrated ability and willingness to work with people of different cultural, ethnic and religious background, different gender, and diverse political views.


Qualifications et expériences requises

Min. Academic Education

Masters in a development related discipline (gender and development, or women’s studies, management of development programmes).

Min. years of relevant Work experience

Minimum of 5 years of comprehensive experience on coordination of global and/or regional projects in gender equality, gender mainstreaming, gender and development and other related areas of work.

Relevant experience in gender equality in development/humanitarian organizations -multilateral, bilateral or NGOs.

Required Language(s) (at working level)

Fluency in spoken and written English. Proficiency in English for report writing.

Desirable knowllegde of second UN Official language is asset.

  • Travel:   

UNDP will cover the cost of travel of the individual to the duty station, as well as their return to their home upon

completion of their services. Travel costs are covered only in the event that the function will be  undertakenphysically in the duty station and excludes working from home arrangements.

Due to the COVID19 context no official travel is expected. If the context changes, the position may require to travel to provide support to country offices within the gender seal framework.

  • The following documents shall be required from the applicants:
  1. CV or P11, indicating all past positions held and their main underlying functions, their durations (month/year), the qualifications, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate, and at least three (3) the most recent professional references of previous supervisors. References may also include peers.
  2. A cover letter (maximum length: 1 page) indicating why the candidate considers him-/herself to be suitable for the position.