
UNDP Iraq seeks to implement a 3-year “Climate Action for Human Security in Iraqi Marshlands” project, jointly with the Iraqi Ministry of Environment (MoEn) and the local government in Misan. The project strategy is a direct response to the current levels of severe environmental degradation in the Al Hawizeh marshes, amidst returning IDPs. The projected changes in marsh and upstream climate regimes may well reverse the pattern of return of IDPs to the marshes and induce a second wave of displacement over time due to the deterioration of marshland biodiversity and the ecosystem services on which the livelihoods of returning IDPs depend. This project is considered a pilot project within the Regional umbrella project (SDG Climate Facility project: Climate Action for Human Security) Funded by SIDA includes regional Arab-wide as well as national-level activities. UNDP will work in close coordination with the MoEn and with Misan Governor’s office, both of which will designate official focal points who will provide management support to UNDP for the implementation of project activities.

The Al Hawizeh Marshes are located in the Misan governorate in southeast Iraq just east of the Tigris River. Together with the adjacent Central and Al Hammar marshes within the Thi Qar and Basra governorates, respectively, they are at the southern tip of large alluvial plain fed by the flows of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and their distributaries. The three marsh areas consist of a set of interconnected, shallow, freshwater lakes, marshes and seasonally inundated large, flat floodplains.

Based on consultations with the government, local communities, and civil society stakeholders on climate risks in the marshlands and priority activities to reduce displacement pressure, the overall objective of the project is to enhance climate security among returning IDPs to the Al Hawizeh marshes.

Duties and Responsibilities

The objective of the consultancy is to support UNDP in the development of feasibility studies for selected sites that will be used as ecotourism sites, solar energy powered water purification systems and wastewater treatment.


Key Tasks and Responsibilities

The National Feasibility Study Expert will act as a national expert with the following responsibilities:

  1. Data collection and preliminary analysis

The Consultant should focus on an un-served need, a market where the demand is greater than the supply, and whether the product or service has a distinct advantage. Then Consultant need to determine if the hurdles are too high to clear (i.e. too expensive, unable to effectively market, etc.). Visits to the proposed sites is mandatory.  A transparent village selection process was conducted using multi-criteria assessment of the ten indicators of the 2019 Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) using expert judgement and available gender-disaggregated data, thereby targeting those communities most vulnerable to future displacement. The technical feasibility of the technologies to satisfy drinking water requirements and water quality of the effluent from constructed wetlands will be determined by addressing site selection, willingness to pay (WTP), appropriate system sizing, water purification/treatment quality, suitable local vendors, associated cost-sharing arrangements in the mid- to long-term between government and local communities/entities, and other characteristics[1]


  1. Prepare a Projected Income Statement

Consultant to start with what we expect the income from the project to be and then what investment is needed to achieve that goal. This is the foundation of an income statement. Things to take into account here include what services are required and how much they’ll cost, any adjustments to revenues, such as reimbursements, etc.


  1. Conduct a Market Survey, or Perform Market Research

This step is key to the success of the feasibility study and needs to be done as thorough as possible.

The market research is going to give the clearest picture of the revenues that can be realistically expected from the project. Some things to consider are the geographic influence on the market, demographics, analyzing competitors, the value of the market and what the share will be and if the market is open to expansion.


  1. Plan Business Organization and Operations

Set up operations of the planned business venture that should be thorough and include start-up costs, fixed investments and operating costs. These costs address things such as equipment, merchandising methods, real estate, personnel, supply availability, overhead, etc. It is worth mentioning that the operational standards (i.e., water purification O&M protocols) will be developed. Upon completion of the project, all O&M costs will be covered by local government budget in the long-term. Any post-project capital costs such as replacement batteries for the solar PV water supply systems or equipment for ecotourism facilities will be borne by a combination of local communities/entities and local government.


  1. Prepare an Opening Day Balance Sheet

This includes an estimate of the assets and liabilities, one that should be as accurate as possible. To do this, Consultant  to create a list that includes items, sources, costs and available financing. Liabilities to consider are such things as leasing or purchasing of land, buildings and equipment, financing for assets and accounts receivables.

  1. Review and Analyse All Data

The review and analysis are important to make sure that everything is as it should be, and nothing requires changing or tweaking. Re-examine previous steps, such as the income statement, and compare it with expenses and liabilities and assess if it is realistic. Risk, analyzing and managing, and contingency plans to be included in this step.


  1. Make a Go/No-Go Decision

Recommend a decision about whether the project is feasible or not. A couple of other things to consider before making that binary choice is whether the commitment is worth the time, effort and money and is it aligned with the organization’s strategic goals and long-term aspirations.


  1. Recommended Practices for a Feasibility Study
  • Use project management software to organize data and work efficiently and effectively.
  • Use templates or any data and technology that gives you leverage.
  • Involve the appropriate stakeholders through UNDP to get their feedback.
  • Use market research to further data collection.


  1. Feasibility Report Outline

Here is an outline for the nine parts of a feasibility report:

  • Executive summary;
  • Description of product/service.
  • Technology considerations.
  • Product/service marketplace;
  • Marketing strategy.
  • Organization/staffing.
  • Schedule;
  • Financial projections.
  • Findings and recommendations.


That final item is broken down into subsets of technology, marketing, organization and financial findings and recommendations.


The consultancy will be for a period of 2 months. The assignment will be managed under the UNDP Project Manager and the overall EECC pillar head.

3. Scope of Work and Key Deliverables

Under the overall supervision of the Project Manager and UNDP EECC pillar head, the National Feasibility Study Expert shall contribute to the provision of following deliverables:


Scope of work

Key deliverables

Payment Percentage

Expected completion date


Inception Report which includes the workplan, plan for site visits, list of stakeholders to be consulted and the plan for stakeholder meetings/consultations etc.

Inception Report


10 April 2022


Develop the draft feasibility study for the selected sites that will be used for

  1. Ecotourism site
    1. Guest houses,
    2. Market areas
    3. Wildlife observation towers
    4. Other necessary facilities


  1. Six off-grid Solar energy water purification system


  1. Wetlands for waste management

Draft feasibility study for three sites


30 April 2022


Revise the draft feasibility study based on comments from stakeholders including UNDP. Report on consultations with stakeholders shall be included in the final feasibility study

Final feasibility study for three sites


15 May 2022

The consultant is also required to make him/herself available to attend remote/ virtual meetings / discussions via skype/ zoom or other relevant modality for planning meetings (in person)/ feedback meetings convened by Project Manager, head of the pillar, and the UNDP oversight team.

The National Feasibility Study Expert must be able and willing to collaborate and assist other team members.

5. Duration

The contract is effective from the date of signature by UNDP Iraq and the national consultant for over 2 months between 1 April 2022 – 30 May 2022.


[1] The 2019 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) -,and%20among%20the%20poor%20themselves.


  • Demonstrates excellent oral and written communication skills English and Arabic;
  • Works effectively with people from different backgrounds;
  • Operates in compliance with UNDP regulations and rules;
  • Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve programme goals and objectives;
  • Facilitates and encourages open communication,


Required Skills and Experience

Qualifications, skills, and professional experience of the National Feasibility Study Expert should include the following:

  • Hold a bachelor’s degree in economy, engineering or related fields
  • Minimum of five (5) years of experience in developing feasibility studies for business setups
  • At least two feasibility studies which were approved by the client and applied for business development in Iraq required
  • Experience in developing feasibility studies for environmental management projects required
  • Previous experience in the Iraqi market
  • Previous work experience with governmental institutes
  • Previous work experience with UN agencies
  • Excellent oral and written command of the English and Arabic languages

Important Note:Please fill out the letter of confirmation along with financial proposal.