The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will conduct an Independent Country Programme Evaluation of Cambodia in 2022. Typically completed in the penultimate year of a programme cycle, this evaluation is expected to inform the new country program. In addition to providing evaluative evidence of UNDP's contribution to the country's development priorities. The purpose of an ICPE is to:
- Support the development of the next UNDP Country Programme Document (CPD).
- Strengthen accountability of UNDP to national stakeholders
- Strengthen accountability of UNDP to the Executive Board
- Contribute to lessons learning in UNDP
From May through September 2022, IEO will conduct the ICPE of the UNDP country programme in Cambodia (2019-2023). Results of the evaluation are expected to feed into the preparation of a new programme starting from 2024. IEO is seeking international and/or national evaluation consultants to support the assessment of the following outcome areas below through the use of GIS and Remote Sensing:
Outcome 1: Prosperity (Environmental, climate change, and disaster resilience)
By 2023, women and men in Cambodia, in particular those marginalized and vulnerable, benefit from expanded opportunities for decent work and technological innovations; and participate in a growing, more productive, and competitive economy that is also fairer and environmentally sustainable.
Oucome 2: Planet (Inclusive growth and reducing inequalities)
By 2023, women and men in Cambodia, in particular the marginalized and vulnerable, live in a safer, healthier, more secure, and ecologically balanced environment with improved livelihoods and are resilient to natural and climate change-related trends and shocks.
Outcome 3: Peace (Effective governance)
By 2023, women and men, including those underrepresented, marginalized and vulnerable, benefit from more transparent and accountable legislative and governance frameworks that ensure meaningful and informed participation in economic and social development and political processes.
The assignment is home-based work (tentatively scheduled for early April to November 2022, with most work happening during May-August). The estimated level of effort for this consultancy will be 25 days.
This is a general call for expression of interest. The Terms of Reference of the evaluation can be access through this TOR - ICPE Cambodia. The general information about the IEO and its publications, including past ICPE reports, are available on its website:
Duties and Responsibilities
The consultants will work closely with the IEO staff as part of the evaluation team. Under the direct supervision of the IEO Lead Evaluator, the consultants will contribute to the analysis of the country programme by providing GIS and remote sensing expertise. Their responsibilities will include:
- Conduct preliminary research and desk review of the CPD portfolio to assess where GIS can be optimally used;
- Prepare an inception report including an analysis paper on the approach on measuring results through GIS and remote sensing;
- Lead in data collection activities related to GIS and remote sensing data. These include GIS/RS data, project coordinates, digital maps, and data from relevant stakeholders, etc.;
- Lead in GIS and remote sensing data analysis;
- Prepare a debriefing presentation, maps, and infographics on the main findings, preliminary conclusions of the GIS analysis;
- Prepare an analysis report, participate and contribute in the analysis of findings, conclusions, and recommendations (as per comments received from the IEO, CO, Regional bureau and other stakeholders), leading to the preparation of the final ICPE report.
Functional competencies
- Strong analytical and organizational skills, including ability to digest, assess and keep track of a diverse range of information with a discerning sense for quality of data
- Good mastery of information technology required for organized presentation of information.
Development and Operational Effectiveness
- Adhere to the principle of confidentiality and ethical code of conduct during the evaluation
- Ability to work under pressure, multi-tasking skills with flexibility
- Ability to conduct required analysis in a timely manner, within the agreed timelines.
Corporate Competencies
- Familiarity with UNDP or UN work; and
- Ability to work in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams, acting with professionalism, diplomacy, tact and courtesy.
Required Skills and Experience
- Master's Degree or preferably a PhD, in GIS, Remote Sensing, Geography or related fields;
- Bachelor’s degree in above fields with additional two years of relevant work experience can be accepted in lieu of master’s degree.
Professional Experience:
- A minimum of three (3) years of work experience in GIS and Remote Sensing;
- Advance knowledge in GIS and remote sensing programmes (i.e., ARC GIS, Q GIS, OPEN FORIS, etc.)
- Experience in conducting GIS/Remote Sensing work in a development setting, and familiarity with techniques and methods of data collection and quantitative and qualitative analysis;
- Knowledge of UN/UNDP mandate, operations, and programme areas;
- Familiarity with the Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals, and international development and policy mechanisms;
- Familiarity and work experience in Cambodia or South East Asia is an advantage.
- Fluency in English is required with strong writing skills.
Application Instructions
Applicants are requested to upload as one combined document the following material to the UNDP Jobs site:
- CV in the format known as P11;
- A completed Confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal Form that indicates your daily rate for this consultancy;
- A short cover letter, highlighting previous experience in GIS and Remote sensing for use in evaluation and/or M&E. (The evaluation is expected to take place from April throughout Q2/3), and confirmation of having no conflict of interest, no prior engagement with the technical design and delivery of UNDP Cambodia subregion projects between 2019 and the present.