
The GEF has approved a Project Preparation Grant (PPG) for an adaptation project in Comoros. The output will be a UNDP Project Document and a GEF CEO Endorsement Request (both using the appropriate templates) for the above mentioned project. The Project Information Form (PIF) summarises the project concept and was produced in close collaboration with key government officials, under the guidance of UNDP and UNEP. The PIF was approved by the GEF Council on 20 May 2009.
The project, budgeted at $3,400,000, will be funded by the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) – a UN fund for adaptation for Least Developed Countries which is managed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The project will reduce the risk of climate change on lives and livelihoods from impacts on water resources in Comoros. This will be achieved through the following three outcomes: 
  • Institutional capacity strengthened to integrate climate change information into water resources management
  • Improved water supply and water quality for selected pilot communities to combat impacts of climate change.
  • Increased awareness and knowledge of adaptation good practice for continued process of policy review and development.
The project will work on the three islands comprising Comoros.
The PPG process is to be implemented between August 2009 and April 2010.  The following activities should be undertaken: 
Project design
Baseline analysis:
  1. Do a rapid appraisal of expected climate change impacts and hydrological assessment to determine a) existing water resource availability on the three islands b) existing water access by households and c) baseline stresses to water resources management. 
  2. Historic trend data will be assembled, including quantitative and qualitative damage estimates to water resources and downstream impacts on households due to historic current climate variability, including frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and climate hazards (floods, mudslides, droughts) and any observable changes / shifts in seasons (early / late spring rains etc);
  3. Root cause analysis to assess the causes for damages, including baseline environmental degradation;
  4. Review development trends in order to identify the most likely scenario of development indicators over the coming five-10 year period assuming no adaptation intervention. This will need to include a review of water sector spending plans and socio-economic trends;
  5. Review and evaluate historic and on-going interventions in the water sector in Comoros, to incorporate lessons learnt into the LDCF project design.
The project will coordinate with the on-going development investments which are relevant to this project. 
Adaptation scenario analysis
  • Review available information on projected climate change risks on water resources, how these interact with economic and social trends, and impacts on development indicators for Comoros. This should include:
  • Information on the range of climate change scenarios for the Comorian water resources and likely impacts on biophysical, human and economic systems;
  • Estimate of future damages due to climate change;
  • Identification of gaps in climate change information, sources of data and communication systems;
  • Identification of information needs for policy makers to inform the design of components 1 and 3.
  • Make provisions for elaborated climate risk assessments, as necessary, during the project implementation phase.
  • Identify adaptive interventions. 
This will include:
  • Identifying access points and interventions that have a high adaptive value, that are within the scope of the project, and which are likely to produce results in the project lifetime. 
  • Identifying barriers to scaling up, including capacity development needs in reviewing and designing enabling policies. The project will be designed to reduce the binding constraints to replication of adaptive interventions nationally.
  • An explanation of how the project intends to overcome the informational/technical/economic or institutional barriers which prevent the replication of adaptive practices and investments. For example, national policy, laws and institutions can prevent or raise the costs of adaptation. The project will be orientated towards generating information that policy-makers can use to improve the enabling environment;
  • Description of targeted adaptation interventions with clear purpose, outputs and activities, following a results-based approach.
Cost-effectiveness analysis

The project will assess the cost-effectiveness of the identified adaptation responses and will formulate a strategy to ensure that the interventions are financially sustainable beyond the period of LDCF support. This will comprise:

  1. Effectiveness analysis: a) establishing the adaptation target (eg minimizing losses in the availability and quality of water resources due to climate change), b) assessing effective demand for project interventions (including cost recovery considerations) c) designing the project, based on technical and financial feasibility and to reduce the barriers to replication of the intervention d) gathering available evidence of possible magnitude of risk reduction and/or productivity gains from the pilot interventions and e) analysing how climate risks will affect the project and stream of benefits over time. 
  2. The cost analysis will gather available evidence from similar interventions in Comoros and/or proxy estimates from the region. An estimate of net benefits of the project interventions over time will be calculated.
  3. A detailed description will be given of how the existing institutional/policy/legal frameworks could be adapted to support the replication of the adaptation intervention nationally.
Definition of implementation plan
The project document will comprise the following information:
  1. Baseline: a synthesis of results from the baseline analysis. This information collected will contribute towards outlining a clear and detailed problem analysis (root-cause analysis) of the non-climate drivers confounding adaptation in the water sector in Comoros. This will then be elaborated into identification of barrier-removal solutions that can be built into the project design.
  2. Specification of adaptation activities: a synthesis of results from the adaptation scenario analysis. Stakeholders will develop a rapid appraisal of the adaptation options selected. The adaptation value of the proposed project will be set out in relation to the proposed project outcomes (outlined in the PIF).  of the proposed project will be set out in relation to the proposed project outcomes (outlined in the PIF).
  3. Site selection: The PPG phase will develop a clear rationale on selection of the pilot site, based on criteria agreed with stakeholders. Criteria could include i) likelihood of generating adaptation benefits ii) vulnerability of the beneficiary community iii) implementation capacity of local institutions and iv) on-going investment programmes that the LDCF project can bolt onto.
  4. Develop logframe: Information from points 1, 2 and 3 above will be the basis of the logframe. The logframe will be validated at a stakeholder consultation workshop. Indicators for assessing the costs and benefits of the various adaptations piloted will be developed and a systematic assessment of these will take place during the project implementation with a view to generating knowledge on the most effective adaptation solutions to influence long-term adaptation practices in the country and elsewhere.
  5. Develop Monitoring and Evaluation Plan: Stakeholders will decide on qualitative and quantitative indicators to measure project performance on minimising risks of climate change to livelihoods, and agreeing on ways that the monitoring data will be collected. Reporting procedures will be established. UNDP guidelines, as set out in the Results Based Management Framework, will be followed in formulating and describing these details. The M&E plan will include provisions for independent evaluation and provision to ensure learning of lessons from implementation.
  6. Develop detailed implementation plan: this should specify clearly identified roles and responsibilities for the overall management of the project, based on an assessment of capacity and political will of relevant Ministries and other appropriate institutions to implement the project. A stakeholder involvement plan will be developed to enable effective implementation and sustainability of interventions. The first year costed annual work plan will be developed.
  7. Develop business plan: this will comprise of two parts: a) developing the co-financing strategy with public and, where relevant/ appropriate, private sources of funding, and b) a detailed sustainability strategy to provide for continuation and replication of the project interventions beyond the period of LDCF support. 
 Stakeholder consultations
  • National and local government stakeholders, donors, and project beneficiaries will be consulted throughout the PPG phase to develop the proposal in relation to a) demand, willingness to pay and minimum requirements from the beneficiary community, b) ability and experience in supplying ‘adaptation solutions’. Formal stakeholder consultations will be organized at two points in the PPG phase:   a) at the PPG inception to set out basic project parameters and get initial guidance for moving forwards and b) at the end of the PPG phase, to make final inputs into the prodoc and validate overall direction of the project.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Encompassing 10 weeks of work throughout the duration of the PPG the  Water Managmeent and Adaptation Specialist (referred to as the ‘International Consultant’ or IC) will complete two missions to Comoros complemented by home-based work. The IC is expected to remain in Comoros for 6 weeks of the 10 week contract.
The  IC will prepare the project document for submission to the GEF, working closely with the National Consultant, under the guidance of the Steering Committee for the project development phase (Government Focal Point, UNDP-Country Office (CO), UNDP-Regional Coordination Unit-Pretoria, UNEP Regional Office) with day-to-day supervision by the Regional Technical Advisor (RTA) for Adaptation.
The IC will be responsible for the following tasks and outputs:
  • Contribution to the preparation of national stakeholder workshops, including the inception workshop, and other activities in the project preparatory phase, in line with the project document requirements.
  • Completion of an inception report and an implementation plan for the project development phase
  • Provision of advice and technical inputs to the project team on the preparation of the comprehensive project proposal, including preparation of ToRs for additional consultancies, as required.
  • Provision of quality control of the outputs of the project preparatory phase to the standard required by UNDP.
  • Preparation of a comprehensive project proposal. 
This should comprise:
  • Clear description of baseline activities and related sources of financing;
  • Explicit specification of all adaptation activities to be financed under the LDCF and their adaptation rationale (adaptation value, cost effectiveness);
  • The rationale underpinning site selection;
  • Logframe: definition of goal, objective, outcomes, outputs and related indicators, costed monitoring and evaluation plans and roles and responsibilities;
  • The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system including impact indicators. These indicators, which will tend to focus on capacity, institutional strengthening and policy formulation and specifically address adaptation relevant impacts, will be based on the guidance of UNDP’s M&E framework for adaptation projects and UNEP’s minimum requirements;
  • An institutional delivery plan;
  • A budget (LDCF and co-financing) and work plan.
Completion of a lessons learned template following completion of the preparatory phase.
  • The project preparatory phase will be guided by the Goal, Objective, and Outcomes of the approved PIF.

Conduct of Work

Frequent communication is expected from the IC. 
  • The IC will attend at least two national stakeholder consultations, which will include:
  • an inception meeting/consultation in August/September and
  • final project validation meeting/consultation in January 2010. 
  • The IC may undertake project site visits (subject to clearance by UNDP and UNEP).
  • The IC will draw from existing reports, overviews and information sources. Additional technical assessments may be undertaken, in discussion with the steering committee.   
  • The IC is encouraged to maintain a dialogue with the National Consultant, UNDP and UNEP as and when problems emerge during the preparation of the work if they affect the scope or perceived importance of the issues.
  • The IC will produce the inception report within 1 week from the completion of the inception workshop. 
  • The project preparation outputs will be produced between September 2009 and April 2010. The timing for the production of the project document is as follows:
  • The IC will produce a first draft of the full-size project document including logical framework and financing plan by 1 February 2010. A second draft will be produced by 1 March 2010 and the third and final draft by March 15, 2009. Final submission of the document to the GEF is expected by 30 April 2010.
  • The IC will provide additional information as required by the GEF up until 30 June 2010.


  • Excellent English written communication skills, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesise project outputs and relevant findings for the preparation of quality project reports.
  • Ability to speak, read and write technical and conversational French.
  • Ability to pick up new terminology and concepts easily and to turn information from various sources into a coherent project document.
  • Skill in negotiating effectively in sensitive situations
  • Skill in achieving results through persuading, influencing and working with others
  • Skill in facilitating meetings effectively and efficiently and to resolve conflicts as they arise
  • Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior and high-ranking members of international, regional and national institutions.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
  • Good oral communication skills and conflict resolution competency to manage inter-group dynamics and mediate conflicting interests of varied actors.
  • Good team player, self starter, has ability to work under minimum supervision and maintain good relationships.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Masters degree in water management, water engineering, environment, economics, development, or a closely related field.
  • A minimum of 7 years relevant work experience.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of climate change adaptation or development.
  • Demonstrated experience in project development, implementation and management.
  • Experience in the policy development process associated with environment and sustainable development an asset.
  • Experience in working and collaborating with governments an asset.
Language requirements:
  • Fluency in both written and spoken English and French.