

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and exclusion, and build resilience so countries can sustain progress. As the UN’s development agency, UNDP plays a critical role in helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. In Ukraine, UNDP operates along three programmatic areas of support: Inclusive development, recovery, and peacebuilding; Democratic governance; and Energy and environment.

UNDP has been active and present in eastern Ukraine for the past decade, prior to the conflict which started in 2014, with a focus on community development, civil society development, and environmental protection. Work on addressing the specific conflict-related development challenges built on this earlier engagement, established partnerships, and started in 2015 through the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme (UN RPP). The UN RPP is a multi-donor funded framework programme formulated and led by the UNDP in collaboration with the Government of Ukraine and in cooperation with a number of partnering UN agencies (UN Women, FAO, UNFPA).

UN RPP’s interventions are grouped under the following key Programme components, which reflect women’s and men’s priority needs in the region:

  • Component 1: Economic Recovery and Restoration of Critical Infrastructure
  • Component 2: Local Governance and Decentralization Reform
  • Component 3: Community Security and Social Cohesion.

In October 2018, UNDP signed an agreement for a multi-year project under the EU Support to the East of Ukraine programme. In 2021, the EU-funded project was amended to extend its scope though the EU4Resilient Regions programme. It has recently been amended to ensure that the approach implemented under UN RPP can help address the devastation and increased needs of the civilian population as a result of the ongoing war, and where it will be required. The project has the following specific objectives:

  1. To enhance local capacity for gender-responsive decentralization and administrative reforms to improve governance, local development, and the delivery of services.
  2. To stimulate employment and economic growth by providing assistance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) development through demand-driven business development services and professional skills training.
  3. To enhance social cohesion and reconciliation through promotion of civic initiatives.
  4. To support sector reforms and structural adjustments in health, education, and critical public infrastructure to mitigate direct impacts of the conflict.

In line with strategic objective 4) above, the project has been supporting health service provision, in line with the efforts of the Government of Ukraine to implement a sweeping reform of the medical sector, starting from the adoption of the law No. 6327 "On state financial guarantees for the provision of medical services and medicines".



The war in Ukraine has already resulted in significant loss of life, unprecedented displacement, internally and towards neighboring countries, and devastating destruction of infrastructure. Early UNDP projections suggest that if the war deepens and expands, up to 90 percent of the population of Ukraine could be facing poverty and vulnerability to poverty by the end of 2022, and 30 percent of the population are likely to require life-saving humanitarian assistance. Eighteen years of socio-economic achievements in Ukraine are at risk. UNDP’s core engagement is to preserve development gains as fully as possible, and to return Ukraine to pathways achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as quickly as possible.  

Inevitably, the beginning of the war has exacerbated pre-existing political, economic, and social challenges, with especially dire effects on the medical sector that, overwhelmed by the ever-increasing needs brough by the hostilities, is in urgent need of support.

More than 6 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) have relocated to central and western oblasts of Ukraine since the beginning of the war. A significant number of IDPs is currently hosted in temporary structures and collective centers within their host communities, often managed by city councils or municipal authorities in the premises of community infrastructure such as schools and other educational facilities. Living conditions in these collective centers vary in terms of available space and access to sanitary facilities. While temporary in nature, the collective centers have become places of long-term stay for displaced people of different age, sex, and vulnerability, including individuals suffering from different chronic or acute diseases.

In absence of adequate hygienic conditions, long-term stays in collective centers might lead to significant threats to public health, in terms both of infectious and non-communicable diseases.

Nowadays still the risk of fast spread of infection diseases is identified one of the priority health threat to the conflict-affected population, who became forcedly IDPs. The number of reported cases of diphtheria, shigellosis, acute intestinal infections, rotavirus infection, acute virus hepatitis, flu, botulism in  IDPs (data from the Ukraine Public Health Centre (UPHC) and Regional Centres for Disease Control (RCDCs)). There are potential stressors from increased risk of respiratory infections due to the living conditions in collective shelters. TB and HIV programmes have been disrupted, and it is difficult to trace such patients through IDPs, that can also aggravate epidemiological situation in collective centers. Also, unreported infections may cause a risk of  further disease transmission.

The results of such assessment would be a supporting platform for making appropriate decisions in improving the epidemiological and sanitary issues in collective centers. Many partners, such as UPHC and WHO, are willing to take part in such a study.

Against this background, UNDP through the UN RPP has agreed to launch an assessment of collective centers in Kharkiv, Sumy, Dnipro, and Chernihiv oblasts, to collect evidence of the sanitary conditions within such temporary hosting facilities and, based on the information collected, identify time-critical recommendations for further action. Relevant to add that the draft National Recovery Program of Ukraine also raised the importance of infection control of shelters. [1] Such recommendations, whether in the shape of technical assistance or capacity building for staff engaged in the operations of the collective centers, will be shared with all relevant stakeholders in the humanitarian and development arena, to jointly design initiatives aiming at establishing safe and hygienic living conditions and environment for individuals hosted in the centers, as well as measures geared towards minimizing the risk factors impacting on the health and well-being of Ukrainians.

The main objectives of the assignment are:

  • To assess collective centers for IDPs in Kharkiv, Sumy, Dnipro, and Chernihiv oblasts in terms of existing sanitary conditions, through field visits, questionnaires, focus group discussions.
  • To prepare an analytical report including methodological recommendations to ensure effective infection control in newly established collective centers for IDPs.
  • To develop a curriculum and materials for hybrid (offline/online) training effective infection control for medical and social workers who are engaged ibn running IDPs collective centers.


[1] 2022–2032 Ukrainian Healthcare System Post-War Recovery Plan; Eng version 2.3 (28 June 2022); p. 69.

Duties and Responsibilities


The Consultant will be responsible for the following tasks: 

  • Draft the methodology of the assessment with a clear timeline for data collection, tools, and list of respondents to be conducted for data collection and validation of the report findings and recommendations.
  • Develop the infectious assessment form for collective centers. The assessment will be shared with the Health cluster for further comments and to ensure complementarity of ongoing assessment activities organized in the same areas by the cluster.
  • Prepare a list of collective centers for IDPs in Kharkiv, Sumy, Dnipro, and Chernihiv oblasts to be attended and assessed. Priority will be given to long-term stay facilities that are not housed in educational structures.
  • Conduct not less than 20 (twenty) offline visits to monitor the situation with the effectiveness of infection control in collective centers (Kharkiv, Sumy, Dnipro, and Chernihiv oblasts).
  • Collecting, systematization all available information and further development of questionnaires, focus group guides etc.
  • Submit the methodology and all validated data to UNDP for approval and ensure that it meets the needs, specifications, and expectations of the UNDP.
  • Conduct an analysis of information and provide a qualitative assessment. The analysis should include (but not be limited to) a study of the effective implementation of different degree of infection control (i.e., precautionary isolation, placement of individuals, availability and use of personal protective equipment, observance of hand hygiene, water management, food safety, waste management, environmental disinfection/decontamination).
  • Provide collective center management officials and medical managers with practical information and recommendations for improving the living environment of the collective centers’ occupants, from the point of view of effective infection control.
  • Prepare analytical report based on the results of data analysis. The report should contain conclusions and recommendations for improving the living environment of the collective centers’ occupants, from the point of view of effective infection control. The report should include an executive summary in English.
  • Prepare practical recommendations to improve infection control for medical and social workers, who are engaged in collective centers in the printed form (leaflet is prepared for publication approved by UNDP).
  • Develop 2 (two) days training curriculum and materials (self-study literature, knowledge assessment tests, etc.) based on assessment in collective center for medical and social workers, volunteers. 


General requirements:

  • Consultant is responsible for ensuring his/her proper security. It is recommended to consult with UNDP on security in the region, especially before the field phase of the assignment.
  • The incumbent will promote UNDP’s mandate as a gender-responsive organization with zero tolerance to any kind of discriminatory and abusive behavior, including sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and apply the UN System Code of Conduct.





                                                  Outputs description

     Due date


  Deliverable 1 includes:

  • Detailed work plan with specific activities and expected results, elaborated and agreed with UNDP.
  • Methodology of the research process is elaborated and approved by UN RPP.

2 weeks from the Date of the contract signed


  Deliverable 2 includes:

  • Structure of the reports for all mentioned oblasts were discussed and agreed with UNDP.
  • At least 20 (twenty) offline visits with medical and social staff, IDPs were conducted to monitor the situation with the quality infection control of collective centers in Kharkiv, Sumy, Dnipro, and Chernihiv oblasts.
  • Collecting, systematization all data and development questionnaires, focus group guides, etc.
  • Actionable information and recommendations for improving the living and infectious environment of the collective center occupants are provided to collective center management officials and medical staff and social workers engaged in the running of the centers.

4 weeks from the Date of the contract signed


  Deliverable 3 includes:

  • Final analytical reports in Ukrainian and in English about the situation with the quality of infectious control in collective centers of Kharkiv, Sumy, Dnipro, and Chernihiv oblasts (with the conclusions (up 20+ pages with all relevant Annexes)) are submitted by Consultant and approved by UNDP.

11 weeks from the Date of the contract signed


  Deliverable 4 includes:

  • Practical recommendations of infectious control on the places for medical and social staff, who work in collective centers in the printed form (leaflets up 2 pages with illustrations) submitted to UNDP.
  • 2 (two) days training curriculum and materials (self-study literature, knowledge assessment tests, etc.) based on assessment in collective center for medical and social workers, volunteers are developed by Consultant and agreed with UNDP.

12 weeks from the Date of the contract signed




The Consultant will work under the overall guidance of the Programme Coordinator and direct supervision of the UN RPP Health Governance Specialist. The consultant, through weekly meetings, will report directly to both the UN RPP Health Governance Specialist and Programme Coordinator.

The Consultant will regularly participate in project meetings (by Zoom or Teams) and will share his/her work progress. Moreover, the Consultant must provide all needed reports to all Deliverables in accordance with the Schedule covered in these Terms of Reference. Report will include the achievements, lessons learned, and recommendations for further actions.

All reports should be submitted in Ukrainian and the final summary should be in English.



The UN RPP will pay the negotiated amount in four tranches according to the following payment schedule:


Delivery of Output No. 1

20% of the total payment

Delivery of Output No. 2

30% of the total payment

Delivery of Output No. 3

30 % of the total payment

Delivery of Output No. 4

20% of the total payment


The payments will be paid upon the full completion and acceptance of the contract’s obligations, whereupon the Programme Coordinator signs the certification of acceptance.


Ethics & Values:

  • Demonstrating and promoting the highest standard of integrity, impartiality, fairness, and incorruptibility in all matters affecting his/her work and status.

Organizational Awareness:

  • Ability to lead formulation, design, oversight of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development projects.
  • Ability to use research methods.
  • Ability to develop methodological/educational material.
  • Ability to lead strategic planning, change processes, RBM and reporting.
  • Developing and empowering people; coaching and mentoring:
  • Self-development, initiative-taking;


Working in Teams:

  • Acting as a team player and facilitating teamwork;


Communicating Information and Ideas:

  • Facilitating and encouraging open and effective communication within the team;
  • Delivering verbal/written information in a timely, clear, organized, and easy-to-understand manner;
  • Informed and transparent decision making;
  • Accepting responsibility and accountability for the quality of the outcome of his/her decisions.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards.
  • Treats all people fairly.

Required Skills and Experience


  1. At least Master’s / Specialist degree in medicine or health sciences.
  2. At least 7 (seven) years of relevant experience in the field of microbiology, virology, immunology, and epidemiology.
  3. Extensive experience in carrying out assessments, analytical work, monitoring and evaluation and reporting in the sphere of microbiology, virology, immunology, and epidemiology (not less than 5 (five) samples should be provided).
  4. Experience of membership in at least 5 (five) national and/or international professional (medical and/or biological) associations/societies/expert groups is considered as an asset.
  5. At least 5 (five) years of proven working experience of performing the role of a consultant/trainer in practical health care institutions on infectious diagnostics is considered as an asset
  6. Experience in development of practical recommendations in the sphere of microbiology, virology, immunology, and epidemiology (not less than 3 (three) samples should be provided).
  7. Fluency in Ukrainian and working knowledge of English are required.



Applicants shall submit the following documents:




Personal CV including information about previous experience in similar projects/assignments and contact details for referees. Personal CV shall include information on at least 5 (five) samples in carrying out assessments, analytical work, monitoring and evaluation and reporting in the sphere of microbiology, virology, immunology and epidemiology as well as  not less than 3 (three) samples of practical recommendations in the sphere of microbiology, virology, immunology and epidemiology   prepared by applicant.


Offeror's Letter to UNDP confirming Interest and Availability for the Individual Contractor (IC) Assignment with Financial Proposal, indicating approximate working days, needed for assignment.


At least 2 (two) recommendation letters from previous employers and/or customers confirming the relevant work experience.




 Lump-sum contract

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in instalments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount.

The consultant will be responsible for all personal administrative expenses associated with undertaking this assignment, including office accommodations, printing, stationery, telephone and electronic communications, and report copying.

 Travel costs

All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel. In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their resources.

In the case of travel out of Duty Station for training, supervising, and/or mapping and unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging, and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, before travel and will be reimbursed.



1. Educational background in Medicine or health sciences:

Specialist / Master`s degree – 14 points, PhD degree and higher – 15 points.

2. Relevant experience in the field of microbiology, virology, immunology, and epidemiology:

7 years – 9 points, 8-10 years – 11 points, 11 and more years – 12 points.

3. Experience in carrying out carrying out assessments, analytical work, monitoring and evaluation and reporting in the sphere of microbiology, virology, immunology, and epidemiology:

5 samples – 10 points, 6-7 samples – 11 points, 8 and more samples – 12 points.

4. Membership in national and/or international professional (medical and/or biological) associations/societies/expert groups (asset):

5 associations/societies/expert groups – 5 points, 6 and more associations/societies/expert groups – 7 points.

5. Proven working experience of performing the role of a consultant/trainer in practical health care institutions on infectious diagnostics (asset):

5 years – 5 points, 6 and more years – 7 points.

6. Experience development of practical recommendations in the sphere of microbiology, virology, immunology, and epidemiology:

3 samples – 10 points, 4 samples and more – 11 points.

7. Language knowledge:

Fluency in Ukrainian and working knowledge of English – 6 points.




 Cumulative analysis

Contract award shall be made to the incumbent whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

b) having received the cumulative highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

* Technical Criteria weight: 70%

* Financial Criteria weight: 30%

Only candidates meeting the minimum requirements and obtaining a minimum 70% from the maximum available technical score (49 points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will equal to 30. All other price proposals will be evaluated and assigned points, as per below formula:

30 points [max points available for financial part] x [lowest of all evaluated offered prices among responsive offers] / [evaluated price].

The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal will be considered as the most compliant offer and will be awarded a contract.



1. UNDP documents templates are available at the following the link:

2. Online system does not recognise Russian or Ukrainian language, information you provide in on-line application should be in English

3. Online system allows to upload only 1 (one) file. Please combine all the files in one and then upload