
UNDP’s Enabling Community Recovery and Resilience (ENCORE) project aims to build the resilience of the most vulnerable and disfranchised rural communities in 52 townships across 11 States/Regions across Myanmar with a view to long term sustainability and development of the country.

The ENCORE project focusses primarily on the demand side of the rural communities by utilizing CSO/CBO formation, participatory planning and management processes for implementing small scale interventions in addressing community vulnerabilities through meeting basic needs, developing climate resilient infrastructure, enhancing renewable energy, and livelihoods. The vulnerability of many of these communities to disaster and climate induced risks makes it imperative to build community resilience to natural disasters as an integral part of this effort. Therefore, disaster risk reduction and recovery is mainstreamed into several outputs of the ENCORE project while a major output is dedicated to providing vulnerable rural communities with the means to respond to their most urgent development needs in an inclusive, sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. Many activities in the ENCORE project will strengthen community-based disaster and climate risk management, preparedness, planning and capacity for community recovery. In addition, adaptation to the new context has reinforced the demand for disaster resilience-building as part of the broader effort of the Country Office (CO) to proactively build the resilience of communities to different risks and shocks.

UNDP Myanmar seeks to engage a national consultant to support the CO’s efforts under the ENCORE project towards DRR mainstreaming and recovery implementation at national and sub-national levels building on the work initiated in the recent years. The national consultant will contribute to the overall CO efforts to promote a disaster and environment risk informed approach to designing and implementing initiatives under its various projects.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Please check more information as following procurement notice Link: UNDP | Procurement Notices - 93323 - National Consultant on Disaster


Please check more information as following procurement notice Link:? UNDP | Procurement Notices - 93323 - National Consultant on Disaster

Qualifications et expériences requises

Please check more information as following procurement notice Link:? UNDP | Procurement Notices - 93323 - National Consultant on Disaster