
On 1 January 2021, UNDP launched its new Digital, Inclusive, Accessible: Support to Digitalisation of Public Services in Ukraine (DIA Support) Project. The project is made possible due to the support of the Government of Sweden and is carried out in close collaboration with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine (MDT) and other government stakeholders. As part of the project, UNDP helps the government partners – primarily MDT – select several service clusters in use by citizens representing vulnerable groups. Services will be packaged to accommodate everyday needs and transposed into a fully digital format.

The DIA Support Project does not concentrate exclusively on the development of new, more convenient and citizen-centric electronic services, but also seeks to increase the availability of these services, both by developing technically accessible services and by expanding the circle of people who have sufficient digital skills to use electronic services.

In 2020, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine (MDT) has launched a new era in the country's digital transformation by developing and operationalizing numerous online services. However, despite the roaring success of the first steps, research suggests ( that Ukrainians still face barriers on their way to enjoy the simplicity and comfort of digitally transformed solutions. Among the 39% of Ukrainians who – for some reason – did not use any electronic service recently, 22% reported poor digital literacy skills. Another research ( has demonstrated, that 47.8% Ukrainians have digital skills below basic level.

Insufficient digital literacy skills become an additional barrier for Ukrainians during the full-scale war in Ukraine that unfolded in 2022. With millions of people displaced, messengers and social media became the primary way of receiving urgent information and staying in touch with relatives. MDT has also launched several new electronic services in Diia, focused on humanitarian response: registering as IDPs, informing about the damaged or destroyed property, application for the assistance to the entrepreneurs from the war-affected territories. Thus, digital literacy education is a matter of enhancing state humanitarian response on a level of accessibility of digital services.

MDT within efforts to close the digital gap has previously set the ambitious goal of helping 6 million Ukrainians develop good digital competence by 2023 and has deployed several instruments for various groups of citizens. In particular, the Diia.Digital education platform was launched in 2019. It serves as the main portal where all educational materials are collected to increase digital literacy. As of today, it has over 1.2 million registered users, more than 70 educational courses on various aspects of digital competencies, designed for different age groups and categories of citizens, and 6 tests on digital literacy.

Also, in 2021, the national concept for the development of digital literacy ( was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and almost half of the regions have already created appropriate concepts with specific action plans. MDT has also adapted the Digi Comp 2.1 digital competency framework for citizens (

In addition to strengthening capacities of the Digital Literacy Hubs, UNDP is cooperating with MDT to produce an entry-level course on digital literacy for the elderly persons to be placed on the portal. As such, UNDP is seeking a highly qualified Consultant on video/audio production with experience in production of similar online courses.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Objectives of the assignment

The main objective of the assignment is to produce the online learning course “Digital Literacy for the elderly” (the exact name of the course may be altered) for the portal. The assignment has to be carried out in close coordination and cooperation with the DIA Support Project team and relevant representatives of the Ministry of Digital Transformation. The online course should fully comply with the requirements and standards of the portal.


Scope of services

It is expected that the Consultant will be engaged in the following types of activities:

1. Develop an approach to creating this course. After approval by the project and MDT, begin the search for experts and/or speakers for this course. The experts and/or course speakers should be approved by the UNDP and MDT teams;

2. Run the video and audio capture and editing, using equipment that matches the minimum requirements set forth below;

3. Ensure that text scripts for 10 episodes are approved by the UNDP and MTD teams. After approval, start shooting the course;

4. Develop 10 episodes of the series with relevant topics below. Correction or minor replacement of up to 20% of the content/title of content topics is allowed. In addition to the 10 episodes of the video course, the Consultant is obliged to make a promotional video up to 1 minute long with 2-4 speeches from the course speakers in the format “Why you should watch this course” and inserts between these phrases with fragments of the video depicting the filming process (backstage);

5. Develop a course description and tests in the format of closed questions with multiple-choice answers, where 1 or 2 answers out of 4 available options are correct. There should be at least 2 questions for each episode, and for the last episode  – the final test  – at least 10 questions that will not repeat the previous ones;

6. Ensure that UNDP photographer is invited during the shooting of the episodes to make a photo shoot on the stage, from which the MDT team will receive portrait photos of all involved experts (depending on the number of speakers) and backstage reportage photos;

7. Ensure that all video materials are provided to the UNDP and MDT teams, and the ability to make edits to videos at least twice;

8. Take care of the presence of a digital component in the series: screenshots, applications (without logo), screen capture, and visualization of examples;

9. Provide 300,000 ad impressions with an online advertising promo (video or pictures developed by the MDT team);

10. Provide the MDT team with audio scripts and subtitles in .srt-file format for additional subtitling of the video in Ukrainian and for hosting the course as a podcast;

11. Assist MDT with the integration of the resulting video, text, subtitles, and interactive materials at the portal and make minor edits and corrections to the course based on UNDP and MDT feedback if any.

While the ultimate configuration of the course is to be discussed and agreed upon by all relevant stakeholders, the approximate content and thematic blocks could be summarized as noted below. The course is created and administered in Ukrainian.

As expected, the course will consist of 10 videos, approximately 8-12 minutes in length each. A short promotional video should not exceed 1 min in length.

The list of the course modules:

Module 1. Overview of what an elderly person can do online in general: read news, check weather forecast, search for useful information, get documents, use online services, explore creativity (find inspiration, images for embroidery and knitting, listen to songs and find sheet music, images for creation of greeting e-cards, how to make a photo correction), how to make a text announcement (to sell something or whatever).

Module 2. Search for useful information, for example on gardening: Ukrainian blogs, tips; explanation of the basics of technologies (what is advertising banners, cookies, harmful sites, viruses, how to pause, rewind, fast forward YouTube video, how to register account, subscribe and follow YouTube channel, see browsing history).

Module 3. Communication on social networks: groups (Facebook), channels and communities (Viber, Telegram), how to register in key messengers (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram), to find someone, to add to friends or save contact, exchanging images, making calls, sharing location, using maps to find some location, navigation to address), searching for information on the Internet: search engines, queries.

Module 4. Medicine online: making appointment with a doctor online + medicines under the guarantee programme + delivery of medicines, price comparison, how to recognize and avoid fraudsters.

Module 5. Finances online: internet banking, how to pay utility bills, transfer funds (donate to the Armed Forces), secure receipt of financial assistance (eSupport, funds from the UN, etc.)

Module 6. Online social services: pension office, subsidies, certificates (???????), functionality of the Diia mobile application (+ pension ID) and on the Diia web portal.

Module 7. Condominiums: document sharing, interaction with Diia.Centers, local gas company, types of documents, sharing files, groups for e-mail distribution, chats for communication.

Module 8. IT literacy courses: switching and job search, part-time jobs online – Upwork, etc.

Module 9. Fact-checking for the elderly: how to not get carried away by propaganda.

Module 10. Possibilities of offline Digital Education Hubs based in libraries.


Minimum requirements for equipment that would be used in course production

To fit the required format for courses at the portal, equipment to be used for production that is either owned or rented by the incumbent, should have the following (or equal in capability) specifications:

  • Video cameras – Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K or Sony Alpha a7 III or similar capability equipment;
  • Optics  – Sigma 18-35 f1.7, or Sony 16-35 f 2.8, or Zeiss Batis 25 mm f 2 E mount, or Zeiss Batis 40 mm f 2 E mount, or Canon EF 24-70mm f/2 8L 82 mm, or Canon EF 70-200mm f/2 8 IS 77 mm or similar capability equipment;
  • Teleprompter  – AutocueQTV Starter Series 17, or AutocueQTV Starter Series 12 mm or similar capability equipment;
  • Studio lights – at least 8 light points.

Availability of the listed equipment or equivalence of specifications for the owned or rented equipment shall be confirmed by listing detailed specifications for each of the items in a table attached to the candidate’s proposal.


Measurable outputs of the work assignment/deliverables

Deliverable #

Deliverable essence


Deliverable #1

Draft video scripts for the outlined course, including video script for a short promotional video. The drafts are to be approved by UNDP and MDT (the ultimate procedure for approvals will be communicated to the consultant additionally).


Deliverable #2

Video and audio materials of the course are captured and edited, including a short promotional video. All course materials, including video, audio, graphics, text, subtitles, screen-sharing demonstrations, backstage photos and interactive materials prepared for upload to the portal. All materials are to be approved by UNDP and MDT (the ultimate procedure for approvals will be communicated additionally) and be compliant with the required format for courses at the portal.

28.02.2023 or earlier


Management arrangements

The Consultant will be primarily responsible for achieving the objectives of the assignment. The Consultant will report to the DIA Support Project Manager and will work closely with representatives of the Democratic Governance Portfolio of UNDP in Ukraine.

The Consultant will be responsible for all personal administrative expenses associated with the assignment, which include renting of the equipment and studio, printing costs, stationery, telephone, and electronic communication. In case any public events are planned jointly by the Consultant and UNDP as part of the present assignment, the Consultant will not be responsible for logistics of events. UNDP will cover the conference costs (including possible printing, food, accommodation, etc.) on its own.


Monitoring requirements / Terms of payment

The Consultant will work under the overall supervision of the DIA Support Project Manager. The Consultant will interact with the Digitalisation Literacy Specialist to receive any clarifications and guidance that may be needed. The Consultant will duly inform UNDP of any problems, issues or delays arising in the course of implementation of the assignment and take necessary steps to address them.

UNDP will be the final authority to control the quality and evaluate the work. The satisfactory completion of each of the deliverables shall be subject to the endorsement of the DIA Support Project Manager. Each deliverable will be delivered in a draft for comments and feedback before finalisation. No reports or documents should be published or distributed to third parties without the approval of UNDP.

All reports and results are to be submitted to the UNDP in electronic form (*.docx, *.xlsx, *.pptx, and *.pdf or other formats accepted by UNDP). The language of the materials and reports is Ukrainian.

UNDP will provide payment upon provision of each deliverable duly certified by UNDP in accordance with the schedule below:

Deliverable 1.  50%

Deliverable 2.  50%


  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism;
  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Required experience and qualifications

  • University degree (Bachelor’s) in Filming, Photography, Computer Science or related field;
  • At least 2 years of experience in the field of video production (including production of multimedia content);
  • At least 3 projects completed for government bodies or international technical assistance projects in the sphere of producing multimedia content;
  • Production of materials that are currently a part of the portal is an asset;
  • At least 3 similar projects produced as proven by links to developed online video and interactive courses or an online portfolio;
  • Fluent Ukrainian; working knowledge of English will be an asset.

 Documents to be included when submitting the proposal



Personal CV, including information about experience in similar projects / assignments as well as the email and telephone contacts of at least three (3) professional references;


Financial proposal in line with information presented in Section 4. Measurable outputs of the work assignment/deliverables;



Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability (template may be found at;


Description of and links to all the similar projects produced (online video and interactive courses) including those for the portal if any, and those for government bodies or international technical assistance projects in the sphere of producing multimedia content;


List of equipment that will be used, with detailed specifications. Where equipment is different from the one listed in this TOR, please provide a detailed description of equivalency or superiority of the proposed alternatives. The equipment may be owned or rented.


Financial Proposal

 Lump sum contract

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (please, refer to Section 4 Measurable outputs of the work assignment/deliverables). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of Cost by Components.


 Evaluation Criteria

  • Educational background – 8 pts max
    • 8 pts – Master or similar in Filming, Photography, Computer Science or related field;
    • 6 pts – Bachelor’s in Filming, Photography, Computer Science or related field
  • Experience in the field of video production (including production of multimedia content) – 16 pts max
    • 16 pts – more than 6 years of experience;
    • 14 pts – between 3 and 5 years of experience;
    • 12 pts – at least 2 years of experience 
  • At least 3 projects completed for government bodies or international technical assistance projects in the sphere of producing multimedia content – 16 pts max
    • 16 pts – 4+ projects completed for government bodies or international technical assistance projects in the sphere of producing multimedia content;
    • 14 pts – at least 3 projects completed for government bodies or international technical assistance projects in the sphere of producing multimedia content.
  • Production of materials that are currently part of the portal – 3 pts max
    • 3 pts – demonstrated experience of material production for the portal;
    • 0 pts – no experience of such production.
  • At least 3 similar projects produced as proven by links to developed online video and interactive courses or an online portfolio – 25 pts max
    • 25 pts – more than 7 relevant projects;
    • 23 pts – from 4 to 6 relevant projects;
    • 16 pts – 3 relevant projects.
  • Language Skills – 2 pts max
    • 2 pts – Native / fluent Ukrainian. Working knowledge of English;
    • 1 pts – Native / fluent Ukrainian.


Maximum available technical score – 70 points


Evaluation method:

 Cumulative analysis

Contract award shall be made to the incumbent whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

b) having received the cumulative highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

* Technical Criteria weight: 70%

* Financial Criteria weight: 30%

Only candidates obtaining a minimum 70% from the maximum available technical score (49 points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation

The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will equal to 30. All other price proposals will be evaluated and assigned points, as per below formula:

30 points [max points available for financial part] x [lowest of all evaluated offered prices among responsive offers] / [evaluated price].

The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal will be considered as the most compliant offer and will be awarded a contract.