
UNDP strives to have a workforce which reflects diversity and gender balance, and applies an equal opportunities approach. UNDP does not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV or AIDS status. All selections are on merit.


UNDP has engaged with the State Government of Uttarakhand to provide technical support in several sectors for the implementation of flagship Government programmes, externally aided projects and state schemes and programmes. Under this collaboration, UNDP in Uttarakhand will support the Department of Skill Development and Employment in mobilizing high quality human resources and implementing capacity building training plans of existing and newly recruited professionals. This will lead directly to achieving the World Bank funded Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project (UKWDP) objectives of improving the quality and relevance of training at priority Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and of increasing the number of labor-market-relevant workers through short-term trainings in Uttarakhand.

The UKWDP will contribute to these objectives by supporting the Government of Uttarakhand to strengthen the delivery of skills and training programs to produce higher-quality workers with relevant market skills and increased access to markets and market linkages. This state-level skills development project would also play a strategic role in World Bank’s engagement in the skills agenda at the national level. There would be close linkages and synergies between the proposed project and the national-level engagements.

UNDP is therefore supporting the Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project in hiring a team of professionals and providing capacity building support through trainings, workshops, exposure visits and knowledge management along with documentation of best practices. The team of professionals will help the project in implementing and monitoring project activities while UNDP team of experts will provide timely capacity building trainings to strengthen the delivery of skills and training programs and to produce higher-quality workers with relevant market skills and increasing access to markets.

In context of above, UNDP is looking to hire a Manager (Training Centre) to support the State Project Implementation Unit of UKWDP /Department of Skill Development and Employment in implementation of the project, by ensuring the effective delivery of trainings at centers/ other establishments under the project as well as aiding the efficient roll out of other initiatives of this this project.

The Manager (Training Centre) would be placed with the SPIU of UKWDP, DSDE, Uttarakhand.

Duties and Responsibilities

Manager (Training Centre) shall be responsible for:

  • Providing overall technical assistance and institutional capacity development for GoUK’s skills and training sector
  • Supporting strengthening of the skills delivery system, including support for preparing a more market relevant curriculum, development job placement support services for ITI students, assistance for business start-up (entrepreneurship)programs.
  • Contributing to the work plans of the SPIU.
  • Evaluating Master Plans and providing written advice on them to the SSC.
  • Supporting the SPIU/ Department with quality audits of the training centers under the project.
  • Identifying training needs in a participatory way and supporting in the preparation of plans for meeting the training needs of the institutions’ principals, foreman, instructors and ministerial Staff.
  • Liaison with industries and conduct placement drives at the training center.
  • Monitor and supervise the trainings delivered at the Center and ensure quality and nationally accepted standard.
  • Ensure attendance of enrolled candidates via various measures.
  • Assist in identifying the best available resource personnel as instructor under the modules to carry out the training
  • Review training modules, training materials, presentations, developed by trainers.
  • Develop training plan and maintain training calendar
  • Maintaining liaison with the resource persons, public and private sector stakeholders and donor
  • Assist other team member of SPIU in their work as directed by Project Director.
  •  Carry out any other assignments prescribed by the Project Director.

Deliverables & Payment Schedules:

 Payment %

Deliverable target dates

  • Submission of Monthly Progress report for project monthly review for the UKWDP Project
  • Prepare monthly report as per World Bank reporting requirements
  • Work efficiently as per the directions of the PD or other project subordinates.




Month 1

  • Submission of Monthly Progress report for project monthly review for the UKWDP Project
  • Prepare monthly report as per World Bank reporting requirements
  • Work efficiently as per the directions of the PD or other project subordinates.


Month 2

  • Submission of Monthly Progress report for project monthly review for the UKWDP Project
  • Prepare monthly report as per World Bank reporting requirements
  • Work efficiently as per the directions of the PD or other project subordinates.


Month 3

  • Submission of Monthly Progress report for project monthly review for the UKWDP Project
  • Prepare monthly report as per World Bank reporting requirements
  • Work efficiently as per the directions of the PD or other project subordinates.


Month 4

  • Submission of Monthly Progress report for project monthly review for the UKWDP Project
  • Prepare monthly report as per World Bank reporting requirements
  • Work efficiently as per the directions of the PD or other project subordinates.


Month 5

  • Submission of Monthly Progress report for project monthly review for the UKWDP Project
  • Prepare monthly report as per World Bank reporting requirements
  • Work efficiently as per the directions of the PD or other project subordinates.


Month 6

  • Submission of Monthly Progress report for project monthly review for the UKWDP Project
  • Prepare monthly report as per World Bank reporting requirements
  • Work efficiently as per the directions of the PD or other project subordinates



Month 7

  • Submission of Monthly Progress report for project monthly review for the UKWDP Project
  • Prepare monthly report as per World Bank reporting requirements
  • Work efficiently as per the directions of the PD or other project subordinates.


Month 8

  • Submission of Monthly Progress report for project monthly review for the UKWDP Project
  • Prepare monthly report as per World Bank reporting requirements
  • Work efficiently as per the directions of the PD or other project subordinates.


Month 9


Knowledge Management and Learning:

  • Should have exposure to social mobilization processes. tools and techniques.

Development and Operational Effectiveness

  • Excellent analytical skills particularly with social processes.
  • Good communication and drafting skills

Management and Leadership

  • Ability to work in a team and train staff on the job on social mobilization tools

Corporate Competencies:

  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability. Demonstrates Integrity and ethical standards.

 Essential Competencies

  • Demonstrated willingness to stay, be with and work with the poor;
  • Pro-poor facilitation; orientation; tenacity; self control; strategic influencing; concern with 

            impact; de-learning and learning orientation;

  • Understanding and experience of poverty, vulnerability and livelihoods of the poor;
  • Specific domain understanding

Required Skills and Experience

Educational Qualifications

B.Tech. Degree

Desired Work Experience

More than 10 years experience in  training or technical education

Official Travel:

All official travel must be authorized and certified in advance. Candidates will be entitled to get TA/DA as per government rules from SPU/DSDE and in case of official journey outside the state, prior approval of disaster management cell shall be required.

Schedule of Payments

Consolidated remuneration of the selected candidate will be Rs. 5,40,000 payable in monthly installments of as per deliverable statement (Percentage) upon submission of monthly progress report certified by the reporting officer and the completion of month-wise deliverables, as stated above.

Institutional Arrangement

  • Contact will be administered by UNDP on behalf of the State Government of Uttarakhand.
  • The Manager (training center) would report to Director, Uttarakhand Work Force Development Project, Government of Uttarakhand;
  • All the logistic support related official travel will be borne by the Government Of Uttarakhand as per their prevailing rules.
  • The Manager (training centre) will be entitled for 2 days leave per month (non-encashable).

Documentation Required

Personal CV indicating all past experiences from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the candidate and at least 3 professional references.

Evaluation Method and criteria

Preliminary shortlisting would be done based on the following criteria:

  • Educational Qualification 20 marks.
  • Relevant Experience 35 marks.
  • Suitability for the assignment 15 marks

Those who obtain a minimum 70% of total 70 marks will be eligible to appear for the interview.

Interviews for the shortlisted candidates would be either conducted face to face in Dehradun or by telephone/over skype. If the face-to-face interviews are conducted, travel cost will be borne by the shortlisted candidate. The contract shall be awarded on a merit basis.

Note: Please ensure that all the documents to be uploaded should be combined in a single pdf file as the system has provision of uploading only one document.

For any clarifications, please write to :


UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.