
Application must be submitted in the Quantum Supplier Portal. Please DO NOT use the "Apply Now" function in this platform.

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UNDP works with countries to expand people’s choices for a fairer, sustainable future, to build the world envisioned by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with planet and people in balance. As shown by the UNDP’s Strategic Plan 2022-2025, the challenge of the next four years is to accelerate and scale up development results significantly, bringing the Sustainable Development Goals back within reach. Towards that end, UNDP will support change in three directions:

  • Structural transformation, particularly green, inclusive and digital transitions;
  • Leaving no one behind, a rights-based approach centred on human agency and human development;
  • Building resilience to respond to systemic uncertainty and risk.

These are huge, whole-of-society puzzles that require collective efforts and integrated approaches. To be an effective partner in transformative change, UNDP has to build not just new skills, like digitalization, systems thinking, but a new culture: one that embraces complexity, actively manages risk, continually adapts and seeks to learn alongside delivering results.

In Asia and the Pacific, the UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH) leverages innovation and digitalization to generate new development responses and robust development solutions, by developing new products, services and offers, new ways of solving development issues across the Governments and Country Offices within the region.

Digitalization is one of the key enablers of new UNDP strategic plan 2022–2025 and the BRH requires the services of experienced Digital Transformation experts to be based out in one of the Country Offices (CO) listed below to support 3-9 COs in collaboration with Bangkok Regional Hub and Chief Digital office (CDO) to grow and scale the UNDP Digital Transformation offer across the sub-region:


Host Country Office

Responsible Countries


Viet Nam

Viet Nam, China, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar



Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste



Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka


Samoa MCO

Samoa Multi Country Office (MCO), Fiji Multi Country Office (MCO), Papua New Guinea

Devoirs et responsabilités

  1. Strategic Management, product development of Digital Transformation Offer
    • Develop clear, compelling and coherent digital strategies and offerings for the countries / subregion that meets the needs of partner governments and UNDP Country Offices  
    • Horizon Scan for and identify new opportunities and partnership, find new digital trends in Digital Transformation.
    • Develop digital products/services/offers at country level that support Digital Transformation and UNDP’s positioning as a leading player in shaping and digitally empowered in the respective subregion
    • Facilitate rolling out of products / corporate offers (CDO) as required by CO management.
    • Together with the relevant COs build the pipeline of projects and initiatives aiming at deepening Digital Transformation in the subregion and countries, while seeking synergies with ongoing and projects and other GPN teams, including digital public good opportunities and other potential “offers” that align with government, and partner needs
    • Support CO senior management to identify and follow up on strategic opportunities for resource mobilization for implementation of the UNDP services and programs on digital transformation
    • Contribute to developing the capacities in Digital Transformation by bringing additional expertise, local / international, in consultation with the respective CO / BRH
    • Organize and implement knowledge sharing and networking events to position UNDP as a leading player on digital transformation in the respective countries / subregion
    • Proactively use blog posts and social media to share insights, attract partners and help position UNDP in the area of Digital Transformation


  1. Provide digital advice and support services and advice to UNDP GPN and Country Offices
    • Provide strategic digital advice to the Global Policy Network teams across the subregion with focus on localizing regional offers for Country Office support as part of subregion
    • Help respective Country Offices develop a digital portfolio, investable digital products and integrate “digital by default” approach into the CO programming and offering towards partners. This approach should be human centered, evidence-based, agile, adaptive to changing context and partners’ needs, and prioritize digital inclusion and access, in particular for women, youth and marginalized communities
    • Scan for and identify opportunities to scale current Country Office or GPN digital products or services and work to develop scaling strategies and plans.
    • Actively encourage County Offices and government counterparts peer-learning across the subregion and with other regions, by creating opportunities to share experiences and make sure that digital assets, experiences and capabilities are leveraged across the region  
    • In tandem with the Digital Advocates’ Network, curated by the CDO, support development of digital literacy and capabilities across CO’s program and operations teams
    • Link County Office advice and support in development of relevant digital products and to scaling regionally and globally cutting-edge practice and products from the Country Offices


  • Core competencies:
    • Leadership: Ability to persuade others to follow
    • Communication: Ability to listen, adapt, persuade and transform
    • Delivery: Ability to get things done while exercising good judgement
    • Entrepreneurial attitude: willing to get stuck in to get things done.
  • Technical/Functional competencies:
    • Demonstrated strategic competency and conceptual competency and ability to see the big picture and connect it with day-to-day delivery
    • A proven track record of working directly with Governments/ multilaterals on Digital Transformation/Digital Government/Public Service Delivery systems/projects, preferably in a developing country context
    • Demonstrated experience in providing digital transformation advice and services and its integration into broader strategy, thematic offerings and programs
    • Proven expertise of building cross-sector partnerships and cross-culture understandings
    • Demonstrated ability in researching latest trends in digital transformation/innovation and sharing the findings in easy-to-understand ways
    • Ability to challenge, convince and manage multiple stakeholders.
    • Excellent administrative and computer skills, including Microsoft Office, and knowledge of spreadsheet, database packages and ERP system
    • Demonstrated “can do” attitude, entrepreneurialism and highly communicative 
    • Demonstrated yearly and monthly planning ability to ensure objectives are met and a strong delivery focus.
    • Fluency in English is required. Working knowledge of a local language of country of posting or the countries within the subregion will be an asset.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Education:
    • Master’s degree in IT, Business Administration, Public Administration, Public Policy, Economics, Social Science, International Relations, International Development, or related fields. Bachelor’s degree may be considered with additional 2 years of relevant experience  
    • Any additional degree / certification in area relevant to digital transformation in public sector is an asset.
  • Experience:
    • Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience in e-governance, digital economy and digital transformation space, such as digital program development, public service and business process re-design, support to design of national / sub-national or sectoral digital transformation strategies, digital capability development in public and private sector, etc.
    • Minimum 3 years of demonstrated experience in working directly with Governments/ multilaterals on Digital Transformation/Digital Government/Public Service Delivery systems/projects, preferably in a developing country context
    • Demonstrated experience in providing digital transformation advice and services and its integration into broader strategy, thematic offerings/ sectors / programs 
  • Proficiency in English