
UNDP has launched an updated Internal Control Framework Policy (ICF Policy) and Operational Guide to the ICF (ICF Operational Guide).

The ICF Operational Guide serves as a supplementary document to the ICF Policy. Given the complexity of UNDP’s activities, the purpose of the ICF Operational Guide is to bring together the key internal control requirements included throughout the POPP to help UNDP offices implement effective internal controls in both clustered and non-clustered environments. Specifically, the Operational Guide: (i) articulates the key day-to-day internal control roles and their associated authorities, accountabilities, and responsibilities; (ii) describes  at a high level some key process control points; and (iii) identifies the supporting technology related functionalities (i.e., ERP), rights, and available tools to affect and monitor the implementation of internal controls. A series of “Quick Views” have been added to provide more visual content, as requested by stakeholders. This version of the ICF Operational Guide provides guidance on who executes internal control roles (or elements) with respect to both clustered and non-clustered processes. Country Offices should follow the clustered or non-clustered guidance that is relevant to their clustering implementation status.

Under the overall guidance of the Resident Representative and close supervision of the Deputy Resident Representative, the Consultant will assist in undertaking a comprehensive review of operational and programmatic processes in alignment to the ICF.  

Deberes y responsabilidades

Under this assignment, the consultant will work to achieve the following:

I. Review alignment of Operational and Programmatic processes in line with ICF:

  • Review the existing practice under ICF, SOPs in various service areas under Operations.
  • Review the country office performance in various dashboards and analyze the trends of strengths and weaknesses and advise on areas of improvement.
  • Review of segregation of duties in accordance to ICF (finance and HR profiles)
  • Review CO ICF implementation against IC Implementation Framework
  • Review day-to-day internal control functional roles in accordance to OP guide
  • Review cost recovery modality in various services and advise on systems to improve collection of agency revenues.
  • Support in designing Direct Project Cost (DPC) implementation mechanism based on the best practices
  • Support in designing a self-audit mechanism for country office operations.
  • Submit a final report analysing operational processes, proposing a set of recommendations and tools to enhance efficiency and propose an action plan for implementation. Review of project funding arrangements
  • Review of programmatic processes in accordance with established SOPs.
  • Analysis of key financial data documentation and records management
  • Review of CO resource mobilization strategies
  • Workload survey and analysis of workload survey results
  •  Review common services financial management and financial reporting of the common services accounts and advise on gaps, cost recovery improvement and efficient model of financial management.
  • Training and orientation on the ICF and SOPs

Expected outputs / deliverables:

The deliveries of this assignment include:

  • One comprehensive report on the outcome of the review and proposed action plan for implementation.
  • Training Report and Recommendations on areas of improvement




Technical Competencies

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English and preferably in Siswati;
  • Ability to work in multicultural teams and to work in an autonomous manner and take initiatives;
  • Commitment to / interest in climate change issues.

Corporate Competencies

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards
  • Positive, constructive attitude and consistently approaches work with energy
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to receive / integrate feedback.
  • Ability to work well within a team.
  • Analytical skills would be an added advantage.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • Master’s degree in a relevant field of study (e.g. Science, finance, economics, political science, Business Management etc.).


  • Minimum 10 years of experience at the national and international level.
  • Experience of working with UNDP Country operations
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages, experience in handling of web-based management systems.

Language Requirement

  • Proficiency in written and spoken English.

Additional Information:

How to Apply:

Interested and qualified candidates should submit;

  1. Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP;Letter of Confirmation of Interest template
  2. Personal CV or P11, (P11 form); indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references.

Please note you can upload only one document to this application (scan all documents in one single PDF file to attach).

Incomplete applications will be excluded from further consideration.

Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer

  • Combined Scoring method – where the qualifications and experiences will be weighted a max. of 70%, and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a max of 30%.