
The United Nations (UN) ‘Strengthening Resilience of Pacific Island States through Universal Social Protection’ (also called the Social Protection Joint) Programme aimed to support four Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) (Samoa, Cook Islands, Tokelau, and Niue) in their efforts to strengthen their sustainable, inclusive, and evidence-based social protection systems. The Programme is being implemented in the four PICTs from June 2020 to December 2022 and is a jointly implemented by the UN Country Team (UNCT) in the Pacific and Governments of the four PICTs.

The four PICTs are among the most fragile Small Island Developing States (SIDS) due to their isolated geography, small economies, and vulnerabilities. With limited economic opportunities, quality of life for many of the local people have deteriorated - with increased vulnerability, poverty, exclusion, and inequality. Urbanisation and monetisation are changing lifestyles and social dynamics creating new forms of hardships, high costs of living, and lack of access to basic services and decent employment opportunities. Increased non-communicable diseases, emergence of new forms of communicable diseases, alcohol abuse, and domestic violence are other key concerns for the well-being of Pacific Island communities and people.

The Social Protection Joint Programme (SP-JP) aims at increasing resilience through viable and  financially sustainable SP systems that will address life cycle vulnerabilities, strengthen SP floors, enhance employability, and maintain social inclusion and cohesion across the four PICTs. The objective is to develop universal, evidence-based, nationally owned SP systems and introduce SP floors to help accelerate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) progress through integrated programming and Leaving No One Behind initiatives and approaches. The Programme is spearheaded by a Multi Country Steering Committee (MCSC) and a Technical Committee for each of the four PICTs.


Deberes y responsabilidades


The evaluation is being commissioned as part of a mandatory monitoring and evaluation process for the Joint SDG Fund. The evaluation findings will be used by the Governments of the four PICTs and the UN system in the Pacific towards improving social protection programming in the countries, strengthening UN reforms, to contribute to the acceleration of SDGs, and to inform learning from results of this programme.

The evaluation is being commissioned and is needed at this time as:

  1. The SDG Fund requires the evaluation to be finalized before the end date of the JP in December 2022, and the funds available for the evaluation need to be disbursed before November 2022.
  2. At the same time, the evaluation is timely to inform the early design/formulation and implementation stages of further joint programs in the Pacific.
  3. It will provide useful information on social protection programs for programming plans addressing ‘post-COVID-19’ and other similar crises, as Pacific countries need support to recover from the unfolding impacts of the pandemic and other crises, shocks, stresses, and emerging contingencies.


The SDG Fund requested the PUNOs of the SP-JP to commission an independent end-of-programme evaluation to assess:

  1. Contribution of the JP to achieving of the main expected transformative results of the SP-JP (Annex 2)
  2. Contribution of the SP-JP to the jointness of the UNCT/PUNOs engagement under the Resident Coordinator (RC) leadership.
  3. Contribution of the SP-JP to SDG acceleration, focusing on SDG targets identified in the SP-JP Programme Document (Prodoc).
  4. The extent to which the SP-JP has been inclusive, including its effective contribution to socio-economic inclusion, particularly of persons with disabilities.



• Ability to function effectively under pressure and tight deadlines

• Self-motivated and able to work independently

• Excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills 

• Creative thinking and emotional intelligence

• Excellent writing and editing skills

• Excellent analytical skills 

Professional skills

• Demonstrates strong ability to manage, facilitate and engage in discussions with multiple stakeholders in a formal setting, seeking to encourage participation in an open and collegial environment;

• Proactive in problem-solving and recommendation for conflict prevention and resolution;

• Strong ability in managing confidential and politically sensitive issues, in a responsible way, and in accordance with protocols;

• Demonstrated experience working collaboratively in a team structure in a multicultural environment;

Interpersonal and communication skills

• Strong communication skills and proven ability to collaborate between different actors and high levels of internal and external relationship management;

• Uses tact and sensitivity when delivering sensitive information or resolvinf delicate issues;

• Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;

• Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure;


• Demonstrates integrity and fairness by modelling the UNDP/UN Women’s values and ethical standards;

• Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of the UNDP/UN Women;

• Displays sensitivity and adaptability when working with a diverse array of genders, religions, races, nationalities and ages

• Demonstrated interest in women’s empowerment and gender equality. 

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Bachelor’s degree in Social Development, Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Law, Public administration, Social Policy, Statistics and/or related social sciences.
  • At least 3 years of work experience in Social Protection, Social Development, Sociology, Poverty reduction, and other related development areas at theoretical and practical levels in the field
  • Relevant work experience in working in a multi stakeholder environment with a development organization, Government, civil society, or private sector.
  • Sound understanding of project results-based management would be an asset.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English required.

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