
UNDP CO in Lao PDR: Guided by the global UNDP Strategic Plan (2022 – 2025) and UNDP Country Programme for Lao PDR (2022 – 2026), the UNDP CO in Lao PDR works closely with the line Ministries, mass organizations, civil society, development partners, and the private sector at both national and sub-national levels in pursuit of the national socio-economic development priorities defined in Lao PDR’s five-year National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) and localized Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The UNDP CO’s work is strongly focused on the provision of policy advice and technical support to the Government in the design and implementation of national legislation and strategies across four broad Priority Pillars – (1) inclusive growth and reduced inequalities, (2) UXO clearance and risk education, (3) natural resources, climate change, and disaster risk reduction, as well as (4) effective, responsive and accountable governance.

UNDP Lao PDR, Governance Unit: The UNDP CO’s programming on effective, responsive, and accountable governance, inter alia, focuses on the provision of policy advice and technical support to the Government to (1) enhance the rule of law and access to justice, (2) strengthen the role and capacities of the National Assembly and People’s Provincial Assemblies, (3) streamline the public administration reform and national initiative on decentralization (Sam Sang Directive), as well as to (4) expand public participation in the national policy and decision-making.

Governance Unit, Human Rights: In the areas of the rule of law and access to justice, the Governance Unit partners with a number of the line Ministries (MoFA, MoJ, MoLSW, MoPS, MoHA), INGOs, and Non-Profit Associations (NPAs) to build the capacity of both duty-bearers to meet their obligations under the International Human Rights Treaties that Lao PDR is a party to, and right-holders to claim their rights.

UNDP is seeking a Project Specialist to provide technical and implementation support to two important projects:

The Joint Project on Prevention and Elimination of Violence Against Women for Mainstreaming Gender into the National Development Agenda in the Lao PDR (Khan Hom Project) is implemented by the Lao Women’s Union in partnership with UNDP and UNFPA, with financial support from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). This four-year project (2020-2024) aims to strengthen institutional capacity of government agencies in Lao PDR to prevent and respond to gender-based violence through the development of policies to ensure provision of coordinated multisectoral health, social, and justice services to survivors and capacity development of service providers deliver quality services.

The project “building capacities for promoting the presence and leadership of women within public institutions at national and local levels” (Women in Public Admin Project) aims to support the development of an action plan within the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) that prioritizes gender equality and promotes women’s career progression toward leadership positions in the public sector at national and local levels. As implementing partner, UNDP Lao PDR works in close collaboration with MOHA over the next two years (2022-2024) to conduct an in-depth review of existing policies, institutional culture, practices, and the relevant legislation, to identify gaps in the national and sub-national levels related to gender equality and women’s leadership. Based on this assessment, a gender parity action plan that prioritizes gender equality within public administration and promotes women’s leadership in the public sector will be drafted and trainings will be conducted to support its implementation.


Under the direct supervision of the Team Leader for Governance and strategic guidance of the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative, the International Consultant contributes to the implementation of the projects aimed at advancing gender equality, namely the Khan Hom Project and Women Leaders in Public Admin Project under the Governance Unit’s human rights area of work.

Summary of the key functions:

  1. Support the Government and civil society to fulfil Lao PDR’s international human rights obligations, in particular under the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW);
  2. Manage the implementation of activities of the two projects, namely the Khan Hom and Women Leaders in Public Admin projects, through close collaboration with partners including the donor (KOICA);

Strengthen the existing and create new strategic partnerships in the areas of gender equality

Deberes y responsabilidades


Task 1: Support the Government and civil society to fulfil Lao PDR’s international human rights obligations:

  • Provide support to the coalition of civil society organisations drafting the CEDAW parallel report to directly engage with International Treaty Bodies to contribute to the national reporting, implementation, and follow-up processes;
  • Provide support to the LWU to organize consultation workshops, including management of project officers and consultants.


Task 2: Manage the implementation of activities of the Khan Hom Project through close collaboration with partners including the donor (KOICA):

  • Liaise with NCAWMC and LWU to endorse and launch the SOP and coordinate consultations for the development of the implementation plan for the SOP, including capacity development;
  • Provide support to the Lao Women’s Union to strengthen community outreach and communication on access to justice for survivors of violence;
  • Engage with the Accelerator Lab to develop innovative methods for experimentation of activities;
  • Oversee management of consultants for quality assurance and timely completion of tasks;
  • Regular communication with the donor (KOICA) on project progress and reporting;
  • Conduct monitoring and evaluation of the project and report on results achieved on a regular basis.

Task 3: Manage the implementation of activities of the Women in Public Admin Project through close collaboration with the government counterpart:

  • Regularly communicate with the Ministry of Home Affairs as well as UN DESA on the Women in Public Admin Project to ensure timely completion of activities;
  • Oversee management of national consultant for quality assurance and timely completion of tasks;
  • Conduct monitoring and evaluation of the project and report on results achieved on a regular basis.

More details could be found under the TOR HERE



  • Strong analytical and reporting skills
  • Excellent computer skills (word, excel, power-point, internet, and other related matters)
  • Result oriented, patient, and hands-on with good teamwork skills
  • Capacity development techniques
  • Flexible and open to learning and new experiences

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Master’s Degree or equivalent in: Development Studies, International Relations, Political Sciences, International Law, Human Rights, or another relevant field
  • 3 years of relevant experience (with Masters) or 5 years of relevant experience (with Bachelors) as a project manager or coordinator;
  • Experience in monitoring and evaluation of projects, including capturing good practices, lessons learned, and risks;
  • Experience in innovation, experimentation, especially engaging with Accelerator Labs.
  • Previous working experience with the UN, especially UNDP country offices;

LANGUAGE :  Fluency in English is required


Requirements for submission of proposals 

All interested and qualified International or National Individual Consultants should apply online using the following links: 

UNDP Lao PDR Country Office website at


In order to make your submission, please read the relevant documents available at the links below 

  1. TOR  (Annex I)
  2. IC General Terms and Conditions _ Annex II

Interested Individual Consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications: 

1. Technical Proposal 


            (i)  Explaining why you are the most suitable for the work; 

            (ii)  Providing a brief methodology on how you will approach and conduct the work including the work 

                  schedule for the delivery of outputs/deliverable; 

2. P11 Form Education and work experience, including past experience in similar projects and contact references of at least 3 references for whom you have rendered preferably the similar services; 

3Offerors Letter to UNDP


Instructions for online submissions: 

  • Step 1:  Please prepare all required documents electronically. 



  • Step 3: After that you will receive an auto reply from the UNDP jobs if your offer is received successfully. 


Incomplete proposals or proposals received after the deadline will be rejected


Note:  Any request for clarification must be sent in writing before the submission deadline to the following emails: