
The Abidjan Convention has received European funding to implement the programme “Capacity Building related to MEAs in ACP Countries Phase III (“ACP MEAs”)”. The support of activities funded by the European Commission in ACP countries and in relation to MEAs will aim at reinforcing Regional Seas Conventions governance frameworks and associated protocols; development of regional representative networks of MPAs; reduction of the influx of waste (plastics and other forms of human and industrial liquid and solid waste) entering the marine environment of the Convention’s regions and awareness raising/outreach activities, among others.

In the Abidjan Convention region, achieving these results will involve activities such as (i) ratifying the Convention and its protocols, (ii) curbing biodiversity loss by protecting endangered species, developing the MPA network, drawing up a protocol on MPAs, protecting the genetic heritage of the area, regulating coastal tourism, (iii) combating marine pollution, in particular by setting up a regional framework for plastic waste management, helping countries to draw up action plans to combat plastic pollution... (iv) raise awareness among stakeholders on issues related to biodiversity and pollution, increase the visibility and profile of the Abidjan Convention.

The overall objective of the Programme is to promote environmental sustainability in ACP countries by strengthening environmental governance and the implementation of MEAs, which will be achieved by enhancing capacities to improve enforcement and compliance with MEAs related to biodiversity, chemicals and waste, ocean governance. The implementation period of ACP MEAs III is from November 2019 to April 2024.

Phase 1 and 2 of the ACP MEAS programme capacity building efforts have mainly increased technical knowledge of MEAs at the regional and country level, enhanced the negotiation skills of government officials and civil society stakeholders, and developed institutional frameworks to support the implementation of MEAs. In the agricultural sector, the programme has strengthened the capacity to assess, mitigate and regulate the risk associated with the use of pesticides on the environment and human health and to safely dispose of chemical waste.

The Convention for the Cooperation in the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Atlantic Coast of the West, Central and Southern Africa Region (Abidjan Convention) will provide the regional platform and legal framework to promote the effective implementation of the Parties’ commitments to ensure improved compliance with the enforcement of key policies and legislations in the Convention Area.

The purpose of the Abidjan Convention component of the Action is to support activities of the member countries to better manage their coasts and oceans and to promote the effective implementation of their commitments.

To properly implement the project’s activities, Small Scall Funding Agreement (SSFA) have been signed with many technical partners and grants allocated to country members. As a follow-up, to ensure, oversee and support proper implementations of activities, the MEAs Programme is recruiting an Expert in Ocean and Coastal Zone Management.

Purpose of the assignment:

For the implementation of a range of activities relating to Ocean Governance and Marine Protected Areas (MPA), the ACP MEAs programme signed Small Scall Funding Agreement (SSFA) with technical partners and grant allocations with selected countries. The activities to be covered include:

  • Promote and facilitate ratification, adoption and implementation of the Abidjan Convention and its related protocols;
  • Develop a regional framework to address marine litter and microplastics through the scope of the Abidjan Convention;
  • Improve the ocean governance through: (i) the implementation of an integrated coastal and ocean management policy, (ii) an increased cooperation between member countries and other relevant Regional Seas Conventions.
  • Develop and strengthen marine spatial planning capacity at national and regional level to support planning, monitoring, management and governance of marine and coastal resources;
  • Develop guidelines in collaboration with partners for MPA management including knowledge sharing (best practices) on monitoring and surveillance;
  • Develop the Abidjan Convention protocol on MPA and Assist and support the implementation and establishment of MPAs ;
  • Develop Regional Environment Auditing Guidelines specifically for coastal tourism development. Stakeholder mapping in all Abidjan Convention Countries.

To properly implement activities related to MPAs, SSFA and grants, the MEAs Programme is recruiting an Expert in Ocean and Coastal Zone Management to ensure, oversee and support proper implementations.

Deberes y responsabilidades


  • Support and oversee the implementation of SSFA and grants by technical partners and countries.
  • Identify steps to be followed in applying planning processes, sequences and methodologies.
  • Support capacity building activities (Awareness Raising, Environmental Education, etc.).
  • Undertake survey initiatives, data design and collection tools, review, analysis and results interpretation.
  • Research, analyse and presents information gathered from diverse sources.
  • Provide substantive support to consultative and other meetings, conferences, including proposing agenda topics, identifying participants and preparing documents.
  • Undertake outreach activities; conducts training workshops, seminars, makes presentations on assigned topics/activities.
  • Support Wetlands, Mangroves sustainable management Policy Development and activities implementation as nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation, resilience and sustainable development in coastal zones.
  • Support Marine Litter and Plastics wastes Policy Development (Protocol, Guidelines, etc.) and activities implementation including the review and analysis of issues and trends.
  • Support Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Policy Development (Protocol, Guidelines, etc.) and implementation activities including the review and analysis of issues and trends.
  • Performs other duties as required.

Expected tangible and measurable output(s):

Expected outcomes

The Consultant will follow up and ensure technical counseling on the implementation of SSFA and grants by providing guidance and supports to partners and countries. His assignment will cover both desk reviewing, on field monitoring and evaluation of SSFA and grants through an active collaboration with partners. SSFA and grants covers thematic as: i) Integrated Coastal Zone Management, ii) Marine Litter and Plastics wastes, iii) Marine Protected Areas (MPA), etc. This will lead to the drafting of policies, guidelines and additional protocols that will help increased the scope of management tools of the Abidjan Convention. The development of these tools will require intensive stakeholders’ consultation to which the consultant will provide supports and guidance through the provision of substantive support to meetings, conferences, training workshops, seminars and making presentations.

Outputs/Work Assignment:





Work plan

Work plan

No later than January 15, 2023

Report on ratification, adoption and implementation of the Abidjan Convention and its related protocols


Each semester after signing contract

Report on regional framework to address marine litter and micro-plastics through the scope of the Abidjan Convention


Quarterly after signing contract

Report on ocean governance with focus on:

  • integrated coastal and ocean management policy;
  • marine spatial planning capacity at national and regional level;
  • MPA management including establishment of news, supports for existing and knowledge sharing (best practices);


Quarterly after signing contract

Report on follow up activities on the Development of a Regional Environment Auditing Guidelines specifically for coastal tourism development


Quarterly after signing contract

Mission and meeting report


07 Days after each meeting and/or mission

Monitoring and evaluation report on the implementation of SSFA and Grants


Monthly after signing contract







Note: Please list: the expected tangible and measurable deliverable/outputs and work assignment expected from the consultant/individual contractor; indicators for the evaluation of outputs (including timeliness, achievement of goals and quality of work); and terms of payment.

Based on the scheduling (monthly and quarterly) of reports and duties, payments to be paid monthly upon submission of deliverable with an approval of the ACP MEAs III Programme Management Officer.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrate integrity by modelling the UN values and ethical standards
  • Display cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treat all people fairly without favouritism
  • Excellent analytical and organizational skills
  • Attention to detail and respect for deadlines.

Functional competencies:

  • Ability to conduct strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
  • Ability to lead business process;
  • Ability to perform a variety of specialized tasks related to Results-Based Management, including support to designing, planning and implementation of the programme, managing data, reporting, etc;
  • Analytical and strategic thinking/results orientation;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing;
  • Ability to establish effective working relations in a multicultural team environment;
  • Excellent supervisory, management and team-building skills.


Work in collaboration with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; solicit input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; be willing to learn from others; place team agenda before personal agenda; support and act in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.


Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

 Qualification :

  • Advanced university degree in Marine Sciences, Oceanology, Environment Sciences, Natural resources management, Water resources management or other relevant natural resources areas;


  • A minimum of 10 years of relevant professional experience within the Abidjan Convention area and thematics
  • A Minimum 10 years of relevant working experience in project/programme management and/or establishing relationships among international organization and local institutions/communities;
  • Experience in the field of Ecosystem conservation/management and/or environment initiatives;
  • Previous experience with international organizations, donors or NGO;
  • Experience in managing partnerships;
  • Experience of natural resources conservation and restoration and MPA management;
  • UN and/or NGO working experiences;
  • Knowledge of the UN system, and specifically of the Abidjan Convention;
  • Experience in the field of water resources management and pollution an advantage;
  • Knowledge of database and GIS tools an advantage.


  • English and French are the working languages of the United Nations System. For this advertisement, Fluency in both oral and written English and French is required.