

Application procedure:

Application with a CV must be submitted online via this website. Please click on “Apply Now” Tab and complete required fields and upload CV. Please note that website accepts only one document therefore, if you would like to upload more than one document, please make sure to combine it into a single one.

Financial offer (for national consultants only in BAM) in a form of completed and Signed Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and availability - - Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability.docx - to be sent to e-mail with Subject: Job ID 110812.


Regional Programme on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 (ReLOaD2) is a continuation of the EU-UNDP partnership and previously supported initiative – ReLOaD1 implemented from 2017-2020. The programme continues to strengthen participatory democracies and the EU integration process in the Western Balkans (WB) by empowering civil society and youth to actively take part in decision making and by stimulating an enabling legal and financial environment for civil society. It is implemented in the WB region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), North Macedonia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, and Serbia. Working across the region, ReLOaD2 enhances capacities of local governments and civil society organizations (CSO) to engage in productive partnerships and contribute to improved service delivery and realisation of local priorities in line with development strategies. The project in BiH selected 13 partner local governments (LGs)[1] and will incite them to improve public funding for CSO in a transparent and development-oriented manner, recognising local needs and embracing a project-based approach. ReLOaD2 will provide technical support to partner LGs in allocating funds to CSOs using the mechanisms for transparent disbursement of funds for CSOs (LOD methodology[2]). Furthermore, the project promotes youth engagement and support implementation of youth initiatives and work on facilitating first job experience and internships in partner LGs thus creating enabling environment for the work of youth and youth organisations.

In line with project plan and following the request of partner LGs, this consultancy will support the design and development of Youth strategy for 5 partner LGs (Bihac, City of East Sarajevo, Gacko, Goražde and Prijedor).

The overall purpose of the consultancy is to provide technical support for the strategic planning process. The assistance is expected to result in developed local Youth strategies, fully harmonized with the strategic planning cycle and methodology prescribed by the relevant regulatory framework. Furthermore, the whole process aims to strengthen the capacities of partner LGs to plan, coordinate and execute strategic planning. The technical assistance must be strongly facilitative, inter-active and practical. The LGs will be involved in the process through establishment of the necessary local working groups for strategy development and ensuring that all relevant stakeholders are included in working groups. The local working groups for strategy development will facilitate the planning process and ensure adequate quality of specific inputs and detailed situational analyses. The local working groups members will be required to closely work together, agree on practical modalities of work, division of responsibilities as well as coordination and communication channels.

In this context, up to 5 Consultants, one in each respective LG, will be engaged to provide expert and technical support in the process of designing and developing Youth strategy.

Applicants can apply for provision of technical support in Youth strategy development to more than one LG and the maximum number of LGs to be assigned to one consultant is two. Offers for each LG must be submitted separately, indicating the consultant fee, travel costs and all other related costs.

Distribution of consultant’s days per LG is as follows:


  • Bihac - up to 19 working days
  • City of East Sarajevo - up to 17 working days
  • Gacko - up to 16 working days
  • Goražde - up to 17 working days
  • Prijedor - up to 19 working days


* For the European Union, this designation is without prejudice to position on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. For UNDP all references to Kosovo shall be understood in the context of the UN Resolution 1244/1999.

[1] Bihac, Centar Sarajevo, Gacko, Gradiška, Grad Istocno Sarajevo, Goražde, Mostar, Novo Sarajevo, Prijedor, Prozor Rama, Rudo, Ugljevik and Vitez.

[2] LOD Methodology for Allocation of Funds to Civil Society Organizations - for the full practical guide see the following link:

Deberes y responsabilidades

The Consultant is expected to contribute to the design of the Youth strategy providing the systematic and structured approach, methodological guidance, overall process facilitation, data analysis, drafting and quality assuring of relevant parts of the Strategy. The methodology approach should be in line with the existing legal and methodological framework (MiPRO and/or other relevant strategic planning methodology). The process ought to respect principles of sustainable development and social inclusion and to fully mainstream gender equality.  The Consultant will work in close cooperation with local working groups for strategy development and under the supervision of ReLOaD2 project team.

Considering the above, the Consultant is expected to perform the following concrete tasks:

Task  1: Develop detailed working plan and extensive methodology for Youth strategy development,

Task 2: Facilitate strategic planning process and guide the local working groups for strategy development,

Task  3: Compile inputs, draft/re-draft strategy document and provide quality assurance.

More specifically, the Consultant will be expected to perform the following:

Task 1: Develop detailed working plan and extended methodology for Youth strategy development

Under this task, the Consultant will:

  • Review existing/expired Youth strategy in respective LGs and all other documents relevant to the task that will be provided by the ReLOaD2 project team;
  • Develop a detailed methodology for developing Youth strategy;
  • Propose a detailed work plan outlining the approach and the timeline of the process. The work plan will be submitted to ReLOaD2 for approval.


The ReLOaD2 project team will establish communication between the Consultant and LG representatives. The Consultant will maintain constant communication and cooperation with LG representatives gathering inputs from the LG representatives on all relevant aspects of the detailed methodology and workplan. ReLOaD2 project team will oversee the process, provide feedback, suggestions for adjustments and will approve final version of methodology and workplan.

It is envisaged that this task will be delivered by February 6, 2023 and the level of effort of the Consultant will not exceed 2 expert days for each LG.


Task 2: Facilitate strategic planning process and guide the local working groups for strategy development

The Consultant will be responsible to coordinate and facilitate the strategy development process, in line with best practices in the development area, through provision of inputs and guidance to LGs for setting up local working groups for strategy development and conducting stakeholders’ analysis thus ensuring that all relevant stakeholders will be included in working groups.

In line with the methodological approach and ReLOaD2 project team instructions, the Consultant will serve as the main focal point for strategy development to local working groups and LG representatives. He/She will provide direct guidance to the local working groups, aiming to ensure efficient and effective planning process and the highest possible quality of the final strategy document.

In close cooperation with the LG representatives, the Consultant will lead the local working group for youth strategy development (including regular meetings preparation, action planning, tasking, etc.) and facilitate the required number of meetings and workshops. This will include but will not be limited to:

  • Introductory meeting,
  • Several workshops on:

1. data compilation and analysis for developing situational analyses,

2. identifying focuses, setting strategic objectives and vision,

3. setting priorities, identifying measures, key strategic projects and indicative financial framework,

4. monitoring, reporting and evaluation,

  • Validation of programming part of the strategy with the respective LGs,
  • Workshop for finalization of strategy document,
  • Validation of draft strategy document with the respective LGs and proposing actions for next steps.

It is envisaged that this task will be delivered by March 6, 2023 and the level of effort for each LG is: Bihac – 9 days, City of East Sarajevo – 8 days, Gacko – 7 days, Goražde – 8 days and Prijedor – 9 days.


Task 3: Compile inputs, draft/re-draft strategy document and provide quality assurance

Based on inputs from local working groups, the Consultant will compile inputs and prepare the draft strategy document. It is important to note that the Consultant will be ultimately responsible for the overall drafting and revision of the Youth strategy document, improving parts of the document, as needed, and providing overall quality assurance, based on the inputs from LG and ReLOaD2 project Team.

The Consultant is required to ensure coherence of the overall strategic document, as well as vertical harmonisation with the higher-level strategic documents when applicable. Consultant will provide guidance and advice in defining priorities, measures, key projects and indicative financial framework for achieving identified strategic development goals, including setting relevant indicators.

It is envisaged that this task will be delivered by April 3, 2023 and the level of effort for each LG is: Bihac – 8 days, City of East Sarajevo – 7 days, Gacko – 7 days, Goražde – 7 days and Prijedor – 8 days.


The entire service will be delivered in the languages of BiH people.  




Deliverables / Outputs

# of Days per Task

Due Date



Task 1. Develop detailed working plan and extended methodology for Youth strategy development
•           Documents reviewed
•           Working plan and methodology for Youth strategy developed and approved by ReLOaD2 project team

2 days

6 February 2023



Task 2: Facilitate strategic planning process and guide the local working groups for strategy development
•           All envisaged meetings and workshops completed;
•           Required consultation processes concluded;
•           Task 2 report approved by ReLOaD2 project team

Bihac – 9 days, City of East Sarajevo – 8 days, Gacko – 7 days, Goražde – 8 days and Prijedor – 9 days.

6 March 2023



Task 3: Compile inputs, draft/re-draft strategy document and provide quality assurance
•           The Youth strategy fully developed and coherence of the document ensured;
•           The Strategy document quality assured, validated and approved by the LG representatives and ReLOaD2 project team;
•           Service report approved by ReLOaD2 project team.

Bihac – 8 days, City of East Sarajevo – 7 days, Gacko – 7 days, Goražde – 7 days and Prijedor – 8 days.

3 April 2023



Corporate Responsibility and Teamwork:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Plans, prioritizes and delivers tasks on time;
  • Strives for and promotes excellence in performance continually;
  • Participates effectively in a team-based, information-sharing environment, collaborating and cooperating with others;
  • Generates ideas and seizes opportunities to support corporate strategic objectives.


People Skills:

  • Demonstrated ability to work harmoniously with persons of different national and cultural backgrounds;
  • Recognizes and responds appropriately to the ideas, interests, and concerns of others;
  • Builds trust and engenders morale by displaying open, transparent and credible behaviour;
  • Respects individual/cultural /gender differences; utilizes diversity to foster teamwork;
  • Ensures others’ understanding of, involvement in, and adaptation to a change process.


Partnering and Networking:

  • Communicates sensitively and effectively across different constituencies;
  • Ability to work as a member of a team as well as work autonomously.



  • Plans and procedures quality results to meet established goals.



  • Technical writing skills, formulates written information clearly and persuasively;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Shares information openly with co-workers and partners while using discretion to protect confidences;
  • Presents information in a clear and articulate manner.


Job Knowledge and Expertise:

  • Understands the main processes and methods of work regarding to the position;
  • Possesses basic knowledge of organizational policies and procedures relating to the position and applies them consistently in work tasks;
  • In-depth knowledge of development issues;
  • Demonstrates in-depth knowledge of communications issues and production of various communications products;
  • Strives to keep job knowledge up to date through self-directed study and other means of learning;
  • Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Academic Qualifications/Education

University degree in public development studies, economics, political or social sciences or a related field.



  • Minimum 7 years of progressive experience in local development, strategic planning and/or strategy implementation primarily at local/regional, specifically in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Experience in delivery of technical assistance to public sector beneficiaries in the area of strategic planning, in line with the standardized development planning methodologies applied in BiH.
  • Experience in providing technical support in developing Youth strategies or other youth related documents.
  • Experience in analysis, definition and implementation of local development policies, strategies or programmes, particularly relevant for the local/regional level.
  • Proven analytical skills and ability to conceptualise and write concisely and clearly.
  • Experience in facilitation and coaching of small groups of participants.
  • Experience in applying MiPRO and/or other relevant strategic planning methodology at local or higher levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Languages Requirements

Fluency in written and spoken languages of BiH people.


Other Requirements

Certificate of successful completion of Training of Trainers Program for Preparation of Strategic Documents in FBiH organized jointly by the FBiH Agency for Civil Service, FBiH Institute for Development Programming and UNDP/ILDP will be considered as an asset.



Longlisting/Shortlisting Criteria

Qualifications as stated in the ToR



Relevant Education

max 10 points
7 points allocated for BA/BSc degree
+ 2 points for MSc/MA
+ 1 point for PhD 

Minimum 7 years of progressive experience in local development, strategic planning and/or strategy implementation primarily at local/regional, specifically in Bosnia and Herzegovina.   .

max 20 points 

Experience in providing technical support in developing Youth strategies or other youth related documents.

max 30 points 

Experience in applying MiPRO and/or other relevant strategic planning methodology at local or higher levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina

max 20 points

Submitted Methodology for developing Youth Strategy

max 20 points

Technical Evaluation Criteria



Rating based on Qualifications






Individual  will be evaluated based on the following methodology:

Cumulative analysis

When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the candidate whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

b) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

* Technical Criteria weight-70%

* Financial Criteria weight- 30%


Interested candidated must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work
  • Provide a breif methodology for conducting the process of Youth Strategy development
  • Personal CV/P11, including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references.

Please scan all above mentioned documents and upload as one attachment only online through this website.



  • For an assignment requiring travel, consultants of 65 years or more require full medical examination and statement of fitness to work to engage in the consultancy.
  • Due to large number of potential applicants, only competitively selected candidates will be contacted for remaining steps of the service procurement process.