
There is growing recognition that gender-based violence against women is a serious violation of basic human rights that must be eliminated from all sections of society. In Lao PDR, gender-based violence against women is a by-product of traditional beliefs and discriminatory customs related to gender roles. And without a strong rule of law and governance mechanisms for survivors to seek civil remedies, the elimination of gender-based violence against women cannot be achieved.

Since ratifying the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 1981, Lao PDR has been politically committed to eliminating gender-based violence and recognizes that its elimination is a critical part of the development process.

Under the Khan Hom Project supported by KOICA, UNDP is providing support to the Justice and Policing Sector of the Government of Lao PDR to develop policies to ensure the delivery of consistent and quality services to survivors of violence. Equally important to the provision of services are efforts to ensure awareness of services as well as social and behaviour change to enable and encourage survivors to seek out such services. While 1 in 3 women experience violence, just 2 percent will seek help for myriad reasons, many of which stem from harmful social and traditional norms.

As such, the successful applicant for this assignment will support capacity development of the Lao Women’s Union, the leading mass organization in the representation of women and the protection of their rights, to adopt and adapt communication for social and behaviour change (CSBC) to go beyond simple awareness raising of issues to create real change in society in how survivors of violence against women are viewed not only by other but of themselves.

UNDP is committed to gender-responsive programming to promote and protect the rights of women, and provide them with opportunities to fulfil their potential, contribute to society, and ensure the government of Lao PDR fulfills its pledge under the UN Sustainable Development Goals to “leave no one behind” as the country moves forward toward 2030.


The overall objective of the consultancy is to support the improvement of communication and community outreach efforts of the Lao Women’s Union to create real social and behaviour change around the issue of violence against women.

The objective of the consultancy is to support the Lao Women’s Union to implement their communication strategy for the Khan Hom Project, working on both community outreach and informational campaigns.

Deberes y responsabilidades


The successful applicant will be expected to support the international consultant with their knowledge of the local context and culture to ensure the undertaking of the following tasks: 

Task 1: Draft a detailed workplan for the assignment

  1. Lead the preparation for developing the timeline of activities, roles and responsibilities, materials needed, etc. to draft a detailed workplan for the assignment
  2. Develop agendas/timelines for activities which should include but not be limited to:
    • CSBC communication manual:
      • Consultation meeting
      • Training session
    • Workshops for developing capacity for informational campaigns:
      • Identifying, developing, testing, and analysing message tones
      • Developing a creative brief
      • Writing articles and social media captions
      • Graphic design
      • Photography
      • Pre-testing
      • Radio and TV script development
      • Modelling
    • Community outreach:
      • TOT upgrade training
      • Outreach training curriculum
      • Timeline for regular mentoring for master trainers
      • Monitoring plan for outreach

Task 2: Finalize CSBC communication manual and deliver dissemination workshop

Based on the communication manual developed in the previous year and agenda, plan and conduct a one-day consultation meeting with LWU and interested communication officers from other organizations to provide feedback:

  1. Collaborate with the national consultant to update and finalize the communication manual based on feedback received at the consultation meeting
  2. Lead the design of and deliver a one-day dissemination workshop with LWU and interested communication officers from other organizations on the manual. The national consultant will be responsible for developing PowerPoint slides and translating/editing manual content as necessary for the meeting.
  3. Keep the manual updated with new skill training contents.

Task 3: Conduct series of training sessions for informational campaign and provide ongoing mentoring

1. Collaborate with the national consultant to development of materials for and conduct series of training sessions on skills needed for informational campaigns as listed in Task 1, including but not limited to:

  • Identifying, developing, testing, and analysing message tones
  • Developing a creative brief
  • Writing articles and social media captions
  • Graphic design
  • Photography
  • Pre-testing
  • Radio and TV script development
  • Modelling

The national consultant will be responsible for developing PowerPoint slides and translating/editing the content as necessary for all the training workshops.

2. Provide ongoing mentoring support to LWU, providing feedback on communication materials and assets and ensuring alignment with the communication strategy for Khan Hom

Task 4: Conduct needs assessment, deliver series of training sessions for community outreach, and provide ongoing mentoring and monitoring

  1. Conduct a needs assessment of the master trainers to deliver trainings on community outreach to subnational Women’s Unions
  2. Based on the needs assessment, revise and translate the materials for the TOT and create new outreach materials as needed
  3. Deliver cascading TOT to master trainers (travel to 3 provinces required, each 2 days) and monitor master trainers’ training
  4. Provide ongoing mentoring support to the master trainers
  5. Develop monitoring system and conduct monitoring of local WU outreach communicators
  6. Conduct a mid-term assessment of the outreach methods and materials to improve and determine ways forward

Task 5: Provide support to plan for and develop communication materials for the 16 Days of Activism (16DOA) Campaign 2023

  1. Conduct a workshop to prepare for the development of communication materials in two alternate versions of each for pre-test, a pre-test plan and tools for the 16DOA Campaign 2023
  2. Support LWU to conduct the pre-test, analyze the pre-test results and revise the communication materials accordingly
  3. Support LWU to implement and follow up on the 16DOA Campaign 2023


  • Capacity development techniques, especially through virtual workshops
  • Knowledge of Lao PDR’s development situation and key related issues
  • Strong interpersonal skills and experience in relation building

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Master’s degree in Communications, Journalism, Public Relations or relevant area with specialization in behaviour change
  • 15 years experience in designing gender-sensitive communications, communications strategies and advocacy material via radio, print, social media and television;
  • Demonstrated experience in capacity building on planning for communication, communication strategy, behaviour change;
  • Experience working with UNDP is an advantage;
  • Previous experience working in Lao PDR and with the Lao Women’s Union is an asset.

Language :  Fluency in English


Requirements for submission of proposals 

All interested and qualified International Individual Consultants should apply online using the following links: 


UNDP Lao PDR Country Office website at

In order to make your submission, please read the relevant documents available at the links below 

  1. TOR(Annex I)
  2. IC General Terms and Conditions  (Annex II) 


Interested Individual Consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications: 

1. Technical Proposal 

            (i)  Explaining why you are the most suitable for the work; 

            (ii)  Providing a brief methodology on how you will approach and conduct the work including the work 

                  schedule for the delivery of outputs/deliverable; 

2. P11 Form Education and work experience, including past experience in similar projects and contact references of at least 3 references for whom you have rendered preferably the similar services; 

3. Financial proposal:  Detailed financial proposal: Lump sum offer with clear cost breakdown against each deliverable. Please use this template  Offerors Letter to UNDP


Instructions for online submissions: 

  • Step 1:  Please prepare all required documents electronically. 
  • Step 3: After that you will receive an auto reply from the UNDP jobs if your offer is received successfully. 

Incomplete proposals or proposals received after the deadline will be rejected

Note:  Any request for clarification must be sent in writing before the submission deadline to the following emails: