
The Myanmar Information Management Unit / MIMU is a service of the United Nations Development Programme provided in collaboration with the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator. It supports the information management needs of humanitarian, development, and peace-focused actors across Myanmar to strengthen analysis and decision-making.

MIMU was established in late 2007 in response to a UNOCHA-led survey of the needs of key humanitarian and development actors in the Myanmar context. Since that time its activities have been supported by various donors, notably the European Commission, the Government of Canada, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and UK Aid.

MIMU fills a critical gap in the local context, providing timely and impartial resources for emergency preparedness and response as well as humanitarian, development and peace-focused activities. With its unique country-wide, cross-sectoral remit, and close collaboration with a wide variety of stakeholders, MIMU demonstrates the nexus of HDP approaches in practice. The Unit works in close collaboration with UNDP’s Myanmar Development Observatory which offers analysis of the changing situation, as well as other UNDP projects related to Digital Transformation and Innovation and Civil Society.

MIMU safeguards the common data and information repository for development, humanitarian, and peace actors in Myanmar through gathering and compiling data from various sources on relevant sectors, countrywide, and making this information accessible to the wider group of stakeholders. MIMU works closely with the various entities and agencies active in IM across different sectors/geographic areas, in particular UNOCHA (on data preparedness for emergencies and support to humanitarian activities), and UNDP’s Myanmar Development Observatory (on provision of analytics on vulnerability, the SDGs and development issues).

MIMU also plays a key role in the use of geospatial data standards among United Nations, non-governmental agencies, and other actors by promoting open availability and interoperability of data through the practical application of information standards, providing dedicated support in emergency preparedness and response, and supporting analysis and wider development monitoring processes.

MIMU’s main strategies and deliverables are described in detail in the MIMU Terms of Reference and can be summarized as follows:

1. Data repository and Information products:

MIMU seeks to ensure a comprehensive, reliable, and accessible body of knowledge to support situational analysis, operational planning, and inter-agency coordination among humanitarian, development, and peace actors active in Myanmar. To this end MIMU provides a country-wide repository of relevant data and documents, and provides quality, standardized information products and services to support decision-making around planning and resource allocation.

2. Technical assistance and coordination:

MIMU demonstrates robust IM approaches, promoting the creation and use of common data standards based on international best practice, and building capacity through technical support and training in order to expand the IM capacity of humanitarian, development, and peace-focused actors.

3. Monitoring and analysis:

MIMU provides a wide range of tools to support common situational monitoring and analysis, reflecting the countrywide situation as well as the diversity and differences across administrative areas and different populations.

4. Networking and liaison:

MIMU maintains relationships with a wide variety of stakeholders (including inter-agency working groups, civil society agencies etc) to promote strengthened information exchange, use of appropriate IM tools and improved IM support to humanitarian, development, and peace-related activities in Myanmar.

The MIMU Manager will be based in Yangon with occasional field travel which will be undertaken in line with UN security protocols.

UNDP Myanmar is committed to achieving 50/50 gender balance in its staff. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for this position.

Devoirs et responsabilités

1. Strategic directions

  • Provide strategic guidance to the Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator, UN and Humanitarian Country Teams and stakeholders on data and information management for effective humanitarian and development programming;
  • Develop strategies to ensure availability of data necessary to support coordination and decision-making, with an emphasis on supporting common indicators and common needs assessment initiatives;
  • Ensure effective two-way exchange between MIMU and UN agencies, NGOs, Sector/Cluster coordination groups and other partners to help identify information requirements and ensure common availability of the information needed to support the coordination of humanitarian and development activities;
  • Promote data standards (including Place Codes), develop standardized data collection and dissemination tools and processes, and support other information protocols including the use of standardized metadata;
  • Establish and lead inter-agency information management working group(s) to promote information-sharing, data standardization and interoperability and where appropriate, joint data development initiatives;
  • Maximize the extent that Information and data is shared and disseminated among the Humanitarian/UN Country Team and other humanitarian partners with attention to sensitivity issues;

2. Timely, effective delivery of MIMU activities, products and services

  • Manage the development and provision of a common repository of core information including spatial data (geoinformation in standardized global formats), common databases, base and thematic maps and templates that support coordination and information-based decision making; thematic maps presenting multi-sectoral information; other reports and summaries;
  • Lead in Geographic Information Systems development, mapping and spatial data analysis and the provision of a repository of spatial data for use by the humanitarian and development communities;
  • Lead in development and maintenance of common databases and templates that support coordination and information-based decision-making, including Baseline data, the MIMU 5W database (Who, What, Where, When, For Whom), repository of assessments and photos
  • Ensure relevant, user-friendly and timely information products and services strengthening humanitarian, development, peace, emergency preparedness and response activities, countrywide, as well as nexus approaches to programming;
  • Within the limits of available resources, build information management-related technical capacity and skills of staff of humanitarian and development agencies and entities to strengthen the availability and interoperability of data and information on aid coverage, gaps and needs;
  • Ensure reliable, efficient technical support to partners and inter-agency working groups to meet their information management needs, including through base maps, support to data collection and management; data visualization
  • Maximize the extent that information and data is shared and disseminated among the Humanitarian and UN Country Teams and other humanitarian and development partners (MIMU website and other dissemination mechanisms);
  • Ensure clear communication of MIMU functions and its activities, and represent MIMU through briefings and other activities to the wider humanitarian and development communities;
  • Facilitate the Project’s representation and/or participation in international knowledge networks to draw on and share best practice and lessons learned for application in Myanmar.

3. Team oversight

  • Support fundraising to ensure adequate funding is available for MIMU strategic directions
  • Supervise and manage the strategic and day-to-day management of the unit, its national and international staff/consultants and contractors, and MIMU resources and assets,
  • Coordinate development and formulation of detailed implementation plans, procurement and human resources, communication and risk management plans, and timely internal as well as external reporting
  • Recruit, manage and train MIMU staff in the performance of their duties, ensuring staff development through coaching, mentoring and regular assessment;
  • Promote teamwork, information sharing and collaboration within the Project Team and between the Project Team and the Country Office more broadly.
  • Ensure adequate systems are in place for systematic project monitoring in line with project targets and donor requirements, including capture of lessons learnt during project implementation
  • Develop innovative improvements to enhance performance of MIMU and its activities and aims.
  • Oversee the appropriate use of project funds as well as the consistent application and compliance of all actions and activities with organizational rules, regulations, policies, strategies and internal control mechanisms;
  • Ensure that the project promotes gender equality and applies conflict sensitive and human rights-based approaches and human rights due diligence.

Institutional Arrangement

The MIMU Manager oversees all MIMU activities and is responsible for the timely achievement of MIMU targets and results. Working in close collaboration with MIMU, MDO and other UNDP Country Office colleagues, the MIMU Manager plans project activities and inputs, manages the day-to-day implementation of the project, oversees liaison and collaboration with partners/stakeholders and the MIMU Advisory Board, and leads in fundraising for MIMU activities.

The MIMU Manager supervises the national and international staff and consultants of the MIMU team and relationships with local contractors/developers, maintaining effective working relationships with a wide variety of entities and stakeholders including UN and Red Cross agencies, NGOs/civil society agencies, and development partners.

The MIMU Manager is accountable for actively engaging in UNDP’s Country Office integrated coordination and task team structures to ensure full integration of its activities within the Country Programme and projects, while also liaising closely with the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator and the UN Resident Coordinators’ Office.



Achieve Results:

LEVEL 4: Prioritize team workflow, mobilize resources, drive scalable results/strategic impact

Think Innovatively:

LEVEL 4: Easily navigate complexity, encourage/enable radical innovation, has foresight

Learn Continuously:

LEVEL 4: Create systems and processes that enable learning and development for all

Adapt with Agility:

LEVEL 4: Proactively initiate/lead organizational change, champion new systems/processes

Act with Determination:

LEVEL 4: Able to make difficult decisions in challenging situations, inspire confidence

Engage and Partner:

LEVEL 4: Construct strategic multi-partner alliances in high stake situations, foster co-creation

Enable Diversity and Inclusion:

LEVEL 4: Create ethical culture,  identify/address barriers to inclusion

People Management (Insert below standard sentence if the position has direct reports.)

UNDP People Management Competencies can be found in the dedicated site.

Manage Performance and Ensure Accountability:

  • Ensure regular conversations with people about work
  • Provide positive and constructive feedback
  • Discuss poor performance in a timely manner
  • Provide praise and recognition, as well as ensure accountability

Cross-Functional & Technical competencies

Thematic Area



Business Management

Results-based Management

Ability to manage programmes and projects with a focus at improved performance and demonstrable results

Business Management

Project Management

Ability to plan, organize, prioritize and control resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals

Business Management

Partnerships Management

Ability to build and maintain partnerships with wide networks of stakeholders, Governments, civil society and private sector partners, experts and others in line with UNDP strategy and policies

Business Direction & Strategy

Negotiation and Influence

Ability to reach an understanding, persuade others, resolve points of difference, gain advantage in the outcome of dialogue, negotiates mutually acceptable solutions through compromise and creates ‘Win-Win’ situations.

Business Development

Knowledge Facilitation

Ability to animate individuals and communities of contributors to participate and share, particularly externally


Business Development

Knowledge Generation

Ability to research and turn information into useful knowledge, relevant for context, or responsive to a stated need.

Resource Mobilization 


Catalyzes new idea, method and applications to pave a part for innovation and continuous improvement in professional area of expertise 


Qualifications et expériences requises

Min. Education requirements

  • Advanced University Degree in Project Management, Business or Public Sector Administration, International Relations, Development Studies, Information management or other relevant discipline.

Min. years of relevant work experience

  • Minimum of 7 years’ experience in project management contributing to humanitarian and/or development activities.   

Required  skills

  • Demonstrated expertise in humanitarian / development projects, programme and team management, strategy development, financial oversight and managing issues of sensitive information;
  • Demonstrated expertise in fundraising, planning, monitoring, reporting, stakeholder and team coordination in humanitarian/development organizations;
  • Excellent inter-personal and liaison skills with a strong service orientation and the ability to work with all levels of representatives/officials of a variety of organisations and donors to build relationships and ensure cooperation;
  • Computer literacy – MS office applications, web-based management information systems;

Desired skills in addition to the competencies covered in the Competencies section

  • Prior experience of humanitarian and/or development work in Myanmar is an asset; experience in South/South-East Asia and/or fragile countries/countries in transition would be an advantage.

Required Language(s)

  • Fluency in written and spoken English.

Professional Certificates



The following documents shall be required from the applicants:

a)            Personal CV or P11, indicating all past positions held and their main underlying functions, their durations (month/year), the qualifications, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate, and at least three (3) the most recent professional references of previous supervisors. References may also include peers.

b)            A cover letter (maximum length: 1 page) indicating why the candidate considers him-/herself to be suitable for the position.

c)            Managers may ask (ad hoc) for any other materials relevant to pre-assessing the relevance of their experience, such as  reports, presentations, publications, campaigns or other materials.