
The majority of Armenia's population of 3.23 million inhabitants lives in urban centers. Buildings represent the largest energy end-use sector which accounts for 35,5% of electricity and 25,3% of heat consumption in the country , and offers the single largest and most cost-effective opportunities for energy efficiency improvements: 40% of the national energy saving potential is in the buildings, an equivalent of 400 Mtoe or 2.3 MtCO2e of GHG emission reductions annually . It is also the second fastest growing sector (after transport) in terms of energy use and GHG emissions: in 2002-2005 consumption of natural gas in residential and public buildings grew by 206% and 85% respectively.

The largest portion of the urban housing stock is between 30 and 60 years old and typically with poor thermal characteristics and poorly sealed. All old buildings without exception require some sort of repairs and 11% of the buildings are in the stage of emergency and in urgent need for reconstruction. Since early 2000 Armenia has been experiencing construction boom, when the construction volumes were increasing by 15-20% annually. Global financial crisis will affect that trends, however the Governmental is committed to leverage financial assistance for supporting the sector, as well as to implement the Programme for Restoration of the areas suffered from the disastrous earthquake in 1988. In November 2008 the Government once more declared full restoration of the earthquake zone among its priorities and pledged 77 bln Drams (250 mln US dollars) for finalizing the construction of new housing for 75,000 people still living in the temporary dwellings.

The objective of this Project Preparation Grant (PPG) is to develop a full size project document for a UNDP/GEF project in Climate Change focal area addressing barriers to promoting energy efficiency in buildings (multi-apartment, and public including schools, administrative buildings, hospitals, and sport facilities) and reduce their energy consumption (power and heat) by improving building norms and standards, demonstrating integrated building design approaches, and building capacity of local architectural, construction, and building maintenance specialists.

The end result of assignment will be completed chapter of the Project Document for the UNDP-GEF FSP “Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings” on demonstration project, including incremental costs and energy saving potential of proposed measures.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The task of the International Consultant will be to ensure the identification and scoping of the demonstration project as the integral part of the UNDP/GEF FSP “Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings” Project Document to be submitted for CEO Endorsement/Approval are undertaken in line with respective GEF guidance.

To this end, the International Consultant will be responsible for; i) identification and assessment of the most feasible measures to be included in the demonstration project, selected in close consultation with national expert team; ii) scoping energy efficiency and renewable energy measures; and iii) assessment of the incremental costs for those measures to be covered by the demonstration project as a showcase of energy- and cost-saving potential of integrated building design in residential buildings.

Under the overall guidance of the Environmental Governance Portfolio Analyst and direct supervision of Climate Change Related Annual Work Plans Coordinator and in close cooperation with project International and National Consultants the International Consultant/Design and Construction of Energy Efficient Buildings (acting in his/her individual capacity) will be tasked with the following duties and responsibilities, subject to clarification after stakeholder consultations during kick-off workshop.

Scope of Work

Develop criteria for selection of buildings to demonstrate integrated building designed under the proposed UNDP-GEF projects

For selected buildings, elaborate the principles and scope of demonstration project in close consultations with national partners and experts, considering: 

  • Key elements of integrated building design (climatic conditions, insolation, energy efficient materials and equipment, renewable energy-based systems), 
  • No-cost, low-cost design measures for EE building construction, 
  • Replication potential of the selected measures, 
  • Co-funding opportunities;

In consultation with local architects and engineers finalize the scope of demonstration projects; 

  • Justification of demonstration activities, 
  • Identification and assessment of relevance of the selected demonstration site identified by local experts, 
  • Elaboration of scope of feasible measures to be considered in the demonstration project, 
  • Justification of the budget for recommended activities in the demonstration project, 
  • Detailed incremental cost analysis to justify GEF intervention for FSP,
  • Assessment of energy saving potential in the pilot project compared to the business as usual scenario.


  • Deliverable 1: Justified and confirmed choice of project site -31 September 2009
  • Deliverable 2: Draft of Component 4 chapter of the UNDP/GEF FSP Project Document-15 October 2009


The International Consultant must ensure preparation of the chapter on the Component 4 (Demonstration project scoping) as an integral of the FSP Project Document for UNDP/GEF FSP “Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings”. All reports must be submitted in English to the UNDP CO in Armenia and made in accordance with GEF/UNDP’s templates and requirements to reporting (available at www.thegef.org).


  • Academic background in integrated building design or related field;
  • Practical experience in designing demonstration projects related to EE in buildings;
  • Practical experience in incremental cost analysis of EE measures in accordance with reuirements and based on criteria applied by the GEF;

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • At least seven (7) years of working experience in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies/systems integrated buildings design.
  • Proficiency in English, analytical and drafting skills; preferably knowledge of written and spoken Russian language;
  • Previous experience of working in CIS countries for EE buildings projects will be an asset.