
The Global Fund is a valued partner in UN’s efforts to improve regional health security. The Fund has saved over 20 million lives since 2002, including 10 million lives in the Indo-Pacific region, and averted 146 million new infections since 2012. It has shown significant impact on the three epidemics of AIDS, TB and malaria and contributed to stronger health systems. The Global Fund also provides critical support for efforts to combat the threat of insecticide resistance, which risks undermining malaria prevention efforts, as well as efforts to address drug-resistant malaria and TB.

Country coordinating mechanisms (CCMs) are the governing body in each country responsible for developing and submitting funding requests to the Global Fund.

Indonesia consists of some 17,500 islands with political stability and strong economic growth have led to dramatic gains in poverty reduction in the last decade. However, Indonesia still struggles with uneven access to services and disparity between major cities and more remote areas. These factors contribute to the country’s continued risk for HIV, TB, and malaria.

Indonesia is requested to submit its application for Malaria funding requests for the HIV, TB and Malaria in the same TRP review window on 20 March 2023. A complete set of application materials will be shared by the Global Fund country team. All funding requests are required to be developed through inclusive and transparent country dialogue with a broad range of stakeholders including key and vulnerable populations.

Funding Request requires assistance of content specialist and writing specialist. The content is provided by stakeholders which include technical units in country (people living and affected by the disease) and professional organization involved in the process. The process itself consist of 3 steps: (1) first step collecting information of needs, issues and ideas which becomes the basis for 1st draft document, prepared by the lead consultant. (2) second step will review the 1st draft by the stakeholders and will be refined by the writing team. (3) third step will be resulting in the 3rd draft to reviewed for final draft which then refined by the editor to become the final document to be endorsed by CCM Plenary and submitted to the Global Fund.

Indonesia will be submitting its funding request applications in Window 1: 20 March 2023.

Recently The National Control Programme has finished the Mid-Term Review for the National Strategic Plan (NSP) for Malaria Control for the period of 2020-2025. This plan is in line with National Mid-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and Strategic Plan for Government Institutions of the Republic of Indonesia. To achieve its targets the plan covers all government- and private sectors and also includes engagement of civil society and the strategies are in line with WHO recommendations.

The NSP was developed through a fully inclusive and multi-stakeholder approach, aligned with international normative guidance and national health sector strategies. Goal, objective, targets and strategic approaches were developed through a credible, independent multi-stakeholder process ensuring continuous dialogue. The NSP will be the basis for design of the Malaria Funding Request (FR) 2024-2026. This design and preparation of Malaria Funding Request require Community Aspect Consultant, especially to prepare the annex to Funding Request Proposal titled Funding Priorities from Civil Society and Communities.

The overall objective for hiring this Community Aspect Consultant is to support the Technical Working Group for Malaria in developing the 2024-2026 Malaria Funding Request documents (application and relevant narrative annexes) to be submitted to the Global Fund that is due on 20 March 2023.

The consultant is expected to work in close collaboration with the CCM Technical Working Group for Malaria and National Malaria Control Program, with inputs from the Global Fund Secretariat and other technical partners as appropriate, working closely with the leader of writing team for GF Malaria proposal.

Duties and Responsibilities

Interested candidate has to access Procurement Notice ref: (Readv) IC/UNDP/HEART/002/2023 - Community Aspect Consultant at the following link:

We encourage you to submit your application as per guidelines mentioned in the Procurement Notice above.

Scope of Work

The scope of work for the post will be:

1. Support the Team Leader to develop work plan activities from Civil Society and Communities which include list the top 20 priorities identified by communities during country dialogue and funding request development.

2. Support the development of Community System Strengthening (CSS) Gaps and Priorities, which provides an analysis of needs in health and community systems and provides a plan on how each of the funding requests will collectively meet those needs.

3. Facilitate discussions with CCM/TWG Malaria in terms of work plan activities.

4. Ensure timely completion of all relevant documents/ annexes, and sections with deadline to CCM Indonesia.

5. Support Team Leader for drafting proposal and/or work plan activities (for community) to the TWG Malaria, CCM and relevant stakeholders to get inputs, incorporating inputs and feedback for revise and finalize proposal and/or work plan activities.

6. Consultation with country networks of Malaria CSO and PLWD (Pemuda, Perempuan, dan Penyandang Disabilitas) and other civil society Partners

7. Support the Team Leader during in the TRP clarifications process – in close collaboration with country networks of PLWD and other civil society partners.

8. Support active participation of country networks of Malaria CSO and Malaria PLWD populations and other civil society partners in the country dialogue, negotiations with government and other key stakeholders and their active participation in the development of the Funding Request (to support Team Leader).

9. Support CSOs for inclusion of their priorities and of a CSS module in the Funding Request; Prepare selected key Funding Request documents (e.g. Initial list of Modules, Interventions and/or Key Activities, Sections of the Funding Request Form, Performance Framework, etc.); assist in finalizing selected key Funding Request documents under direction of the Team Leader.

10. Prepare final assignment/consultancy report.


Interested candidate has to access Procurement Notice ref: (Readv) IC/UNDP/HEART/002/2023 - Community Aspect Consultant at the following link:

We encourage you to submit your application as per guidelines mentioned in the Procurement Notice above.


Required Skills and Experience

Interested candidate has to access Procurement Notice ref: (Readv) IC/UNDP/HEART/002/2023 - Community Aspect Consultant at the following link:

We encourage you to submit your application as per guidelines mentioned in the Procurement Notice above.