
The IASC Gender Standby Capacity (GenCap) project was established in 2007 to strengthen gender equality programming capacity and leadership in humanitarian operations. Through tailored inter-agency deployments, GenCap aims to reinforce leadership, programmes and localization strategies that ensure the centrality of gender equality in humanitarian response.

Over the past two years, the project has undergone a re-design process to strengthen its impact at field level. Central features of the reforms include greater emphasis on targeted gender equality work with local actors and affected people, as well as strengthening programming through evidence-based approaches. As a result, the project invests in enhancing strategic and technical capacities within humanitarian teams.

Position Purpose

To bolster work under the localization pillar of the project, the IASC GenCap project will pair deployment of the existing Senior Gender Adviser with this dedicated national gender specialist in humanitarian action. The objectives of the national gender specialist role is to facilitate the transfer of local Gender Equality Programming in Emergencies (GEPiE) tools and skills for the GEPiE Working Group to promote and use; connect with local actors on GEPiE through consultations and training; support Gender Progressive Civil Society Organizations vis-à-vis the work of the Humanitarian Country Team and clusters/sectors; and to work alongside the GenCap Senior Gender Adviser to support elaboration and implementation of the GEPIE Road Map. The national gender adviser in humanitarian action specialist will support the various elements of the humanitarian programme cycle providing technical, documentary and secretarial support as required.

The national Gender Specialist will support the existing HCT roadmap formulation and action, and will report to the Senior Gender Adviser on technical elements, with line management provided by OCHA DHoO.

Duties and Responsibilities

In this section list up to five primary functions/accountabilities of the position (Typically one sentence each) and examples of duties that must be performed to successfully accomplish key responsibilities.

Technical assistance to the HCT

  • The national Gender Specialist function will support the GenCap project with operational guidance in the local humanitarian operations and inform strategic decisions on how to build the capacities of humanitarian actors applying Gender Equality Programming practices.
  • The national Gender Specialist will support strengthening of gender equality programming in emergencies described in strategic planning and response processes including the humanitarian programme cycle, nexus opportunities through joint programmes, and any other relevant response support.  
  • Integrate gender equality issues in the collection and presentation of gendered data through information management and needs assessments;
  • Discuss the gender dynamics of the country in order to provide local perspectives for the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) and cluster members’ understanding of the prevailing gender issues. Support the presentation of gender analysis and recommendations by the Gender Equality Coordination in Emergency Working Group (GECiE WG) to the HCT;

Technical assistance in the coordination of GECiE WG

  • Coordinate and provide technical assistance for the mobilisation of the Gender Focal points and lead agencies, network to support clusters, the ICCG and feed the HCT with relevant information on key gender related issues for strategic decision-making processes
  • Facilitate the transfer of local GEPiE tools and skills for the GEPIE WG to promote and use
  • Support the GECiE working group with documentation, convening of regular meetings and formalisation of clear action plans with an agreed reporting mechanism   

Technical Assistance and support to the ICCG 

  • Integrate gender dimensions in emergency response and preparedness and in programs to support a smooth transition to development;
  • Provide technical assistance to the ICCG through development of tools, training, mentoring and accompanying their engagement with GEPiE agenda
  • Support to provide guidance for GEPiE in the operation by facilitating close working relationships between the GECiE WG and ICCG
  • Technical assistance for multisectoral needs assessments
  • Support to determine Training Needs for ICCG members on GEP

Technical Assistance to clusters

-           Engage with clusters to advise and enable that GEPiE is appropriately integrated

-           Support the development of minimum gender commitments for members

-           Support partners to collect data related to gender equality

-           Support gender rapid analysis

-           Assessment of training needs for cluster members, and facilitate training as needed.

-           Support the cluster to do a cluster capacities and vulnerabilities mapping Analysis

-           Conduct trainings to build up capacity of cluster members for GEPiE using the GiHA curriculum

-           Support clusters to apply the GAM and improve gender equality measures during proposals and monitoring phases

Technical Assistance to IMO

  • Ensure gender equality considerations are integrated in communication (SiTrep; Dashboards) and resource mobilization strategy
  • Support strengthened advocacy and communication on gender needs and priorities for humanitarian response.

Support the localisation process

  • Encourage the involvement / participation of Local partners in all humanitarian coordination mechanisms especially women and youth focussed organisations
  • Capacity building of local CSOs and government counterparts in GEPiE principles, mechanisms and tools
  • Mobilize local NGOs and Government authorities to engage in GEPiE coordination, planning and programming;


Thematic Area



Business Management

Project Management:

Ability to plan, organize, prioritize and control resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals

Business Direction & Strategy

Strategic Thinking

Ability to develop effective strategies and prioritized plans in line with OCHA’s objectives, based on the systemic analysis of challenges, potential risks and opportunities; linking the vision to reality on the ground, and creating tangible solutions. Ability to leverage learning from a variety of sources to anticipate and respond to future trends; to demonstrate foresight in order to model what future developments and possible ways forward look like for OCHA

Business Management

Mutual Accountability Framework:

Ability to manage Programmes and projects with a focus at improved performance and demonstrable results

Business Direction & Strategy

Business Acumen

Ability to understand and deal with a business situation in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome

Knowledge and understanding of the operational frameworks in the organization and ability to make good judgments and quick decisions within such frameworks

Business Development

Human-Centered Design

Ability to develop solutions to problems by involving the human perspective in all steps of the problem-solving process

Business Development

UNOCHA Presentation

Ability to represent UNOCHA and productively share UNOCHA knowledge and activities; advocate for UNOCHA, its values, mission and work with various constituencies

Business Management

Partnerships Management

Ability to build and maintain partnerships with wide networks of stakeholders, Governments, civil society and private sector partners, experts and others in line with UNOCHA’s strategy and policies

Required Skills and Experience


Master’s Degree preferably in gender studies, social sciences or related discipline is required; A Bachelor’s degree with a combination of 2 additional years of relevant and qualifying experience in the field of gender  may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

Experience, Knowledge, and Skills

  • At least 2 years’ professional experience in humanitarian context.
  • Significant experience in working on gender equality issues in the local context is required.
  • Experience in working with humanitarian and/or development projects in managing or coordinating services and support is required.
  • Experience in facilitating training and capacity building on gender equality and/or communicating with communities is desirable.
  • Experience in alliance building with diverse stakeholders for collaborative action and impact.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English is required. Knowledge of another UN official language (especially French and/or Arabic) is highly desirable.

Offers received will be evaluated using a Combined Scoring method, where the qualifications, experience and proposed approach will be weighted 70%, and combined with the price offer, which will be weighted 30%.

Criteria to be used for rating the qualifications and methodology:

Technical evaluation criteria (total 70 points):

•           Qualifications [10 marks].

•           Experience in undertaking and facilitating similar tasks [30 marks].

•           Proposed approach, including strategies to ensure timely delivery of high-quality products [30 marks].

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points in the Technical Evaluation will be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Financial evaluation (total 30 points):

All technically qualified proposals will be scored out 30 based on the formula provided below. The maximum points (30) will be assigned to the lowest financial proposal.  All other proposals receive points according to the following formula: