
UN Women ROAS together with ILO ROAS are jointly implementing a Programme on Promoting Productive Employment and Decent Work for women in Egypt, Palestine and Jordan. Strategies of the joint initiative include promoting equitable labour market related laws and policies; engaging public, private and community actors with attention to involving men; and reducing the unequal burden of unpaid care work. The programme is working at three levels, macro, meso and micro, reflected in three outcomes:


I: Gender responsive labour laws and related policies in place and effective

II: A gender responsive private sector that attracts, retains and promotes women is supported

III: Gender stereotypes about women and men’s responsibilities concerning unpaid care and household work are challenged


A key focus of the regional joint programme is to (a) foster learning among partner organizations and other stakeholders, and (b)  enhance exposure and replication of successful and scalable interventions of the programme. A regional learning document will be developed this year, to be presented during a large learning event with key stakeholders.



Objective of the Assignment:


The expert consultant is expected to develop a concise and user-friendly regional document, capturing good practices, learnings and scalable approaches implemented by UN-Women and ILO in the last four years. The document will be accompanied by a short communications brief (companion to the main report). It will build on the Mid-Term Evaluation, narrative programme reports, other surveys and evaluations and key documents reflecting. The document should also be informed by interviews and/or focus groups with key stakeholders.

Devoirs et responsabilités


Under the direct supervision of the JP Work4Women Programme Manager, the learning consultant is expected to:


  • Conduct in-depth interviews, consultations, and focus group discussions with key stakeholders and beneficiaries including CO focal points to identify good and scalable practices of the programme. This will potentially include in-country field missions in Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine;
  • Pull together knowledge products produced by the project in one document to ensure proper documentation knowledge and lessons learned for dissemination to stakeholders
  • Through desk research, and consultations identify and document lessons learned, innovations, success stories, gaps and challenges within the programme, to inform future work of UN Women on respective thematic areas of work;
  • Identify strategies for replication and up-scaling of the programme’s good practices;
  • Provide actionable recommendations for future programme development and maximize

ownership by partners in the region covered by the programme.

  • Draft a regional learning document and a short communications brief (companion to the main report).
  • Facilitate the final learning event.





Preparation and submission of draft workplan

15th April 2023

Development of learning document and companion brief in consultation with

JP Team and submission of first draft.

23rd July 2023

Submission of second drafts of learning document and companion brief

1st October

Facilitation of the learning event and presentation of findings   

End of October

Submission of final drafts of learning document and companion brief

End of November

Evaluation Criteria

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodology: Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points in the technical evaluation would be considered for the financial evaluation.

Criteria Weight Technical: 70% (70 points)

  • Criteria 1:  Advanced university degree (master’s degree or Ph.D.) in Gender, Political Science, Sociology, International Relations, Law or relevant field; a first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. (maximum obtainable: 10 points)
  • Criteria 2:  12 years of relevant experience in the area of gender equality and women’s rights especially in the area of women’s economic empowerment; (maximum obtainable: 20 points)
  • Criteria 3:   Proven experience in preparing analytical reports and assessments, in the field of

gender equality, women empowerment, or women’s rights;

(maximum obtainable: 20 points)

  • Criteria 4: Proven work experience and knowledge of the Arab region is required.

(maximum obtainable: 10 points)

  • Criteria 5: Previous experience within the UN system will be considered an asset

(maximum obtainable: 5 points)

  • Criteria 6: Fluency in English is required (maximum obtainable: 5 points)

Financial: Lowest Financial Proposal: 30% (30 points)

The points for the Financial Proposal will be allocated as per the following formula:

  • Contract will be awarded to the technically qualified consultant who obtains the highest combined score (financial and technical);
  • The points for the Financial Proposal will be allocated as per the following formula: (Lowest Bid Offered*)/ (Bid of the Consultant) x 30;
  • 'Lowest Bid Offered' refers to the lowest price offered by Offerors scoring at least 49 points in the technical evaluation.













Interested Individual Consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • A cover letter with a brief presentation of your consultancy explaining your suitability for the work and link to portfolio of work;
  • UN Women Personal History form (P-11) which can be downloaded from http://www.unwomen.org/about-us/employment;
  • Personal CV; and Financial proposal; Proposed inclusive daily rate.

The above-mentioned documents should be merged in a standalone file including all them, since the online application submission does only permit to upload one file per application. Incomplete submission can be a ground for disqualification.


Core Values

  • Respect for Diversity;
  • Integrity;
  • Professionalism.

Core Competencies

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues;
  • Accountability;
  • Creative Problem Solving;
  • Effective Communication;
  • Inclusive Collaboration;
  • Stakeholder Engagement;
  • Leading by Example.

Please visit this link for more information on UN Women’s Core Values and Competencies: https://www.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/Headquarters/Attachments/Sections/About%20Us/Employment/UN-Women-values-and-competencies-framework-en.pdf

Functional Competencies

  • Sound practical knowledge of gender issues esp. within the context of women’s economic empowerment in the Arab States region;
  • Strong analytical, writing and reporting abilities;
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a diverse environment;
  • Commitment to quality products and deadlines;
  • Positive, constructive attitude to work.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Advanced university degree (master’s degree or Ph.D.) in Gender, Political Science, Sociology, International Relations, Law or relevant field;
  • A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.



  • 12 years of relevant experience in the area of gender equality and women’s rights especially in the area of women’s economic empowerment;
  • Proven experience in preparing analytical reports and assessments,

                in the field of gender equality and women’s rights;

  • Proven work experience and knowledge of the Arab region is preferable.
  • Previous experience within the UN system will be considered an asset.


Language Requirements

  • Fluency in English is required
  • Fluency in Arabic is an asset