
Lao PDR harbors a rich natural diversity, lying at a convergence of three centres of mega-diversity– India, China and Southeast Asia. It hosts globally significant biodiversity - such as the evergreen forests of the Annamite Mountains and their foothills, the limestone karst of central Indochina, the wetlands and dipterocarp forests of the Mekong Plain, and the Mekong River itself.  Although the floristic diversity of Lao is poorly known and only a fraction of its species has been recorded, these include over 8,000-11,000 plant species, 166 reptile and amphibian species, 700 bird species, 500 fish species and over 100 species of large mammals. Over 1,000 globally threatened species are found in the Lao PDR. The people of Lao PDR make use of the biodiversity on a daily basis, particularly in rural livelihoods where agricultural biodiversity is a critical to food security and household nutrition.
Agriculture makes up about 40.7% of the GDP of Lao PDR, whilst the overall contribution of biological resources to GDP is estimated to be over 66%. Over 70% of the Lao population is dependent upon agriculture, fisheries and other biodiversity for their livelihoods. The majority of biodiversity resources utilized at the household level are derived from the agricultural landscape, wetland and adjacent forest areas.
Factors threatening the biodiversity found in the agricultural landscapes of Lao PDR include:
  • Changing agricultural practices: farmers are replacing their traditionally diverse agricultural practices with high-yielding varieties, mono-crops and high levels of chemical fertilizer and pesticide use.
  • Land use changes:  Traditional agriculture and forest land are converting to “contract farming” of cash crops, including tree crops (e.g. rubber and Eucalyptus).
  • Over-exploitation of biodiversity in the agricultural landscape: Increased population pressure and use of unsustainable harvesting practices influence negatively on agricultural biodiversity resources.
The objective of the joint FAO/UNDP GEF project titled Mainstreaming biodiversity in Lao PDR’s agricultural and land management policies, plans and programmes is to provide farmers with the necessary incentives, capabilities and supporting institutional framework to conserve agricultural biodiversity within the farming systems of Lao PDR.  The project will be developed within the context of the Lao PDR National Agricultural Biodiversity Programme (NABP) and other relevant national policy documents.  The five expected outcomes of the project are:
  1. National policy and institutional arrangements mainstream biodiversity in agriculture and land use sectors
  2. National agriculture extension service promotes the sustainable use of farmer varieties and conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity within current production systems
  3. Strengthened local level capacity to conserve biodiversity and enhance productivity of biodiversity resources, especially agricultural biodiversity resources
  4. Agricultural biodiversity-friendly products made available in local and international markets
  5. Four in-situ gene banks established over 100,000 ha
A Project Preparation Grant (PPG) has been approved by the GEF Secretariat to prepare the GEF Full-size Project (FSP) proposal. It is in this context that an International Market Expert is required to contribute to the preparation of the FSP, with a primary focus on assessing the feasibility for formulation of marketing and financial strategies, and identifying partnerships. 
Purpose of the consultancy
The overall purpose of the consultancy is to analyze market forces that threaten the agricultural-biodiversity of Lao PDR, and identify viable marketing and financial strategies for selected “agricultural biodiversity-friendly products”.  This will encompass analysis of international and national market demand for agricultural products, the financial viability of the commercialization of agricultural-biodiversity friendly products, and the identification of key partners.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Specific Objectives
1.     Elaborate an overview of market trends in Lao PDR, identifying market forces threatening biodiversity
1.1. Profile the national, regional and international markets for agricultural products from Lao PDR.
1.2. Identify non-agricultural products that have a large impact on agricultural biodiversity in Lao PDR (if any), and profile their national, regional and international markets.
1.3. Building on the work conducted by the Lead Consultant / Biodiversity Expert concerning the distribution of agricultural biodiversity in Lao PDR, assess the level of threat posed by market demand for agricultural and non-agricultural products to the agricultural biodiversity of Lao PDR.  Disaggregate the analysis according to the:
  • different agro-ecosystems of the country;
  • degree of market integration (geographical); and
  • main crop types being traded on the national and international markets.
2.     Analyze the barriers to, and options for, marketing “agricultural biodiversity-friendly” products[1]
  1. Participate in the identification of key agricultural biodiversity-friendly products in Lao PDR with the consultancy team, including specific products for which markets have been under exploited.
  2. Characterize national and international markets for agricultural biodiversity-friendly products (by region / product).
  3. Conduct case-study analysis of the successful marketing of specific agricultural-biodiversity friendly products in Lao PDR.
  4. Review all barriers to the successful marketing of the key agricultural biodiversity-friendly products.
  5. Outline and assess options for successfully marketing key agricultural biodiversity-friendly products (by region / product), including an analysis of the costs of production and the viability of the market by product.
3.     Assess the potential of commercial agricultural companies to develop guidelines for more biodiversity friendly practices
  • Identify key agricultural products that maintain and promote the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity.
  • Identify agricultural products that, with improved management, can be produced in a manner that maintains and promotes the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity.
  • Identify the main factors that determine the impact of the production of the selected products on agricultural biodiversity (by product).
  • Assess the impact that agricultural-biodiversity friendly production will have on the costs of production and levels of financial profitability (by product).
  • Identify any market incentives that may motivate the companies to develop guidelines for more biodiversity friendly practices (e.g. certification schemes).
  • Identify commercial agricultural companies who may be willing to consider adopting guidelines for more biodiversity friendly practices.
  • Analyze the linkages of local communities to the identified commercial agriculture companies.
4.     Explore options for niche markets and specialized crops, including the identification of high-potential products
  • Identify specialized crops and high potential products.
  • Identify niche markets and key components of “added value” within these markets.
  • Conduct a financial viability analysis for the production and marketing of the specialized crops and high potential products in niche markets.
  • Analyze international and national market demand for the selected crops including costs of processing, production and certification.
  • Identify potential partners for the commercialization of high-potential products and specialized crops.
5.     Elaboration of full-size project document
  • Provide comprehensive support to the International Lead Consultant / Biodiversity Expert in the preparation of the marketing related component of the Full-Sized Proposal, according to the principles of Results Based Management.
  • Provide inputs into other sections of the FSP, as required.
In conducting the consultancy, the consultant is expected to:
  • Review relevant literature, including documents, reports, reviews, etc.
  • Meet with relevant stakeholders, which will include Government, private sector, international non-governmental organizations, local communities, and others.
  • Organize and conduct workshops with all relevant stakeholders, to build partnerships and collaboration and raise awareness, as needed.
  • Organize and realize field visits, as needed.
Expected outputs
i.       Inception Report
A short document (approximately 5 pages) should be prepared during the first week of the consultancy that includes: an outline of the methodology to complete the tasks; list of completed document review; identification of documents to be sourced; any proposed revisions to the TOR’s; timetable; schedule of field visits and proposed list of interviewees. MAF / PAFO, UNDP and FAO will facilitate any necessary field work.
ii.     Progress reports
The consultant is expected to be available to participate in fortnightly meetings and to update MAF, FAO and UNDP on the progress of his / her work. Updates to be provided on a regular basis to the Lead Consultant / Biodiversity Expert.
iii.    Draft Report
The draft report should include the following (findings, analysis and recommendations):
  • Overview of market trends in Lao PDR, identifying national and international market forces threatening biodiversity;
  •  Identification of barriers to, and options for, marketing “agricultural biodiversity-friendly” products
  • Assessment of the potential of agricultural companies to develop guidelines for more biodiversity friendly practices;
  • Identification of options for niche markets and specialized crops, including the identification of high-potential products, financial viability analysis;
  • Identification of potential partners, including commercial companies who may introduce biodiversity friendly practices, and stakeholders in the development of specialized crops and high potential products of nice markets;
  • Illustrate the report with concrete examples and case studies.
iv.   Final Report
The final report will be delivered 2 weeks after comments are received. The final report will be delivered in English, with the summary in English and Lao.
The incumbent will work in direct collaboration with, and under the guidance of, the International Lead Consultant and Biodiversity Expert; and will also be under the supervision and available to report directly to the FAO, MAF and UNDP Working Group, when necessary.


  • Knowledge of and familiarity with financial viability analysis, characterization of agricultural markets, and assessment of market barriers / opportunities
  • Ability to conduct research and analysis and strong synthesis skills
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to critical feedback; consensus-oriented
  • Highly develop inter-personal, negotiation and teamwork skills, networking aptitude, ability to work in multi-cultural environment
  • Regional knowledge is desirable
  • Excellent in English report writing and communication skills

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Proven and extensive international experience in agricultural marketing, preferably with experience and extensive knowledge in marketing of niche products
  • Experience in UNDP/GEF project formulation/design
  • Thorough knowledge of - and experience with – agricultural biodiversity
  • Appropriate higher degree qualifications and at least 10 years relevant experience