
1.Introduction and Background

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls, the empowerment of women and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations system to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world.

UN Women operationalizes this through Flagship Programming Initiatives (FPIs) developed to achieve transformative results for gender equality and women empowerment. One such FPI is the Women Peace and Security (WPS) Program, which the Uganda Country Office has been implementing since 2018 with support from the Government of Norway. The Uganda WPS program is aligned to and contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) -specifically Goal 5 on Gender Equality and Goal 16, which seeks to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable peace and development by providing access to justice to all and to build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at the national and county level. UNSCR 1325 and the Goal 5 and Goal 16 clarified the critical link among gender equality, security, development and human rights.

UN Women has expansive experience in advancing implementation of the UNSCR  1325 globally and in Uganda. UN Women works with governments, UN partners, and civil society to support women’s participation and influence at all levels of decision-making to prevent and resolve conflict, to protect their rights during and after conflicts and to ensure that their specific needs are addressed during repatriation, resettlement and for rehabilitation, reintegration and post-conflict reconstruction.

Since 2014, UN Women has worked in collaboration with the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (MoGLSD) and other (State and non-State) actors to advance the WPS Agenda through the development, implementation and review of the National Action Plans (NAPs) on WPS.  

UN Women Uganda recently concluded implementation of a three-year (2019 -2021) WPS Programme funded by the Embassy of Norway that was majorly focused on the development of Uganda’s third National Action Plan and strengthening of national capacity and systems for effective implementation. The Embassy of Norway has generously committed to supporting Phase II of this Programme with focus on the priority outcomes and medium-term outcomes of the National Action Plan III on Women, Peace and Security from 2022-2026, building on the results of phase one of the Programme. UN Women will leverage on its expertise and convening role on UNSCR 1325 to ensure that appropriate technical capacity, tools and resources are in place for the implementation of NAP III WPS.

Violent conflicts are increasingly recognized as one of the main obstacles to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Effective conflict prevention and resolution require analysis of the causes, triggers, dynamics and patterns of conflict, as well as the factors and social dynamics that strengthen community’s resilience to conflict. Early analysis and ongoing monitoring are essential for anticipating conflict and for transforming conflict dynamics so that social groups committed to non-violent conflict resolution can be supported. Bringing a gender lens to conflict analysis, monitoring and transformative responses can make a significant contribution to conflict prevention because women are the most affected by these peace, conflict and security issues and the effects have had devastating long lasting impacts.

This perception study will analyze emerging trends in conflict dynamics in Uganda and the role of gender norms and gender inequalities in driving conflict. The study will examine the links between gender and conflict, assess existing capacities amongst youths and women rights organizations to advance the WPS agenda and make recommendations on best practices. It’s important for UN Women that the study also establishes how Gender Equality and Women Empowerment has been mainstreamed in practice within and across humanitarian, development and peace nexus including ways in which women-led organizations and gender equality networks have fully involved in the Humanitarian Development Peace nexus. This perception study complements the baseline study conducted in 2021 on the implementation of UNSCR 1325 in Uganda. The results of this study will therefore feed into and inform the Programme implementation of WPS II.


  1. To examine public perceptions on emerging trends of conflict dynamics in Uganda and how gender norms contribute to this trend
  2. To analyse the knowledge, attitude, skills and practices among youths on conflict and their engagement in conflict prevention
  3. To establish how Gender Equality and Women Empowerment has been mainstreamed in practice within and across humanitarian, development and peace nexus including ways in which women rights and women-led organizations are fully involved in the Humanitarian Development Peace nexus.

3.Research questions

The overall research questions for this study are:  

  1. What are the linkages between gender norms and conflict dynamics? In what ways are gender roles and norms impacting on the engagement of women in peace building and conflict prevention?
  2. What knowledge, attitude, skills and current practices do the youths in Uganda possess to enable them engage effectively in peace building and conflict prevention?  
  3. What are the interlinkages between GEWE, and the HDP nexus? How are women’s rights and women led organizations engaged in advancing the WPS agenda and HDP nexus in Uganda? What are the existing gaps and best practices?


Using a gender and human rights conflict analysis lens, the research teams will analyze the broader gendered context in which the conflicts in Uganda are occurring, the gendered drivers and catalysts of conflict; gendered conflict and humanitarian dynamics, including gendered patterns of violence; and opportunities and strategies for peacebuilding, including strengthening women and youths’ capacities for meaningful participation.

The findings from this research will be used to inform and shape the Programme implementation including creating content that can be adapted and used for a variety of purposes such as briefings, policy papers, and future programs development by UN Women. Key messages will be derived from the results of this study and used in the media campaign aimed at advancing the WPS agenda.

The study is expected to cover a representative sample of the districts in the following regions where the WPS II Programme will be implemented.

  • Central region: Wakiso, Luweero
  • Northern Uganda: Lira, Dokolo, Kitgum, Gulu city
  • Western region: Kasese, Kabarole, Kyegegwa,
  • Karamoja: Napak, Moroto, Kotido
  • Eastern Uganda: Mbale, Kapelebyong, Amuria, Kaberamaido
  • West Nile: Adjumani, Yumbe, Arua, Terego
  1. Methodology

The study will employ mixed methods and an innovative approach for capturing data, while ensuring that the views of the most excluded groups of women, girls and women living with disabilities are represented in the study. The consultant is expected to present a detailed study methodology and design data collection instruments.

  1. Duration of the assignment

The assignment is expected to be completed by 30th June 2023. All the deliverables have to be reviewed and approved by Program Specialist Women, Peace & Security.


Deberes y responsabilidades

  1. Scope of Work and Expected Deliverables

The consultant is expected to carry out the following tasks deliver the linked results and ensure that related reports are presented as and when due:


Key Tasks


 Estimated Timeframe

 Payment %


Task 1: Inception and planning phase

  1. Develop a detailed methodology indicating sampling frameworks / tools and techniques to be employed.

Report with a detailed methodology, workplan, timeline, Study Design and data collection tools

5 days



Task II: Data Collection

  1. Collect the relevant data in all the target locations. All data should be collected, stored and shared in line with relevant Data Protection Policy and/or data protection practices, following ethical standards.
  2. Organise a validation meeting targeting key stakeholders

Field visit report





Task III: Final assessment report

  1. Conduct field data analysis and draft report

Field data Report

5 days




Task IV: Develop communications piece

  1. Review and provide input into the communications brief ensuring that the media messages are culturally contextualized for Uganda audiences

Communication brief – key media messages, including PowerPoint presentation

2 days


Core Values

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism

Core Competencies

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example

Functional Competencies

  • Ability to synthesize Programme performance data and produce analytical reports to inform management and strategic decision-making
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Good interpersonal skills and capacity to liaise with parties concerned
  • Strong facilitation, writing and presentation skills

Excellent verbal and written English

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

1.Qualifications, skills, and experiences

With this Terms of Reference, UN Women is seeking to recruit a national consultant under SSA contract for a period of 32 days spread between two months collaboratively working with an international consultant. The  national consultant will be responsible for the field data collection processes.

The National Consultant is expected to have the following expertise:

  • At least a master’s degree, in any social science, preferably Peace and Conflict studies, including gender, and social research;
  • A minimum of 7 years of working experience applying qualitative and quantitative research methods, particularly in conducting social studies;
  • Sound knowledge of the women, peace and security context in Uganda
  • Knowledge of international normative standards on women’s rights and gender mainstreaming processes
  • Strong ability to communicate with stakeholders and clear understanding of the local/national stakeholders’ landscape;
  • Experience conducting similar research studies with published research is desirable