
UN Women, the Ministry of Interior and the Royal Guard (Gendarmerie Royale) launched a partnership in 2022 to improve the prevention, protection and response to violence against women and girls in Morocco. Within this framework and to enable Royal Guard staff to have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide quality initial contact, listening, counselling and care for women and girls victims of violence, a pool of trainers will be created. These officers will be responsible for providing training to officers operating in their command territory, whether assigned to reception and support cells or to reception desks.

In this context, UN Women is launching a call for consultation for the recruitment of an international expert to train Royal Guard trainers in Morocco on the reception and support of women and girls victims of violence.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The objective of this consultation is to provide concerned officers (chiefs of cells for women and girls victims of violence, executives judiciary police officers, from the central management, trainers from the Royal Academy and volunteer agents selected by the management) with the necessary knowledge and tools to be able to deliver training programmes on support services for women and girls victims of violence (including  reception, counseling, and assistance) and follow-up of VAWG cases, in compliance with Law 103.13 and its implementation decree , the Royal Guard Action Plan to combat violence against women and girls, and international norms and standards.


Expected results – Royal Guard judiciary police officers have acquired in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of the international normative and procedural framework and international best practices in the following areas:


  • An introduction to the prevention and fight against violence against women and girls: concepts, international normative framework, best practices;
  • Understanding violence against women and girls: context; particular vulnerabilities; the cycle of violence and its different phases; common misconceptions and prejudices about domestic violence; risk factors;
  • Promoting progressive mentalities and a no-blame culture among security officers, including reference to positive masculinities;
  • Prevention of violence against women: prevention and communication strategies; proactive role of the security sector;
  • Supporting women and girls victims of violence: understanding victims of violence; privacy, ethics and confidentiality; the role and rights of the victim; the victim centered approach, the victim’s right to self-determination; child protection
  • The role of the cells for women and girls victims of violence in the procedure: follow-up of cases with the investigation brigades; referral system (including the coordination with the Public Prosecutor's Office and the victim role); the role of interface throughout the procedure; awareness-raising and training of investigators.


Topis that are required to be addressed during the training are:


  • Normative framework and international good practices (including prevention and awareness-raising strategies) for the prevention of violence against women and girls,
  • National legal framework, GBV cycle and phases with a focus on the forms and risk factors of domestic violence,
  • Victim-centered approach,
  • Standards and guidelines to support women victims of violence: reception, support, listening, referral system including cooperation with the Public Prosecutor's Office and the judicial police, follow-up of cases with investigators, etc.


Useful Resources

  • UNODC, UN WOMEN and IAWP (2021), Handbook on gender-responsive police services for women and girls subject to violence
  • UN Women, UNFPA, WHO, UNDP and UNODC (2015), Essential Services Package for Women and Girls Subject of Violence
  • UNODC (2017), Resource book for trainers on effective prosecution responses to violence against women and girls


Target group – 30 Royal Guard officers, split into two groups of 15 each (chiefs of cells for women victims of violence, judiciary police officers, executives from the central management, trainers from the Royal Academy and volunteer agents).


Training modalities – the training is expected to start in the second week of June 2023. Exact dates will be determined later. Two sessions of 4 days each will be organized (6 hours per day), each session for a group of 15 officers. The training will be organized at the Royal Gendarmerie Academy (Casablanca). The training sessions can be co-facilitated by trainers from the Academy if needed and could benefit from external interventions as required for role plays or situational scenarios for instance (members from civil society, psychologists, social workers, jurists, lawyers, etc.).


Tasks - Under the general supervision of UN Women's Programme Coordinator on Violence against Women and Girls, and in close collaboration with the Royal Guard (Gendarmerie Royale), the consultant will perform the following tasks:


  • Once the methodology has been validated and the evaluation completed, develop the training modules, materials and presentations, electronic documentation (handouts distributed on USB sticks), case studies, practical exercises and any other support;
  • Ensure that the training modules developed/adapted integrate innovative training approaches and interactive communication methods (case studies, teamwork, team tasks, competitions);
  • Based on the validated training modules, prepare electronic documentation for participants, including case studies and other relevant materials/documentation. The case studies that will be discussed and followed during the training must be developed as close as possible to the practices and needs of the Royal Guard;
  • Submit a draft complete kit including training modules, electronic documentation, agenda and any training materials for review and validation by UN Women and the Royal Guard at least two weeks before the defined training dates;
  • Adjust the training kit according to the comments made by the Royal Guard and UN Women ;
  • Conduct a pre-training evaluation of participants' knowledge and mastery of the tools;
  • On the basis of the validated modules, facilitate the training of trainers for the 30 officers over a period of 8 full days (2 sessions of 4 days);
  • Conduct a post-training evaluation of participants' knowledge and mastery of the tools;
  • Submit a detailed final report on the conduct of the training, the content of the training, the evaluation of the training and the evolution of knowledge and mastery of tools by the participants.



Deliverable 1 – The methodological tools and roadmap


A methodological roadmap, with tools, of the training of trainers that details the recommended approach and based on andragogy principles, learning by doing and participatory sessions.

The roadmap will include an assessment method of the learning needs of the target group with a questionnaire and/or an interview grid.


Deadline:  5 working days after signing the contract


Deliverable 2 – The content of the training


The content of the 4 day training (6 hours per day), for an audience of 30 officers (two groups of 15 officers) selected to become peer trainers. The training will provide to the selected officers the knowledge and tools in terms of international norms, standards and good practices for security services for the reception and support of women and girls victims of violence in Morocco.


The content of the training of trainers will be developed based on the results of the pre-training assessment and will include at least the following elements:

  • Presentation and agenda of the training, including the learning objectives of each session;
  • Illustrated presentations with visuals, graphics, maps, and including notes for each slide;
  • Methods and exercises with electronic documentation;
  • At least one team exercise, and one role-playing exercise;
  • At least three case studies for group work;
  • A bibliography;
  • Pre- and post-training evaluations to assess participants' progress before and after the training. The evaluation will pay particular attention to assessing the individual capacities of participants to replicate the training.


Deadline:  5 working days after the methodology was validated




Deliverable 3 – The training report


A report of the training that includes the trainees’ evaluation and recommendation on potential needs identified during the training, especially with regards to the capacities of the trainees to become trainers (10 pages maximum, Arial 11).


Deadline:  5 working days after the last training day


  • Financial arrangements:

Payment will be disbursed upon receipt of the deliverables (as per above matrix) and their certification by UN Women and Royal Guard.


  • Evaluation of Applicants:

Applications will be evaluated based on the cumulative analysis taking into consideration the combination of their qualifications and financial proposal. A two-stage procedure is utilized in evaluating the proposals, with evaluation of the technical proposal being completed prior to any price proposal being compared. The award of the contract should be made to the individuals whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable.
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.


Technical criteria - 70% of total evaluation. Total max 70 points:

The total number of points allocated for the technical qualification component is 70. The technical qualification of the individual is evaluated based on desk review and following technical qualification evaluation criteria:


Technical Evaluation Criteria

Maximum Obtainable Points

At least 10 years professional experience in services to women and girls victims of violence

20 points

At least 5 years’ experience in advising / supporting national institutions for the enhancement of essential services for women and girls

20 points

Proven experience in delivering training to national institutions in the MENA region

15 points

A previous experience of training trainers in the security or justice field

15 points


Financial/Price Proposal evaluation:

  • Only the financial proposal of candidates who have attained a minimum of 49 points in the technical evaluation will be further considered and evaluated.
  • The total number of points allocated for the financial/price component is 30.
  • The maximum number of points will be allotted to the lowest price proposal that is opened/ evaluated and compared among those technical qualified candidates who have attained a minimum of 50 points in the technical evaluation. All other price proposals will receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest price.
  • Evaluation of submitted financial offers will be done based on the following formula: S = Fmin / F * 30
  • (S - score received on financial evaluation; F min - the lowest financial offer out of all the submitted offers qualified over the technical evaluation round; F - financial offer under the consideration).


  • Application and submission package

The candidate’s application should include:

1)      P11 with indication of relevant experience in line with the ToR requirements.  Completed and signed UN Women Personal History (P-11) form can be downloaded from:

2)      Financial proposal (sample is provided below): The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount with a breakdown of a daily professional rate per number of anticipated working days, travel costs (daily subsistence allowance and other in-country travel costs) and other related costs (e.g. tele-communication).


Note: Please scan all requested documents in one single document as the platform only allows for one download.


CORE Values

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism


CORE Competencies

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example


FUNCTIONAL Competencies

  • Focuses on impact and results and responds positively to feedback
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities
  • Ability to work under pressure and to meet deadlines
  • Proven track record in undertaking complex and comprehensive assessments
  • High level of communication (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills and working effectively within a multi-cultural environment


Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • A Master’s degree in law, with a special focus in penal law or human rights law or related areas.



  • At least 10 years professional experience related to international human rights standards in general, and to violence against women and girls in particular;
  • At least 10 years professional experience in services to women and girls victims of violence;
  • At least 5 years’ experience in advising / supporting national institutions for the enhancement of essential services for women and girls;
  • Proven experience in delivering training to national institutions in the MENA region;
  • A previous experience of training trainers in the security or justice field.



  • Proficiency in written and oral Arabic (required)
  • Proficiency in French and/or English (desirable)