
South Sudan is in a period of transition after the signing of the peace agreement in 2018. The Revitalized Agreement in the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan offers a pathway to peace and stability. The Agreement includes a 35% quota for women’s representation in government, the appointment of a Transitional Government of National Unity and plans for elections. However, despite the agreement, the country continues to experience multiple and intersecting crises related to conflict, climate shocks and protection.   The country’s fragility, the Covid-19 pandemic and, more recently, the Ukraine crisis and its global repercussions have severely impacted the economy and heightened food insecurity. Although the peace agreement ushered in some progress, its implementation has been slow. Elections are postponed until December 2024 and key mechanism for transitional justice is yet to be launched.

Currently, South Sudan is third on the Fragile states index (2022), and fourth in lowest human development according to UNDP’S Human Development Index (2021).  South Sudan is among the least peaceful country according to the global peace index (2022). The ability of the country to address these crises and come together as a nation is hampered by the local-state-national fragmentation of its governance systems and by the exclusion of women, especially young women, from political participation and decision-making.

Violence against women in politics remains one of the most serious challenges to women’s political rights today. Gender inequality in South Sudan strongly correlates with the country’s instability and fragility. Women’s equal political participation and representation is the key to unlocking the transformational change South Sudan needs to achieve a sustainable peace and future where more inclusive decisions are made, different voices are heard, and different solutions are created. However, the leadership profile in South Sudan as a young country, is decidedly older, and deeply rooted in the exclusion of women and young people from leadership and decision-making spheres. At present, no political party has fully met its obligations on the 35% affirmative action goal, in terms of women nominees for political appointments, and in political parties led by women. The problem is particularly acute with state leadership as there is only one-woman governor out of 10 and there are no female chief administrators out of the three (3) administrative areas in South Sudan.

The R-ARCSS, gender equality legislation and elections are key entry points for women to effect change. South Sudan is currently preparing for the 2024 general elections and is undergoing a constitution making process.  The country is working to fulfil its obligations in the R-ARCSS, which stipulates a 35% affirmative action, with strategic opportunities for South Sudanese women participation in influencing and monitoring the achievement as their country consolidates its democracy.

The project’s premise highlights the intersectional reality of gender in South Sudan, with references to age, geographic location, sex, and other variables, and it creates the need to promote a gender equality policy as a peace measure. This action is crucial since gender construction in South Sudan defines social status, access to resources and capital, inclusion, and representation, and exposes women and girls to violence that is deemed permissible in most cases. A confirmation of this context was pronounced in consultations held by UN Women and UNDP with key stakeholders where the urgency to address gender issues as central to building and consolidating the peace was discussed.

This project will support the leadership, representation, and meaningful participation of women in political and peacebuilding processes. Key objectives will be to diminish structural barriers for women’s inclusion, provide technical support to women leaders, candidates, and women CSOs, and support a collective advancement of gender equality by all stakeholders. The project will raise awareness for women’s leadership and political participation through government, media, and CSOs, strengthen their capacities and support their participation. Technical support will consist of resources to decrease the local-state-national fragmentation, by training women to navigate the difficult political and social terrain and gain skills to sustain this engagement. The project objectives will be achieved using a comprehensive approach to support the realization of the theory of change through the following three interrelated Outcomes related Outputs, which are the subject of this baseline survey:

Outcome 1: Enhanced quality and quantity of women participation in decision making in the national and state parliament.

  • Output 1.1: Women, especially young women are capacitated to work effectively in government and political parties;
  • Output 1.2. Increased opportunities and spaces for women leaders to engage with their constituencies, thereby strengthening accountability linkages between c enter and periphery;
  • Output 1.3. Increased advocacy to augment the number of women candidates and leaders in political parties through democratic and transparent means.

Outcome 2. Positive shift in perceptions and attitudes regarding women capacity to lead and make decisions in political and peacebuilding.

  • Output 2.1. Increased capacity and awareness of stakeholder groups, including CSOs, women Rights Organizations (WROs), media, community influencers, male allies, and political leaders to create an enabling environment for women’s political leadership;
  • Output 2.2. Expanded space for dialogue and exchange of ideas on women’s participation in political and peacebuilding decision-making (town halls, meetings, dialogues, forums, consultations). Women will be given the opportunity to lead dialogues on a variety of issues according to their priorities.

Outcome 3. Gender-sensitive and gender-inclusive laws, policies and practices are increased.

  • Output 3.1. Passing and commencement of implementation of a gender Equality Affirmative Action Bill 2022 for women’s representation in the republic of South Sudan that includes an enforcement mechanism for women’s representation;
  • Output 3.2. Strengthened capacity of the Ministry of Gender, Child, and Social Welfare to oversee the implementation of gender equality legislation.

To help measure the results during and at the end of the project of the key interventions under the Project and provide data to (1) guide evidence-based recommendations for project implementation, inform adjustments and improvements, and (2) inform the level, mix and type of inclusive consultations, dialogues, advocacy, analysis and actions/decisions to facilitate women leadership and political participation, UN Women and UNDP seek to conduct a  project baseline survey in specific focus areas of the project implementation and seek the services of an international consultant to conduct a baseline survey for the project using participatory and action research methodologies.

Devoirs et responsabilités


The purpose of the baseline study is to help assess the current situation of key project elements, including barriers to women and young women’s full and equal participation such as social norms, access to financial resources, conflict, and other crises.  This engagement will establish baseline data for the project’s key indicators and help provide the basis for measuring project results. Specifically, the baseline will:

  • Setting baseline benchmark to outcome and output indicators of the project, including the assessment of the validity and feasibility of the project indicators in determination of the all the baseline values and targets at outcome and output levels;
  • Assess the readiness, willingness, and perception of the people of South Sudan, focusing on vulnerable groups, to effectively participate in the process of permanent constitutional making process;
  • Assess the existence and possibility of establishment of two-way feedback mechanism between the statutory constitution making organs and vulnerable communities and their representatives as way of ensuring inclusive process for the constitution making process;
  • Assesses the level of understanding and knowledge of the process, content, and respective roles at all various levels in the constitution making process, focusing particularly on the vulnerable groups; and
  • Assess areas of contention (based on already identified contentious issues and matters) and identify consensus building areas around the constitution making process.


The International consultant will design and conduct the proposed baseline survey, in close consultation with the Project team, the technical working group (comprised of UN Women and UNDP) and with the implementing partners where UN Women is a leading agency.

Under the overall guidance of the UN Women Program Specialist, Women’s Political Participation with the support of the UN Women M, E & Reporting Specialist and UN Women Program officer, the Consultant will conduct the following tasks:

  • Review of project documents and consultations with members of the technical working group, government and non-government organizations involved with special focus to women leaders and young women, vulnerable groups including youth and women-led civil society organizations, IDPs, refugees, people living with disabilities and rural poor in project implementation locations/areas;
  • Prepare inception report that includes a detailed baseline research design and methodology, with sample size, sampling plan, data collection tools (online tools/platforms may be utilized), and data analysis plan;
  • Prepare data collection tools, and conduct of pre-testing/pilot-testing of the data collection tools and process, revision of these tools and procedures based on the results of the pilot-testing, and submission of fieldwork plan;
  • Actual roll-out of the data collection process, including survey administration and facilitation of key informant interviews and focus group discussions, quality assurance processes to be undertaken periodically during this stage;
  • Apply data analysis procedures, including tabulation, transcription, visualization; and production of draft report to be presented to the Project Team and Technical Working Group and other stakeholders for validation;
  • Revise research report, based on comments and inputs gathered from stakeholder consultations. At minimum, the report will include executive summary, introduction, project overview, research context and purpose, research framework/design and methodology, findings, case studies (specifically related to Women’s leadership and political participation), conclusions and recommendations;
  • Facilitate a validation workshop, incorporate feedback from the stakeholders and refine the report (Organize the workshop, facilitate, and document feedback); and
  • Submit final research report and accompanying presentation materials.


The baseline survey will be conducted in a participatory manner, with key stakeholders involved in all survey phases, including planning, inception, fact-finding, and reporting. The survey will utilize a mixed-methods approach applying a combination of quantitative and qualitative components to ensure complementarity. Regular meetings will be organized with the technical working group in consultation with UN Women Program Specialist for information-sharing and verification purposes at relevant survey stages, seeking relevant data and coordinating organizational issues. The preliminary suggestions for data collection methods include documentation review (Desk review), key informant Interviews, expert interviews and focus group discussion. The consultant will present findings to the technical working group and wider stakeholders, including state and national parliamentarians for validation prior to the preparation of the final report; and

The consultant will be accountable to design the best fit methodology for the survey, considering the outlined scope of services and contextual setting of South Sudan which includes enlisting the use of local enumerators for data collection, where possible and necessary.


The Consultant is expected to deliver the following deliverables/outputs, with the corresponding due dates and review/approving authority:


Estimated Duration to Complete

Target Due Dates


Submission and acceptance of inception report, which includes detailed research design, methodology, tools and fieldwork plan.

10 working days

22nd June  to 5th July  

Data collection, Analysis, Submission and acceptance of draft research report and presentation of key findings.

20 working days


5th – 1st August  2023

Submission and acceptance of final research report

10 working days

1st  – 14th  August 2023



The International Consultant will work under the overall guidance of UN Women Program Specialist, Women’s Political Participation and under the direct supervision of the UN Women M&E Specialist for this engagement. The M &E Specialist shall provide technical oversight on the implementation and service delivery of the Consultant. UNW will monitor and coordinate with the Consultant to ensure timely delivery of outputs.

The Consultant shall:

  • Work closely with UNW and the Project Technical Working Group and the Project Team throughout the baseline survey.
  • Allocate the proper and needed skilled personnel and resources to conduct the project.
  • Report regularly to UNW on the progress and results of the project; and
  • Ensure timely implementation of activities and submission of deliverables, in accordance with the outputs and timelines specified in this TOR.

UNW, through the Project Team, and in consultation Technical Working Group shall :

  • Closely coordinate and monitor service delivery of the Consultant.
  • Provide technical guidance/input where needed.
  • Facilitate logistical arrangement and mobilization for in the field consultations and interviews.
  • Provide certificates of acceptance for the outputs and deliverables of the contractor.


The Consultant shall be engaged for forty (40) working days from 22nd June, through 30th August (with 40 days for active the consultation). This also includes the review of the firm’s outputs by the UNW and respective approvals by the UNW which may go slightly over the 40 allocated days for quality assurance.



The Consultant should be able to operate within the project Areas. The specific locations of consultations/interviews will be agreed on based on the consultant’s detailed technical and sampling proposal, logistical availability, and appropriateness.



The Consultant should have its own workspaces, computers/laptops, and other facilities and equipment. UNW will help in providing venues for meetings or consultations.




This competitive selection process will use the Combined Scoring Method, using the 70%-30% distribution for technical and financial proposals, respectively.  Seventy percent minimum passing score of the technical proposal shall be 70% (70 out of 100 obtainable points). Technical proposals will be evaluated based on the following primary criteria, as shown in the tables below.



Summary Proposal Evaluation

Points Obtainable


Eligibility, qualifications, capacity, and experience of the Firm



Proposed research design and methodology



Management structure and key personnel






In the combined scoring, the Financial Proposal will be computed as a ratio of the Proposal’s offer to the lowest price among the proposals received by UNDP.



The contract price shall be a fixed output-based price regardless of the extension of the herein specified duration. Payments shall be made upon submission and acceptance of the outputs as specified in Part V. Acceptance of the outputs shall be based on how these meet evaluation quality standards and address stakeholder requirements.


The following components should be included, as a minimum, in the financial proposal:


  • Professional fees/salary/honoraria based on level of effort/number of person days.
  • Other professional fees and salaries (with level of effort/number of person days)
  • Travel, lodging, and allowances for fieldwork (if any)
  • Communication, workshops, meetings
  • Materials, reproduction, subscriptions
  • Management and operational costs
  • Others may be relevant to the scope of work.


3.     The consultant shall receive payments based on the following schedule.



Payment Tranches

Target Due Dates

Submission and acceptance of inception report, which includes detailed research design and methodology, tools and fieldwork plan



Data Collection, Analysis, Submission draft report and presentation of key findings.




Submission and acceptance of final research report




Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity;
  • Integrity;
  • Professionalism.

Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues;
  • Accountability;
  • Creative Problem Solving;
  • Effective Communication;
  • Inclusive Collaboration;
  • Stakeholder Engagement;
  • Leading by Example.


The consultant will also carry out the baseline survey in accordance with UNDP assessment guidelines and policies, United Nations Group Evaluation Norms and Ethical Standards, UNEG Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct for Evaluation in the UN system http://www.uneval.org/document/detail/100

Qualifications et expériences requises


The interested International Consultant shall be eligible to conduct business in South Sudan and shall have the following minimum qualifications:


  • Master’s degree or equivalent in Law, Human Rights, or Gender Studies, International Relations, Development Studies, Public Policy, social sciences or area related to Women, Peace and Security and Political Participation is required.

Work Experience:

  • Has had at least Seven (7) years of experience as an institution or person operating in and directly engaging in gender studies, monitoring, evaluation and research in relation to either women’s political participation processes, conflict-prevention and peacebuilding and social development, preferably in post-conflict settings;
  • With at least seven (7) years’ experience in planning and organizing research fieldwork in settings in South Sudan or similar context in undertaking data collection, management, analysis and visualization for both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies;
  • Has successfully completed at least seven (7) projects focusing on program development, monitoring and evaluation, and research and learning in relation to women’s political participation processes, conflict-prevention and peacebuilding and social development in post conflict setting; and
  • With demonstrated knowledge and experience in the application of human rights-based approaches and engagement with women leaders, aspiring young women, youth, and members of vulnerable/marginalized/disadvantaged groups.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in English;
  • Knowledge of Arabic or other official UN working languages is an added advantage.


All applications must include (as an attachment) the completed UN Women Personal History form (P-11) which can be downloaded from: https://www.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/Headquarters/Attachments/Sections/About%20Us/Employment/UN-Women-P11-Personal-History-Form.doc. Kindly note that the system will only allow one attachment. Applications without the completed UN Women P-11 form will be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for further assessment.


In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality, and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW, and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.

Gender Sensitivity:

At UN Women, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. UN Women recruits employs, trains, compensates, and promotes regardless of race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, national origin, or any other basis covered by appropriate law. All employment is decided on the basis of qualifications, competence, integrity, and organizational need.

UN Women has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UN Women, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and discrimination. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to UN Women’s policies and procedures and the standards of conduct expected of UN Women personnel and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks.