Application procedure:
Application with a CV must be submitted online via this website. Please click on “Apply Now” Tab and complete required fields and upload CV. Please note that website accepts only one document therefore, if you would like to upload more than one document, please make sure to combine it into a single one.
Financial offer (for national consultants only in BAM) in a form of completed and Signed Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and availability - Can be downloaded with the following link: Individual Contract Offeror's Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability Template | United Nations Development Programme- Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability.docx - to be sent to e-mail with Subject: Job ID 113808.
The position is located with the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The consultant will work under the guidance and direct supervision of the Senior Human Rights Adviser.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a party to all core international human rights treaties and, like all United Nations Member States, it has committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are grounded in the international human rights treaties, including on the fundamental principle of equality and non-discrimination.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2025, signed between the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina at all levels and the United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is based upon and purports to contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; accession to the European Union; economic and social reforms; and the human rights and other international obligations and commitments of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The four strategic priorities of the UNSDCF are sustainable, resilient and inclusive growth; quality, accessible and inclusive health, education and social protection; people-centered governance and rule of law; and citizen and community engagement for social cohesion.
In order to monitor and measure progress in the implementation of a State’s human rights obligations and the SDGs, and to take appropriate action to address gaps and delays, it is necessary to collect disaggregated, human rights-based data. In their Concluding Observations concerning Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies have recurrently pointed to importance of disaggregated data, notably with a view to monitoring, measuring and addressing inequalities and discrimination in access to civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. The third Universal Period Review of Bosnia and Herzegovina also included such a recommendation.[1]
As part of other endeavours to support authorities, institutions and other relevant stakeholders to advance the promotion and protection of human rights, peacebuilding and development, the United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina is assisting national counterparts to improve the collection of disaggregated data, including human rights based-data and human rights indicators.
[1] See
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the supervision of the Senior Human Rights Adviser, the consultant will develop a human rights indicators framework, including data collection and analysis, with a focus on the right to health. The consultant will take into account the identification of groups left behind or at risk of being left behind.
The consultant will also support the country to populate SDG indicator 16.b.1/10.3.1 on perception of discrimination, by developing a survey module, in cooperation with the statistical agency and the national human rights institution, as well as civil society organisations.
The consultant will conduct her / his work in close consultation with relevant institutions, including the statistical agencies, the Human Rights Ombudsman institution, civil society organizations and other relevant stakeholders.
The work of the consultant will aim at developing practical tools to serve multiple purposes, including to measure and monitor progress in the implementation of the State’s human rights obligations and of the SDGs and towards accession to the European Union.[1]
Objectives of the assignment: (1) The objective of the assignment is to develop a pilot human rights indicators framework with a focus on the right to health, including with a view to measuring inequalities and discrimination in access to this right, as well as in assessing the State’s efforts to meet its minimum core obligations and to maximize available resources to ensure its realization. (2) The project will also support the country to populate SDG indicator 16.b.1/10.3.1 on experience of discrimination, which is under the custodianship of OHCHR. This work will contribute to the support of the United Nations to the improvement of disaggregated data, economic and social reforms, the implementation of the SDGs, and the overall advancement of human rights.
Job content: The consultant will (1) elaborate a human rights indicators framework focusing on the right to health as guaranteed by international human rights norms and standards, notably article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and General Comment No. 14 of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health; this work will involve research, data collection and analysis, identification of gaps; and (2) develop a survey module on experience of discrimination (based on SDG 16.b.1/10.3.1) that could eventually be considered as part of the national household survey programme (e.g. MICS). . The consultant will apply an inclusive, participatory approach in his / her work, including through consultations. The final products will be fit for publication in English and B/C/S.
Expected results: The work of the consultant will constitute a practical tool to monitor and measure progress in the implementation of the State’s human rights obligations, SDGs and requirements for accession to the European Union, notably in relation to the health.
Timing and reporting: The consultant will be engaged under an individual contract, from 1 September to 20 December 2023, with deliverables to be finalised no later than end of November. The consultant should preferably work full time or part-time at the UN House in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The consultant will be responsible to prepare the following products within the following deadlines:
- Develop a human rights indicators framework, based on the collection and analysis of data, with a focus on the right to health.
- In collaboration with the statistical agency and the national human rights institution, develop a survey module on perception of discrimination (based on SDG 16.b.1/10.3.1) that could eventually be considered as part of the national household survey programme (e.g. MICS),
- Organize two consultations with relevant counterparts to validate the indicators framework and its findings,
- Participation in a public event organized by OHCHR / the United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina to present the human rights indicators framework, including data analysis.
[1] See Commission Opinion on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s application for membership of the European Union (29 May 2019), Priority 4f: “Ensure equality and non-discrimination of citizens” and Priority 13: “Improve the protection and inclusion of vulnerable groups, in particular persons with disabilities, children, LGBTI persons, members of the Roma community, detainees, migrants and asylum seekers, as well as displaced persons and refugees in line with the objective of closure of Annex VII of the Dayton Peace Agreement”.
- Demonstrates integrity by modelling the United Nations values and ethical standards;
- Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of the United Nations;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
- Excellent communication skills, facility in working with teams and capacity to compose clear and readable narrative reports;
- Demonstrates ability to manage complexities and work under pressure, as well as conflict resolution skills;
- Excellent organizational and time management skills;
- Ability to perform a variety of standard tasks related to Results Management;
- Ability to work independently and in a team.
Required Skills and Experience
- Advanced degree in Social Sciences, Statistics, Economics, Data Science, Public Administration (budget).
- Bachelor’s degree with additional two years of relevant working experience will be given due consideration in lieu of Master’s degree.
- Minimum of seven years (with Master’s degree) or nine years (with Bachelor’s degree) of working experience related to development, human rights economics or social sciences.
- Experience in designing statistical methodologies.
- Proven experience in the areas of statistics, data and surveys.
- Proven experience in conducting in-depth research, analysis and producing quality and concise analytical reports.
- Experience in a participatory approach
- Solid knowledge of international human rights norms and standards and experience in working on human rights-based data and indicators.
- Fluency in oral and written B/C/S and English.
Individual will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Criteria: | Points: |
Proven experience in the areas of statistics, data and surveys | 20% |
Proven experience in working on human rights-based data and indicators | 20% |
Proven experience in conducting in-depth research, analysis and producing quality and concise analytical reports fit for publication | 20% |
Experience in working with statistical agencies, public institutions and civil society | 20% |
Ratings based on qualifications | 20% |
Interested candidated must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
- Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work
- Personal CV/P11, including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references.
- Signed Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and availability
Please scan all above mentioned documents and upload as one attachment only online through this website (Signed offerors letter to be sent e-mail with Subject: Job ID 113808).
- For an assignment requiring travel, consultants of 65 years or more require full medical examination and statement of fitness to work to engage in the consultancy.
- Due to large number of potential applicants, only competitively selected candidates will be contacted for remaining steps of the service procurement process.