

In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The main roles of UN Women are:

  • To support inter-governmental bodies, such as the Commission on the Status of Women, in their formulation of policies, global standards and norms;
  • To help Member States to implement these standards, standing ready to provide suitable technical and financial support to those countries that request it, and to forge effective partnerships with civil society.
  • To lead and coordinate the UN system’s work on gender equality as well as promote accountability, including through regular monitoring of system-wide progress.

Gender equality is not only a basic human right, but its achievement has enormous socio-economic ramifications. Empowering women fuels thriving economies, spurring productivity and growth. Yet gender inequalities remain deeply entrenched in every society. Women lack access to decent work and

face occupational segregation and gender wage gaps. They are too often denied access to basic education and health care. Women in all parts of the world suffer violence and discrimination. They are under-represented in political and economic decision-making processes. UN Women was created to address such challenges. It is a dynamic and strong champion for women and girls, providing them with a powerful voice at the global, regional and local levels. Grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the UN Charter, UN Women, among other issues, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

Under UN Women’s Economic Empowerment pillar, our work focuses on promoting women’s livelihoods and economic activities within the informal economy and particularly within markets. This includes supporting effective management and operations of markets to improve women’s safety, health, and economic security in markets. UN Women has worked with the Department for Community Development and Religion to complete the Informal Economy Audit which quantifies the incomes earned by women and men in the informal sector and therefore the significance of income earned in markets. The majority of the cash economy is undoubtably through women earning incomes in the informal economy.

UN Women has developed a range of tools and training that are relevant to improving market management and supporting women’s wellbeing and livelihood activities in markets.

UN Women now requires the services of National Market Fee Payment Consultant to support the implementation of Market Fee Payment. This role is locally based and requires applicants who reside within PNG.

This contract is for 63 days to cater for the deliverables outlined in the following deliverable table.

II.Objectives of the assignment

Work required under this contract supports the following outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: Accountable governance and operational market management system that supports

women’s voice;

  1. Outcome 2: Increase in revenue generation for the markets, through an effective accounting and governance system.

The project will enable the Market Management in improving governance and accountability in managing the markets.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Work required under this contract supports the following outcomes:

  1. Review the existing market fee payment system that are currently operational in the markets to understand the concept and computer programme (software) for the fee payment system
  2. Develop a new software/program mirroring the features of the existing system but with additional features as directed.
  3. Install the fee payment system across 5 urban markets which UN Women is currently working supporting.
  4. Train the Market Management Team in the 5 market locations on how to operate and service the system.
  5. Develop a Fee Payment System Operations Manual

Duration of the assignment

The duration of this assignment will be from 6 November 2023 to 31 December 2023.

Expected Deliverables and Timeframes

The following deliverables are expected from the consultant to deliver noting that timeframes for delivery is not static and may change depending on changes within each project site. The consultant will develop a flexible workplan in consultation with the Programme team in UN Women Country Office in Port Moresby.


Key Task


Number of Days (Approx)



Review the existing market fee payment system that are in operation in the markets to understand the concept and computer programme for the fee payment system.


Progress report clearly outlining how the market fee payment system computer programme is going to be developed.  


10 days


November 2023


  • Develop a new software / programme mirroring the features of the existing system but with additional features as directed.
  • Provide a dry run on the operations of the program.


Progress report clearly outlining how the market fee payment system computer programme is going to be developed.  


10 days


November 2023


  • Installation of market fee payment system in the markets and conduct training on the use of system.

Progress report outlining the successful installation and the training on the use of the fee payment system.   

20 Days



December 2023

All the documents and materials utilized need to be returned to UN Women in electronic format. Any printed materials utilized to be referenced and returned. All materials are property of UN Women.


UN Women will provide copies of all relevant documentation in electronic / hard copy to the consultant. The Consultant is expected to work remotely using her/his own computer. The consultant is expected to provide their own stationary including printing supplies for the duration of this contract period.


UN Women will also cover the costs of daily subsistence allowance (DSA) for any official missions outside of duty station and other areas within the country as per standard UN rate, as well as the most direct economy airfare for missions, as per UN Women regulations. UN Women will provide transport in the field only.


The Consultant will be required to provide their own local communications such as SIM cards. Some internet access is available while in Port Moresby however the consultant is expected to arrange his/her own internet access in the field. These costs should be included in the lump sum fee of the financial proposal. 


All accommodation costs and other living expenses will be covered within the consultancy fee. 


The consultant will be provided with a UN security briefing and will be required to follow UN security rules and guidance.


The Consultant will arrange private insurance and the cost of which will be included in the financial proposal.

Office space and facilities:

The consultant is expected to work remotely using her/his own computer and other means of communications but may access the UN Women office for printing of relevant documents or should he/she be required to work on-site at any point during the assignment.

Performance evaluation

The Consultant’s performance will be evaluated based on timeliness, responsibility, initiative, communication, accuracy, and quality of the products delivered.



  • Core Values and Guiding Principles
  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism

Core competencies

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling UN Women values and ethical standards
  • Able to work effectively within a team
  • Able to multi-task and juggle competing demands
  • Demonstrated ability to work remotely with minimal supervision and achieve results
  • Able to work effectively within a team;
  • Displays cultural and gender sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Able to multi-task and juggle competing demands;
  • Can assess and prioritize work needs quickly;
  • Ability to relate to external partners, including other international organizations and agencies, NGOs, grassroots community groups, etc.
  • Demonstrated ability to work successfully in remote, rural, hardship posts.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • Completion of tertiary education in a relevant field, preferably in Software Engineering, Computer Science, or Information and Communication Technology (ICT) related background.

Experience and skills

  • At least 5 years of progressively responsible work experience in software designing and implementing of user interfaces.
  • Experience in developing software prototypes, writing software specification, testing, and debugging and managing software projects.
  • Experience in delivering capacity building and training programs for a diverse audience.
  • Experience on Women Economic Empowerment project or support to work in the market is a bonus.

Language and other skills

  • Fluency in oral and written English is required
  • Ability to speak Tok Pisin is required

Submission of application

To enable you with your application submission, the requirements for the position can be accessed on the following site:

Submission package:

  1. Cover letter explaining suitability: applicants are encouraged to address experience and

qualifications listed in the ‘criteria for technical evaluation’

  1. Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Consultant including references
  2. Personal History Form (P-11 Form)
  3. Copies of certified academic certifications.
  4. Financial Proposal Submission, use Annex II Price Proposal Submission Form below

The procurement process will be governed by the rules and regulations of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women).

Deadline of all submissions: no later than 27th October 2023.


Applications will be evaluated based on the cumulative analysis:

  • Technical Qualification (100 points) weight; [70%]
  • Financial Proposal (100 points) weight; [30%]

A two-stage procedure is utilised in evaluating the proposals, with evaluation of the technical proposal being completed prior to any price proposal being compared. Only the price proposal of the candidates who passed the minimum technical score of 70% of the obtainable score of 100 points in the technical qualification evaluation will be evaluated.

Technical qualification evaluation criteria:

The total number of points allocated for the technical qualification component is 100. The technical qualification of the individual is evaluated based on following technical qualification evaluation criteria:

Technical Evaluation Criteria

Obtainable Score



Experience designing and implementing qualitative and quantitative audits and research on WEE


Knowledge of PNG or Pacific Informal Economy Context


Sample of work done for WEE Programmes or Markets


Total Obtainable Score


Only the candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% of total points will be considered as technically qualified candidate.

Financial/Price Proposal evaluation:

  1. Only the financial proposal of candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% score in the technical evaluation will be considered and evaluated.
  2. The total number of points allocated for the price component is 100 (30%).
  3. The maximum number of points will be allotted to the lowest price proposal that is opened/ evaluated and compared among those technical qualified candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% score in the technical evaluation.

Annex II: Price Proposal Submission Form

[ Mandatory document for the Consultant to complete and submit]

To:         United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Ref:         ___________________________________________________________________________

               [ name of consultancy position]

Dear Sir / Madam,

I, the undersigned, offer to provide professional consulting services to UN Women within the scope of the referred Assignment.

Having examined, understood and agreed to the Terms of Reference and its annexes, the receipt of which are hereby duly acknowledged, I, the undersigned, offer to deliver professional services, in conformity with the Terms of Reference.

My maximum total price proposal for the assignment is given below:



Daily fee, all inclusive


Cost of missions to consultancy duty stations (as per TOR) i.e. (travel, etc.)


Total price for up to ____________ working days, including missions to consultancy duty station (as per TOR)


I confirm that my financial proposal will remain unchanged.  I also confirm that the price that I quote is gross, and is inclusive of all legal expenses, including but not limited to social security, income tax, pension, etc., which shall be required applicable laws.

I agree that my proposal shall remain binding upon me for the duration of the contract timeline i.e. __________________________ days / weeks / months / year.

I understand that you are not bound to accept any proposal you may receive.

[ Signature]




Telephone / Fax:
