UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with Women-CSOS and other relevant actors.
Myanmar is experiencing a compounded crisis that has affected greater number of its population across the country. In 2023, the Humanitarian Response Plan indicates that the compounded crisis affected about 17.6 M needing humanitarian aid. UN Women is contributing to the yearly Humanitarian Needs Overview and Humanitarian Response Plan to ensure that humanitarian action is gender responsive, addresses the needs and priorities of women, girls, men and boys in all their diversity and capitalize on their capacities and skills. It is important that updated guidance notes, tipsheets, references are readily available for use of cluster members and the Gender in Humanitarian Action (GIHA) Community of Practice members to be able to support gender mainstreaming in humanitarian action. The availability of materials and resources needs backing of skills development on GiHA through training using standard modules that can be adapted to training needs.of various stakeholders.
Against this backdrop, UN Women would like to recruit an International Consultant on GiHA Curriculum development for a GIHA manual and standard tools . The manual and standard tools will be used to provide gender-responsive technical assistance to the Inter-Cluster Coordination Groups at national and sub-national levels, GiHA CoP members, Humanitarian Country Team members including Women – CSOs working on humanitarian response.
Objective of the service
The objective of this consultancy is to developa GIHA manual and GIHA tools in close consultation with the GiHA CoP members through the guidance and supervision of UN Women as the hiring agent. The expected results are 1) standard GiHA curriculum that includes the standard topic contents with a facilitators guide, notes, reference materials, and training design, 2) GiHA Tool Kit for Humanitarian Practitioners in Myanmar that contains all relevant reference materials with links to resource materials.
The delivrables should be people-centred, user-friendly. The target audience are field based gender focal persons, specialized gender advisors depending on the clusters/sectors represented, UN Women GiHA Officers and Women-CSOs with gender mandates and working in humanitarian action. It will provide guidance to future technical experts on gender in humanitarian action
Devoirs et responsabilités
Under the overall guidance of the UN Women Country Representative, and the direct supervision of the GIHA Programme Specialist and in collaboration with a local GIHA trainer, the International Consultant will perform the following duties:
- Design and develop the GiHA Training Curriculum
- Conduct consultations with GiHA CoP members and other relevant actors especially in clusters and with Women – CSOs to identify the appropriate content that would be more useful for the intended end users – GiHA CoP members, clusters and its members, Women-CSOs with gender mandates and working in humanitarian action, and other humanitarian organizations/practiioners.
- Desk review of relevant materials, and reference to identify common/standard GiHA Training Manuals that will be important for the development of the GiHA Curriculum
- Using existing materails and other references, design and draft the GiHA Curriculum content.
- Share the draft for review and inputs of UN Women and GiHA CoP. As needed participate in the GiHA CoP meetings to present the design, plans, etc. and solicit for inputs moving forward as part of the review process.
- Revise based on inputs and re-submit
- Field test the curriculum and revised based on the participants’ feedback
- Finalize as advised
The Standard Content of the training curriculum are:
- Guide on the use of the Curriculum
- Training design
- Succint narrative/overview of the topic with individual learning objectives, localized materials and references, and standard powerpoint presentations that have contextualized content. Basic topics aligned to the GiHA Manual with additional topics based on the result of the desk review, consultations, and as recommended by the hiring agent – UN Women, inparticular the local GIHA trainer.
- Facilitators Guide that also includes, description of the training methodology and notes to facilitators
- Exercises includes the recommended materials needed, templates, case studies, etc.
- Pre- and post training evaluations (recommended)
- Design and develop the GiHA Tool Kit for Humanitarian Practitioners in Myanmar
This document will have the updated/recent guidance notes, reference that are developed by the IASC, other country offices and organizations that will serve as a “One-Stop-Shop” document for all types of guidance notes, SOPs, tipsheets, assessment tools, templates that are important for GiHA work including reference and guidance notes for accessing humanitarian funding, linkages to other cross cutting thematic areas, like GBViE, PSEA, AAP, Disability Inclusion, and Leave No One Behind.
- Desk review and compilations of materials into a compendium of references.
- Conduct consultations with relevant actors including UN Women personnel at the country and regional offices and HO to get updated information on recent developments most especially on materails developed.
- Design and develop the draft content outline of the GiHA Tool Kit for Humanitarian Practitioners
- Share the draft for review and inputs of UN Women and GiHA CoP. As needed will participate in the GiHA CoP meetings to present the design, plans, etc. and solicit for inputs moving forward as part of the review process.
- Revise based on inputs and re-submit
- Finalize as advised
- Based on the specific tasks, the consultant is expected to produce the following deliverables:
Based on the specific tasks, the consultant is expected to produce the following deliverables:
No. of Days (Anticipated)
Deliverable completion timeframe
Payment Schedule
- Inception Report
Signing of the contract, completion of kick off meeting and submission of inception report
2nd week of November 2023
40% to be paid after submission of 3rd deliverable
- Desk review of documents
Compile of data/materials/ relevant documents collected
4th week of November 2023
3. Draft content outlines of the GiHA Training Curriculum and the GiHA Tool Kit for Humanitarian Practitioners
1st week of Decemeber 2023
4. Develop the questionnaire of the consultations/KII and identify the participants
In close collaboration with the GiHA CoP leads (UNW and UNFPA) to identify Consutation methodologies and KII partticipants.
Develop the questionnaire
Review and feedback of the GiHA CoP leads
Conduct the consultations and KIIs
1st week of January 2024
30% to be paid after the submission and acceptance of deliverable 6
5. KII report
Adjust the draft content outline based on the result of the consultations and KII
2nd week of January 2024
6. Develop the GiHA Training Curriculum and the GiHA Tool Kit for Humantiarian Practioners
Develop the full-fledged materials to be submitted to UN Women for comments and feedback
1st week of February 2024
7. Feedback from the GiHA CoP
Presentation and review of the draft materials to the GiHA Cop
Adjust as per review inputs and comments
1st week of March 2024
20% final payment upon the acceptance of the final deliverable and completion of deliverable 9
8. Field Test the Curriculum
Consultant to work with UNW GiHA team to do a field test of the material
Collect feedback and adjust the draft accordingly
2nd week of March 2024
9. Final GiHA Training Curriculum and GiHA Tool Kit for Humanitarian Practitioners
Submission of the final materails
3rd week of March 2024
10. Translation of materails to Burmese language
Consultant to work with translator on retainer
4th week of March 2024
60 days
Key Performance Indicators:
- Clear communication updating of status and raising of concerns/challenges needing immediate action including limitations as maybe identified.
- Timely and quality outputs
- Timely and quality output delivery
- Quality outputs that are well edited and structured based on hiring agents standard
Core Values:
- Respect for Diversity
- Integrity
- Professionalism
Core Competencies:
- Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
- Accountability
- Creative Problem Solving
- Effective Communication
- Inclusive Collaboration
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Leading by Example
Functional Competencies
- Strong knowledge, experience and understanding related to current Myanmar context, policies and practices in the fields of gender equality;
- Strong knowledge and experience related to curriculum development including training designs
- Strong capacity building skills that includes, training needs assessments and analysis, facilitation and delivery of topics skills
- Ability to interact with various experts working on humanitarian response and action and able to stir discussions that requires gendered inputs
- Strong knowledge of gender mainstreaming, analysis and assessments in humanitarian action, pre- and post disaster actions.
Qualifications et expériences requises
Education |
Experience |
Language Requirements |