
The prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse is at the core of UN’s mandate. The UN has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual exploitation and abuse perpetrated by employees, personnel and sub-contractors of UN and implementing partners. The UN country team in Tajikistan has established a UN PSEA Task Force, formulated a UNCT PSEA Action Plan and monitors its implementation and reports against set indicators on the annual basis, conducted a country SEA risk assessment and mitigation matrix, and during 2021 and 2022 organized PSEA trainings for its own and IP staff.

The United Nations Protocol on Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Involving Implementing Partners (UN Protocol) is widely disseminated among UN implementing partners in Tajikistan, which sets forth obligations for all UN entities when implementing programmes with partners in the field, including civil society organizations (CSOs) and direct beneficiaries. In 2021 and 2022 UN agencies organized assessments of IPs for SEA risks, as well as trainings for IP staff.

With increased capacity among UN and Implementing Partners staff and a clear understanding of the main risks, the UNCT is to implement mitigation measures to reduce SEA risks.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Purpose and specific objectives

Under the overall guidance of UNRC and supervision of the Chair of PSEA Task Force the consultant will develop for the UN in Tajikistan SOPs on community-based complaint and victim support mechanisms for survivors of SEA targeting beneficiaries of UN interventions in Tajikistan. The objective of the consultancy is to prepare the groundwork for a key risk mitigation measure - SOPs and operationalization plan for a community reporting mechanism that is appropriate and relevant to the country context.

 Community Reporting Mechanism

The consultant is expected to use the country risk assessment, risk mitigation matrix, IP risk assessments, existing agency-based mechanisms and PSEA materials from the IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Committee) and the OSCSEA (United Nations Office of the Special Coordinator on improving the United Nations response to sexual exploitation and abuse) to develop SOPs for the UN in Tajikistan community-based complaint and victim support mechanisms for survivors of SEA in line with Global UN guidelines. The SoPs should be supplemented with a Multi-year Operationalization Plan with short-, mid- and long-term activities to operationalize PSEA SOPs.

The SOPs should be developed based on the consultations with the PSEA Task Force, as well as UNCT members.

The SOPs and multi-year operationalization plan should be presented to the UNCT for feedback and revision and then endorsement.  Tasks under this deliverable include:

  1. Review of global good practices for community-based reporting mechanisms in similar “development contexts”
  2. Desk review of existing UN Global Requirements on PSEA and existing UN Agencies policies and procedures to reveal bottlenecks and potential convergence
  3. Review existing UN agency based PSEA mechanisms and availability of similar services at relevant state institutions in Tajikistan
  4. Conduct consultations with PSEA Task Force and UNCT
  5. Desk review of the national laws and regulations on PSEA
  6. Conduct consultations with existing programmes/projects on VAWG/GBV
  7. Conduct consultations with UN theme groups (Disability Inclusion, OMT, GTG, Youth, etc.)
  8. Conduct consultations with national authorities as appropriate
  9. Conduct consultations with relevant local NGOs/CSOs
  10. Based on the above reviews and consultations, prepare draft SOPs for community-based complaint and victim support mechanisms for survivors of SEA in line with Global UN guidelines
  11. Submit draft SOPs to the PSEA Task force, the RC and UNCT for feedback and finalise based on the feedback received
  12. Presentation to PSEA Task Force and UNCT (separately)
  13. Review current PSEA Task Force plan of action for 2023 and elaborate a Multi-year Operationalization Plan with short-, mid- and long-term objectives and relevant activities to operationalize draft PSEA SOPs
  14. Final SOPs and Multi-year Operationalization Plan, with addressed feedback submitted to UNCT for the endorsement
  15. Recommend creative and holistic tools on PSEA awareness-raising tool.

Timeline & Deliverables:



Period of deliverables


  • Desk review conducted (3 working days)
  • Review of global good promising practices and UN Agencies existing PSEA mechanisms is presented to UNCT PSEA TF

November 30, 2023


  • Consultations with UNCT, UN Theme Groups, national partners conducted (5 working days)
  • Draft SOPs and Multi-year Operationalization Plan for Community-based complaint and Victim support Mechanisms for survivors of SEA submitted to UNCT for review and comments (10 working days)

December 20, 2023



January 20, 2024


  • UNCT feedback on draft SOPs and Multi-year Operationalization Plan for community-based complaint and victim support mechanisms for survivors of SEA addressed.
  • Final SOPs and Multi-year Operationalization Plan for community-based complaint and victim support mechanisms for survivors of SEA presented and endorsed by UNCT (2 days)


February 10, 2024



February 25, 2024



Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism

Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender and EVAW Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration

Please visit this link for more information on UN Women’s Core Values and Competencies: https://www.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/Headquarters/Attachments/Sections/About%20Us/Employment/UN-Women-values-and-competencies-framework-en.pdf

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • An advanced university degree (Masters and above) in one of the following areas is required: international development, human rights, psychology, sociology, international law, or another relevant social science field.


  • 5 years of relevant professional work experience in child protection, prevention against sexual exploitation and abuse, gender-based violence.
  • 5 years of relevant experience in developing PSEA SOPs and systems strengthening.
  • Experience working in multi-cultural settings is an asset.
  • Familiarity with the latest developments in the inter-agency PSEA strategies and responses and humanitarian cluster systems.  
  • Experience with UN agencies and other international organizations, as well as with government agencies for promoting gender equality in VAW response is an asset.

Knowledge of languages:

  • Fluent knowledge of English is required, Russian is an asset.