
UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

UN Women, in collaboration with the European Union (EU), the Government of Liberia, and civil society organizations, co-led the Spotlight Initiative alongside four other UN agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, and OHCHR). This initiative, which run from 2019 to 2023, aimed to eradicate gender-based violence, harmful practices, and barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive health rights.  The Spotlight Initiative galvanized high level political commitment and contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 5 on Gender Equality. It served as a model for a collaborative approach involving donors, civil society, and relevant UN entities. This comprehensive partnership leveraged the combined expertise of participating UN agencies to deliver on the SDGs effectively.

Liberia has been selected as one of the countries to implement Spotlight 2.0 from 2024 to 2027 through three UN Agencies (UN Women, UNFPA and UNDP). The new Spotlight Programme for Liberia will be developed to provide a new direction to the Spotlight Initiative, including for consolidating and advancing the gains made from the soon-to-end programme adopting a new streamlined theory of change, and proposing pillars which will add more value in maximizing the investment, contributing to the scale, sustainability, visibility, lessons learnt and adaptation of approaches for ending violence against women and girls. The Country Programme Document of the new Spotlight Initiative is expected to detail a comprehensive response to violence against women and girls in Liberia and demonstrate a clear link to the national priorities.

Under the guidance of the Country Representative, the Technical Specialist will serve as the technical lead for the entire EVAW portfolio of UN Women Liberia. Working closely with the Spotlight Technical Support Consultant at the UN Resident Coordinator Office, Spotlight implementing agencies, UN Women West and Central Africa regional team members, UN Women HQ staff, UN Women operations team, the Government of Liberia, Spotlight implementing agencies, civil society, and multi and bi-lateral donors, the Technical Specialist will ensure the successful development of the Spotlight 2.0 programme and provide strategic and sound technical advisory services.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Scope of Work

  1. Contribute UN Women’s input to the development of the Spotlight 2.0 Pogramme Document for ending VAWG in Liberia in close liaison and coordination with the technical support person in RCO who will be coordinating the overall programme design process.
  • Conduct a desk review and analytical assessment to inform UN Women’s contribution to the development and design of the full-fledged programme document;
  • Engage in all consultations organized with stakeholder groups to identify viable opportunities for effective programme design and delivery, and all processes for preparing the Spotlight 2.0. country programme document in Liberia;
  • Contribute to the UN joint process for identification and establishment of a Civil Society Reference Group for the new programme and contribute technical input to the design of relevant tools to guide the group during the programme implementation. 
  • Contribute technical high-quality input to the overall design and approach for the Spotlight 2.0 Programme for Liberia Country Office, ensuring the alignment of the Spotlight 2.0 programme with UN Women’s EVAW/G strategy and the SDGs;
  • Coordinate UN Women teams’ contribution to various components of the Programme Document, including the programme theory of change, partnerships strategy, communications strategy, results matrix, budgets, etc.
  • Prepare the documents and engage in Strategic coordination meetings with the Spotlight 2.0 programme core implementing agencies in a timely manner;
  • Manage the identification of knowledge and implementation gaps and possible solutions, in close collaboration with the Spotlight 2.0 programme implementing agencies;
  • Maintain close contact with relevant staff of core implementing agencies, funds and programmes including UNFPA and UNDP
  • Provide strategic technical advisory services to the Country Representative and other stakeholders on all aspects of the Spotlight 2.0 programme.
  • Contribute to all the presentations for the validation workshop of the Spotlight 2.0 programme Document;
  • Undertake any additional task, in line with these activities, as instructed by the Country Representative.

2. Provide technical input in implementation of the EVAWG programme and support partnerships and resource mobilization efforts 

  • Oversee the technical implementation and coordination the work of the EVAWG programme the UN Women Liberia Country Office
  • Strengthen partnerships by reviewing implementing partner financial and narrative reports co-design processes, facilitating engagement to support EVAWG programme goals.;
  •  Develop and expand relationships with national, regional and global partners to support technical implementation and expansion of the EVAWG programme;
  • Work in liaison with the UN Women Partnerships and resource Mobilization Specialist, develop relevant documentation on donors and develop potential opportunities for resource mobilization;
  • Analyze results and lessons learnt leveraging existing successes and addressing evolving needs.
  • Provide management and supervision to programme staff within the EVAWG Pillar, as needed.

Consultant’s Workplace and Official Travel

This is an office-based consultancy.


Core Values: 

  • Respect for Diversity 
  • Integrity 
  • Professionalism 

Core Competencies: 

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues 
  • Accountability 
  • Creative Problem Solving 
  • Effective Communication 
  • Inclusive Collaboration 
  • Stakeholder Engagement 
  • Leading by Example 

Please visit this link for more information on UN Women’s Core Values and Competencies: 


  • Excellent knowledge and skills application of EVAWG programming and policy making across primary prevention, essential services and emergency preparedness/response;
  • Excellent analytical, programme formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation skills;
  • Ability to develop detailed operational plans and budgets and deliver on them;
  • Strong knowledge of Results Based Management;
  • Ability to synthesize program performance data and produce analytical reports to inform management and strategic decision-making;
  • Ability to identify and analyze trends and opportunities to progress EVAWG and gender equality priorities;
  • Ability to identify and analyze trends, opportunities and threats to progressing resource mobilization, advocacy and visibility on EVAWG issues;
  • Ability to lead formulation of strategies and their implementation, including provision of technical support and advice, leading capacity development initiatives for diverse stakeholders;
  • Strong interpersonal, communication, negotiation and networking skills.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Advanced university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in Gender Studies, Human Rights, Sociology, International Relations, Law-related fields and equivalent practical experiences

A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.


  • Minimum of 5 years (master’s degree) progressively responsible experience at the national or international level in design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of gender equality and women’s empowerment projects, with at least 2 years working specifically on ending violence against women and girls (EVAWG) interventions and programmes
  • Demonstrated technical expertise in VAWG programming and implementation
  • Demonstrated technical expertise in forwarding national and/or regional policies or protocols on EVAWG (e.g. national action plans, VAWG legislation, multi-sector service delivery, national GBV Administrative/GBV IMS data, etc.)
  • Demonstrated experience in directly designing and implementing technical advisory, capacity-development support services to diverse partners, including governments, civil society, traditional leaders, faith-based organizations, grassroots women’s organizations and regional stakeholders;
  • Experience of working on ending violence against women and girls under Spotlight programme is an asset.
  • Experience working in a multicultural environment and with multi-stakeholder organizations is essential: governments, CSOs, and the UN/ multilateral/bilateral institutions


  • Fluency in English is required.

How to Apply :