
UN Women and the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action (MGCAS) have embarked on the second phase of the support to the implementation of the NAP 1325 through the project entitled: "Promoting the participation and leadership of women and girls in peace, security and recovery" 2022-2024. The overall project’s objective is to ensure that women and girls contribute and have greater influence in sustainable and resilient peacebuilding processes and benefit equally in conflict and disaster prevention in central and northern Mozambique,  specifically in 4 conflict-affected provinces and 9 respective districts, namely: Manica (Barué), Sofala (Nhamatanda, Cheringoma, Chibabava), Cabo Delgado (Ancuabe, Pemba, Chiure, and Montepuez), and Nampula (Meconta), while working on building an enabling environment at national level.

Specifically, the project aims to: 1) Build capacity of women and gender equality activists for greater influence in decision making in political, peace and security processes, contribute to crisis response, and build resilience; 2) Build the capacity of the Government of Mozambique to implement the WPS agenda commitments and ensure that monitoring and accountability frameworks are in place at national, regional and provincial levels; 3) (Promote greater coordination in the implementation of WPS agenda commitments; and 4) Facilitate access to sustainable livelihoods and socio-economic opportunities for conflict-affected women. This is aligned with National priorities including the Mozambique National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (2018-2022).

The project has 2 major outcomes: Outcome 1) More commitments on women, peace and security are implemented by the Government of Mozambique and the UN System, and more gender equality advocates influence peace and security processes, contribute to crisis response, and create resilience and Outcome 2) Women and girls affected by conflict have access to sustainable livelihoods and socioeconomic empowerment opportunities.

Justification and the Rationale

In the scope of the mentioned project, UN Women initiated the process of Identifying peace Champions aiming to contribute to the recognition and empowerment of women and young people, men, traditional and religious influencers who have worked to promote social cohesion, peace and reconciliation at community level. Following a public call for applications, 134 expressions of interest were received, of which 106 are women, 28 are men, aged between 18 and 70, including one ex-combatant woman, one woman with disability. As a result of the long selection process done by pre-established peace champions committee, 17 (seventeen) candidates from Manica, Sofala, Cabo Delgado, Tete, Niassa, Nampula, Gaza, Inhambane and Zambézia, 15 (fifteen) female and 2 (two) males, aged between 25 and 70, 1 (one) religious leader and 1 (one) community leader were selected.

UN Women would like to strengthen the capacities of the Peace Champions so that they get necessary information and skills to enhance women peace and security work in their communities, districts, provinces and the national level. The peace champions are expected to carry out advocacy work, promote the women peace and security agenda at the local level, promote women and girls rights, engage in conflict resolution work, share information and skills in their communities on the women peace and security agenda and they should therefore be very clear about this. The workshop will raise their awareness of human rights, specifically the normative frameworks, the legislative and policy frameworks on WPS as well as the pillars of the UN R1325 on WPS. It will explore the implementation strategies for the women, peace and security agenda through NAP and other localization strategies. The peace champions should be the major agents in advocating for the localization of the WPS agenda in Mozambique. The peace champions will be expected to give relevant advice and inputs regarding the leadership and equal participation of women in all decision making and processes in the community socio-economic, political, peacebuilding and humanitarian.

The capacity building will also cover basics such as the definition of VAW and GBV at all levels of the society. VAW and GBV are a reality for a sizable chunk of women, men and children in any society hence the need for the peace champions to be clear about it, brainstorm prevention as well as mitigation strategies that can work at all levels. The peace champions will be made aware of the referral pathway and given instructions on basic skills of counselling survivors and victims of VAW and GBV in their communities. Other pertinent topics include advocacy, presentation and facilitation skills and the use of social media to spread the message on Women Peace and Security. Lastly the peace champions will receive inputs on how to develop concept notes for WPS engagements that will be supported by UN Women as well as budgeting and reporting at the end of the intervention.

Deberes y responsabilidades


UN Women and the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action (MGCAS) have embarked on the second phase of the support to the implementation of the NAP 1325 through the project entitled: "Promoting the participation and leadership of women and girls in peace, security and recovery" 2022-2024. The overall project’s objective is to ensure that women and girls contribute and have greater influence in sustainable and resilient peacebuilding processes and benefit equally in conflict and disaster prevention in central and northern Mozambique,  specifically in 4 conflict-affected provinces and 9 respective districts, namely: Manica (Barué), Sofala (Nhamatanda, Cheringoma, Chibabava), Cabo Delgado (Ancuabe, Pemba, Chiure, and Montepuez), and Nampula (Meconta), while working on building an enabling environment at national level.

Specifically, the project aims to: 1) Build capacity of women and gender equality activists for greater influence in decision making in political, peace and security processes, contribute to crisis response, and build resilience; 2) Build the capacity of the Government of Mozambique to implement the WPS agenda commitments and ensure that monitoring and accountability frameworks are in place at national, regional and provincial levels; 3) (Promote greater coordination in the implementation of WPS agenda commitments; and 4) Facilitate access to sustainable livelihoods and socio-economic opportunities for conflict-affected women. This is aligned with National priorities including the Mozambique National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (2018-2022).

The project has 2 major outcomes: Outcome 1) More commitments on women, peace and security are implemented by the Government of Mozambique and the UN System, and more gender equality advocates influence peace and security processes, contribute to crisis response, and create resilience and Outcome 2) Women and girls affected by conflict have access to sustainable livelihoods and socioeconomic empowerment opportunities.

Justification and the Rationale

In the scope of the mentioned project, UN Women initiated the process of Identifying peace Champions aiming to contribute to the recognition and empowerment of women and young people, men, traditional and religious influencers who have worked to promote social cohesion, peace and reconciliation at community level. Following a public call for applications, 134 expressions of interest were received, of which 106 are women, 28 are men, aged between 18 and 70, including one ex-combatant woman, one woman with disability. As a result of the long selection process done by pre-established peace champions committee, 17 (seventeen) candidates from Manica, Sofala, Cabo Delgado, Tete, Niassa, Nampula, Gaza, Inhambane and Zambézia, 15 (fifteen) female and 2 (two) males, aged between 25 and 70, 1 (one) religious leader and 1 (one) community leader were selected.

UN Women would like to strengthen the capacities of the Peace Champions so that they get necessary information and skills to enhance women peace and security work in their communities, districts, provinces and the national level. The peace champions are expected to carry out advocacy work, promote the women peace and security agenda at the local level, promote women and girls rights, engage in conflict resolution work, share information and skills in their communities on the women peace and security agenda and they should therefore be very clear about this. The workshop will raise their awareness of human rights, specifically the normative frameworks, the legislative and policy frameworks on WPS as well as the pillars of the UN R1325 on WPS. It will explore the implementation strategies for the women, peace and security agenda through NAP and other localization strategies. The peace champions should be the major agents in advocating for the localization of the WPS agenda in Mozambique. The peace champions will be expected to give relevant advice and inputs regarding the leadership and equal participation of women in all decision making and processes in the community socio-economic, political, peacebuilding and humanitarian.

The capacity building will also cover basics such as the definition of VAW and GBV at all levels of the society. VAW and GBV are a reality for a sizable chunk of women, men and children in any society hence the need for the peace champions to be clear about it, brainstorm prevention as well as mitigation strategies that can work at all levels. The peace champions will be made aware of the referral pathway and given instructions on basic skills of counselling survivors and victims of VAW and GBV in their communities. Other pertinent topics include advocacy, presentation and facilitation skills and the use of social media to spread the message on Women Peace and Security. Lastly the peace champions will receive inputs on how to develop concept notes for WPS engagements that will be supported by UN Women as well as budgeting and reporting at the end of the intervention.



To enhance the knowledge, skills, and effectiveness of Peace Champions in promoting and sustaining peace, fostering conflict resolution, and advancing social harmony within their communities and beyond, thereby contributing to the establishment of a more peaceful and resilient society.

Specific Objectives

  1. Raise awareness of 17 peace champions on human rights, specifically the normative frameworks, the legislative and policy frameworks on WPS as well as the pillars of the UN R1325 on WPS.
  2.  Strengthen the capacity of peace champions in peacebuilding, women, peace and security agenda, conflict prevention, mediation and response,
  3. Strengthen the leadership and facilitation capacities of Peace Champions, enabling them to effectively lead peace initiatives, engage stakeholders, and facilitate constructive dialogues within their communities.
  4. Guide Peace Champions in strengthen their proposed initiatives including action plans that focus on implementing sustainable peacebuilding initiatives, within their communities to address specific peace, conflict, security and recovery-related challenges.
  5. Equip the Peace Champions with skills on communications, including storytelling and use of social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter as powerful tools for disseminating information, sharing success stories, and fostering community engagement.
  6. Enhance Peace Champions Capacity in civic engagement, social cohesion and national reconciliation.


Expected Outputs of Training:

  1. Confidence, facilitation and peacebuilding skills of the Peace Champions such that they become visible and engage in their communities, district and province and at the national level are built.
  2. Created a network of Peace Champions that can serve as a national and international reference in promoting initiatives focused on promoting peace and national cohesion in their communities and moreover strengthening women's participation and leadership in political, peace and security, crisis response and resilience actions;
  3. Reinforced the leadership, influence and capacity of champions of peace, as well as the visibility of their contribution in terms of prevention, mediation and response to conflicts, with the aim of contributing to the reduction of violence against women in the context of conflict and to the building a sustainable and resilient peace.
  4. Sensitized social peacebuilding actors (women and girls, religious and community leaders, young people and men), to support women's participation and leadership in peacebuilding processes, prevention and the construction/consolidation and maintenance of norms and positive sociocultural values for social cohesion and peacebuilding.


The methodology to be employed for the training session will be participatory and Knowledge Sharing from their past experience in peace building and conflict mediation. Therefore, the training will also take the experiential cycle of learning to move them from what they know to get new insights and learnings. All sessions will be structured to be interactive such that participants are able to run training on WPS and carry out advocacy for their communities and stakeholders afterwards. The participants will be engaged to lead some sessions since they bring expertise in peacebuilding and conflict resolution already and present their action plans.

The participatory strategies to be utilized in this training can include;

  1. Brainstorming
  2. Simulation
  3. Mini lectures
  4. Case studies
  5. Short videos
  6. Learning games
  7. Group work
  8. Story telling
  9. Debates and discussions


Purpose of the consultancy

The main objective of the consultancy is to train the 17 selected peace champions to lead and implement initiatives that aims to promote women's Participation and Leadership in Peace, Security and Recovery Processes in their communities.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall coordination of the UN Women Representative and direct supervision by the UN Women Programme officer and Programme specialist, the consultant will:

  • Hold a capacity assessment of the Peace Champions
  • Prepare a training plan and programme for 4 days;

The duration of the training is 4 days, and the dates will be agreed. Specifically, the consultant will:

  1. Conduct a capacity assessment;
  2. Develop and present a training plan including the modules for the training for approval;
  3. Conduct presential 4 days Training to 17 peace champions selected to promote women's participation and leadership in peace, security and recovery processes Mozambique.
  4. Produce an activity report of the training, including pre and post-test analyses, lessons learned and recommendations for future trainings.


  1. Capacity Assessment Report;
  2. Training plan/ programme including the modules for the training that will be approved by UN Women Country office,
  3. Presential Training to 17 peace champions to lead and implement initiatives that aims to promote women's Participation and Leadership in Peace, Security and Recovery Processes in Mozambique
  4. Activity report of the training, including pre and post-test analyses, lessons learned and recommendations for future trainings.

Final Products


# Expected Deliverables

Delivery Date




Product 1

 Capacity Assessment Report


Develop and present a training plan including the modules for the training. To be approved by UN Women Country office,

 3 Working Days after signing the contract





      100 %



Product 2

Presential Training to 17 peace champions to lead and implement initiatives aiming to promote women's Participation and Leadership in Peace, Security and Recovery Processes in Mozambique


 4 days Training


Product 3

Produce and submit an activity report of the training, including pre and post -test analyses, lessons learned and recommendations for future trainings

 3 working days after the training






Core values:

* Respect for diversity

* Integrity

* Professionalism

Core competencies:

* Gender awareness and sensitivity

* Responsibility

* Creative problem solving

* Effective communication

* Inclusive collaboration

* Stakeholder engagement

* Leading by example

Functional competencies

* Familiarity with gender and peacebuilding

* Strong knowledge of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

*A good and powerful speaker

* Strong social and emotional intelligence

* Strong analytical skills

* Ability to identify and analyze trends and opportunities

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


Master's degree or equivalent in journalism, public relations, gender/women's studies, peace studies, international development, conflict studies, law, access to justice, social sciences, human rights, or related field.


  1. At least 10 years of progressively responsible experience in conflict prevention and peacebuilding programming, training and/or analysis, with significant experience in integrating gender into analysis processes.
  2. Familiarity with the women, peace and security agenda and its normative frameworks including at Global, regional, national level,
  3. Demonstrated excellent written and oral communication skills in Portuguese and English.
  4. Knowledge of legislation, programme and public policies on gender, and women’s rights in general in Mozambique
  5. Demonstrated experience in providing Training to Promote Women's Participation and Leadership in Peace, Security and Recovery Processes in Mozambique
  6. Strong country specific knowledge of governance, law and politics
  7. Strong knowledge of UN system,
  8. Strong capacity in prepare and delivery a training.

       Language requirements:

    Fluency in Portuguese and English.


UN Women is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce in terms of gender, nationality, and culture. Persons belonging to minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are also encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the utmost confidentiality