

I.I Introduction

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

Through its focus on prevention and disaster resilience, UN Women ensures that new and existing disaster risks are mitigated by putting women at the centre of disaster risk reduction. Evidence proves that the majority of victims and those affected by disasters and climate change are women. Due to the gendered dimensions of disaster risk, women and girls face greater vulnerability and exposure to disasters, yet women remain largely ignored and their capacities, are unleveraged in conventional disaster risk reduction processes. Women also remain largely excluded from climate mitigation, with reduced access to climate finance, sustainable energy technology and decision-making. As a result, women are generally absent in the development of resilience strategies and decision-making processes for prevention, preparedness, and recovery. This is compounded by significant gaps at the global, regional and country levels in relation to the availability and use of sex, age and disability disaggregated data (SADDD), knowledge sharing on women’s resilience; an enabling environment for building women’s resilience (including capacities, leadership and funding); translation of commitments into action; coordination and private sector partnership; and a need for transformative change to tackle the underlying drivers of disproportionate risk.

UN Women promotes gender-responsive disaster risk reduction and climate action through technical and policy support, provision of gender expertise to climate change and disaster risk reduction mechanisms and processes and implementing programmes and projects for gender-responsive disaster risk reduction and climate action.


Deberes y responsabilidades

I.II Programme Description

The Women’s Resilience to Disasters programme proposes a comprehensive package for building women’s resilience to disasters, climate change and threats. It aims to render women’s and girls’ lives and livelihoods disaster-resilient, contributing to sustainable and secure communities, by promoting gender-responsive prevention, preparedness, and recovery systems, plans and tools; and by enabling targeted action to help women and girls withstand hazards and threats, recover fully from disasters, and increase their resilience to future risks.  The expected end-of-programme outcomes (EOPOs) are:

Outcome 1: Prevention, preparedness and recovery systems, plans and tools are gender-responsive through women’s leadership and enhanced influence in DRR and climate change decision-making, enhanced gender capacity of DRR and climate resilience stakeholders, increased access to knowledge, guidance, and expertise on gender-responsive disaster resilience, and strategic partnerships and networks for women’s agency and leadership in DRR; and

Output 1.1: Increased knowledge and access to tools and expertise on the gender dimensions of risks

Output 1.2: Capacity development for women’s organisations to lead, advocate and participate in DRR and resilience.

Output 1.3: Capacity development of DRR/Resilience and gender equally institutions to develop gender responsive DRR laws, regulations, policies, strategies, plans, programmes and budgets.

Output 1.4: Community of practice and practice and strategic networking for women’s resilience

Output 1:5: Gender responsive coordination mechanisms and partnerships


Outcome 2: Women and girls are prepared to withstand natural hazards, climate change and COVID-19, recover from disasters and increase their resilience to future risks, through gender-responsive early warning systems, gender-targeted and mainstreamed services for women’s resilience, women’s informal and formal climate and disaster resilient businesses, women’s increased access to climate and disaster resilient livelihoods and strategic partnerships for resilient livelihoods.

Output 2.1: Gender- responsive preparedness and early warning systems (EWS)

Output 2.2: Locally appropriate mechanisms, assets, services and products that build women’s resilience.

Output 2.3: Partnerships for women’s resilient livelihoods and businesses

Output 2.4: Innovative and alternative climate and disaster resilient livelihoods for women which includes recovery for building better.

Output 2.5:  Capacity development for women’s disaster and climate resilient business


The programme is implemented in Fiji, Kiribati, Vanuatu and Solomon Islands and complemented by regional and global normative, coordination, knowledge management and advocacy components.

I.Scope of Work/Duties and Responsibilities

Under direct supervision of the WRD Global Programme Coordinator, the Consultant will coordinate and deliver M&E services for the WRD programme across its national, regional, and global components. The consult will also be matrix-reporting to the WRD Pacific Regional Programme Manager with support and guidance from the Fiji Multi-Country Officer M&E Specialist to ensure compliance.

The incumbent will work as part of the WRD Programme team and be responsible for the overall Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting functions of the WRD  programme in the four countries, as well as regionally and globally. Key activities include: i) monitor, evaluate and report programme progress and identify and resolve bottlenecks; ii) compile national, regional and global programme results including through development of official WRD results and progress reports ; iii) develop, revise and coordinate WRD M&E framework;  iv) assist WRD partners with assessing and reporting their progress towards WRD partnership agreements; v) build the capacity of WRD team and stakeholders in M&E, vi) manage and oversee workplans’ development, implementation, and programme evaluations and vii) promote WRD programme related evidence and knowledge development and dissemination.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Primary responsibilities for this position include :

  • Quality Assurance of monitoring, revaluation and reporting: Monitor and evaluate programme progress and identify and resolve bottlenecks; ensure continuous updating of WRD M&E database to systematically account for all programme results in line with WRD M&E framework and its indicators;
  • WRD Reporting: Compilation of national, regional and global programme results and develop progress reports;
  • M&E systems and tools revision and implementation: Update the WRD M&E framework and related M&E systems and tools for consistent, high-quality and real time data collection and analysis to inform ongoing management decisions, strategic planning and uphold accountability.
  • Coordination: Coordinate with WRD team and WRD partners to ensure systematic monitoring and reporting of programme activities and impacts, both internally and externally with donors and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Capacity Development: Provide ongoing technical support on monitoring and evaluation methodologies and approaches. Based on needs, provide training on M&E systems, monitoring and reporting skills and tools.
  • Leadership and management: Manage and oversee workplans’ development, implementation, and programme evaluations.
  • Evidence and knowledge  development and dissemination.
  • Ability to interact with various stakeholders and facilitate linkages between organisations


Deliverables and Activities



Initial meeting with the WRD team for development & submission of the workplan.

 June 2024


Review and finalize the revised WRD M&E framework in accordance with the guidelines of UN Women and the donor agency and in line with WRD mid-term review recommendations.

Plan and initiate the review, development, updating and implementation of WRD M&E systems.

 June 2024


Monitor WRD programme progress against country, regional and global workplans, identify implementation bottlenecks and propose solutions. Update WRD M&E database.


Ensure continuous updating of WRD M&E database to systematically account for all programme results in line with WRD M&E framework and its indicators.


WRD programme progress and end of programme reports developed and coordinated with the team, written, reviewed, and submitted internally, including in Results Management System (RMS) 6 monthly, annually and externally with a strong focus on evidence and knowledge development and dissemination.

 June 2024 – June 2025


M&E related capacity-building and training activities are carried out with programme staff and WRD partners to enable results-oriented and cost-effective programme implementation and reporting. Technical assistance, training and guidance is provided to WRD programme staff and partners in incorporating appropriate M&E systems and reporting against these .



 June 2025 – March 2025


Support and monitor the implementation of the WRD mid-term review recommendations.

 March 2024 – Feb  2025


Review and develop specific planning, assessment, monitoring and evaluation and reporting tools for consistent and high-quality data collection.

 June 2024 – Sept 2024


Develop and maintain an inventory of reliable, secondary data sources of key statistics in line with WRD M&E framework to contribute to M&E.

 June 2024 – June 2025


Lessons learnt collected and shared to improve future programme implementation.

 Jan 2025 – June 2025


Draft and coordinate development and submission of WRD annual report.

 Oct 2024 - February 2025


Coordinate development of end of programme report and of end of programme evaluation.

 Jan 2025-30 June 2025





Core Competencies

  • High level of professional integrity and ethics
  • Friendly demeanor
  • Demonstrated high level commitment to being part of a boarder team
  • Core Values:
  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Core Competencies:
  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example


Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Education and Certifications:

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in Social Sciences, International Development, Economics, Statistics, demography, Disaster Risk and Climate Change, Environment, Programme Management, Data Analysis, or other related areas is required.
  • A first-level university degree in combination with 5-7 yrs additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.


  • At least 2 years (with master’s degree) or 5-7  years (with first-level university degree) of progressively responsible experience in monitoring and evaluation, disaster risk reduction or climate resilience, gender equality and hands-on experience in design of monitoring and evaluation tools in development contexts.
  • Experience in logframe based project design, designing, developing, and implementing M&E frameworks within development sectors, preferably with experience in participatory processes, promoting women’s leadership and gender equality issues.
  • Familiarity with supervising or conducting needs assessments and surveys, and quantitative and qualitative data analysis, social research methodologies, including highly developed analytical and communication skills and the ability to assimilate and process information for wide-ranging audiences.
  • Experience in coaching programme staff and in facilitating training on various M&E aspects.
  • Ability to work independently, with good judgment and initiative, and strong teamwork and leadership skills.
  • Experience in handling complex tasks independently, multitask and prioritize, and meet multiple deadlines on time.