
UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.


At the close of 2023, Myanmar was entrenched in a deepening humanitarian crisis with the civilian population facing new dimensions of conflict across multiple fronts that are driving surging displacement. In 2024, the crisis continues to escalate with humanitarian needs of over 18M people of which 9.7 million are women and girls. The humanitarian situation is primarily fueled by profound protection risks and needs from conflict and discrimination, compounded by a range of challenges such as food insecurity, a beleaguered health system, disrupted education, and the aftermath of Cyclone Mocha which struck Myanmar in May 2023 and affected more than three million people. Inflation and conflict have led to a sharp increase in the price of essential items, leaving vulnerable households hungry and economically distressed, pushing many to resort to negative coping measures for survival.


The Gender Profile for Humanitarian Action has been developed since 2019 and is updated annually. This document aims to provide a yearly gendered snapshot of the Myanmar humanitarian situation and its impact to the lives of affected population especially among women and girls. The Gender Profile also includes a gendered situational analysis and an analysis of gender mainstreaming in the country and sub-national level humanitarian programming. The Gender Profile at the immediate level will ascertain the conditions, inequalities and priority needs of women, men, boys, and girls of all ages through a gendered lens. This Gender Profile should contribute to inform effective targeting and better guide the meaningful participation of women-led, women-rights, and humanitarian aid agencies for an inclusive and gender transformative humanitarian project design and implementation of humanitarian programs and projects.


It is therefore, important that gendered data of the crises is collected and analyzed to present the condition of women, men, boys, and girls of Myanmar, aligned with the humanitarian coordination principles and structure. The Gender Profile aims to provide the humanitarian community and aid organizations operating in Myanmar with information on the inequalities, intersectionality, vulnerabilities, conditions, needs, humanitarian response gaps, and challenges that women, men boys, and girls in Myanmar experience. This study will draw on recommendations and intends to collect best practices on humanitarian response implemented by clusters and their implementing members.


A consultant that can facilitate a qualitative and quantitative data collection and has the statistical expertise will be recruited to collect and analyze data for this Myanmar 2024 Gender Profile and consequently present the results as an analytical report.


Objective of the consultancy

The goal of this consultancy work is to update the Myanmar Gender Profile for Humanitarian Action for 2024 referencing to the 2021 Gender Profile for Humanitarian Action. This involves targeted data gathering, cleaning, and presenting data on the different impact of the crisis on affected population especially among women and their children with various intersectional identities, such as women with disabilities and elderly women, and LGBTQI+ population. Various data collection methods that can be facilitated both online and in-person should be used (depending on security situation). These data collection methos can be online interviews, consultations with groups of individuals (women, persons with disabilities, children, elderly, youth, LGBTQI+, etc.) phone surveys or online, FGDs, KIIs and other methods if needed to collect this information. The data gathered will build on past profiles, other relevant literatures that would inform the changes over time. The methodology for data collection should take into consideration safety and security situations in the ground. The Gender Profile will be a key resource for the 2025 Humanitarian Needs Response Plan (HNRP) and for use of organizations working in Myanmar, helping them better understand and address gender issues in their humanitarian efforts. UN Women Myanmar will lead this project with input and technical support from UNFPA and other members of the GiHA Working Group.


The consultant will be reporting to the Program Specialist and will be supported by the Program Analyst and the GiHA Working Group Technical Advisory Team who will guide the process including on the development of the questionnaire for data gathering.


Location for the Data Gathering and intended participants

The locations for the data collection will follow the existing coordination hubs at field level as follows. (Note: the state clustering will only be provided to the selected consultant)

  1. Northwest
  2. Northeast
  3. Rakhine
  4. Southeast 1
  5. Southeast 2


The intended respondents are: cluster and working groups lead/co-leads, and members at national and sub-national levels, organizations of persons with disabilities, community-based women’s organizations (will be recommended by the GiHA members or cluster/working group leads), Women-CSOs and networks representative active in the above mentioned locations, youth organizations representatives, representative of religious groups, community leaders, organizations of LGBTQI+, community volunteers. 

Devoirs et responsabilités

Description of Responsibilities/ Scope of Work

  1. Review of relevant literature.
  2. Work with UN Women and the GiHA Working Group Technical Advisory Team to finalize the data collection tool, methodology, analysis and report writing.
  3. Facilitate the data collection, data analysis and delivery of quality report that includes recommendation, lessons learned, and challenges faced.
  4. Draft and finalize the Gender Profile including a slide presentation.
  5. Pre-test quantitative and qualitative questionnaires and update them based on feedback.
  6. Train field supervisors and enumerators, plan fieldwork logistics and prepare survey implementation documentation.
  7. Supervise survey implementation and provide clean data files and technical reports to UN Women and the GiHA Working Group Technical Advisory Team for review and inputs.
  8. Any other related requirements if needed.

All raw data shall be compiled and kept in secure locations and shall not be shared without the permission of UN Women. After the completion of the consultancy, all data shall be submitted and will remain the property of UN Women.


  1. Submit an inception report
  2. Literature review on all gender-related studies in Myanmar that is important in the development of the Gender Profile.
  3. Pre-test and finalize the data collection tool including coding for online data collection and in-person data gathering or other methodologies appropriate for the context. The initial data collection questionnaire will be provided by the GiHA WG through UN Women
  4. Train enumerators / data collection personnel on the use of the data collection tool
  5. Translate the data collection tool to Myanmar language to use for online and in-person data collection.
  6. Organize the timing of the data collection ensuring it is within the agreed timetable  
  7. Conduct data collection, editing, cleaning, and documentation, ensuring quality standards.
  8. Produce the Gender Profile with accompanying slide presentation of summary of results, needs, recommendations, using the outline provided by the UN Women and the GiHA WG Technical Advisory Team technical reports post data collection, analyses, and main survey, comparing with 2021 report and offering.

The consultant will be paid according to the deliverable and payment schedule here below and upon submission of satisfactory deliverables after review by UN Women and the GiHA WG Technical Advisory Team and approved by the UN Women Head of Programme/Deputy Country Representative to certify for payment as per UN Women policies and regulations.


Expected completion time (due day)

Payment Schedule

The signing of the contract, completion of the kick-off meeting, and submission of the inception report.

July 8, 2024

10 % payment

Upon submission and acceptance of Inception Report by UN Women

Meeting to finalize the draft data collection tool developed by UN Women and the GiHA Technical Advisory Team.

Pre-testing the data collection tool and finalization of the data collection tool, incorporating agreed changes as a result of the meeting (between the consultant, UN Women and the GiHA Technical Advisory Team) and feedback on the pre-test.

July 21, 2024

20 % payment

Upon completion, submission, and acceptance of deliverable by UN Women

Report on the review of the literature on all gender-related studies in Myanmar, both internally and locally, presented in the agreed format for the overall Gender Profile format.

Coding of the final data collection tool and translation to Myanmar language.

Training of enumerators/data collection personnel.

July 27, 2024

10 % payment

Upon submission and acceptance of the report of literature reviewed by UN Women

Data collection using agreed methods (in-person, virtual, online)

August 19, 2024

20 % payment

Upon submission and acceptance of report of at least 60 % data collection completed

10 % payment

Upon submission and acceptance of report of the remaining 40 % data collection.

Analysis and drafting of the report using agreed format. Submission of the draft to UN Women

Review and inputs to the draft report by the UN Women and the GiHA WG Technical Advisory Team

Revise report to include the review inputs and submit the second draft for review by the UN Women and the GiHA WG Technical Advisory Team


Sept  9, 2024

20 % payment

Upon submission and acceptance of the draft report by UN Women

Finalize the Gender Profile with the slide presentation

24 September

10 % (final) payment

Upon submission and acceptance of the clean and publication ready version of the Gender Profile, with corresponding slide presentation by UN Women and the GiHA WG Technical Advisory Team


The consultant has the option of either having an office- or home- based workspace with possible travel to data collection location areas as needed and when security and safety permits.  


Core Values: 

  • Respect for Diversity 
  • Integrity 
  • Professionalism 

Core Competencies: 

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues 
  • Accountability 
  • Creative Problem Solving 
  • Effective Communication 
  • Inclusive Collaboration 
  • Stakeholder Engagement 
  • Leading by Example 

Please visit this link for more information on UN Women’s Core Values and Competencies:  




·Excellent working knowledge on GiHA and understanding of the Myanmar context

·Fluency in English



·Flexible and adaptive mindset

·Able to work individually and as part of a team


·Ethical behaviors

Qualifications et expériences requises

Education and Certification:

  • Master's degree in gender, statistics, mathematics, economics, or related discipline is preferred.
  • Bachelor's degree in economics, statistics, mathematics, econometrics, or related discipline, plus three years of work experience may be accepted in place of a master’s degree.


  • Minimum 5 years of experience in gender microdata analysis, data collection, research design, and development, report writing and monitoring; Master level education preferred.
  • Proven experience in leading, facilitating and conducting a Rapid Gender Assessment and Analysis is required.
  • Proven record of work on similar projects on gender statistics; track record on gender research studies of complex engendered nature with detailed reporting requirements.
  • Excellent command of STATA, SPSS, or other data analysis software.
  • Experience in working in a complex humanitarian setting, with and in collaboration with the cluster system, UN Agencies, especially Women-CSOs and with UN Women, will be an asset.
  • Proven ability to work with diverse stakeholders and partners, including civil society and grassroots organizations.
  • Experience working in Myanmar and having a good understanding of the socio-economic and political situation of the country is strongly desirable.
  • Proven work experience on writing research and converting reports/research materials into knowledge products for wider audience.


Fluency in English is required, proficiency or knowledge of the Myanmar language or other ethnic language is an asset.


V. How to Apply

Interested applicants should submit the following together with their financial proposal to program.myanmar@unwomen.org.