

To provide support to organizational and logistical arrangements under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Early Action Support (EAS) programme. 


The overall objective is to assist UNEP and the Ministry of Environmental Protection in the execution of project activities in the Republic of Serbia within the programme specific components. 

Background Information

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. Under its Western Balkan portfolio, it facilitates the implementation and execution of numerous projects pertaining to climate change, biodiversity protection, land degradation and other environmental related aspects. An EAS Project Administrative Assistant will be engaged for the purposes of providing assistance to the Global Environment Facility’s Global Biodiversity Framework Early Action Support project implemented in Serbia and focused on the preparation of the update of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), executed with support from UNEP’s Early Action Support programme team in Nairobi, Kenya.   
UNEP’s Early Action Support programme team is currently supporting the execution of the GEF funded project implemented in the Republic of Serbia focused on the preparation of the update of Serbia’s NBSAP. The NBSAP and biodiversity frameworks in Serbia are not fully aligned with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF). Furthermore, lessons learned from the last round of updating NBSAPs indicate that challenges persist in terms of non-alignment of national targets with global targets, lack of a financing plan for NBSAP implementation, inadequate implementation due to delays in updating NBSAPs, as well as inadequate monitoring. Alignment will help catalyze implementation of the KMGBF and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its protocols. There are now only six years remaining for Parties and the global community to achieve the agreed KMGBF targets.  
Within this context the UNEP and the Republic of Serbia are implementing this project, with the specific objective to fast-track readiness and early actions to implement the KMGBF. The project provides financial and technical support to GEF-eligible Parties to the CBD in their work to review and align their national targets, NBSAPs, policy frameworks, monitoring frameworks and finance with the KMGBF, through the following components:

Component 1 focuses on a rapid review of Serbia’s existing Nature Protection Programme to align national biodiversity targets with the KMGBF and relevant Sustainable Development Goals.

There are two anticipated outputs for Component 1:

  1. National biodiversity targets are rapidly aligned with the KMGBF: Coherence is determined between existing national biodiversity goals and targets and those in the KMGBF. A whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach is to be used to identify the level of alignment of national goals and targets with those of the KMGBF, and determine which adjustments may be needed where appropriate.
  2. Operational plans are developed to revise or develop national targets and update the Nature Protection Programme to be aligned with the KMGBF: Targets are refined to become measurable, costed, and spatially-explicit. Best practices in gender mainstreaming, stakeholder engagement, involvement of Indigenous peoples and local communities, and whole-of-government approaches are applied. 

Component 2 focuses on enhanced and improved monitoring, reporting systems and transparency frameworks, and aims to increase the number of countries implementing plans for enhanced monitoring systems. 

There are two anticipated outputs for Component 2: 

  1. Gaps in monitoring systems are assessed and identified: Gaps in existing data and knowledge systems, and institutional monitoring systems and frameworks, are assessed for monitoring: 1) biodiversity status and trends, 2) other elements of Nature Protection Programme targets and indicators, and 3) GBF headline indicators. 
  2. Monitoring action plans are developed: A plan for enhancing monitoring systems is developed to respond to the updated national targets and GBF. An initial costing of monitoring systems, and sequencing of investment support to fill the monitoring gaps, may also be determined. 

Component 3 focuses on identifying actions for policy alignment across nature-related sectors. National policy and institutional frameworks will be reviewed for coherence with the GBF.

There are two anticipated outputs for Component 3:

  1. Policy and institutional alignment exercises trigger greater policy coherence: A policy and institutional review is conducted to help Serbia assess the alignment between the KMGBF and national policy and institutional frameworks. This review considers synergies and trade-offs across economic, social, and environmental policy and institutions; incentives and harmful subsidies; and other environmental agreements.
  2. Policy alignment and action plans are developed and shared across sectoral agencies: A prioritized action plan for policy coherence is developed using a whole-of-government approach, and opportunities for enhanced biodiversity mainstreaming are identified. A plan to promote a nature-positive approach to sectors is developed. Spatialized mapping of nature-related policy targets is conducted.

Component 4 focuses on defining biodiversity finance gaps and identifying opportunities for resource mobilization. Each country will undertake a sequenced subset of a step-by-step process to develop a biodiversity finance plan based on national capacity and experience.

There are three anticipated outputs for Component 4:

  1. Domestic resource mobilization plans are developed: A biodiversity expenditure review is conducted, which assesses spending related to biodiversity across all sectors (e.g., energy, transport, infrastructure, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, extractive industries). Costing projections of new and updated KMGBF activities are generated, and national financing gaps are calculated.
  2. Subsidy repurposing plans are developed: Biodiversity-harmful subsidies are reviewed. Existing finance mechanisms are also analyzed, including why they are not working, and key constraints and obstacles.
  3. Finance solution action plans are developed: A domestic resource mobilization or biodiversity finance plan is developed. A national action plan to fill the finance gap for KMGBF by 2030 is completed, and a clear monitoring system for finance and national reporting on finance is developed.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the guidance of the UNEP Project Coordination Specialist and in consultations with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the EAS Project Administrative Assistant is expected to provide administrative support to the project, by carrying out the following services:


Provide support to project implementation and administration:


  • Administrative support in day to day project activities, verifying information and responding to queries;
  • Administrative support in coordination and organizing of meetings, trainings, missions, conferences/workshops and other project related events, including drafting invitation letters and preparing lists of participants; 
  • Provide support to communication activities related to the Project
  • Support in preparation of minutes and/or reports following project meetings/events;
  • Support in organizing international and local travel and other logistic arrangements, as required for project activities;
  • Provides support to the preparation and conducting of regular team meetings, events with internal and external stakeholders, and field visits.
  • Assist in the process of drafting annual progress and financial reports;
  • Support in the process of monitoring the Project results;
  • Engages with a range of partners to ensure effective implementation of the project  activities;
  • Engages in regular coordination meetings and support with targeted spot checks ensuring that activities are implemented, and adjustments are undertaken if needed;
  • Maintenance of project files and records;  
  • Perform any other duties, as required.


The EAS Project Administrative Assistant will be reporting to the UNEP Project Coordination Specialist for EAS project in Serbia, UNEP Belgrade Project Office, and Head of Department for Biodiversity in the Ministry of Environmental Protection. 


Performance Indicators for evaluation of results


  • Project documentation timely prepared
  • Project, records/files regularly updated and maintained;
  • Effective support in travel and logistics provided to team members and consultants 
  • Assistance in preparation of project’s annual and quarterly reports provided, data compiled;
  • Efficient accounting and administrative support provided;
  • Project related correspondence prepared;
  • Efficient support to organization of meetings provided, information compiled and minutes of meetings taken and distributed;


  • Good organizational and time management skills.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability. 
  • Demonstrates commitment to UN mission, vision and values.
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling ethical standards.
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.
  • Ability to successfully manage competing priorities. 
  • Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior and high-ranking members of national and international institutions, governmental and non-governmental institutions. 
  • Possesses excellent oral communication skills with the ability to assist in facilitating meetings. 
  • Builds strong relationships with stakeholders. 
  • Excellent information technology skills, including word processing, database applications, presentation software, and internet.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Minimum Secondary Education with qualifying experience. A first-level University Degree would be an asset. 



  • At least 5 years of experience in project administration in addition to Secondary Education Degree or at least 2 years of experience in addition to the first-level University Degree; previous experience with projects with an environmental component is an advantage;
  • Successful provision of the administrative and logistical support in implementing projects, report writing and delivery of technical assistance.
  • Experience in working with levels of Government in Serbia and CSOs, and good knowledge of national circumstances.
  • Basic understanding of key national environmental issues, their relationship to sustainable development, social inclusion and poverty reduction, is an advantage.
  • Familiarity with principles of institutional capacity development.
  • Experience in establishing and maintaining effective working relations with a culturally diverse team;
  • Experience in maintaining day-to-day communication with different stakeholders and partners.
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc) and knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages, experience in handling of web based management systems.


Language Requirements:

Excellent knowledge of written and spoken Serbian and English.